
This proverb is used to incite any one to the performance of noble dee:ls. It means, a man's actions, not his talk and boasting, are what people judge of his greatness by.

Kuhlangene isanga nenkohla.
The wɔnderful and the impossible have come into collision.
A saying applied to any intricate question.
Yinkungu nelanga.
The mist and the sun are together.
A saying denoting a very great number.
Lunyawo lwemfene.
It is the foot of a baboon.
A saying denoting a treacherous person.
Sova singasemoyeni.
We will hear, we are on the side towards which the wind blows
A saying denoting we will soon know all that is transpiring.
Umke namangabangaba aselwandhle.
He has gone in pursuit of the (fabulous) birds of the sea.

A saying applied to any one who is very ambitious, but whose aspirations are never likely to be realized.

Umona wasemlungwini ubandeza icitywa ungaliqabi.

The envy of the Europeans causes them to prevent people from getting red clay from the pit, and they do not use it.

This saying is used of Europeans to denote that they act as the dog in the inanger towards the Kaffirs. It has unfortunately become a very common expression.

Usela ngendebe endala,
You drink out of the old cup.

The indebe is a drinking vessel made of rushes. The saying is used to a wealthy man, and means, you use a vessel handed down to you from your ancestors.

Ukascla eziko.
You are creeping on your knees to the fireplace.

This saying is used as a warning to any one who is following a course that must lead to ruin. It is as is one said, you are like an infant creeping towards the fire circle (in the middle of a Kaffir hut) and who will be burnt.

Ukuhlinza impuku.

To skin a mouse.

A saying which implies to do anything secretly. A mouse can be skinned without any one seeing it, but an ox not.

Yeyele ngelomkono.
It has stuck fast by one of the front legs.

This saying is used when it is resolved to undertake any matter of importance. An animal cannot extricate itself easily when fast by one of its front legs.

Ugqada mbekweni.

One who cats the remains of a meal without first obtaining permission.

This proverb is used to express uncalled for opinion.
Ukaulela iri kawu ziyakasela.
You disturb monkeys on their way to drink.
This proverb is used to express uncalled for interference,
Umafa evuka njengenyanga. .
It dies and rises like the moon.

Said of any question that springs up again after it is supposed to be settled.

Akuko nkanga idubula ingeti.

There is no wormwood which comes into Aower and does not wither.

A proverb descriptive of the life of man.
Unyawo alunampumlo.
The foot has no nose,

This proverb is an exhortation to be hospitable. It is as if one said, give food to the traveller, because when you are on a journey your foot will not be able to smell out a man whom you have turned from your door, but to your shame ri.ay carry you to his.

Uzicandele umgalagala.
You have exposed yourselt.

This proverb is applied as a warning not to give anything to an importunate person, as he would very likely be encouraged thereby to continue asking for more.

Inkala ixingetyeni.

The crab has stuck fast between the stones at the entrance of iis hole.

Said of any one who is involved in difficulties of his own creation, or of one who raises an argument and is beaten in it.

Ubopelele inja enkangeni.
He has fastened a dog to a shrub.

This proverb is used to denote a very greedy person, one who is so greedy as to fasten his dog to a shrub that the animal may not beg for food while he is eating. The shrub denoted is the very com non one that is covered with yellow Aowers at midsummer.

Yimbini yezolo yakwa Gxuluwe. Gxuluwe's two of yesterday.

This is a saying of anyone who goes away promising to return, and does not do so. It had its origin in an event which happened five generations back. Gxuluwe was a hunter of great renown, who crossed the Kei with Khakhabay, the great grandfather of the late Sandile. No man was ever so skilful and successful in the pursuit of game as he. But when Khakhabay took possession of the Amatolas, which he purchased from the Hottentot chieftainess Hoho, he found them infested by great numbers of bushmen. One day Gxuluwe, who had two young men with him, killed an eland, but while he was still shouting his cry of triumph, Tsi! ha! ha! ha! ha! the weapons of Khakhabay! he was surprised by a number of these inhuman abatwa. They said, look at the sun for the last time, you shall kill no more of our game. Gxuluwe offered them a large quantity of dacha for his ransom. One of the abatwa was unwilling to spare him, but all the rest agreed. They kept him with them while he pretended to send the two young men for the dacha, but privately he told them not to return. The bushmen then commenced to eat the eland. They ate that day, and all that night, never ceasing to watch Gxuluwe. The next morning they asked him when the young men would be back with the dacha, and he replied that he did not expect them before sunset. The abatwa, gorged with meat, then lay down to sleep, all except the one who advised that Gxuluwe should not be spared. That one watched a while longer, but at length he too was overcome by drowsiness. Gxuluwe then with his assagai put one after another to death, until, forgetting himself, he shouted his cry, Tsi ! ha! ha! ha! ha! Izikali zika Rarabe! This awakened the bushman who advised that he should be killed, and who now sprang to his feet and escaped, calling out as he ran with the speed of the wind, I said this Gxuluwe of the Khakhabays should be destroyed, you who are dead have perished through not following my advice.

Akuko mpukane inqakulela enye.
One fly does not provide for another.

A saying of the industrious to the idle, meaning that each should work for himself as the Aies do.

Kude e-Bakuba, akuyiwanga mntu.
Bakuba is far away, no person ever reached it.

Bakuba is an ideal country. This proverb is used as a warning against undue ambition, or as advice to be content with that which is within reach. It is equivalent to our English saying, it is no use building castles in the air.

Kuxeliwe e-Xukwane apo kumaqasho makulu.
They have slaughtered at Xukwane where much meat is obtainable.

According to tradition, there was once a very rich chief who lived at Xukwane (near King William's Town), and who was in the habit of entertaining strangers in a more liberal manner than any who went before or who came after him. This proverb is used to such as ask too much from others, as if to say, it was only at Xukwane where such expectations were realized.

Qabu Unoqolomba efile.
I rejoice that Qolomba's mother is dead.

The mother of Qolomba was according to tradition a very disagreeable person. This proverb is used when anything that one has dreaded or disliked has passed away.

Izinto azimntaka Ngqika zonke.
It is not every one who is a son of Gaika.

Gaika was at the beginning of this century the most powerful chief west of the Kei. This proverb signifies that all are not equally fortunate.

Uyakulila ngasonye uxele inkawu.
You will shed tears with one eye like a monkey.

A warning used to deter any one from being led into a snare of any kind. It is said that when a monkey is caught in a trap he cries, but that tears come out of one eye only.


Uwadhle kade awenkonazana.
You have drunk of my red and white cow's milk.

A saying applied to a person who has received a benefit and is ungrateful for it. To understand the reference see the story of the imbulu published by me some years ago.

Lukozo lomya.
It is the seed of the umya (a species of wild hemp).

This saying is applied to any thing or person corsidered very beautiful. The seed referred to is like a small jet black bead.

Udhle incholo.
He has drunk the juice of the flower of the wild aloe.

Said of a dull sleepy person. This juice when drunk has a stupifying effect and benumbs the limbs so as to make them powerless for a time.

Indonga ziwelene.
The walls have come into collision.
Said of any dispute between persons of consequence.
Uvutelwe pakati nje nge vatala.
He is ripe inside like a water melon.

Said of any one who has come to a resolution without yet expressing it. From its appearance it cannot be said with certainty whether a water melon is ripe or not.

Isala kutyelwa siva ngolopu.

A person who will not take advice gets knowledge when trouble overtakes him.

Uyakuva into embi eyaviwa ngu Hili wase Mambalwini.
You will find out what Hili of the Amambalu experienced.

Hili, or Tikoloshe, is according to the belief of the Kaffirs a mischievous being who usually lives in the water, but who goes about as a human dwart playing tricks upon people. He milks the cows when no one is watching them, He causes women to fall in love with him, for he is of a very amorous disposition towards the female sex. The uncivilized Kaffirs even at the present day do not doult of the existence of such a being. It is said that a long time ago there was a man of the Amambalu who had good reason to suspect that his wife had fallen in love with Hili. He accordingly pretended to go upon a journey, but returned in the middle of the night and

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