
thren, whom they nevertheless love as Christians. It would not be to the purpose for them to reply, that they are willing to unite with them in a dissenting chapel; for with this condition an episcopalian cannot conscientiously comply. They refuse to unite with them as Christians, but require them previously to become Dissenters. What do the advocates for strict communion among the Baptists do more? They say to their Pædobaptist brethren, We love you as Christians, but we cannot admit you to the Lord'stable until you have been baptized, which, according to our views, is a necessary prerequisite.


have excited so much opposition from clergymen of any description, much more so when those who have been considered evangelical, are found serving under the banners of its enemies. We understand, that the author of this pamphlet has imitated the worst part of the worst man's conduct towards his former friends: he has " eaten their bread, and lifted up his heel against them." But the circumstance that Dissenters are united with Churchmen in circulating Bibles alone, is such a full proof of "innovation and schism," that he can see nothing but dangers surrounding the church as by law established. We do not We conceive it to be very pos- complain of his eulogizing his own sible for a strict communion Baptist church, though we do not believe the to be of a Catholic spirit, and to truth of his statement. It is, howlove all the true disciples of Jesus ever, ungenerous, that he gives a hint Christ of whatever denomination; to the civil magistrates to use their and also for a Pædobaptist, how-power to crush dissenters. We are ever zealous he may be for free com- ready to say, "Why what evil have munion, to cherish a spirit of petty we done?" triumph on account of imaginary victories: such a spirit as this is not "Our Ecclesiastical Establishment," a Catholic, but a sectarian spirit, says he, "ought to be held in high venewhether it be found among Baptists ration, being founded in the truth and or Pædobaptists, among Episcopa-importance of the Christian religion, and lians or Dissenters. We therefore, with the apostle, exhort all Christians to "love as brethren; to be pitiful, to be courteous; not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing, but contrariwise blessing. Beloved, let us love one another; for love is of God." It is almost impossible for a Christian not to be of a party: but it is one thing to be of a party, and another thing to cherish a party spirit. If a party spirit is cherished, and love to Christians of other denominations is neglected, "these things ought not so to be,"

its union with the State is, consequently, diency, but of moral obligation. Our a subject not only of political expecivil governors are not left at liberty to be neutral upon this great and momentous subject. They are not, at the peril of their souls, to withdraw from Christianity their countenance and support; and to consign it over, with an infidel indifference, to its own native and independent operations." Page 39.


It is really amusing to hear the boastings of beneficed clergymen respecting their holy religion," intending by this phrase not the church of Christ, but the church of England. But it is not so easy to Letters addressed to a young Clergy-understand what they intend by such man, illustrative of his Clerical Du-phraseology: surely they cannot ties in these Times of Innovation and Schism: with an Appendix, containing an Account of a recent Attempt to institute an Auxiliary to the British and Foreign Bible Society in the Parish of Midhurst. By Richard Lloyd, Vicar of St. Dunstan's, &e.

Ir is truly affecting that the establishment of the Bible Society should

mean, that the members of the Established Church are more circumspect in their general conduct than those who dissent from it: nor even that the dignitaries are all influenced by the genius of Christianity in the use they make of their extensive patronage. Who that has common sense will believe the following description;


As our holy religion, which is founded upon the authority of Christ, and has the exclusive signature of heaven apon it, is, through the Divine mercy, the established religion of the kingdom; and as this, our Ecclesiastical Establishment, is the grand depository and guardian of the Protestant faith in these days of innovation and peril, it surely becomes a serious dereliction of duty to secede from our apostolical church upon light and circumstantial reasons, or to wound her authority by any species of irregularity in your own conduct, or by giving any countenance to it in others." This gentleman, notwithstanding, professes respect for conscientious dissenters! but this appears rather for the purpose of wounding churchmen who are friends of the Bible Society the more severely! He must, however, excuse us, if we do Hot express any particular gratitude for his great condescension! We think we see the cloven foot, though covered with the cloak of apparent kindness. Is it not insiduous when he says of dissenters, that collective body, they cannot be viewed as good members of the community? What does Mr. Lloyd mean by this? Will he state in what sense it is that they are not good members of the community? Will he undertake to prove, that they are inferior to churchmen in loyalty-in patriotism-in benevolence-in zeal? He knows he cannot do this. Then why insinuate it? We respectfully recommend to his serious consideration, that precept which is so often repeated in the services of his apostolic church-" Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour!" We do not hesitate to affirm, that had Mr. Lloyd fully considered this divine command, and acted upon its spirit, he would have been prevented from giving advice, which, if any young clergyman should take, will most certainly be hazardous to his usefulness and happiness here, and his salvation hereafter.

The Insane World.

as a

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ter passing through several wards, fell into conversation with one of the patients, who talked so reasonably, that he was much surprised, and could not forbear asking, How is it, Sir, that I find here a person so perfectly rational, and intelligent?' O Sir,' replied the patient, I will explain that; the world are all gone mad, and finding us few the only people in their senses, have shut us up here together."" Our author will have it, that the people of this world, at least many of them, are mad; he has written this work to shew its truth. How to give an account of a publication on such a subject we find very difficult, and we shall do little more than recommend our readers to purchase and read it for themselves. As there is but little method in real madness, and this volume has been too successful in proving, that there are more insane people at large than has been generally thought, no great method can be expected in the work, nor in our remarks upon it. We are treated with representations of the busy tribes who visit the Bank of England, of apothecaries and attorneys, the business of elections, of the wisdom of early rising, the vices of the great, on the evil of theatres, the effects of a town life of pleasure on a young person, the objection of insolent and selfish minds to the prevailing religious and benevolent societies of this age, the solid answers which may be made to them all, &c. &c.; for, really, we have not room for notice of half the subjects here introduced. We recommend this work, without approving of all its sentiments and representations, as useful and amusing.

The Prospect of Faith in a dying Hour; A Sermon preached at Hebden-Bridge, near Halifax, on occasion of the Decease of the Rev. John Fawcett, D. D. By William Steadman, D D.

THIS discourse, the text of which is taken from Gen. xlviii. 21, "And Israel said unto Joseph, behold I die, but God shall be with you," contains a general and interesting view of the patriarch's life.

The preacher regards his text as | The Reasonableness of Protestanism; a

furnishing two general subjects— Jacob's apprehensions of himself, "behold I die"-and his prospects respecting those he leaves behind him, "God shall be with you.”— The reasons why a righteous and gracious God inflicts death on pious men are here stated, with much truth, propriety, and force.

The application of the sermon is in a strain of urgent and popular eloquence, and must have made a very powerful impression; as a justification of this remark, and a specimen of the spirit and style of the whole, we will select a passage from it:-"Would to God I could press this subject on all this large congregation, upon those within, and upon those without this place of worship; upon the young, the old, the middle aged; and that with the earnestness its importance demands! You must die! yes, you must die; every one of you must die. No one of you can can say how soon he must die.Within a few years, a large portion of this assembly must die; within a few months, within a few days, some will most probably die; yea, within a few hours, it is possible some may die! Who, then, would put off the consideration of this subject for one hour? or who would rest for one hour in a state of uncertainty, on a subject of such infinite moment?"When the affected, gaudy, theatrical, selfish, we are almost ready to say, impious orators, which such multitudes admire in this trifling age, have retired from the stage to be applauded no more, the effects of such preaching as this will abide, and such faithful men be had in everlasting remembrance. Dr. Fawcett, whose death is here so well improved, was a man of the highest excellence, his theological sentiments were very accurate, and his example, as well as his ministry, | must have been extensively useful. We particularly recommend to those who preach, and to all hearers of the gospel, the account which Dr. Steadman has given of the judicious and useful way in which his departed friend communicated the truth of God.

Sermon, preached to the Congregation of Protestant Dissenters, Harlow, OR Thursday, December 25, 1817, and designed to commemorate the Tri-centenary of the Reformation. By T. Finch.

THIS is, on the whole, a respectable Sermon, adapted to do good; especially to young persons, and those who have not leisure to consult larger works on the same subject.— The text is taken from Rom. xiv. 4, 5. The author gives us a general review of the events of the Refor mation, accomplished by Luther and his brethren, in patience and tribulation, which follows a brief representation of the use and progress of the errors and corruption which rendered that reformation necessary. We are aware, that the limits of a sermon would not allow of more than a very general reference to subjects so extensive; but does not this prove, that in such a composition, nothing of the kind should have been attempted? In the 16th page, Elizabeth is ranked with pious Edward, as a zealous promoter of Protestanism. We are surprised that any Dissenter, who was acquainted with the manner in which she treated the Puritans, Penry, Greenwood, and hundreds besides, should say any thing in praise of Elizabeth!!

The citation from Chillingworth which our author has made, is worth more than the price of the whole discourse, to those who have it not in their possession in other places. In the style of this sermon there is nothing vulgar, nor rugged, but it is verbose, and loose, and the writer strides on, without stopping long enough sufficiently to examine what he relates. We very highly commend his representation of the importance and necessity of free enquiry.

The Desire of the Nation taken away with a Stroke; a Sermon occasioned by the Death of her Royal Highness the Prin cess Charlotte of Wales, preached at the Baptist Meeting House, Ely Place, Wisbeach. By I. Jarrom.

THIS discourse, it is said, was published by request; and, if all had complied who received such intimations of the wishes of their friends, the printers would have had, for the

time at least, more work than they could have well accomplished. This, however, is a pretty good sermon, and its tendency is to do good. It is more distinguished by dexterity in the introduction of passages of Scripture, than original remark or impassioned eloquence.

A Caution to Youth ; being a brief Account' of the Character of George Biggs, of Elson, near Gosport, aged 19 years, who was executed at Winchester, for robbing his Master, on Saturday, March 21, 1818. AMONG the most useful members of the community, are those writers who are seizing opportunities to illustrate the two most interesting propositions in all the records of inspired truth: viz. "That the wages of sin are death;" and, "That the gift of God is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord." The history of George Biggs is an awful -proof of the former. How awful, that a youth of 19 should die by the hand of the public executioner!

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dressed to a young Minister of t
Letters on Strict Communion; ad
Gospel, in Reply to Mr. Cox.
Joseph Ivimey.

The Second Edition of the Rev. R.
Hall's Reply to the Rev. J. Kinghorn.
A new Edition of President Edwards'
Life of David Brainerd.

The Apostacy of the Church of Rome, and the Identity of the Papal Power with the Man of Sin and Son of Perdition of St. Paul's Prophecy, in the Second Epistle to the Thessalonians, proved from the Testimony of Scripture and History. By William Cuningham, Esq. Author of a Dissertation on the Seals and Trumpets of the Apocalypse, and the Prophetical Period of 1260 Years.

The writer of this Sunday school tract remarks, respecting G. Biggs, "This is the first instance which has come to the knowledge of the writer, of any one who had received the adA Ready Reply to an Irish Enquiry; vantages of a Sunday-school tuition or a convincing and conclusive Confutabeing brought to an ignominious tion of Calvinism. To which is subdeath!" We set over against this joined, Ieropaideia, or the true Method another note, of a very pleasing of teaching the Clergy of the Establish character, viz. "Among the teachers ed Church; being a wholesome Theolo of one Sunday-school in this neigh-gical Cathartic to purge the Church of the Predestinarian Pestilence. By a bourhood, [Portsea] nearly 100 have joined a Christian church.' warmly recommend this little work to Sunday-school teachers.


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Clergyman of the Church of England.

An Essay on the best Means to promote the Spread of Divine Truth in the unenlightened Villages of Great Britain. By J. Thornton, Billericay.

Memoirs of Richard Morris, late Pastor of the Baptist Church, Amersham, Bucks. Compiled by B. Godwin.

An Inquiry into the Times that shall be Fulfilled at Antichrist's Fall, the Church's Blessedness in her Millenial Rest, the Signs that this happy Season is at Hand, the Prophetic Numbers contained in the 1335 Days, and the Christian's Duty at this interesting Crisis: la Five Discourses, from Mark i. 15. "The Time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God is at Hand: repent ye, and believe the Gospel." By Archibald Mason.

A Poem, occasioned by the Cessation of Public Mourning for her Royal High ness Princess Charlotte Augusta; toge ther with Sonnets and other Productions. By Mrs. B. Hooper.

Missionary Retrospect and Foreign Intelligence.


Interesting Letter from Messrs. Carey, Marshman, and Ward, to the U. S. Baptist Board of Missions, dated Seram pore, June 25, 1816, to one of the Editors of the American Baptist Magazine.


We have seen, with peculiar joy, the attention of our dear brethren throughout the whole continent of America, excited to the state of the heathen, who have indeed been given, in the Divine covenant, to the Redeemer, for an everlasting possession. The indifference formerly felt respecting the extension of that kingdom, which is the subject of all prophecy, of all dispensations, and for the universal spread of which the world itself is kept in existence, is a reflection which ought to cover every one, whose song is "Crown him Lord of all," with confusion of face. We were too long absorbed in the affairs of individual societies, when all the prophecies, and all the promises, as well as attachment to Him who is to be called "the God of the whole earth," should have led our devotions to the salvation of the whole world, and filled our contemplations with the delightful scenes on which the mind of ISAIAH dwelt with so much rapture.

We rejoice to see the American churches making this a common cause, and that means have been taken to unite all their energies in the hands of so respectable a body of pious ministers, &c. We now send our congratulations and most fervent wishes for the success of your efforts. May many thousand souls, each more precious than the whole material system, recovered to a state of endless blessedness, be your certain, ample, and imperishable reward.

Should Divine Providence give you favour in the eyes of the Burman government, as we hope it will, that empire stands in great and pressing need of many more missionaries; and we would recommend you to send, as soon as possible, to other places, as to Siam, Bassem, Ummurapore, Ava, Martaban, &c. By thus confining your present efforts to this empire, the languages of which have, no doubt, a strong affinity, your agents will form a united phalanx. Having an immense people of the same VOL. X.

manners, prejudices, religion, and government, as their object; p being near each other, and engaged in the same country, the experience and acquirements of each will come into the common stock, and bear an ample interest. They will be able mutually to give solid and matured advice; and in cases of removal by death, to supply the loss of those gone to receive their great reward. We would strongly recommend, that one or more, who may hereafter come out, obtain a competent knowledge of medicine. Perhaps missions in no Eastern country need so much all the wisdom, and advice, and mutual help, which missionaries can supply to each other, as, from the despotic and capricious character of its government, that in the Burman empire does.

The attempts of our Society in this empire, have ended in the transfer of the mission to brother Judson, and those from you who may join him; brother Felix Carey, our last missionary at Rangoon, having gone into the service of his Bur man majesty. Something, however, has been done. A mission-house has been built; the language has been opened; a grammar printed; materials for a dictionary formed; a small part of the New Testament printed, and a number of copies put into the hands of the natives.

We know not what your immediate expectations are relative to the Burman empire; but we hope your views are not confined to the immediate conversion of the natives, by the preaching of the Word. Could a church of converted natives be obtained at Rangoon, it might exist for a while, and be scattered, or perish for want of additions. From all we have seen hitherto, we are ready to think, that the dispensations of Providence point to labours that may operate, indeed, more slowly on the popul lation, but more effectually in the end; as knowledge, once put into fermentation, will not only influence the part where it is first deposited, but leaven the whole lump. The slow progress of conversion in such a mode of teaching the nations, may not be so encouraging, and may require, in all, more faith and patience; but it appears to have been the process of things, in the progress of the reformation during the reigns of Henry 2 C

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