



Affection traced to its source, the benevolence of God.

In Creation. In the happiness of Paradise-enduing man with powers of reason-with the gift of speech-and in the wonderful conformations of nature.

In Providence. In the common blessings of life-in fitting the mind for perceptions of beauty and sublimity-in fixing so strongly the desire of happiness-in the appointment of a Sabbath of rest-in the sympathetic feelings-in the pleasures of religion-particularly in times of distress-in the support it renders to the martyr at the stake.-Apostrophe to England.-Bigotry inconsistent with Christianity.

In Redemption.-Commencing with the prophecies and promises-flowing with increasing strength till their accomplishment in the Saviour of the world.-What benevolence in his life and actions-at the marriage of Cana-in his mild reproof to his sleeping disciples-at the grave of Lazarus-in the happy effects of Christianity-abolishing human sacrifices-and in promoting all the charities of life.-Mary at the sepulchre, an Episode. On the comforts which Christianity affords in adversity-under the loss of friends by death.-1 he deaths of Socrates and Addison compared.

But the benevolence of the Deity towards the human race shines forth most gloriously in the happiness and durability of heaven, and the new powers with which man will there be invested.

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O THAT the muse could mount eternal heights,
And to its primal source affection trace!
Which, when the councils of Almighty power

Had fix'd the blest resolve, and bid yon sun,

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