
nowt oa her sen. I'll esh her an her husband to my weddin, for I was at thairs; an a Goddil wees nivver dea as they dea.

SARAH. For sure this weddin's like draain ith lottery, thear is monny blanks for yan prize. I think imme hart thear's few gud husbands. Dustay think thear yan in a score?

JENNET. Marry, I fear it's a lottery a baith sides, thear's 's monny bad wives, en oft a gud Jack meaaks a gud Jill; but yans like toth dea yans best when yans teed.

SARAH. Varra true, barn.

JENNET. I desire an yee see that

Sanders, yeel esh him to my weddin.

plaigy Dick

What if tae doon't like him thau can bide him ith seam raum, I racken.

SARAH. I care nowt abaut him.

JENNET. Ise glad oa that; for Sammy an hee's terrable girt, an he towd Sammy he wor baun et wed wie his cusen Ann, sae yeel be rid on him; I question but it's tae be neisht week.

SARAH. Is tea leein? Is toth joakin? Preia tell truth.

JENNET. What ails tea, thau leaks as if thau wor gaain to greet, thau er as white as me cap. Cum preia keep up yer hart, nae yan will tak it luv frae it. I dud it but to try yee.

SARAH. Ah! Hang thee for a lairly, thau's meaad me seek.

JENNET. Aye, I see haw yeer hodden; girt words

cums of wake stomacks. What, dustay forgie me lass?

SARAH. Aye that ea dea; but I kna mair naw then I dud befoar, for I nivver thout I caard mitch for him, but I naw kna I cannit bide tae part wie him. I'd be laith he knew it, it wod mak him aboon wie his sel.

JENNET. Whya, as thau hes fund awt thau likes yan better then awth rest, preia send tudder to leak for sweetharts in anudder spot.

What, er yee bawn?

a lang stay, awr fowk al Yee hev a paur a conny

SARAH. I think I sal. JENNET. Aye, I meaad be at heaam afore me. sheep aforeth dure. I forgat to tell thee I saw ea yaa field as ea com throu yaa ya be it sel, I thout it wor mappen badly.

SARAH. Ise set tae a bit, then Ise see what ails it. My fadder gav me four lams, an last yeer they hed twoa a-piece, oa but yan; soa thau sees I hae sumet toart a fortun. Stay while ea putth key owarth dure. Naw Ise reddy.



Between Barbary and Mary, containing observations and remarks on a journey to London.

BARBARY. Sartanly! er yee gitten heaam agayn? MARY. Aye, I com heaam yester neet, an I thout I wud tae see yee first spot ea went tea. En haw er yee awe heer? Haw's yaur gud man an my lile goddowter? I brout her a Lunon laken, a conny bab.

BARBARY. Ah Lord! it's fearful pratty indeed; but yee wur tae bleaam tae put yersel tae onny cost abaut her, shee'l be meaar praud on it. Her fadder hes nivver been weel senth cock-feights; he gat drunk an fell ith loan, an gat caad: he meaans him fearfully on his back.

MARY. Waist hart! that's bad; it's brout on ruematism, I racken.

BARBARY. Aye, hee's sairly plaigd wee't. Yer leak white. Haw likd yee Lunon?

MARY. Nit et awe. I wad nit leev thear for auth ward; it's a miry dirty spot, an sic rumblin a coaches an carts we can hardly hear yan anudder tauk; full a pride an that ets dannet.

BARBARY. Fowk tauks et yer unkle hes left yee a thausand paund: a girt porshon indeed. Yee'l hev sweetharts enaw, for naw-a-days lads is awe for lasses wie brass.

MARY. Ise varra thankful for my shear; I nivver expected onny thing frae him; he nivver tewk onny kennin tae me in his lifetime; an I leakd for nowt at his death. He hes left me cusen monny a thausand, but they er sae grand they'l kna haw tae spend it.

BARBARY. I daut paur Thomas el be thrawn awt a favor; thau'l leak heer.

MARY. Ise be in nae hast abaut it; Ise think tae weel a mesel tae hev out tae dea wie onny I kna. I hev enuff, en ea meaak gud use on't. As tae Thomas we hed a sort of a bree on't afore ea went; I think Ise hev nae mair tae dea wie him.

BARBARY. Wheu! wheu! Sweetharts foes awt en foes in oft; yee'l kiss an be frens. What was tae jellus on him, lass?

MARY. Yee mun kna I hed geen him me cumpany a heal yeer, an I thout him a varra graidly lad, en I cud hev trysted mesel wie him onny whaars; but yaa neet we wur sittin tegedder, en he behaavd his sel varra unseemly tae me; I gat frae him hefter mitch scraffling, an lit up a cannel, an set it ath teaable; he eshd what that wur for; I towd him tae leak at him, I wod see if he cud for sham dea ith leet what he hed offerd ith dark; I bid him git heaam, an nivver mair cum ea my

cumpany; he leakd varra silly, an wod fain hev meaad it up, but I wodn't. Week hefter I went tae Lunon.

BARBARY. Whya mind tesel, an thau may git a man wie a staat.

MARY. Whya I cud hae been wed ea Lunon, tul a man et hed a girt shop, en dond as fine, en leakd like a squire; but I dud nit like tae leev in a tawn. He wur me cusen's wife breeder, an she meaad a girt tae due for me tae hev him; but I wadn't, I hed nae mind et awe.

BARBARY. Haw likes tae Lunon? Plenty wod hae the when thau hes sae mitch money, either ith tawn er cuntry. I sud hae been whaint sorry hed tae wed that man an stayd thear. Wur tae nit afeard a gangin awt?

MARY. I nivver went awt be mesel, er Ise sure I sud hae been lost, for yee nivver sae mair fowk at Kendal Fair than is oways ith streets; an when we er gangin yee er sae knockd an jowd, an bemired wie dirt, et yee mun hev clean stockins ivvery time yee gang awt, or ye wod be a sham tae be seen. I wur sae teerd wie waukin twoa miles ith streets, nay warse then ivver I wur wie a day's shearin; me cusen wur sae fat she cud nit wauk, soa we maaistly raaid.

BARBARY. What did the cusen keep a horse an a shanderee?

MARY. Nay, nay, nit he, we oways raaid in a coach. Whya, barn, yee may hire a coach ea onny

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