
sedulous, traitorous, treachous, tyrannous, venomous, vigorous, villainous, adventurous, adulterous, ambiguous, blasphemous, dolorous, fortuitous, sonorous, gluttonous, gratuitous, incredulous, lecherous, libidinous, mag nanimous, obstreperous, odoriferous, ponderous, ravenous, rigorous, slan derous, solicitous, timorous, valorous, unanimous, calamitous. Allowable rhymes, the nouns use, abuse, diffuse, excuse, the verb to loose, and the nouns, goose, deuce, juice, truce, &c., close, dose, house, mouse, &c. USE, with the s pure.

The nouns use, disuse, abuse, deuce, truce. Perfect rhymes, the verb to loose, the nouns, goose, noose, moose. Allowable rhymes, us, thus, buss, &c. USE, sounded UZE.

Muse, the verbs to use, abuse, amuse, diffuse, excuse, infuse, misuse, peruse, refuse, suffuse, transfuse, accuse. Perfect rhymes, bruise, and the plurals of nouns and third persons singular of verbs in ew, and ue, as dews, imbues, &c. Allowable rhymes, buzz, does, &c.


Blush, brush, crush, gush, flush, rush, hush. Allowable rhymes, bush, push.

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Bust, crust, dust, just, must, lust, rust, thrust, trust, adjust, adust, disgust, distrust, intrust, mistrust, robust, unjust. Perfect rhymes, the preterits and participles of verbs in uss, as trussed, discussed, &c.


But, butt, cut, hut, gut, glut, jut, nut, shut, strut, englut, rut, scut, slut smut, abut. Perfect rhyme, soot. Allowable rhymes, boot, &c., dispute, &c. boat, &c.


Hutch, crutch, Dutch. Perfect rhymes, much, such, touch, &c.


Brute, lute, flute, mute, acute, compute, confute, dispute, dilute, depute, impute, miuute, pollute, refute, repute, salute, absolute, attribute, constitute, destitute, dissolute, execute, institute, irresolute, persecute, prosecute, pros titute, resolute, substitute. Perfect rhymes, fruit, recruit, &c. Allowable rhymes, boot, &c., boat, &c., note, &c., hut, &c.


Flux, reflux, &c. Perfect rhymes, the plurals of nouns and third persons of verbs in uck, as ducks, trucks, &c. Allowable rhymes, the plurals of nouns and third persons of verbs in ook, uke, oak, &c., as cooks, pukes, oaks, &c.

Y, see IE.

[It is suggested here, that the student be exercised in finding rhymes to a few words proposed by the teacher, and in his presence; and that this be done without the aid of the preceding vocabulary. After the student has exercised his own inventive powers, he may then be permitted to inspect the vocabulary. Such an exercise, if it subserve no other purpose will be found useful in giving command of language.]

In humorous pieces, the poet sometimes takes great liberties in his rhymes; aiming at drollery in the form, as well as the matter of his verse. The following tale exemplifies this remark, particularly in the 33d and 36th lines, where the expression "paws off, he" is made to rhym's with the word " 'philosophy"; and below, "weeping" and "deep in"; "fit. ting" and "bit in"; "divine as" and "Aquinas"; sully verse" and " Gullivers"; "few so "and" Crusoe "; "said he" and "ready"; "home as and "Thomas"; me as ""ideas"; "suffice it her" and "eyes at her" matter he" and "battery"; "brought her" and "water," &c.

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Although the tale is rather long, it is thought that the introduction of the whole of it may afford instruction as well as amusement, as an example of this peculiar style.




"Hail! wedded love! mysterious tie!"

The Lady Jane was tall and slim,

The Lady Jane was fair,

Thomson-or Somebody.

And Sir Thomas, her lord, was stout of limb,

But his cough was short, and his eyes were dim,
And he wore green "specs," with a tortoise-shell rim,
And his hat was remarkably broad in the brim,
And she was uncommonly fond of him,

And they were a loving pair!

And the name and the fame

Of the Knight and his Dame,

Were ev'ry where hail'd with the loudest acclaim;
And wherever they went, or wherever they came,
Far and wide,

The people cried

Huzza! for the lord of this noble domain -
Huzza! Huzza! Huzza! -once again!

Encore Encore!

One cheer more!

All sorts of pleasure, and no sort of pain

To Sir Thomas the Good and the fair Lady Jane!

Now, Sir Thomas the Good,

Be it well understood,

Was a man of a very contemplative mood ·

He would pore by the hour

O'er a weed or a flower,

Or the slugs that come crawling out after a shower;
Black-beetles, and Bumble-bees, - Blue-bottle Flies,
And Moths were of no small account in his eyes;
An "Industrious Flea" he'd by no means despise,
While an "Old Daddy-long-legs," whose "long legs" and thighs
Pass'd the common in shape, or in color, or size,

He was wont to consider an absolute prize.

Nay, a hornet or wasp he could scarce "keep his paws off”— he
Gave up, in short,

Both business and sport,

And abandoned himself, tout entier, to Philosophy.
Now, as Lady Jane was tall and slim,
And Lady Jane was fair,

And a good many years the junior of him, -
And as she,

All agree,

Look'd less like her Mir,

As he walked by her side, than her Pere, *

There are some might be found entertaining & notiɔr
That such an entire and exclusive devotion
To that part of science folks call Entomology,
Was a positive shame,

And to such a fair Dame,

Really demanded some sort of apology;
No doubt it would vex

One half of the sex

To see their own husband, in horrid green "specs,"
Instead of enjoying a sociable chat,

Still poking his nose into this and to that,
At a gnat, or a bat, or a cat, or a rat,
Or great ugly things,

All legs and wings,

With nasty long tails arm'd with nasty long stings;
And they'd join such a log of a spouse to condemn,
One eternally thinking,

And blinking, and winking

At grubs, when he ought to be winking at them.
But no! - oh no!

'Twas by no means so

With the Lady Jane Ingoldsby-she, far discreeter,
And, having a temper more even, and sweeter,
Would never object to
Her spouse, in respect to
His poking and peeping
After "things creeping;

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Much less be still keeping lamenting and weeping
Or scolding, at what she perceived him so deep in.
Tout au contraire,

No lady so fair

Was e'er known to wear more contented an air;
And,-let who would call,-every day she was there,
Propounding receipts for some delicate fare,

Some toothsome conserve, of quince, apple, or pear,
Or distilling strong waters, or potting a hare,
Or counting her spoons, and her crockery-ware
Or else, her tambour-frame before her, with care
Embroidering a stool, or a back for a chair,
With needle-work roses, most cunning and rare,
Enough to make less gifted visters stare,

And declare, where'er

They had been, that "they ne'er

In their lives had seen ought that at all could compare
With dear Lady Jane's housewifery -

that they would swear.”

* My friend, Mr. Hood,

In his comical mood,

Would have probably styled the good Knight and his Lady
Lim-"Stern-old and Hop-kins," and her "Tete and Braidy.”

Nay more; don't suppose

With such doings as those

This account of her merits must come to a close;
No;- examine her conduct more closely, you'll find
She by no means neglected improving her mind;
For there, all the while, with air quite bewitching,
She sat herring-boning, tambouring, or stitching,
Or having an eye to affairs of the kitchen,
Close by her side,

Sat her kinsman M'Bride,

Her cousin, fourteen times removed as you'll see
If you look at the Ingoldsby family tree,
In Burke's Commoners," vol. 20, page 53.
All the papers I've read agree,

Too, with the pedigree,

Where, among the collateral branches, appears,
'Captain Dugald MacBride, Royal Scots-Fusileers
And I doubt if you'd find in the whole of his clan
A more highly intelligent, worthy young man,—
And there he'd be sitting,

While she was a knitting,

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Or hemming, or stitching, or darning and fitting,
Or putting a "gore or a gusset," or "bit" in,
Reading aloud, with a very grave look,

Some very "wise saw" from some very good book,

Some such pious divine as

St. Thomas Aquinas ;

Or, Equally charming

The works of Bellarmine;

Or else he unravels

The "voyages and travels"

Of Hackluytz-how sadly these Dutch names do sully verse
Purchas's, Hawksworth's or Lemuel Gulliver's

Not to name others 'mongst whom are few so
Admired as John Bunyan, and Robinson Crusoe, —
No matter who came

It was always the same,

The Captain was reading aloud to the dame,

Till, froin having gone through half the books on the shelf,
They were almost as wise as Sir Thomas himself.

Well, it happened one day,

I really can't say

The particular month-but I think 'twas in May,

'Twas, I know, in the Spring time, - when "Nature looks gay.” As the poet observes, and on treetop and spray


The dear little dickey birds carol away;

When the grass is so green, and the sun is so bright,
And all things are teeming with life and with light,

That the whole of the house was thrown into affright,

For no soul could conceive what had gone with the Knight
It seems he had taken,

An egg

A light breakfast - bacon,

with a little broiled haddock

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A round and a half of some hot butter'd toast,

With a slice of cold sirloin from yesterday's roast,
And then let me see!

He had two-perhaps three

Cups (with sugar and cream) of strong Gunpowder tea,
With a spoonful in each of some choice eau de vie,
Which with nine out of ten would perhaps disagree.
In fact, I and my son

Mix "black" with our "Hyson,"

Neither having the nerves of a bull or a bison,
And both hating brandy like what some call " pison."
No matter for that-

He had called for his hat,

With the brim that I've said was so broad and so flat,
And his "specs" with the tortoise-shell rim, and his cane,
With the crutch-handled top, which he used to sustain
His steps in his walks, and to poke in the shrubs

And the grass, when unearthing his worms and his grubs-
Thus armed, he set out on a ramble - alack!
He set out, poor dear Soul!

but he never came back!

"First" dinner-bell rang

Out its euphonious clang

At five-folks kept early hours then-and the "Last"
Ding-dong'd, as it ever was wont, at half-past.
While Betsey, and Sally,

And Thompson, the Valet,

And every one else was beginning to bless himself, Wondering the Knight had not come in to dress himself. Quoth Betsey, "Dear me! why the fish will be cold!" Quoth Sally, "Good gracious! how 'Missis' will scold!"-Thompson, the Valet,

Looked gravely at Sally,

As who should say, "Truth must not always be told!"
Then expressing a fear lest the Knight might take cold.
Thus exposed to the dews,

Lambs'-wool stockings, and shoes,

Of each a fresh pair,

He put down to air,

And hung a clean shirt to the fire on a chair

Still the Master was absent- the Cook came and said " he Much fear'd, as the dinner had been so long ready,

The roast and the boil'd

Would be all of it spoil'd,

And the puddings, her Ladyship thought such a treat,
He was morally sure, would be scarce fit to eat!"

This closed the debate.

""T would be folly to wait,"

Said the Lady, "Dish up! Let the meal be served straigh And let two or three slices be put in a plate,

And kept hot for Sir Thomas, He's lost, sure as fate!

And, a hundred to one, won't be home till it's late!"

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Captain Dugald MacBride then proceeded to face

The Lady at table, stood up, and said grace,·

Then set himself down in Sir Thomas's place.

Wearily, wearily, all that night,

That live-long night, did the hours go by
And the Lady Jane,

In grief and in pain,

She sat herself down to cry!

And Captain M'Bride

Who sat by her side


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