
Years fled. He wore a manly face,
And struggled in the world's rough race,
And won at last a lofty place :

And then he died! Behold before ye
Humanity's poor sum and story-
Life, Death, and (all that is of) Glory.

Miss Sheridan's Comic Offering, or Ladies' Me-
lange of Literary Merit.

It was ruled in England, we believe about a century ago, that the Scots have neither wit nor humour, and consequently no relish for those qualities in others. It may be this incapacity which leaves us perfectly dull and indeed immovable under strokes of fun, which are at least meant to throw our fellow-subjects on the other side of the Tweed into roars of merriment and convul. sions of laughter. It even makes the foggy natives of Scotland both sad and serious, to see the labour dire and weary wo with which many of these jokes, clenches, and puns are conceived and brought forth. To confess the truth, being of the multitude, much of this sort of wit is caviare to us, strongly as we relish that which George Cruickshank and others have addressed to the multitude.

In the present year, the embellishments of the COMIC OFFERING are scarcely so cleverly absurd and grotesque as we have sometimes seen them, while the literary department, though much of it is "sad stuff," is, upon the whole, improved. The portion contributed by the fair editress, is meant to be sprightly, and is sometimes sharp enough-even acute. We must conclude, that she imagines the ladies of Great Britain do not admire wit that is either polished, playful, or good-natured. The Ball-room chapter is a bit of clever satire. Her Scotch Family Party we may describe in better Scotch than we find in it, as perfect havers; and we fear the epithet would not be misapplied, if directed to a full half of the volume. It has its good things however. Among them, we may mention the Sketches by the author of Eccentric Tales, and those by Sylvanus Swanquill. We moreover like the "Butt of Stout," and can tolerate the "Ode to a Shaving Brush," subjects both which we should not have imagined peculiarly interesting to the ladies of Britain. The article entitled "Scotch Bulls," the publishers ought to have submitted to the revision of their very youngest Scotch apprentice, he who only left off round-text and pinafores six months since, and who would certainly have improved it, particularly the glossary, with which the learned writer favours Miss Sheridan's readers. From this glossary, we learn that in Edinburgh, caller hawdy means fresh haddocks; mashit, infused; shave-of-bap, a slice of bread-cake; mutchkin, a small liquid measure; hashit, a dish; scunner, to shudder; and crimping and goffering, plaiting frills. This is, after all, the most amusing paper in the volume, so far as ignorance and impertinence go,—and they sometimes go a great way even in a book. The cuts remain to be noticed. Among the cleverest, is a kneeling officer with a terribly hooked nose, offering his hand to a coy belle, which hand is an iron hook, in lieu perhaps of that left at Talavera or Waterloo; "Counter-attraction," is the ministering angel of a bazaar fascinating a dandy; "Somerset-House" is a complete somerset of tables, stools, chairs, and sitters; "Tasting the Home-brood," (brewed), a fox in a poultry-yard. These are not remarkable for point. "Sending out Circulars" is better:-little boys are seen blowing soap bubbles. "Turner's Annual Tour," a. turnspit in a wheel, is a fair hit. "Delivery by the Post," is a gig upset on a road post, and a lady flying out in the air, her parasol and reticule following her. "Pitching the key for a Serenader :"-a beauty from a high lattice throwing the house-door key to a cavalier below strumming a guitar. "A Pa de six," a happy father tormented by six playful and squalling brats. "An anti-climax,-" a lover ascending a ladder, the husband or father above at the window with a chopping-axe, and the lady screaming behind him. "Greasian Statue," a short-four in a chamber candlestick which forms the pedestal, the flame shewing a human face. "Organic remains," a show- I

man frantic over the wreck of his exhibition just demolished by a disappearing waggon; the monkey looking all sympathy with its distracted master "Shop-lifting," a chemist's shop in the act of exploding by its own gases. "Eyes right," a drill-serjeant of grenadiers addressing this mandate to a horribly squinting recruit, who answers, "Please Sir, I cawn't." "My Better Half," a tremendously stout old lady, with a slim young husband. "Fun-guses,- a cluster of toad-stools, each head moulded into a merry or funny human countenance. Had this melange been intended for the mischief-loving schoolboys of Great Britain, we should have had no fault to find with it; but we cannot think it either feminine or lady-like.

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FIRST in order, as in gallantry bound, we shall take "Poems by Mrs. G. C. Richardson, a Second Series." We are, indeed, so much pleased with the varied contents of this volume, that we regret not having the power to introduce it with more ceremony. It is a bouquet of occasional verses, springing from the daily reflections and events, which, in a life of leisure, present themselves to an amiable and a cultivated female mind,- outlines, sketches, and studies, in short, of varying degrees of poetical merit, though a tone of graceful simplicity alike characterizes each little piece. Mrs. Richardson, in her dedication to the Duchess of Buccleugh, declares, that hers is a home-bred Border Muse. The only Duric specimen we find in the volume we shall extract :

MENIE, THE bride.

Oh, have you seen the glinting ray,
That shimmers on the dewy spray,
When the wee birds, at dawn o' day,

Chirl," Here comes bonny morning!"
Just sic'na glint has Menie's e'e,
Sae pure, sae bright;-her looks o' glee
Are sweet, as morning light, to me,

The waukening vales adorning.
Tak' out thae jewels frae her hair!
Aneath them's set a bonnier pair :-
O mony a queen would gladly wear

Thae gems o' nature's sorting.
Ye need na trouble to provide
Sic costly braws to busk the bride :
Fashions can nowther mend nor hide

The graces round her sporting.
She's clad in happinesss and youth,
In sweet simplicity and truth;—
The sang o' mirth, the tale o' ruth

Her varying bloom supplying.
She needs na ribbons, paints, and lace:-
Kind heart, pure thoughts, wi' spirit's trace,
Shed beauties on her winsome face,

Beyond a kingdom's buying.

The Deity, a Poem, in Blank Verse, and in
Twelve Books. By Thomas Ragg.

THIS philosophical and religious poem is in substance
an elaborate argument on the Being and Attributes of
God, and upon revealed religion. The author is a
working mechanic of Nottingham; though really, when
one reflects on what Burns was, and Elliott is, this cir-
cumstance seems to have little connexion with an im-
partial estimate of the productions of a poet.
As we
have not been able to bestow upon this poem, the degree
of attention necessary to enable us to form a just opinion,
we shall give that of The Times newspaper, in which it is
stated, that "Every page discovers proofs of a vigorous
understanding, a correct taste, great stores of fancy, a
wonderful flow of elegant and appropriate language, and
very considerable power of versification." "Having no
veneration for modern poetry, or what by courtesy is suf-
fered to enjoy that title, our testimony to the merits of
Thomas Ragg is not likely to err on the side of excess."
We would not be understood to adopt this opinion im-
plicitly, as our cursory perusal of the poem does not quite
justify such flattering impressions; though, in these days

of Brummagem Byrons and mock Scotts, we must acknowledge, that, running over the pages in haste, we have been so forcibly struck with the masculine tone of the whole poem, and with the tender beauty of particular passages, that we desire to speak of it with becoming humility and respect, until we shall be better qualified to form a deliberate judgment. In the meanwhile, we do our duty in announcing the work, especially to the lovers of poetry in the religious world.

The Reformed Parliament, and other Poems, by Two of the People.

This pair of the People is John Saunders, and Mary, his wife. John writes to correct and amend an age in which

Trollope, patriotic shrew,

Vows she'll extinguish that Republic crew

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That spits o' the carpets, lolls o' the judgment-seat; And Mary, by her womanly softness, to attemper the fierceness of John and his kind. As poets, we cannot say much for either; but they are young and selftaught," and the production of their little volume has been attended (as we can well believe) "with circumstances of no ordinary inconvenience, trouble, and difficulty."

There was wonderful good-sense in that saying of the poet Burns, when speaking of his art," Yet crooning to a bodies' sel' does weel eneuch." But we are not going to be churlish; nor yet are we about to lecture upon an imprudence which too often carries its own severe punishment along with it: we mean the publication of mediocre verse, and not its production. If John, at his labours, made forty stanzas daily, and Mary, while engaged in her household cares, a half-dozen songs or ballads, we should only deem them the happier and the more respectable. But the itch of publication, where it can produce nothing but a few barren and often false compliments, exciting expectations never to be realized, should not be clawed into activity, either by friends or friendly critics. We do not, by any means, intend that this should apply to the versifiers in question more than to the ten thousand persons in British society, who, either in print or M.S., bore the world in general, and their unfortunate friends in particular, with their crude indigested metrical productions. How would life be at all endurable, if every lad who sets up for a musician from practising Marlbrouck, or the Banks of Banna, with no mastery whatever, upon a cracked flute, should rush into the streets, insisting that all passers bye should listen to the delicious music which charms himself, and perhaps,-if she be all love and no ear,-his sweetheart? But the case with the small poets is becomeing exactly parallel. They are growing into a positive pest, a nuisance which must be abated.

Political and other Poems, by Charles Cole, a London Mechanic.

As a qualification of what we have said above, and to prove how far from us is the desire of quenching the divine spark of genius in any mind-of arresting that subtle energy, inexplicable in its workings and wanderings, which, like the wind of Heaven" bloweth where it listeth, and no man can tell the form thereof,”present to our readers the effusions of another handicraftsman, who writes all like a man." Many of his pieces have great merit; and "The Spy's Dream," a portion of which we select as a specimen of Cole's poetry, is far from being one of his ablest poems.

Oh! for how poor a price-how mean a sum—
I bartered all life's happiness away!

Methought I had been, even as I was,
Suborned to villainy, to be the tool

Of those whom, in my conscience, I abhorred;
To be a traitor to my fellow man,

A traitor to my country, and a foe

To struggling Freedom, in whose cause I once


Had joined both heart and hand, and would have given
My life, could I have left my children free:
But how will sordid interest work a change!

I, for a mean and paltry bribe, became
The loathsome jackal to a savage race
Of tyrants, who, insatiate of prey,
Seduce the soul of penury to hunt

The breath of those, who, burning to be free,
Awaken others from their servile dreams.
I knew all this; and, oh! it seemed to fill
My soul with bitterness, to stand amidst
My brethren in the cause, and meditate
Their deep destruction, treasuring the words
Which fell from lips made eloquent by wrongs,
Words, which, like rain-drops to the thirsting herb,
Revived the drooping heart, and gave it hope
Whereon to feed, nerving it thus anew

To wrestle boldly with the withering chain
Oppression casts around it :-yes, such words
Were quickly noted; for they had become
The means of a subsistence; glowing, warm,
I bartered them, as marketable things
In the foul mart of infamy for gold.

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Now bolder grown, elated with success,
And longing for advancement, I employed
My chartered tongue, to prompt and instigate
To deeds of crime, whereof they never thought;
Appealing to their pas-ions, those who felt
The misery of bondage; hinting oft

At certain means, by which the world might rid
Itself of all the tyrants who oppress
Its industry, and render labour vain :
Oft would I close a long and loud harangue
With thunder-calls to "Liberty or Death."
There was a man embodied in my dream,
Upon whose toil five children and a wife,
Lovely and good, depended for support.
His mind was noble, and his generous heart
Was nerved with resolution :

I singled him, for he was brave and bold.

We cannot follow the fate of the victim of the Spy, who, by the way, is represented as much more sensitive to remorse and shame than we have seen some of the gentlefolks of his kidney. He rushes forth in despair, to shun the petrifying and scowling looks of his former friends and associates; and is followed by the multitude, shouting after him their contempt and detestation. Here is a picture of the degraded felon's tormentors :— They hemm'd me round; and, gibing, taunting, piled A pyramid of insult on my heart,

A view less structure, built of oral sound,
And firmly fixed upon its quiv'ring base,
With a stern cement, well compos'd, of mix'd
Contempt and detestation :—what I felt,
Cen'tring this circle form'd of human foes,
No power of language ever can rehearse :
To be environ'd by a servile crew,

To bear the mockery and scorn of those
Who, slip-shod and unshorn, had quitted toil
To beard me with their malice, while their hearts,
Poor as they were, shrunk from me in disgust.
At length grown tired of gazing on my face,
The throng diminish'd; man and woman left
Me in my wretchedness, but, not alone;
Children were gather'd round me-urchin boys,
Vicious as infant fiends, in mockery
Well school'd, hardy and bold to do whate'er
The impulse of the moment wildly prompts:
Oh! then I seem'd to drain, e'en to the dregs,
The cup of degradation.

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They follow'd, shouting, till the vaulted sky
Reverb'd and echo'd the detested name,

And one sole sound was heard," A Spy! a Spy!"

With winged feet, fleet as the bounding roe
Just startled from her lair, through lonely paths

I took my desperate way; yet, even there,
Was doom'd to find my miseries increase.

A friend, the long companion of my walks,
Was that way wand'ring in a listless mood,
Happy, and at his leisure: I approach'd

His presence sad, yet hoping to obtain

The balm which friendship pours into the wound
Of deep misfortune; but, alas! that face,
Which ne'er, till now, had turn'd on me in frowns,
Dilated and grew dark with anger-dark

As clouds, which bear within their lurid caves
The bursting thunder, type of heaven's wrath :-
What would I not have done but to have heard
One word of friendly comfort? one kind look
Had been more precious than the water-drop
To Dives' flame-parched tongue: my utterance fail'd
In striving to implore, in moving terms,
Compassion on my sufferings; I crouch'd-
Aye! even on the clay-cold earth I kneel'd—
With looks of supplication; but, in vain!
He bade me to be gone; I clasp'd his knees,
He shook me from him as a fearful child
Would shake an adder, and, in haughty tone,
Bade me no more pollute him with my touch:
"What!" he exclaim'd, "shall I compassionate

A wretch, who, though my wrongs were mountain-piled,
Should I express my thoughts, would meanly sell
The sounds, by sorrow wrested from my heart,
To tyranny abhorr'd? Away, foul thing!

I loathe detest-contemn.-I know thee not!


A Letter to Dr. Philpotts, Bishop of Exeter, containing Strictures on a Speech delivered by him on the Second Reading of the Dissenters' University Admission Bill, &c.; by a Member of the University of Cambridge.

This is the production of a scholar and an able man. It is full of keen cuts, and home-thrusts that cannot easily be parried. The notes are peculiarly apposite and racy.

A Plea for Ireland; by Thomas Bish, Esq. M.P. Mr. Bish is the advocate of a certain kind of Triennial Parliaments: he would have the meeting of Parliament be held in Dublin every third year. Better begin with 1835, when our forlorn senators will not have a roof to cover them, unless Dublin or Edinburgh open her hospitable doors. The idea of Mr. Bish is not new. The Westminster Review has improved upon it. Its plan gives Ireland as much Parliament as can be of use to the country, and as much more as may counteract abuse.

A Case of Clerical Oppression, illustrative of the State of the Internal Government of the Church in Ireland,

Is the title of a pamphlet before us, published by Ridgway. The case is flagrant enough; but as we hold the Church of Ireland, in its present state, to be one monstrous, anomalous, unparalleled oppression, we shall not enter into the solitary case of the Rev. Marcus Beresford, and the Rev. Thomas A. Lyons, farther than to recommend it to the notice of the public and the press. Reasons for Abolishing Impressment; by Lieut. Standish Haly, of the Royal Navy.

This pamphlet is filled with more good argument for a cause which requires nothing, save the vanquishing of prejudice and of abuses. Still it has value.

Hints to Emigrants to New South Wales; by the Rev. Henry Carmichael.

This tract is suspiciously laudatory of the colony; but it deserves to be read by persons who are meditating emigration, though with the doubts and reserves which should attend all such puffs direct, however honestly in


Curtis on the Preservation of Hearing, HearingTrumpets, &c.

This gentleman says there are more deaf persons in Britain than in any other country in Europe, "espe

cially among the higher ranks, and those holding im portant situations." He is quite right! But he says deafness may always be prevented, and often cured. That is not so certain. This little treatise is well worth consulting by those threatened with the malady. There is nothing empirical about it.

The Casket of American and European Gems, selected from Authors of the present day. Glasgow: John Reid and Co.


In one respect, the class in this country slenderly endowed with worldly wealth, have no cause to complain of their lot. They may wear shabbier coats, lodge in meaner dwellings, and eat worse dinners, but they have always at their command a purer and higher literature than that which is affected by the rich. Instead of Annuals and Fashionable Novels, they have cheap Shakespeares, Miltons, Cowpers, Bunyans, De Foes, and Goldsmiths, with such selections as the one before us. stead of the Court Magazine and the New Monthly, they have Tait and For; and for The John Bull and The Age, Leigh Hunt's and Chambers' Journals. This small and neat selection possesses one feature of peculiar interest while it brings us acquainted with the progress of American polite literature, it also reveals the progress of enlightened opinion in questions of morals and politics, in a free, vigorous, healthy, and kindred land. The Mother's Medical Pocket Guide. By a Physician. Glasgow.

This is a sensible, plain-spoken small treatise, which mothers may consult without any perplexity to themselves, and with advantage to their offspring.

The Book named the Governour, Devised by Sir Thomas Elyot, Knight.

A pious descendant of the Knight-Arthur Turberville Eliot, of Catherine Hall, Cambridge-has just favoured the world with a re-print of the speculations of his ancestor, who flourished in the reign of Henry VIII. as a public man, a didactic writer of some note, and the friend of Sir Thomas More. The book is curious and quaint, and may be amusing to persons, who, with abundant leisure, have a relish for the better part of autiquarian lore.

Kilgour's Lectures on the Ordinary Agents of Life; or the uses of the Atmosphere, Habitations, Baths, Clothing, Climate, Exercise, Food, Drink, &c., in the Treatment and Prevention of Disease.

This copious title sufficiently explains the design of Dr. Kilgour's work. It is one which has been hundreds of times elaborated, and one upon which every intelligent physician imagines he has something novel to say. If Dr. Kilgour is not always an original, he is at least a hard talker; one of those medical instructors who conceive that an air of dogmatism is no bad auxiliary to the authority of their doctrines and the force of their opin ions, and who are more successful in destroying old fallacies than in promulgating new truths. Dr. Kilgour tells us, he has "a thorough contempt for all those medical books which are published for the general reader,”—all "Domestic Medicines," " Medical Guides,” and “Popular Systems." His Lectures are accordingly meant for medical pupils and practitioners; yet he has some tolerance for the popular "Guides to Health," and "Means of Preserving Long Life," and it is probable that the diligent perusers of such works will form his principal readers. These lectures will be found well worthy of their attention.

Edinburgh Cabinet Library. Vol. XVI.-Lives of Eminent Zoologists, from Aristotle to Linnæus. By W. Macgillivray, A.M., F.R.S., &c. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd.

In the present volume, the publishers, acting upon the sound popular maxim, that "too much of one thing is

Food for nothing," have judiciously changed, for the time, the plan of the "Library." The first fifteen volumes were devoted to History, Maritime Discovery, and to the Biography of the great British Navigators. Nor was Natural Science neglected, where it served to illustrate the History and Geography of the countries treated of. The present volume is strictly limited to the lives of eminent Naturalists. It is to be followed by another, which will complete the design, and bring the biographies down to that of Cuvier; while future volumes will, in the lives of the most eminent Botanists and Mineralogists, introduce the student to these sciences.

By taste, habit, and, as we may say, by profession, Mr. Macgillivray is peculiarly adapted to the office he has assumed. If a poet only can be the critic and biographer of a poet, so does the naturalist require in a historian, kindred knowledge and assimilating powers, in order to depict his character, and unfold his discoveries to the world. So far as we can judge, Mr. Macgillivray has fulfilled his task in the best manner, and we are certain in the very best spirit. We have read his "Life of Linnæus," in particular, with interest and delight. Sutton's Narrative of his Mission at Orissa, the Site of the Temple of Juggernaut. Edited by the Rev. James Ewing, Partick. Glasgow : Reid and Co.

Two descriptions of persons, very opposite in character, will be attracted by this Narrative: those who take an interest in missionary labours, from a fervent desire for the spread of Christian doctrine, and those who, without this motive, love to contemplate the varieties of human character and condition, and the deep-rooted and inveterate superstitions and customs which bind the remarkable tribes of Hindostan in the chains of idolatry, riveted by its firmest defence-caste. The seat of the mission at Orissa was in the darkest heart of Indian superstition. The missionaries were in continual contact with the pilgrims and visiters to the shrine of Juggernaut, and the witnessess of the cruel, sanguinary, and diabolical rites practised there. We are not informed if this Narrative has been already

published. It is not wholly free from the objection of being written with an eye to the effect to be produced in the public readings of the Society's Reports. It discovers a very limited knowledge of Indian manners and religious rites, and has abundant faults of style; but, with all this, the work commands attention, by its facts and its earnestness of spirit.


Jacob Faithful.

Jacob, the younger brother of "Peter Simple," is not "the finer gentleman." In this homely picture of real life, we have, however, a story worth a waggon-load of romantic perplexities and improbabilities.

Tales for the British People.

The scene of these rough sketches is principally laid in Dublin. Some of the chapters contain fair, if coarse satire upon the prevailing follies and vices of those persons allowed to be sinners, and also of those very improperly named Saints.

The Romance of Real Life

Forms the latest issue of Colburn's Modern Novelists. It comprehends the Lettre de Cachet, and some of Mrs. Gore's best tales. Need we say more for it? The Court of Sigismund Augustus; or, Poland in the Sixteenth Century, translated from the original of Alexander Bronikowski, by a Polish Refugee.

We recommend this historical novel to such readers as frequent the circulating libraries, as a romance of great merit. It possesses the interest of a stirring story, many well-drawn and skilfully-contrasted characters, and, what is better, pictures and glimpses of Polish manners, not yet become obsolete. The model is Walter Scott; but the writer works upon the fresh materials of a country quite new to us, and thus runs himself into no dangerous comparison.



Since the prorogation of Parliament, the Members have, as usual, been dining with their constituents, and rendering the best account they can of their stewardship. Addresses from several places in England have also been presented to Earl Grey on his retirement from office. On the 19th of August a numerous meeting of the inhabitants of Newcastle, North and South Shields, and Tynemouth, was held in the Guild Hall at Newcastle, to present an address to his Lordship. In returning thanks Earl Grey said, that the reform in the representation was a means to an end, and that it would secure all rational and salutary reforms, if pursued with moderation and wisdom. He remarked, that a full and fair representation having been obtained, it would not do to be proceeding in a continual course of agitation. The present administration rested on the foundation, that reform is necessary; and nothing could prevent its being obtained but hasty and inconsiderate measures. Lord Durham, who accompanied his Lordship, also addressed the meeting. He thanked Earl Grey for the advice he had given, and said that he would take it, and act upon it, with as much patience and moderation as the noble Earl wished, but that he would never lose sight of the end, namely, the attainment of all necessary reforins, and the preserving of the rights of the people, that this country may be enabled to show its head foremost among the nations of the world, however high they may advance in the scale of civilization. In allusion to Earl Grey's disclamation of the merit of passing the Reform Bill, Lord Durham said, that he had been the ready and willing instrument of his wishes; but that had it not been for the Earl's

determination, energy, his influence with the country, and his influence with his sovereign, the measure would never have been carried; and that to Earl Grey alone properly belongs the honour of the great measure of reform. At Morpeth and Alnwick similar addresses were presented to his Lordship, and at both places he was loudly cheered by the people.

On the 15th September a dinner was given to Messrs. Attwood and Scholefield, the members for Birmingham, by their constituents, in Mr. Beardsworth's Repository. The tickets sold, amounted to 3000. It appears from a passage in Mr. Attwood's address, that he contemplates an early retirement from his Parliamentary labours. On the 25th September a public dinner was given at Barusley, to Lord Wharucliffe, in testimony of approbation of his conduct as a magistrate, by about ninety gentlemen of property, in the county of York. The Tories have also been dining together in all parts of the country. There was a large muster of Conservatives at Canterbury on the 25th September, to commemorate his Majesty's gracious declaration to the Bishops. Lords Winchelsea, Roden, and Maidstone, Sir Edward Knatchbull, Sir Edward Dering, and Mr. Plumptre, were the principal persons present. Among the company were no fewer than forty-two clergymen. The health of the King was drunk with three times three, that of the Queen with "true Kentish fire." On the House of Lords being given, Lord Winchelsea said, he granted that House was in a most perilous situation, but the Peers were determined, notwithstanding the perils which surrounded them, to do their duty in defence of the Constitution. They might fall, and would fall, he would say, in that defence. A

dinner was given to Mr. Aglionby by his constituents, at Cockermouth. Mr Aglionby went over at great length his conduct during the last Session of Parliament, his speech occupying several hours in the delivery.

The Marquis of Chandos dined with the Buckinghamshire farmers on the 27th September, at Aylesbury. The distressed state of the agricultural interest was the chief topic for speechifying; and the necessity of exertion on the part of landlords and tenants to obtain relief from Government, was insisted on. The Marquis especially recommended strenuous efforts to effect the repeal of the Malt Tax.

On the 27th August, the frigate Castor, Captain, Lord John Hay, ran down the Cameleon cutter, off the South Foreland, when the whole crew,'except four, were drowned. The captain and officers were tried by court martial; and the lieutenant of the watch, when the accident happened, was adjudged to be dismissed His Majesty's Service; it having been proved, and indeed admitted that a proper look-out had not been kept. The remaining officers, and crew, were acquitted.

Mr. Godsou, member for Kidderminster, in speaking of the House of Commons, at a dinner given him by his constituents, characterized it as a body of legislators, who were driven to and fro by the dread of a dissolution; and said he had not one word of praise to bestow on their labours during the last session. He gave a grand feast to the ladies. Sixty-five houses were opened on the occasion; and nearly 3000 ladies partook of tea and cake.

Mr. Buckingham met a numerous meeting of his constituents at Sheffield, on the 8th September. He delivered a long address in reference to his Parliamentary conduct during the last session, which was received in the most flattering mauner, and a resolution approving of his conduct was passed unanimously amidst loud acclamations.

Mr. Cuthbert Rippon has addressed a letter to his constituents at Gateshead, in which he canvasses with much severity the abortive attempts of the Ministry to satisfy both Peers and People. He shows that the cause of so little being done during the session, arises, in a great measure, from the crude state in which ministerial measures are introduced. Thus, a bill for regulating Dissenters' marriages was introduced, and withdrawn, by Lord John Russell. A bill for altering the method of levying Church rates, and a bill for commuting English tithes, were brought forward by Lord Althorp, but he never ventured to move their second reading. Two bills for diminishing the evils of pluralities and non-residence, were introduced by the Lord Chancellor, and withdrawn by him. The course of the present Ministry, he asserts, is clear: To prepare measures of substantial reform, to show sincerity and determination in carrying them onward, thus assuring the people of their faithful intention. The Commons would pass them by overwhelming majorities. The liberal members of that House would willingly defer their individual plans, rather than embarass❘ an honest administration; and if the House of Lords should be pleased to reject them, it will be the duty of the people, at such a crisis, to come forward and claim from the monarch the exercise of that prerogative which is intrusted to his charge, to be employed for the common weal and safety.


CHURCH RATES.-The parishioners of Manchester have had a severe struggle regarding a Church Rate. amount proposed was only a halfpenny per pound, yet it was resisted by the Dissenters on principle. The rate was rejected on a show of hands, when a poll was demanded by the churchmen. The poll lasted for four days, and the churchmen were 739 a-head at the close of the third day's polling; but the Dissenters, by great efforts, were finally successful; the numbers being,

For the rate,
Against it,

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A scrutiny has been granted. Similar struggles regarding Church Rates, have taken place in other parts of England. At Halstead, in Essex, the Churchwardens applied for a rate of 4d. in the pound; an amendment was proposed, that " the consideration of

a Church Rate should be postponed for twelve months." On a show of hands the amendment was carried. A poll was then demanded, which continued for two days, at the conclusion of which, the numbers were as follows:for the rate, 77; for the amendment, 111; majority against a rate, 34. At Bocking, in the same county, a rate for 1834, was refused by a majority of 163 to 133. The opponents of Church Rates, have, however, been in several instances defeated. Thus, at Clerkenwell, London, a three-halfpenny, instead of a farthing Church Rate, was carried by 593 to 127; and at Wakefield a ninepenny rate was carried in opposition to a threepenny rate, by 864 to 694. At Dudley, also, a rate of tenpence per pound was voted, after a severe struggle, the numbers at the close of the poll being 447 and 390. It appears, however, that the difficulty is not over when the rates are voted. The Churchwardens of Rochdale having ob. tained a rate, proceeded to levy it; but many of the Dis. senters refused to pay. At a public meeting of the Dissenters, several resolutions were passed against the rate; and it was resolved to oppose all proceedings for the recovery of the same.

THE REVENUE for the quarter ending 10th October, presents a decrease, when compared with the corresponding quarter of last year, of L.330,064. The decrease on the Excise, is L.846,524; on the Stamps, L.22.718; on the Taxes, L.143,415; on the Post Office, L.5000; Miscellaneous, L.2,682; but then there is an increase in the Customs of L.678,051. The result for the year exhibits an increase of 1.313,448, as compared with the previous year. The variation in the Excise and Customs arises from the removal of the tea duties from the one branch of the Revenue to the other. The result is as favourable as the reduction in taxation could entitle any one to expect. THE NEW POOR LAW, though occasioning hardship in some instances, is said to be working well. In the parish of St. George's, Hanover Square, London, the rates have been reduced from L.67,336, to L.27,391; and the guardians of the poor in St. Paul's, Covent Garde n have saved L.11 out of L.15 a-week, by offering relief to paupers in food and clothing, instead of money. In another parish, in which 106 mothers of bastards received out-door relief, ninety-six have contrived to support their children on being told they could not obtain relief without coming into the workhouse. The London magistrates have shewn great opposition to the new bill, probably by its depriving them of the power magistrates formerly possessed over the overseers of the poor.

BIRMINGHAM MUSICAL FESTIVAL.-The great musical event of the month, has been this festival. Such festivals at Birmingham used to be held in a church; but in consequence of a threat of the rector, that it would no more be granted for musical performances, the people of Birmingham have erected a splendid hall, 140 feet long, 65 feet wide, and 65 feet high. An organ of very great size, and the largest in the kingdom, except that of York Cathedral, has been erected at one end of the room. There were in all, 370 performers, of whom 217 were instrumental. Persons from all parts of the kingdom attended this great festival; and the performances, generally speaking, appear to have given great satisfaction. The gross receipts amounted to L.13,278, which exceeds those of the festival of 1829, by L.3,639. The net profits approach L.7000, which go to the support of the Infirmary of Birmingham.

SINECURE OFFICES.-By the report of the select committee of the House of Commons, it appears, that in the year 1810 there were in existence throughout his Majesty's dominion, 242 sinecure offices, the total net income of which amounted to L.297,095. At present there are 100 offices of a similar description, the total net emoluments of which are L.97,803. It farther appears, that in 1810, of the L.297,095 of these existing sinecures, provision had been made for the prospective abolition of L.88,347; and that of the L.97,083 of sinecures now sul sisting, a similar prospective provision had been made to the extent of L.81,984; so that the amount of sinecures, for the ultimate abolition of which no Parliamentary enactment has provided, is already reduced to less than L.17,000 per annum; and this burden, if the re

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