
these schools and Bibles are counted up on, in speculation, as equally powerful engines of civilization to the people of other countries. If the free circulation of the Bible here overthrew the reign of Popery among us, it will achieve an equally certain victory there over other delusions. What Sheridan says of the freedom of the press is eminently true of the fairest of her productions. "Give to ministry," says that eloquent orator, "a corrupt House of Lords,-give them a pliant and a servile House of Commons, give them the keys of the treasury, and the patronage of the crown,-and give me the liberty of the press, and, with this mighty engine, I will overthrow the edifice of corruption, and establish on its ruins the rights and the privileges of the people." I go back to Ireland, and I transfer this language to the leading question in the politics of that country. Give the Catholics of Ireland their emancipation,-give them a seat in the parliament of the country,-give them a free and equal participation in the politics of the realm,-give them a place at the right ear of majesty, and a voice in his councils, and give me the circulation of the Bible, and, with this mighty engine, I will overthrow the tyranny of Antichrist, and establish the fair and original form of Christianity on its ruins.

The Bible Society is the forerunner to the operation of an enlightened politics in this country; and she is at this moment reclaiming her thousands, and her tens of thousands, on the continent of Europe. The communications from the continent give us every reason to believe, that Popery is at this moment withering into a name. Impressions of the Bible are multiplying among them. They are circulating in the very heart of Popery, and through the highest places of her dominion. God is consuming his enemies by the breath of his mouth, or subduing the corruptions of human ignorance and iniquity, by the silent operation of his Bible. The Bible Society of London has given an impulse to the whole population of Christendom; and the general ery is for the law and for the testimony. Every eye is withdrawing from the paltry modifications of sect and of system, and pointing to that light which beams pure and unvitiated from the original sources of inspiration. These are noble doings, and to my eye they constitute one of the finest and most inspiring spectacles in the moral history of the species. Yet people are to be found who talk of fanaticism, and look upon the London Society as one of the wildest of her ebullitions. This Society enrols among her children the purest, the most enlightened,

the most venerable names in our sister establishment. She is drawing around her all that is great in the politics, and all that is liberal in the theology, of England. The nobles of the land are throwing in their splendid donations, and the poor widow is throwing in her mite into. this treasury of Christian beneficence. We may give it the humbling appellation of fanaticism; but transport yourself to England, and you see all the charm and all the dignity of the most enlightened philanthropy annexed to it. The University of Cambridge, headed by a prince of the blood, has come nobly forward with her testimony. She has espoused the cause of fanaticism. The spirit and the science of Sir Isaac Newton still reside within her walls; nor does she think that she lets herself down from the high eminence which his illustrious name has conferred upon her, when she forms her Bible Society, and consigns the work of its translations to the profoundest of her scholars.

In the mouths of some people you will hear the cause degraded by the appellation of fanaticism. But do the question ordinary justice. Apply to it the establisher maxims of candor and liberality. Do not pronounce upon it till you have read the documents, and repaired to the authentic sources of information. Fall not under the condemnation of all that ignorance, and bigotry, and unenlightened zeal, which has been so rashly and so unknowingly imputed to the Society. You will scarcely proceed a single inch in your inquiries, before the cause rises in your estimation as the most magnificent scheme that ever was instituted for bettering the moral condition of the species;-Most simple in its object; the introduction of Bibles into places where Bibles are not, and that in the respective languages of the different countries;Most unsectarian in its spirit; it is not sectarianism that it wants to circulate, it is the pure Christianity of the original record; Most efficacious in its operation; it is not an untried experiment. One would think, from the objections of some, that these translations were thrown away upon cannibal islands, and set up as a spectacle for savages to stare at. The languages of Asia are written languages. Can there be a language written without being read? Wherever there is a written language, there are readers. But what is more, there is, at this moment, a population in India, natives and the descendants of natives, who have been employed for more than half a century in reading, -What-the Bible in their vernacular tongue. The experiment has been tried in one instance, and it is found to

be successful. A Christian population has been formed out of the original natives. The translation of the Bible into their language has perpetuated Christianity amongst them. This, in natural science, would be looked upon as a sufficient foundation for repeating the experiment. When you have the same elements, you anticipate, with confidence, the same result. Now you have the same elements in the present instance, the same idolatry to begin with, and the same agent, the history and the doctrines of Jesus Christ, for transforming that idolatry into the service of the living God. We hear contempt poured upon the transJations in India; but it should be known and understood, that, so far from being a precarious experiment, one of these translations is throwing off at this moment, not as a speculation upon an untried people, but to satisfy the actual demand of a native Christian population, who have worn out an old impression with their own fingers, and are looking forward to a new one with delight and eagerness.

But I have to record an achievement still more illustrious. Translations have been made into languages which were never before written, and in behalf of people, among whom, a few years ago, there was not a single reader in existence. This is the point at which the enemies of the cause are most outrageous in their cry of fanaticism; and at this very point have her friends accomplished the most decisive and interesting step in the great work of civilizing mankind. They had no written language before; but they have given them a written language. They have put into their hands this mighty instrument, and they have taught them how to use it. They have formed an orthography for wandering and untutored savages. They have given a shape and a name to their barbarous articulations, and supplied the painter with a finer subject than all the imagery of the wilderness can afford,-the wild man of the woods at his spelling book! It is not true, that these translations will be a piece of useless lumber in the hands of ignorant and unskilful occupiers, or be appealed to in future years, as a monument of blind precipitating zeal on the part of those who have wasted their strength upon them. Parts of the New Testament are read at this moment by the Mohawks of Upper Canada. The Gospel of St. John is read and understood by the Esquimaux, a people whom the poet Thomson would call the last of men, because they live on the farthest outskirts of the habitable world. They hunt for furs in summer, and through the winter they live in cay

erns under ground. I am quite in readi
ness for any smile that may be excited by
the idea of throwing in Christianity among
such savages as these. I do not need to
waste my argument on probabilities. It
is no longer a speculation. It is a cer-
tainty. The thing is done. I can appeal
to the fact. They read the Gospel of John.
They believe it. They understand it.
They have all the elements of faith and
of piety, which exist among our own peas-
antry. They may be laughed at; but a
wise and liberal philosophy will tell you
that they are men; and that they have all
the feelings, all the perceptions, all the
faculties of the species. It will listen to
an Esquimaux when he reads; and it will
perceive every mark of his reading with
intelligence; that when he meets with
pathos he weeps, when he meets with
comfort he rejoices, when he meets with
denunciation he reveres and trembles.
Fanaticism! I am not to be frightened
from my argument, by any odious or
disgusting appellation. I make my cou-
fident appeal to the most enlightened
moralist in the country. I should like it
our General Assembly were to send him
out a voyage of observation upon this
interesting question. I shall suppose then
to fix upon him, because he is so great a
proficient in the philosophy of mind, and
so well cultivated in the contemplation of
its latitudes and phrases. I think I could
almost guess the terms of his deliverance.
He would feel that he was addresssing an
assembly of Christian ministe; and that
the truth of this said Gospel was not a
question which he was called to pro-
nounce upon. I have no doubt that it
would be a very well bred and a very gen-
tlemanly report, and conceived in terms
of the most respectful accommodation to
the presumed principles of his employers.
He would therefore proceed upon this
said Gospel being "the power of God unto
salvation to every one that believeth;" and
he would pass on to the examination of
the instrument, and of the subject upon
which this said instrument was made to
operate. Under the first head of exami-
nation, he would assure you, that the
Gospel in the Esquimaux language, was
an instrument of precisely the same kind
of operation on the other side of the At-
lantic, that the Gospel in the English
language is upon the side on which we
are now standing. He would perhaps
give us, as it is very natural, a few of
the technicals of his profession.
would tell us, that the language was a
mere circumstance; that appeared to
him to be an adjunct, and not an essential;
that it was enough for the first question, if
the spirit and substantial meaning of the
original were fairly transfused into the


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document under examination; and he would therefore pass on to the second question, the subject on which this instrument was made to operate. I am widely mistaken if the result of his examination on this head would not be equally encouraging. He would assure us that an Esquimaux was a man--that he had all the points and properties of a man about him-and that he was fairly entitled to the place he has hitherto occupied in the classifications of natural history. He would then wind up his report to a conclusion, by telling us, that the same result may be anticipated from the same instrument operating on the same materials: that if the Bible be a good to the people here, it will be a good to the people yonder-that the scene of the experiment does not affect the result of itthat its place in geography is nothing that in both cases you have the same word of God operating on the same human soul as the recipient of its influences -and if this word be what ministers preach, and people are taught to regard it, "the power of God unto salvation to every soul that believeth," then the gift you have administered to these wanderers of the desert, is great as the favor of God, and lasting as eternity.


Intelligence from Karass.

WE are persuaded that the friends of the Society will learn with pleasure, that the Secretary has just received a letter from Mr. Mitchell at Karass, of so late a date as the 28th of August 1812. From Mr. Mitchell's silence respecting the health of the missionaries, it may be presumed that, when he wrote, they were as well as usual. The printing of the New Testament, in Turkish, was advanced as far as the 11th chapter of the Revelations, so that the whole will be printed before now; and, from the instructions which the directors sent out some time ago, with regard to the binding of it, it is to be hoped that complete copies of the work will ere long be in circulation among the surrounding nations. Mr. Mitchell mentions James Peddie, one of the ransomed natives, as particularly promising, and already capable of assisting the missionaries in printing; being employed in setting up an edition of Brown's Catechism, in English, for the use of the children in the settlement who understand that language. Mr. Patterson has translated it into German for the benefit of the children of the colonists belonging to that country, but owing to some imperfections in the German

types, it has not yet been printed. Mr. Mitchell, however, expected to get these imperfections supplied from Moscow or elsewhere.

Both from this letter, which states, that the missionaries had, the night before, received the pleasing tidings of peace being concluded between Britain and Russia; and, by a letter from Petersburgh, which has also lately come to hand, there is every reason to think that the missionaries will, ere now, have received both letters and remittances from the directors.

The following testimony to the character of the missionaries, by a respectable mercantile house at Petersburgh, cannot fail to be highly gratifying to those who are interested in the mission:

"We cannot help," say they, "expressing to you the satisfaction we have felt in hearing, upon inquiry, that the settlement at Karass, by the mildness which distinguishes its members, has acquired the general good will of all who surround it, Tartars as well as Russians; and that they are mediators of concord, and umpires of disputes, between the two parties; a character which has much recommended them to the notice of this government."

Mr. Mitchell communicates the melancholy intelligence, of a great part of the Moravian settlement at Sarepta having been burnt to the ground, and that the fire is supposed to have been wilful.


Extract of a letter to the Editor of the Panoplist, dated Pawlet, (Ver.) the 11th inst.

"I HAVE the pleasing intelligence to communicate, that there is a revival of religion in this place. After a long night of darkness, the day begins to dawn. The work of God is powerful, and the attention has remarkably increased within two or three weeks. It extends almost all over the Congregational Society, of which the Rev. Mr. Griswold is pastor. The house of God is thronged on the Sabbath. Conferences are frequently, fully, and solemnly attended, in many parts of the town. Some persons have obtained a hope, and many are anxiously inquiring What they must do to be saved.

"Last evening I attended a conference of the young people, and although it rained very violently during the whole evening, there were about fifty present, principally young men. The scene was truly golemn and affecting. Some were almost in despair; while others were rejoicing, and telling what the Lord had done for

their souls, and inviting their companions to come to Christ for salvation.

"I have been informed, that there is, also, a very considerable attention in the town of Hartford, state of New York."


"IN the midst of the distractions of nations, we may surely perceive the dawning of a brighter day, and indulge the expectation that they shall eventually issue in the introduction of the millennial car of the Prince of Peace. It is a remarkable fact, at the present period, that in many instances the Roman Catholic Teachers, who formerly deprecated putting the Scriptures into the hands of the laity and forbid the perusal, are now actively employed in their distribution; particularly on the Continent, where the sufferings of the wretched inhabitants may prepare their minds to receive its rich consolations, and all-important truths, as the gifts of heaven. The Bible Society is still extending its views to distant lands, desiring that the whole earth may be filled with the knowledge of the Lord. An edition of the Scriptures in the modern Arabic is seriously thought of, a language spoken along the east and north coast of Africa, in Egypt, and Abyssinia, or the ancient Ethiopia; and from encouraging circumstances connected with the prospects of two suita ble individuals, there is a probability of their proceeding to this latter quarter, as agents of the Society in this great work.

"The efforts made to procure in the new East India charter a clause for the protection of missionary labors have been crowned with success; and it is to be observed with gratitude, that, in a division on the question in the House of Commons, the majority in favor of such endeavors for the promotion of Christianity, was as two to one; which was far beyond the most. sanguine expectation. Thus the Most High is protecting his own cause in the earth."


THE pope's nuncio, Gravina, who has signalized himself in opposing the decree of the Spanish cortes abolishing the inquisition, as mentioned p. 333 of our work, has been banished from Spain, in consequence of his continued interference in that busi



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9. From the Sheffield Female Charitable Society, by the Rev. James Bradford

10. From Gen. Henry Sewall, by the Rev. Dr. Worcester

From the Foreign Missionary Society of Northampton and the neighboring towns, by the Rev. Dr. Lyman

13. From a subscriber to the Panoplist*

38 50

10 00

241 81

10 00 $440 06

* See a letter to be inserted in our next.


ORDAINED, (on the 26th of Aug. last) to the work of the ministry in Sharon, (Con.) (Ellsworth Society,) the Rev. ORANGE LYMAN. Sermon by the Rev. David Porter, D. D. of Catskill, (N. Y.)

On the 25th of August last, the Rev. HUMPHREY M. PERRINE, as colleague pastor over the First Church in Cheshire, (Conn.) Sermon by the Rev. Nathan Perkins, D. D. from 1 Tim. iv, 16.

On the 6th ult. at Cornwall, (Ver.) the Rev. OLIVER HULBURD, to the work of the ministry. Sermon by the Rev. Mr. Weeks of Pittsford.

At Greenfield. (Mass.) the Rev. GamALIEL S. OLDS, as colleague with the Rev. Roger Newton. Sermon by the Rev. Dr. Austin, of Worcester, from 1 Cor. i, 28, 24.


INSTALLED, on the 7th of July last, the Rev. WALTER KING, as pastor of the church and congregation in Williamstown, (Mass.) Sermon by the Rev. Dr. Hyde of Lee.

At Danbury, (Conn.) on the 30th of June last, the Rev. WILLIAM ANDREWS, as pastor of the church and congregation in Danbury, (Conn.) Sermon by the Rev. Samuel P. Williams of Mansfield.




Several persons have lately died in this
country of the hydrophobia, and one
case excited more than ordinary interest
and sympathy. The following state-
ments of two cases of that disorder are
taken from the London Courier, and
are made in such a manner as to be
very intelligible to most readers. As
no disease is more terrible than this,
none excites a greater degree of curios

THERE is none among the multitude of our diseases so fearful as that which arises from the bite of a mad dog; none that seems to put the sufferer to such overpowering torture; and none of which there have been so few instances of cure. The following cases, which have both lately reached Europe from the same country, deserve to excite considerable attention among the Faculty. The results are unfortunately different; the proper inquiry will therefore be, how far the circumstances of the latter differ from those of the former; and how far its result may justify us in doubting that a specific has been found for at least certain states of this most afflicting malady.

The first case is given by Dr. Shoolbred of Calcutta. On Tuesday, May 5, 1812, Ameir, an Indian, of between 25 and 26 years of age, was brought to him under hydrophobia. The following is an admirable statement of the diagnostics of the disease:

His body, arms, and throat, were affected with constant and uncontrolable spasmodic starting. The muscles of his face were thrown into quick and convulsive action at each inspiration, drawing back the angles of the mouth, and depressing the lower jaw so as to communicate the most hideous expression to the countenance. His eyes appeared starting from their sockets, and suffused with blood; sometimes fixed in a terrific stare, at others, rolling about, as if they followed some ideal object of terror from which he apprehended immediate danger. A viscid saliva flowed from his mouth, which was always open, except when the lips were momentarily brought together for the purpose of forcibly expelling the offensive secretion that adhered to them, and which he effected with that peculiar kind of noise which has been often compared

to the barking of a dog. His temples and throat were bedewed with clammy moisture. His respiration was exceedingly hurried, and might more properly be called panting than breathing; or, it still more nearly resembled that short and interrupted kind of sobbing that takes place when a person gradually descends into the cold bath. He was exceedingly impatient of restraint, and whenever he could get a hand disengaged, he immediately struck the pit of his stomach with it -pointing out that part as the seat of some indescribable uneasiness. From the constant agitation of his whole frame, and the startings of his arms, it was impossible to count his pulse with exactness; it was, however, very unequal, both in strength and frequency: at times scarcely perceptible, and then rising again un der the finger; sometimes moderately slow and regular for a few pulsations, and immediately after, so quick as not to be counted; but conveying upon the whole, an idea of the greatly oppressed and impeded circulation. His skin was not hot; and though his head was in incessant motion, accompanied with such savage expression and contortion of counte nance as might easily have alarmed those unaccustomed to such appearances, he made no attempt to bite, which is far from being a frequent symptom of the disease; and when it does occur, must be considered merely as an act of impatience at being held, and no more than the peculiar noise, above noticed, as indicating any thing of the canine nature imparted by the bite, an opinion which has been sometimes fancifully but absurdly entertained.

When questioned concerning his own feelings, or the cause of his illness, he was incapable of making any reply; being prevented, it is probable, either by the hur ried state of his respiration, or by his mind being to deeply absorbed in the contemplation of horrible ideas, to admit of his attending to the queries addressed to him.

Dr. Shoclbred, entertaining no doubt of the nature of his disease, which was further proved by his falling into agonies at the sight of water, tried copious bleeding, on the authority of a case given by Mr. Tyman, of the 22d dragoons. After the loss of sixteen or twenty ounces of blood from the right arm, the spasms diminish ed: after the loss of two pints, he twice drank water with delight, about four ounces each time. During the bleeding

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