The Compleat Gamester: Or, Full and Easy Instructions for Playing at Above Twenty Several Games Upon the Cards with Variety of Diverting Fancies and Tricks Upon the Same Now First Added ; as Likewise at All the Games on the Tables, Together with the Royal Game of Chess and BilliardsJ. Wilford, 1725 - 224 ページ |
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a-piece Advantage Adverſary Adverſary's adverſe aforesaid alſo Ball becauſe beſt Cards Bishop Bishop's Pawn Check chuſe cloſe Cock confiderable Courſe deal Deuce Dice Doublets Draught eight elſe Eſtate Exerciſe faid fame fince fingle firſt five fome four four Aces fuch fure Game Gameſters give Gleek Ground guards Hand hath Hazard Horſe King King's Pawn Knave Knight laſt LASTLY leſs lofing loft loſe loſeth Mate Money moſt muft muſt nine Number obſerve Pair Royal paſs Pawn Perſon Piece Place plaid play play'd Player pleaſe Pleaſure preſently Punter purpoſe Putt Quater Queen reaſon reckon reft reſt Rook Ruff Ruff and Honours ſame ſay ſecond ſeen ſelf Sequences ſet ſeven ſeveral ſhall ſhew ſhould ſmall ſmooth ſome ſometimes Stake ſtand ſtill ſtop ſtrike ſtrong ſuch Table Talliere ther theſe third Houſe thirty thoſe throws Trey Tricks Trumps turned twelve unleſs uſe wins