[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

CAMPBELL, Mrs. P., "My Life and

Some Letters," 26
British members of Parliament,
tour in, 14. Budget, [293]. Byng,
Lord, Governor General, opens
Parliament, [292]; tour, 16.
CATTLE, importation of, [295].
Commercial treaties, [297]. Cre-
rar, T. A., Leader of the Farmers'
Party, [292]; policy, [296].
FARMER Party, [292], [296]. IM-
MIGRATION, [297]. KING, M., at
Washington, [294]. LARKIN, Hon.
P. C., High Commissioner, [299].
Legislative measures, [294]. Le-
mieux, Hon. R., elected Speaker,
[292]. MANITOBA, [298]. NATIONAL
Defence Act, [294]. Near East,

contingents, [295]. ONTARIO,
Convention of the Farmers, [297].
PARLIAMENT opened, [292]; ad-
journed, [294]. SASKATCHEWAN,
[298]. TARIFF revision, [293].
Thornton, Sir H., Director of Rail-
ways, [296]. UNITED States, dip-
lomatic appointment, [295]. VIMY
Ridge, Memorial Park, [298].
WHEAT Board, [294]


"Annette and Bennett,"

36; "Sembal," 36

CAPUS, A., Obit., 170

CARDLER, E.," Abdication," 36
CARDUS, N., "A Cricketer's Book," 25
CARLIN, G., Obit., 151

CARLTON Club, meeting at the, [112]-

CARLYLE, A. J., "A History of Media-
val Political Theory in the West,"

CARRUTHERS, Dr. W., Obit., 151
CARSON, Lord, at Burton, [35]
CARSWELL, Mrs., "The Camomile,"

CAVALCANTI, Dr. A., Obit., 131
CAVE, Lord, Lord Chancellor, 94
CHAMBERLAIN, Rt. Hon. A., at Glasgow,

[2]; the Primrose League dinner,
[13]; Westminster, [21]; Oxford,
[32]; Birmingham, [110]; the
Carlton Club meeting, [113]
CHANCELLOR, E. B., "Memorials of
St. James' Street," 28

CHARLES, E. B., Chancellor of the
Diocese of Chelmsford, 10
Journey in the World: Antarctic,"

CHESS Tournament, 13

CHESTERTON, G. K., "The Ballad of
St. Barbara," 34; "The Man Who
Knew Too Much," 37

CHETWODE, Sir P., Adjutant-General to
the Forces, 11

CHILDERS, R. E., Obit., 172
CHILDS, Sir W., head of the Criminal
Investigation Department, 6

DEBT, amount of the, [256].
FINANCE, condition, [256]. Four
Power Consortium, result, [258].
HANKOW, Japanese troops, with-
drawn, [262] OPIUM traffic, sup-
pression, [257]. SHANTUNG settle-
ment, [258]. Sino Japanese
Agreement, [261]. TRADE, [257].
WANG Chung-hui, Dr., Prime
Minister, [256]. Washington
Treaties, result, [258], [261]. Wu
Pei-fu, General, Dictator, [256].
YEN, Dr. W. W., Prime Minister,
[256]; resignation, [256]
CHITA, Far-Eastern Republic, negotia.
tions with Japan, [263]-[265]
CHRISTIE, Sir W. H. M., Obit., 130
CHRISTMAS post, 19

CHURCHILL, Rt. Hon. W., at a Con-
ference of the Coalition Liberals,
[3]; on the Geddes Report, [5];
at Loughborough, [32]; North-
ampton, [35]; Dundee, [46]; con-
ference with Irish leaders, [57]
CITY Equitable Fire Insurance Co.
wound up, 4, 93

CLARKE, P., Recorder of Exeter, 10
CLUNET, E., Obit., 166

CLUTTON-BROCK, A. C., "Hamlet," 34
COAL, price of, 2, 11, 15; output, 91
COALITION Government, unpopularity,

[110], [112]; defence of, [110]-
[112]; defeated, [114]
COBBOLD, W. N., Obit., 142
COCHIN, D., Obit., 139

COKE, D.," Pamela Herself," 35, 55
COLLINS, General M., Obit., [100], 160
COLVIN, I., "Life of Jameson," 22, 46
COLYER, W. T., "Americanism: A
World Menace." 29

COMMERCE and Finance in 1922, 82-93
COMTESSE, R., Obit., 170

Cannes, [152], [161], [182], [266];
Geneva, [148]; Genoa, [152], [153],
[158], [163], [183], [193], [196],
[199], [203], [222], [224] [265],
[284]; Hague, [154], [155], [185],
[266], [284]; Lausanne, [186],
[203], [209], [214], [217], [224],
[246], [247], [266], [284], [288];
Marienbad, [196]; Mudania, [208],
[213]; Prague, [203]; Venice, [197],
[207]; Warsaw, [192]; Washing-
ton, [269], [293], [309], [314]
CONGREVE, General Sir W., General
Officer Commanding - in - Chief
Southern Command, 19

[ocr errors]

CONSTABLE, A. H. B., Solicitor-General
for Scotland, 6; Senator of H. M.
College of Justice, 12

COOCH BEHAR, Maharajah of, Obit.,

Cook, Sir J., High Commissioner for
Australia, in London, 2
COOPER, Sir E. E., Obit., 134

Rev. J., Obit., 178

CORBETT, Sir J. S., Obit., 164
CORYNDON, Sir R., Governor of Kenya,

COUNTY Council, London, election, 5;
new hall opened, 12

CRAWFORD, Lord, Member of the
Cabinet, 7; Minister of Transport,
CREWE, Lord, British Ambassador in
Paris, 17, 19


R., 8; Bevan, G. L., 18; Bigland,
R., 2, 4; Black, E., 3; Bottomley,
H., [92], 10; Dunn, R., [78];
Landru, 4; O'Sullivan, J., [78];
Peel, Capt. O., 6; True, R., 9
Criterion, The, 21

[ocr errors]

"CROWN Prince, Memoirs of the," 24
CUNNINGHAM, E., "Gypsying Through
Central America," 30
CURRENCY note issue, 87
CURZON, Lord, at Paris, [106], [108]
to, [176], [197]. BENES, Dr.,
Minister for Foreign Affairs,
[195]; scheme of reconstruction,
[196]. CROWN, value of the, [195].
POLAND, agreement with, [193].
Prague, meeting at, [196], [203].
RUSSIA, agreement with, [185],
[196]. SVEHLA, M., Prime Min-
ister, [195]. YUGO-Slavia, treaty
with, [196]. ZARA, treaty of,

Daily Herald, the [104]

DARK, S., "Life of Sir Arthur Pear-
son," 23

DARLINGTON, A. W., "Through the
Fourth Wall," 34, 49

DASGUPTER, S., "History of Indian
Philosophy," 31

DAVIDS, Prof. T. W. R., Obit., 178
DAVIDSON, Col. Sir A., Obit., 167
DAVIES, W. H., "The Hour of Magic,"


DAVINET, E., Obit., 154

DAVISON, H. P., Obit., 147

DAWSON, G., Editor of The Times, 19
DEAN, Prof. H. R., Professor of
Pathology at Cambridge, 14
DEATH-RATE, low, 13, 14
DEBT, national, 85

DELBRÜCK, Prof. H., "Ludendorffs
Selbstporträt," 23

DELITZSCH, Prof. F., Obit., 177
DENMARK.-BUILDING fund, [235].

EXPENDITURE, reduction, [233].
GREENLAND, wireless station,
[235]; administration of, [241].
LANDMANDS Bank, losses, [234].
MINISTRY, reconstructed, [235].
STRIKE, [234]. TRADE, [235].
UNEMPLOYMENT Relief Laws, re-
vision, [233]

DENNIS, G., "Mary Lee," 35
DENZA, L., Obit., 131

DEPEW, C., "My Memories of Eighty
Years," 25

DEPUTATIONS, received by, Barlow, Sir
M., [123]; Canterbury, Archbishop
of, 9; Law, B., [143]; Smith, Sir
A., [40]

DERBY, Dow. Countess of, Obit., 144
DESCHANEL, P., Obit., 147
DESCOUR, M., "Pasteur and His
Work," 23

DEVENTER, Sir J. L. van, Obit., 161
DEWAR, G. A. B., "Sir Douglas Haig's
Command," 27

DICEY, Prof. A. V., Obit., 142
DICKINSON, F. W., Obit., 162
DICKSON, Dr. H. N., Obit., 141
I. A., Obit,, 157

DICKSON, Lord, Obit., 156
"DICTIONARY of Applied Physics," 21,


DIELS, Prof. H., Obit., 151
DISARMAMENT, question of, [150]
DOBBIN, Mrs. A., Obit., 140
DODGSON, C., "Contemporary English
Woodcuts," 31; "The Etchings of
James McNeill Whistler," 31
DRAMA.-Comedies, 77; melodrama,

78; musical plays, 79; plays,
number of failures, 75-77; new, 76
DRINKWATER, J., "Preludes," 34
DUMARESQ, Rear-Adm. J. S., Obit., 155
DUNDAS, Lord, Obit., 134

DUNLOP, R., "Ireland from the Earli-
est Times to the Present Day,"

DUNRAVEN, Earl of, "Past Times and

Pastimes," 25

DUNSANY, Lord, "Plays of Near and
Far," 33

DUNTON, Mrs. W., "The Home Life
of Swinburne," 24


DUVAL, A., Obit., 136

DYOTT, G. M., "Silent Highways of the
Jungle," 30

EARTHQUAKES.-Chile, [300], 17;
Formosa, 14; Taupo, [316]; Tokio,
[259], 8

EATON, Sir J. C., Obit., 140
EBBW Vale steel works, closed, 15

Bishop of Coventry, 10. Chap-
man, Rev. Canon T., Bishop of
Colchester, 11. Church Congress,
at Sheffield, [109], 16. Convoca-
tion of Canterbury, meeting, 9, 18.
EVANGELICAL Free Churches,
Annual Assembly, in Liverpool, 5.
HEADLAM, Rev. Canon A. C.,
Bishop of Gloucester, 18. LAMBERT,
Ven. C. E., Rector of St. James',
Piccadilly, 12. MACKINTOSH,
Mons. D., Archbishop of Glasgow,
4. Masterman, Canon J. H. B.,
Suffragan Bishop of Plymouth, 16.
NATIONAL Assembly, report of the
Committee, 3. RIPON, Bishop of,
hon. degree conferred, 16. WEST-
MINSTER Abbey, gift of a Proces-
sional Cross, 19. Westminster,
Dean of, re-elected Prolocutor, 18
ECONOMY, problem of, [53]
EDDISON, E. R., "The Worm Ouro-
boros," 22, 36

EDGE, Sir W., Liberal Whip, resigna-

tion, [92]

EDMONDS, Brig.-Gen. J. E., "Military
Operations, France and Belgium,"


EGERTON, H. E., "British Colonial
Policy in the Twentieth Century,"

EGYPT.-ALLENBY, Lord, terms of
settlement, [281]; at Khartoum,
[282]. Assassinations, number of,
[281]. BRITISH Protectorate
terminated, [280], 5. Budget,
[282]. CONSTITUTION, the draft,
[281]. DESPATCH on the Status
of, 124. FUAD, Sultan, proclaimed
King, [281], 6. INDEPENDENCE,
grant of, [30], 6. LIBERAL Con-
stitutional Party, [282]. ROBSON,
Dr. W. N., murdered, 19. SARWAT
Pasha, terms, [280]; Prime
Minister, [281]; fall, [282].
TEWFIK Pasha Nessim, Prime
Minister, [282]

Egypt, case of, 14
ELECTION, General, nomination of
candidates, [118], 17; result of
polling, [120], 17
ELECTIONS.-Bodmin, 4; Borough,

17; Camberwell, 4; Cambridge,
6; Chertsey, 7; Clayton, 4; Gower,
13; Hackney, 14; Leicester, 7;
Liverpool, 6; London, 9; Ludlow,
1; Newbury, 11; Newport, [113],
16; North Down, 4; Nottingham,
12; Pontypridd, 13; Portsmouth,
19; Tamworth, 2; Wolverhamp-
ton, 5

ELIOT, T. S., "The Waste Land," 21
ELLERTON, Rear-Adm. W., Admiral
Superintendent of Gibraltar, 18
ELLIS & Co., Messrs., bankrupt, 4
ELWES, H. J., Obit., 173

EMPIRE Press Union, entertains Lord
Northcliffe, 9

EMPLOYERS' Federation, conference,
[39], [41], [59]

"ENCYCLOPEDIA Britannica," 21

Ethics," 31

of Religion and

ENGINEERING industry, conference,
[39]-[41]; dispute, [58]-[60]
ERRINGTON, F. H. L., Chancellor of
the Diocese of London, 9

ESHER, Lord, scheme for the reduction
of land forces, [150]
PENDENCE of, [188], 13. REVAL,
exhibitions, [189]

ESTIMATES.-Air, [38]; Army, [36];
Navy, [37], [86]

EVEREST, Mount, expedition, 7, 10, 11,


EWART, W., Obit., 179

EXCHANGE, foreign, 88-90
EYLES, Mrs. M. L., "Hidden Lives,"
37; "The Woman in the Little
House," 30

FALKENHAYN, Gen. E. von., Obit., 142
FARES in London, reduction, 17
FARINGDON, Lord, member of the
Geddes Committee, [14]
"FARINGTON Diary, The," 25
FAUDEL-PHILLIPS, Sir G, F., Obit,, 178

FEILDING, Major-General Sir G., Secre-
tary-General of the Order of St.
John of Jerusalem, 5
FINANCE and Commerce in 1922, 82-93
FINLAND.-DIET, elections, [189].

KALLIO Law, [189]. Karelian
question, [189]. RUSSIA, Treaty
with, [189]. SWEDEN, relations
with, [189]. TRADE, [189].
Turku University, [190]
FIRES.-Glasgow, 2; Hartlepool, 1;
Trent College, 12

FISHER, Rt. Hon. H. A. L., on educa-
tion, [33]

FIUME. [206]. GIURIATI, Signor,
Premier, [218]. ITALY, relations
with, [218]. ZANELLA, Signor,

demand for his recall, [218]
FLECKER, J. E., " Collected Prose," 33;

66 Hassan," 34, 48

FLEMING, Sir F., Obit., 174
FLOODS.-Sheffield, 13; Wales, 15
FLOUR, increase in the price of, 4
FOOD, price of, 82

FOOT-and-mouth disease, outbreak, 3
FORD, Prof. G. S., "Stein and the Era
of Reform in Russia," 28

Forum, The, 21

[ocr errors]

'FOUGASSE," "Drawn at a Venture,"

FOWLER, J. H., "Life and Letters of

Edward Lee Hicks," edited by, 23
FRANCE.-BANKERS, Conference of,
[154]. Briand, M., resignation,
[152], 2. CABINET, the new, [152].
Canada, commercial treaty with,
[297]. Cannes Conference, [152],
[161], [182], [266], 1. Clemenceau,
M., tour in the United States,
[288]. Colonial policy, [156].
ELECTIONS, Cantonal, [155].
FINANCE, deficit, [155]. Foreign
policy, [156]. GENOA Conference,
[153]. HAGUE Conference, [154],
[155]. Havre, strike at, [155].
MILLERAND, M., tour in Morocco,
[156], [276]. PARIS, Peace Confer-
ence, [106], [108]. Poincaré, M., on
the Reparations question, [95]-[97],
[162], [164]; at the Conference of
Prime Ministers, [139], 13; Prime
Minister, [152], 2; policy, [157];
plan of productive pledges,"
[169]. Poland, treaty with, [192].
Commercial Treaty with, [229].
Switzerland, Convention with,
[225]. Syria, cost of, [156]; ad-
ministration, [248]. TURKEY,
policy in, [106], [108], [156];
agreement with, [206]. UNITED
States, relations with, [288]
FRANCE, A., "On Life and Letters,"

FRASER, Sir E. D. H., Obit., 139.
FRAZER, Sir J. G., "The Golden
Bough," 31

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

GAS supply, 70

GAYAU, C.," Histoire Religieuse," 28
GEDDES Committee, report, [13]-[16],
[28]-[30], [53]

Sir E., at Sheffield, [51]; Presi-
dent of the Federation of British
Industries, 16

GELDART, Prof. W. M., Obit., 133
GENTLEMAN with a Duster, "Painted
Windows," 23

GEORGE V., H.M., King, opens Parlia-
ment, [16], [121]; inspection of
troops, 8; visit to Belgium, [220],
9; holds a Levée, 10; Birthday
Honours, 10; opens the new hall
of the London County Council,
12; reviews Territorial troops, 13

Rt. Hon. D. Lloyd, at a Na-
tional Liberal Conference, [4];
the Reparations Conference [95]-
[97]; the Manchester Reform
Club, [111]; resignation, [114], 16;
at Leeds, [114]; policy, [116]; in
London, [119]; at the Cannes
Conference, [182]; presented
with the freedom of Aberystwith,


Sir E., Obit., 174

W. L., “The Stiff Lip," 35
GERHARDI, W., "Futility," 36
GERMANY.-BAVARIA, opposition to
the Bill for the Protection of the
Republic, [173]. Bolsheviks,
treaty with, 8. Budget, [167].
CONTROL Commissions, [170].
Cuno, Dr., Prime Minister, [168],
18. DISARMAMENT, process of, [170].
GENOA Conference, [154], [163].
HARDEN, M., stabbed, [172].
Heligoland, autonomy, [174].
LEOPRECHTING, Freiherr v., trial,
[174]. Loan, international, [165].
MARK, fall in the value, [97],
[165]-[167], 12. Memel district,
[175]. Ministry, resign, [168]; the
new [168]. Moratorium, [166].
POLAND, agreement with, [171].
Protection of the Republic Bill,
[172]. RATHENAU, W., assas-

sinated, [165], [288], 153. Repara-
tions question, [138], [161]-[169];
payments, [157], 161], [165],
[170], 19. Republic, anniversary,
[174]. Rhineland occupied, [169].
Russia, agreement with, [164],
[171], [184], 8. SAAR district, [174].
Scheidemann, Herr, attempt on
his life, [172]. Silesia, Upper,
[171], [174]. Strikes, [172].
Switzerland, Treaty of Arbitra-
tion with, [225]. TREATIES con-
cluded, [171]. UNITED States,
relations with, [287]. WIRTH,
Herr, resignation, [168], 17
GIBSON, D. J., killed while racing, 13
GILBERT, B., " King Lear at Hordle,
and other Rural Plays," 33
GILKES, Rev. A. H., Obit., 164
GILL, Lieut.-Col. D. H., commanding
an anti-aircraft brigade, 14
GIOLITTI, Signor, "Memoirs," 24
GLAZEBROOK, Sir R., "A Dictionary

of Applied Physics," 21, 50
GLEICHEN, Lady F. G. M., Obit., 135
GLEN-COATS, Sir T., value of his estate,
15; Obit., 155


GLOVER, Dr. T. R., Progress in
Religion," 31
GLÜCKSTEIN, M., Obit., 166
GODDARD, A., Obit., 141
GODET, P., Obit., 165

GOFF, Col. R. C., Obit., 153
Golden Hind, The, 21

GOLDRING, D., "J. E. Fletcher," 24
GONNER, Sir E. C. K., Obit., 135
GOOCH, G. P., "The Cambridge History
of British Foreign Policy," edited
by, 28, 39

H. C., Vice-Chairman of the
London County Council, 5
GORDON, G. S., Merton Professor of
English Literature at Oxford, 13

I., "Modern French Painters,"
31; "Poor Folk in Spain," 30
GORE, Bishop, "Belief in Christ," 31
GORE-BROWNE, Sir F., Obit., 162
GOSFORD, Earl of, Obit., 143

GossE, E., "Aspects and Impressions,"


GOULD, Sir A. P., Obit., 145
GOUNARIS, M., Obit., 173

GRAHAME, R. B. C., "The Conquest

of New Granada," 28

GRANET, Sir G., member of the

Geddes Committee, [14]
emplary Theatre," 34
GRAVES, A., Obit., 132
GRAY, Dr. G. B., Obit., 170

matic relations, broken off, [215].
HUNGARY, Convention with, [198].
LITHUANIA, Commercial treaty
with, [191]. MESOPOTAMIA, treaty
with, 113-117. SPAIN, Commercial
treaty with, [229]

GREECE.-ANDREW, Prince, arrested,
[214]; banished, [215]. Armistice
signed, [208], [213]. CONSTANTINE,
King, abdication, [106], [213].
GEORGE II, King, accession, [213].
Gonatas, Colonel, head of the
Revolutionary Committee, [213];
Premier, [214]. Gounaris, M.,
resignation, [211]; arrested, [213];
executed, [215], 173. Great
Britain, diplomatic relations
broken off, [215]. HADJIANESTIS,
General, Commander-in-Chief of
the Army, [211]; arrested, [214];
executed, [215], 174. MARTIAL
law proclaimed, [212]. Meta-
xakes, Mgr., interned, [210].
Ministers arrested, [214]; exe-
cuted, [215]. Mudania Confer-
ence, [208], [213]. PROTOPAPADAKIS,
M., Premier, [211]; arrested,
[213]; executed, [215], 174.
STRATOS, M., Premier, [211];
arrested, [213]; executed, [215],

Premier, [212]. Troops revolt,
[106], [212]. Turkey, military
operations against, [108], [206]-
[208], [211], [212]; atrocities, [53],
[289]; negotiations for peace, [210],
[213]. VENEZELOS, M., at the
Lausanne conference, [214].

ZAIMES, M., Premier, [213];
resignation, [214]

GREEN, Mrs. M., Obit., 178
GREGORY, J., Obit., 149

Lady, "The Image and Other
Plays," 33


[ocr errors]

The Farington Diary,"
edited by, 25

GREY, Lord, of Fallodon, on relations
with France, [4]; at Newcastle,
[90]; in London, [119]
GRIFFITH, A., Obit., [99], 158
GRIFFITHS, J. G., Obit., 171
GROVE-HILLS, Colonel E., Obit., 166
GUARDIANS, Boards of, elections, 7
GUEDALLA, P., "The Second Empire,"
28, 38

GUEST, Captain, Secretary of State for
Air, [38]

GUGGENHEIM, I., Obit., 167

GUISE, A. V. L., "Six Years in Bolivia,"

GUNDOLF, F., "Kleist," 24

HADDON, A., "Green Room Gossip,"

HADJIANESTIS, General, Obit., 174
HAIG, Field-Marshal Earl, Chancellor
of St. Andrews University, 3;
unveils memorial at Sheffield,

HALDANE, Viscount, "The Philosophy
of Humanism," 31
HALL, S. P., Obit., 176

HALLER, J., "Die Aera Bülow," 28

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