Collected worksOxford University Press, 1986 - 474 ページ Kurt Godel (1906-1978) was the most outstanding logician of the 20th century. This second volume of Godel's works collects the remainder of his published work, covering the period 1938-1974. Each article or closely related group of articles is preceded by an introductory note that elucidates it and places it in its historical context. |
Gödels life and work by Solomon Feferman | 1 |
Review of von Juhos 1930 | 8 |
A Gödel chronology by John W Dawson Jr | 37 |
Introductory note to 1929 1930 and 1930a | 44 |
Introductory note to 1932 by A S Troelstra | 53 |
See introductory note under Gödel 1929 | 102 |
See introductory note under Gödel 1929 | 124 |
See introductory note under Gödel 1930b | 144 |
Review of Dingler 1931 | 265 |
Introductory note to 1933b c d g and | 272 |
See introductory note under Gödel 1933b | 278 |
Introductory note to 1933f by A S Troelstra | 296 |
See introductory note under Gödel 1933b | 302 |
Review of Kaczmarz 1932 | 327 |
Review of Hahn 1932 | 333 |
On undecidable propositions of formal mathematical systems | 346 |
Introductory note to 1931a 1932e ƒ and | 196 |
Review of Neder 1931 | 205 |
Review of Betsch 1926 | 215 |
Zum intuitionistischen Aussagenkalkül | 222 |
See introductory note under Gödel 1930b | 234 |
See introductory note under Gödel 1931a | 247 |
Review of Hoensbroech 1931 | 253 |
Review of Kalmár 1932 | 259 |
Ackermann arithmetic Ausdruck axiom of choice axiom system axiomatic set theory Axiomen Begriffe beliebige Bernays Beweis beweisbar consistency consistency proofs continuum hypothesis daher decision problem defined definition denumerable domain E-complex Einsetzung elements endlich Entscheidungsproblem entweder equivalent erfüllbar ergibt expression ferner finitary folgende folgenden folgt formal system formula free variable functional variables Funktionen gibt gilt Gödel number hence Herbrand Hilbert Hilbert's program Hilfssatz ibid incompleteness introductory note intuitionistic Jean van Heijenoort journal of symbolic Klasse Kleene Kurt Gödel Lemma Logik logischen mathematics Mathematik Menger metamathematical natural numbers natürliche Zahlen Neumann notion number theory predicate primitive recursive Principia mathematica problem proof propositional calculus provable proved quantifiers recursive functions refutable rekursiv relation rules of inference satisfiable Satz Sätze set theory Skolem soll symbolic logic Tarski theorem tion translation undecidable propositions universal quantifiers Variablen w-consistent widerlegbar wobei Zahl Zeichen zwei