
their horses seized; but at the intercession of the bishop of Paris, and because they had advised peace, they were set at liberty, and had their effects returned to them. About eight o'clock on the Monday morning, the king, by sound. of trumpet, dismissed Tanneguy du

[graphic][merged small]

Chatel from the provostship of Paris, and appointed le veau de Bar*, bailiff of Auxois, in his stead. In short, all the king's ministers, the members of the different courts of justice, and all the citizens of rank who were attached to the Armagnacs, were plundered and made prisoners, or cruelly murdered. It was also proclaimed throughout the streets, in the king's name, by sound of trumpet, that all persons of either sex who should know of any of the Armagnac party being hidden or disguised must, on pain of confiscation of their property, instantly denounce them to the provost of Paris, or to some of the captains of the men-atarms. In consequence, the poor man, in whose house the constable was hidden, went to inform the provost of it, who instantly returned with him, and found the constable as he had said. The provost made him mount him behind him, and carried him to the palace with other prisoners.

While these things were passing, Tanneguy du Chatel sent away Charles duke of Touraine and dauphin, by the bridge of Charenton, to Corbeil, Melun, and to Montargis: he at the same time despatched messengers to the leaders of his party to hasten to his succour with as many men-at-arms as they could collect. The lord de l'Isle-Adam and the other great lords were not dilatory in summoning their party, from Picardy and elsewhere, to join them with speed in Paris; and in a few days very great numbers came thither. Early in the morning of the Wednesday following the capture of Paris, the marshal de Rieux+, the lord de Barbasan, and Tanneguy du Chatel, with sixteen hundred combatants, picked men, entered Paris by the gate of St. Anthony in hopes of conquering it. A party of them went by the back way to

*Named Guy de Bar in the list of officers of the


† Peter, marshal de Rieux, third son of John, lord of

Rieux and Rochefort, who died marshal in 1417. His brothers were, John III., lord de Rieux, Giles, and Michael, lord of Chasteauneuf.

the hotel de St. Pol, thinking to take and carry off the king; but, on the preceding day, he and all his household had been conducted to the castle of the Louvre. The remainder, with displayed banners, marched through the streets as far as the hotel de l'Ours, shouting, "Long live the king, the dauphin, and the constable d'Armagnac!" This cry instantly brought forth a great number of the Parisians in arms, with the new provost of Paris, the lord de l'Isle-Adam, and all the other men at-arms within Paris, to offer them combat. A very severe battle took place; but in the end, from the multitudes of Parisians coming upon them on all sides, the marshal de Rieux and his men were forced to retreat toward the bastille, but not without heavy loss; for there remained dead on the field of battle from three to four hundred of his best men. On the side of the Parisians about forty were killed, and among them was a gentleman, called Harpin de Guoy, attached to the lord de l'Isle-Adam. After this, Barbasan and Tanneguy du Chatel, seeing their cause for the present hopeless, placed a sufficient garrison in the bastille, and departed; some to Meaux-en-Brie, others to Corbeil, to Melun, and to different towns that were under their obedience.

On the Thursday following, Hector and Philip de Saveuses arrived in Paris with two hundred combatants. The lords within that city were rejoiced at their coming, and quartered them at the Tournelles, and in different houses facing the bastille, wherein there was still a garrison of the Armagnacs. On the Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and the eight ensuing days, the greater part of the captains of Picardy arrived at Paris with their men-at-arms; such as sir John de Luxembourg, the lord de Fosseux and his brothers, sir Janet de Poix, the lord de Cohen, and many more, expecting to find much gain in that city; but the majority were greatly disappointed, and were forced to pay their own expenses. Those of the Armagnacs who had fallen in battle were flung into carts, and carried by the public executioner out of Paris and buried in the fields, while the Parisians that had been slain were handsomely interred in consecrated ground.

All Paris now wore the badge of the duke of Burgundy, namely, a Saint Andrew's cross, which had of late been held in much contempt. On the Saturday, those within the bastille, seeing it was but lost time to remain there, entered into a treaty with the lord de l'IsleAdam and the other lords in Paris, that they would surrender the bastille if they were permitted to march away in safety. This was accepted; and, on passports being granted them, they departed. The lord de Canny, who had remained a prisoner in the bastille ever since his return from his embassy from the king to the duke of Burgundy, as has been before mentioned, was nominated governor thereof by the king and the duke of Burgundy.


ABOUT this time, by orders from the king, Hector and Philip de Saveuses, and the lord de Crevecœur*, were despatched with their men-at-arms toward Compiegne and the adjoining castles. On their coming before Compiegne, they concluded a treaty, that all who were of the Armagnac party should depart in safety with their effects; and that the other inhabitants of the town, who would swear allegiance to the king and the duke of Burgundy, should remain unmolested. In like manner were surrendered to them the town and castle of Creil, St. Maixence, Mouchy le Piereux, Pont-a-Choisy, and other places, in which they placed garrisons of their own men. Noyon submitted to the obedience of the king and the duke by means of the lord de Genly †, and le Plaisser by sir John de Roye‡. Laon, Corbeil, Soissons, Chauny-sur-Oise, and Gisors, also submitted.

In the town of Creil, a gentleman called le Begue de Groches was appointed governor; but only eight men entered that town. In the castle were, the count de Ventadour §, the James de Crevecœur, lord of Thois, Thiennes, &c., Roye, mentioned by Froissart. gentleman to the duke of Burgundy, son of John, lord of Crevecoeur and Blanche de Saveuse, and educated to arms under Robert de Saveuse.

+ Genly. Q. if not Genlis.

§ James, count de Ventadour, grandson of Bernard, in whose favour the viscounty was enlarged into a county. It was a very ancient family, descended from the viscounts of Combour of the tenth century, and the yet older counts

John III., lord of Roye, son of Matthew, lord of of Quercy.

lord de Chateau-morant, and sir Charles de Saint Saulieu, with a certain number of men-atarms attached to the party of the Armagnacs; but they were forced to surrender it by le Begue de Groches and the commonalty of the town, on condition of their lives and fortunes being spared, and le Begue de Groches remained governor of the castle and town for a long time. I must not forget to say something of Perrinet le Clerc and his companions, who had delivered up the city of Paris to the Burgundians. They were at first in great authority, and lived in high state; but in the end they became as poor and as wicked as they had been before.

When the inhabitants of Peronne, who had been strongly attached to the king, the dauphin, and the count d'Armagnac, heard of the capture of Paris, and of the surrender of so many towns and castles, they were much astonished and alarmed, considering that they were so near to the territories of the duke of Burgundy, lest they should have their town taken by storm, or besieged. They therefore resolved to send a deputation to the count de Charolois, to propose submitting themselves to the obedience of the king and the duke. They in consequence sent ambassadors for this purpose, although sir Thomas de Lersies, bailiff of the Vermandois, exhorted them to keep steady to the dauphin. These ambassadors, namely, master Oudard Cuperel, a canon of St. Foursy, and others, treated so successfully with the count de Charolois and his ministers that the town was surrendered to the duke. Notwithstanding the magistrates and inhabitants had promised not to conclude any treaty that should be prejudicial to sir Thomas de Lersies, he was arrested, carried to Laon, and beheaded. In like manner were executed John de Bervenucourt, his lieutenant, and Alard de Vercuigneul.


ABOUT four o'clock on the 12th day of June, the populace of Paris rose to the amount of about sixty thousand, fearing (as they said) that the prisoners would be set at liberty, although the new provost of Paris, and other lords, assured them to the contrary. They were armed with old mallets, hatchets, staves, and other disorderly weapons, and paraded through the streets, shouting, "Long live the king and the duke of Burgundy!" towards the different prisons in Paris, namely, the Palace, St. Magloire, St. Martin des Champs, the Châtelet, the Temple, and to other places wherein any prisoners were confined. They forced open all their doors and killed Chepier and Chepiere*, with the whole of the prisoners, to the amount of sixteen hundred, or thereabout; the principal of whom were the count d'Armagnac constable of France, master Henry de Marle chancellor to the king, the bishops of Coutances, of Bayeux, of Evreux, of Senlis, of Saintes, the count de Grand Pré, Raymonnet de la Guerre, the abbot de St. Conille de Compiegne, sir Hector de Chartres, sir Enguerrand de Marcoignet, Charlot Poupart, master of the king's wardrobe, the members of the courts of justice and of the treasury, and in general all they could find: among the number were several even of the Burgundian party confined for debt.

In this massacre several women were killed, and left on the spot where they had been put to death. This cruel butchery lasted till ten o'clock in the morning of the following day. Those confined in the grand Châtelet, having arms, defended themselves valiantly, and slew many of the populace; but on the morrow, by means of fire and smoke, they were conquered, and the mob made many of them leap from the battlements of the towers, when they were received on the points of the spears of those in the streets and cruelly mangled. At this dreadful business were present, the new provost of Paris, sir John de Luxembourg, the lord de Fosseux, the lord de l'Isle-Adam, the vidame of Amiens, the lord de Chevreuse, the lord de Chastellus, the lord de Cohen, sir James de Harcourt, sir Emond de Lombers, the lord d'Auxois, and others, to the amount of upward of a thousand combatants armed and on horseback, ready to defend the murderers should there be any necessity.

Many were shocked and astonished at such cruel conduct; but they dared not say anything, except "Well done, my boys!" The bodies of the constable, the chancellor, and of *These were probably the jailer and his wife.

Raymonnet de la Guerre, were stripped naked, tied together with a cord, and dragged for three days by the blackguards of Paris through the streets. The body of the constable had the breadth of two fingers of his skin cut off crosswise, like to a bend in heraldry, by way of derision; and they were thus publicly exposed quite naked to the sight of all; on the fourth day, they were dragged out of Paris on a hurdle, and buried with the others in a ditch called la Louviere. Notwithstanding the great lords after this took much pains to pacify the populace, and remonstrated with them that they ought to allow the king's justice to take its regular course against offenders, they would not desist, but went in great crowds to the houses of such as had favoured the Armagnacs, or of those whom they disliked, and killed them without mercy, carrying away all they could find. In these times it was enough if one man hated another at Paris, of whatever rank he might be, Burgundian or not, to say, "There goes an Armagnac,” and he was instantly put to death without further inquiry being made.




WHEN news of the capture of Paris, and of the submission of so many towns and castles, was carried to the duke of Burgundy in Dijon, he was greatly rejoiced, and collecting in haste a body of men, went to the queen at Troyes, where he was magnificently received. He gave orders for preparations to be instantly made for the queen's journey to Paris, and summoned men-at-arms from all quarters to attend her. Sir John de Luxembourg, the lord de Fosseux, with other captains from Picardy, and about a thousand combatants, went to meet him so far as Troyes. The duke first heard when at Troyes of the massacre of the count d'Armagnac and the other prisoners at Paris, which angered him greatly; for he had planned by their means, and by offering them their liberty, to gain possession of the person of the dauphin, and of all the towns and castles held by the Armagnacs.


On the 2nd day of July, the queen and the duke of Burgundy set out from Troyes for Paris in grand array, the Picards, under the command of John de Luxembourg, forming the vanguard. The duke, with his battalion, conducted the queen, taking their road through Nogent-sur Seine and Provins. On the 14th day of the same month they entered Paris, attended by an immense crowd of armed men and displayed banners. Six hundred of the Parisians went out to meet the queen and the duke, dressed in blue jackets, having thereon a St. Andrew's cross, which they had worn for some time. They presented the duke and his nephew the young count de St. Pol with two robes of blue velvet, which they put on, and thus made their entry through the gate of St. Anthony. They were received in Paris with the greatest joy: carols were sung in all quarters, and flowers were thrown in abundance on the carriage of the queen, and on the lords who accompanied her, from all the upper windows in the streets they passed through. The duke of Burgundy escorted the queen to the hotel de St. Pol, where the king resided, who gave to both of them a most welcome reception.

Shortly after, many great councils were holden by the duke and other lords, on the present state of the kingdom and on its government. At their conclusion, the king, to please the duke of Burgundy, created several new officers: the lords de l'Isle-Adam* and de Chastellus † were made marshals of France, sir Robinet de Mailly grand butler, sir Charles de Lens§ admiral of France, although the king had a little before nominated sir Jenet de Poix to that office, and he for a short time bore the title of admiral: master Eustace de Lactre was appointed chancellor of France, and master Philip de Morvillers first president of the parliament. The duke of Burgundy was made governor of Paris, and chose sir Charles de Lens as his lieutenant. Many great changes were made, with which the king seemed satisfied, and granted everything that was asked by those who had the government of him.

grand butlers; but John de Neufchastel, lord of Mon

* John de Villiers, lord of l'Isle-Adam. Claud de Beauvoir, lord de Chastellus, brother of tagu, seems to have enjoyed the office from this year, George de Chastellus, admiral in 1420.

I do not find the name of Mailly in the catalogue of


§ Charles de Récourt, lord of Lens, admiral in 1418.

In these days (as it was commonly believed by orders of sir John de Luxembourg), Jean Bertrand, governor of St. Dennis, was put to death at La Chapelle, between Paris and St. Dennis. He had been one of the leaders of the companies with sir Gastelin Vas, Jean de Guigny, and Jean de Clau, and was a butcher. The Parisians were greatly exasperated at his death, and issued out in crowds to find and punish his murderers, but in vain,—for, having performed the deed, they hastened to escape. They made loud complaints of it to the duke of Burgundy, who demanded of sir John de Luxembourg if he had been the author of this murder; and he replied that he was not. It was afterwards known, that the perpetrators of it were principally Lyonnet de Vendôme, and the bastard de Robais, with about twelve other wicked fellows as their accomplices.


AT this period, pope Martin, with the consent of the holy council of Constance, adjourned that council to the month of April in the year 1423, to be held in a convenient city, which should be named by him or his successor in proper time. The pope then departed from Constance, and was conducted from the palace of the bishop by Sigismund emperor of Germany and king of Bohemia, walking on foot, and holding the bridle of his mule. When he was without the town, the pope mounted his horse and went to Geneva, where he held his court for three months.

At this same time, king Henry of England advanced to Louviers in Normandy, which had submitted to his obedience, and thence went to quarter himself at the abbey of Bomport, of the order of Cisteaux*, very near to Pont de l'Arche, of which place sir John de Graville was governor for the king of France. King Henry sent sir John de Cornwall to summon him to surrender it, but the lord de Graville replied that he would not: upon which Cornwall said, "Graville, I pledge my word, that in spite of you or of your men I will cross the Seine. Should I do so, you shall give me the best courser you have; and if I fail, I will present you with my helmet of steel, which I will prove to be worth five hundred nobles." After this conversation and engagement, they parted mutually pleased with each other. Sir John de Graville sent in haste to all parts for reinforcements of menat-arms to guard the fords of the river, and among them came sir James de Harcourt, who happened at that time to be at Estampigny. Several other gentlemen and many lords came to his aid, to the amount of eight hundred combatants, and full twelve thousand of the common people. On the morrow, as Cornwall had promised, he came to the banks of the Seine, and embarked on board eight small boats, attended by his son, fifteen years of age, sixty combatants, one single horse, some small cannons, and military stores: he made for a little island that was in the middle of the stream, whence he could fire at the enemy who guarded the opposite shore. But although the French were so many as I have said, they did not even attempt to make any defence, but instantly fled in the utmost disorder, every man escaping as well as he could.

Sir John de Graville returned to Pont de l'Arche, sir James de Harcourt to Estampigny, and the commonalty fled to the woods. Sir John de Cornwall and his men seeing all this from the island re-embarked in their boats, and landed without opposition. He immediately created his son a knight; and shortly after, others of the English crossed also in these boats, to the number of about a thousand combatants, part of whom followed sir John de Cornwall, to skirmish before Pont de l'Arche, and the rest scoured the country round. Sir John de Cornwall addressed sir John de Graville, and said, that he and his countrymen had badly acquitted themselves, to suffer him and his small company to cross the river, when they were so very numerous, declaring, that if he had been in his situation with only his sixty English, he would have defended the landing against the united forces of the kings of France and of England. When the English who had passed the river were re-assembled, they *Cisteaux, an order of white friars, (instituted in the year 1090,) who under their uppermost white habit wear a black one and red shoes.-Cotgrave.

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