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been deficient, we had recourse to a second and very careful perusal, in order to account for, and, if necessary, to correct our first impression. The result was, we soon felt a partial, and, perhaps, rather premature disappointment, begin to give place to a considerable portion of real pleasure, though not of entire satis


This work, which is very interest-faction. ing, and still more instructive, is, While, however, this concession we conceive, well calculated to is made on our part, we think the cirsecure the attention, and advance cumstance of a re-perusal being nethe improvement, of the higher orcessary for it, implies what we really, ders of juvenile readers. But to but reluctantly, believe to be the those who loll on the sofa, listening fact, namely, that there is some to the notes of certain writers, mis- want of perspicuity in the style. The called poets, or whose thoughts words, we conceive, are not always are continually hovering about two well chosen, nor do the different or three fine passages, in a few fa- members of a sentence invariably vourite novels, or works of imagina- occupy the best position. The petion, as they are termed, (though, in riods are very frequently inverted, one sense, very improperly, for there and often too unconnected. is no species of writing half so stu- piece, both in reference to ideas, pid,) it will present no charms; they and the mode of conveying them, is will consider it insipid, and find it too elliptical. It is too intellectual; hard of digestion. By the higher we do not mean too sensible, but not orders of youth, however, we do not sufficiently tangible. The thoughts refer to the upper ranks of civil so- rather overdo and overload the ciety, which are formed by greater words; the latter are too few to carry degrees of wealth and by titled the former. The ideas are too numebirth; but to those who are distin-rous; we mean for the space which guished by their intellect and talent. Of course, we do not mean all, nor only those young gentlemen who walk abroad in Hessian boots, highly japanned, and long great coats, half covered with braiding and fur, and who seldom venture five hundred yards from home, after sun-set, without their tuck-stick, or sword-cane, in order to defend a life, should it be attacked, which, at some future period, may be useful. These appendages, where considerable mental improvement has not been previousJy made, will not enable their possessors to perceive the point, discern the beauty, appreciate the merit, comprehend the design, or improve by the perusal, of this volume.

they occupy; they are stuck together, not exhibited or displayed to advantage. The coin is pure gold, and full weight; but the legend is not perfectly clear and legible. It requires the inspection of a connoisseur to decypher the superscription, and determine the value of the piece. Nor is this fault merely casual, but general and characteristic. We do not, however, in this instance, attribute the defect to what we think the common origin of obscure writing the want of clear ideas, for we are persuaded Mr. Taylor has a talent not frequently exceeded for correct thinking, and bold conception. It must then, we presume, be the effect either of a want of care But, on first reading the piece be- and patience, which is manifested fore us, we must frankly confess, when authors are satisfied with their we felt as though we had expected compositions too soon; or of a singutoo much, or the author had donelar taste, a taste, at least, not in too little. Not being conscious, however, that our expectations had been in any degree extravagant, and finding it difficult to show in what respects, or where, Mr. Taylor had

exact concordance with our own. It certainly does not arise from the former; we are under the necessity, therefore, of ascribing it to the latter; and it is no uncommon thing

for writers who possess great minds, | lowing chapters:-1. On the Purto possess also their singularities. port of Education to fit us for our Perspicuity is indispensably ne- Station in Life. 2. On the different cessary to all good writing, being Sources of Instruction. 3. On the that quality which corresponds with Period of leaving School, as best the design of language; it ought, suited to real Education. 4. On the therefore, never to be sacrificed to Importance of Self-Cultivation. 5. fancy, or fashion, or indolence. On the various Objects of Self-CulWhile it is always necessary, it is tivation. 6. On using our Talents. more so on some occasions than 7. Self-Cultivation may hope for the others. When the thinking is not Divine Blessing, only important, but recondite, and, We intended to analyze the reof course, out of the way of the spective chapters; but. inexperienced mind; and when the we have not. Here we lament the publication is intended for young absence of that general perspicuity people, who are not apt at straight- of plan, which is as necessary as a ening the crooked, or supplying plain and intelligible style. The what is wanting, then is it necessary commencement of every paragraph in the highest degree. On these which leads off to a new train of accounts it is particularly to be re-thinking, or which gives a different gretted, that the hand of an adept view of the subject, ought to be very is frequently wanted, to unravel an distinctly noted. That there is a intricate, reform an ill-constructed, change of thought, is not enough: or complete an imperfect sentence. it should be prominent. The reader A publication of such sterling ex- should not be left to look for it: it cellence, and high merit, ought to should be boldly presented to his have been written, not merely so as eye, that it may be the more deeply that it might easily have been un-printed on his memory. As words are derstood, but so as that it could the necessary signs of ideas, so a sennot have been easily misunderstood. tence at the head of particular paraThe latter, in all cases, particularly graphs distinguished by italics, or for young people, who are unused to some numerical notice, is necessary investigation, and averse to trouble, as the sign of a new train of thought, ought to be more difficult than the a new view of the subject. Reading former; since obscurity, brought in such a book as the present, resembles contact with inexperience and in- a journey, for the first time, over hiil dolence, will lead to mistake and and dale, without direction-posts or mile-stones, which, to a young tra



But, besides the want of perspi-veller, is both difficult and discoucuity, the style is deficient in variety, beauty, and harmony. It is hard, stiff, and monotonous. Our author's pen is neither pliant in itself, nor plastic in its operation; it too much resembles a straight piece of iron, with a sharp point, called a style, the writing of which displays neither beauty, nor ease, but is illformed and unsightly. Almost every page in the book deserves a better, a more appropriate, and a more pleasing dress. Partly, then, from the nature of the work; partly from the manner in which it is writtén, and still more from the inexperience and incapacities of those for whom it is designed, we fear it will not be so extensively useful as it might have been.

The volume consists of the fol

raging. He has nothing to guide his way, to measure the distance, or to mark his progress. He knows not where he is; and if any thing upon the road has struck him as singular, or beautiful, or dangerous, he will not be able to point out the spot to another, nor to find it himself, without commencing his journey afresh, and walking straight on, with a sharp look out, till he unexpectedly comes up to it. We remember many beautiful similes, many fine thoughts, many admirable paragraphs, in this volume; but we know not where to find them. We are informed that the wisest author, and because he was wise, sought out acceptable words, and set his proverbs in order. The first is necessary to understanding a subject; the last to retaining it; and

vantages which it is calculated to impart-happy the son who has access to such aids and inducements to self-cultivation-happy the reviewer who should never be called to notice à performance of inferior merit: in fine, happiness must be connected with the diffusion of sentiments so eminently adapted to ad

understanding it is essential to its having any, and retaining it to its having its full effect upon the mind. We know the present mode of writing is becoming fashionable; but this consideration does not satisfy us: we wish to avoid the complaisance which would commend, and the bigotry which would condemn, a practice, merely because it is new. Be-vance the interests of intellect and fore we adopt, or reject, any alteration, we ask, Is the change an improvement? But, nevertheless, as variety is the spice of life," as this remark is of general application, and as we have no desire to render life more insipid than it is, we would not always reject a new way, though it were only as good as the old one.

The fifth chapter, On the Objects of Self-Cultivation, we think, might have been more comprehensive, and, at the same time, more minute and distinct; and the sixth, On using our Talents, is either not appropriately designated, or it has the appearance of an intruder.

These remarks have cost us some self-denial. It would be matter of great regret to us, to give to a single member of so excellent a family a moment's pain. But we cannot withhold these critical remarks, because we think them just and important; at the same time that we do not wish to be "too rigidly censorious;" since

"A string may jar in the best master's


And the most skilful archer miss his aim."

piety, and to increase the pleasures of social intercourse, and the charms of the domestic circle, by giving a still higher polish, and greater value to the diversified attainments of cultivated life.

We select from the last chapter, a single paragraph, written, we think, in Mr. Taylor's best manner. He justly and beautifully observes of those who live in an uncivilized state, "where arts are unknown, science uncultivated, and commerce unattended to," and where, consequently, "there are misery, want, superstition, and every kind of suffering ;"

"Such do not hear the voice of Almighty Benevolence, saying, Arise, and labour. Bind, and prune, and dig, and sow; form, build, beautify, exalt. Here are around you, in rich abundance, materials, tools, immense powers of action; apply them. While you sit still, I shall give you little; up, and be doing. Invent, it shall delight you; make, it shall be useful to you; keep, it shall enrich you another day; associate, mutual kindness shall make you happy: ye shall cultivate one another; ye shall do soon, by mutual assistance, what by individual exertion no one can ever effect. Let After all, we certainly think very me see fields of golden corn waving; highly of the work, and do most there is a fine vale for them: gather cheerfully recommend it to all those me flocks on those mountains: drain young persons, and others, who may that marsh, it will make the air wholebe supposed capable of deriving ad- some on that knoll assemble a village : vantage from it. There is not a sen- teach the hollowed tree to float in that tence, not a thought, in the whole river: catch the fish, allure the birds, work, that can possibly injure them; drive off the beasts of prey, defend the not one but will convey a new idea, will bring health; wants will lead to incattle, educate the children. Activity or increase the value of those pre-vention; inventions will produce accom viously acquired; not a principle but will expand virtuous habits and pious exercises, or strengthen those already formed.

modation; accommodation will give leisure; and leisure, which avoids the fatigue of labour, gives opportunity for thinking. The being who lives idly, lives Happy the author who was able rebelliously, contrary to nature's first and disposed to write such a book-law and finest feeling: he must take, as happy the father whose son is capa- his appropriate punishment, poverty, ig ble of deriving from it all the ad- norance, misery, and want.” p. 165.

Missionary Retrospect and Foreign Intelligence.


Letter from the Rev. Dr. Marshman, to Mr. Ivimey.

"Serampore, April 1, 1818.

"My Dear Brother,—The contents of this will, I think, exceedingly cheer you. An Auxiliary Society is already formed at Calcutta, and another at Fort William; and we hope many others will be estab lished in India-wherever indeed our

brethren are. We must not despise the day of small things, relative to any of them. I trust the Lord is about to bless the Mission in India, in a greater degree We are exceedingly filled with hope, and we trust you unite with us herein.

than ever.

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The enclosure to which Dr. Marsh man refers, in the above note, was a printed Circular, addressed to the missionaries at their different stations, of which the following is a copy:

"Dear Brother,-We send you a copy of the Review of the Mission, addressed to the Society. Throughout the whole of Britain, Auxiliary Societies are now formed to raise funds for the spread of the Gospel; and we have long thought that every Christian in India ought to exert himself for India. Considering, therefore, the great exertions made in Britain for the evangelizing of the heathen, nothing can be more proper than for missionaries who are on the spot to stir up their friends, each at his own station, and by lessening the expenses of the Society there, enable them to send the gospel elsewhere.

"Last year the Society, wrote to us to inquire, whether we could not stir up the congregation at the Lal-Baazar Chapel to aid them in supporting the brethren at Calcutta. In pursuance of this request, we addressed a Circular Letter to the members of the congregation, earnestly intreating them to come forward in aid of the Society's funds. This was not then done; but the object of the letter is now realized in the formation of an

the members of the congregation, brother Lawson being Secretary, and brother E. Carey, Treasurer. And if all the brethren connected with the Society would exert themselves to form similar Auxiliary Societies, each at his respective station, that they might lessen the Society's expenses there, the funds of the Society could be employed elsewhere, and important good would result to the station itself.

Auxiliary Baptist Society, composed of


"The object of each Auxiliary Society should be, to aid the Society's exertions in India. As the Society, however, expend their money here, they of course require none to be sent to them; they are aided in the most effi cient manner when the monies raised at each station meet a part of its expenses. If one-half, or a fifth, or even a tenth of the missionary expenses at your station, were therefore met on the spot, the Society would, in that degree, be both aided and encouraged. And should you ever raise more than your own station requires, you may enjoy the unspeakable satisfaction of spreading the gospel around you.

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In offering this advice, far be it from us, dear brother, to assume any authority over you, or even to attempt to stand between you and the Society. Why should we? You must have all the labour of collecting the money at your station, and surely you, with the friends who raise it, being on the spot, know far better how to apply it profitably than we can at a distance from you. Further, all the Society's missionaries are equal, and equally dearto them. Correspond then immediately with the Society, dear brother, and cheer their hearts with an account of what you also are enabled to do in helping them from year to year: and encourage yourself by recollecting, that if you can find around you only seven persons able to subscribe each a rupee monthly, you will have the satisfaction of raising Ten Guineas annually, in aid of their praise-worthy exertions for India.

"You may perhaps find it useful to print a Report annually of the money you raise, with the names of the subscribers. Such a Report you have only to draw up and send us, and we will print it as a token of brotherly affection.

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This you can circulate in your neigh bourhood, and send a copy to the Society for insertion in the Periodical Accounts. And how will it delight the Society thus to witness every one of their missionaries sharing their labours, and each bringing from his own station what the Lord shall give him there! How will it encourage the friends to increased exertion at home, when they contem plate the various Auxiliary Societies formed in India with the same object in view! And what a rich re-action will be produced in India, when the Periodical Accounts, containing the aggregate of the whole done in India and Britain, shall be read at each station! As before said, the friends at the Lal Baazar Chapel have already begun, and probably those in Fort William will follow. We would indeed now do it at Serampore-but the fact in reality is, that we have done it for many years, not only with a view to supporting our own station, but to propagating the gospel throughout India; but our drawing the funds almost wholly from our own labour, and thus being ourselves both subscribers and Committee, has rendered it needless, and therefore ostentatious to publish annually an account of what we do. Be encouraged then, dear brother, and the Lord will be with you; and if each of the Society's missionaries in India thus form an Auxiliary Society around himself, however small it may be, we may hope, through the Divine blessing, to see the Mission not only established in India, but in a few years increased to double, and even treble its present extent and efficiency.

"We are, dear brother, your affectionate brethren and fellow-helpers,



Extract of a Letter from the Rev. John Chamberlain, to the Same.

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"Mongyhr, April 1, 1818. My Dear Brother,-Well, you will say, what prospects have you? What have you been doing? What shall I say? I will tell you all I can. In last November, my family and I went to Diggah, to meet our dear friend Mrs. W. from Agra, who came all that way (400 miles) to follow her Lord in his appointed way. Then I had the happiness to baptize a person, whom I can look upon as the fruit of my former labours. A letter from her, received to-day, says, that she went on her way rejoicing' all

the way home again; and in her journey distributed about 700 gospels and pamphlets amongst the people in the towns and villages by the river side. I rejoice in this, as my work is thus carried on by others, while I am engaged in another department.

"On the 27th of December, (1817,) Glory be to God, Hingham Misser, a native, was baptized in the Ganges, just below our house. His conversion and baptism have made a great stir among the natives. On the day he was baptized, some said, ' Monghyr's Kanak Kata gye:' i. e. ' Monghyr's nose is cut off.' By which expressive phrase, great disgrace is intended. Hingham Misser is a Brahman, of very respectable cast and connexions. He had been employed as a reader of the scriptures for more than twelve months, during which time he had shewn such an attachment to Christianity, as to separate himself from all his connexions. He was visited by illness for some months, during which time none of his relations cared for him: none called to see him. On his recovering, he was enabled to make a profession of his faith in Christ, before many witnesses: to do which, he has left a wife and five or six children, and his home. Two lads, his eldest sons, saw him baptized in the river as though they saw him burned, and they have not spoken to him since: they may be twelve or fourteen years of age. To one of them the father sent a pair of shoes, which he threw away with contempt. The relations unite to support the family, and many others unite with them to preserve the whole from be coming Christians. I suspect, however, that this will not last long: the benevo lence of a native is seldom a perennial stream. Of all the professions of Christianity, which have been in this country, few have been attended with such triumphant circumstances as this has been, Hingham Missar is a very meek man, very humble, very diligent, and of a good understanding in the scriptures; he is daily employed in the instruction of the people here, amongst whom he boldly declares his profession, and meets with more attention than in his circumstances could have been expected. Brindabun, our aged native brother, has been greatly encouraged by this instance of Divine favour. He is now gone to Diggah, in company with Nygunsookh, a young man who was baptized about a fortnight ago. He was sent by the brethren from Diggah for instruction, and remained here upwards of two months: he was originally from Joypore. We have one inquirer whom Brindabun and

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