
of God. I have to fear almighty power which might descend upon me in vengeance; but if my soul has found its way to Christ, if my sins are pardoned through him, I behold the arm of wrath changed into an arm of love, and I find "the peace of God which passeth all understanding, keeping my heart and mind through Christ Jesus." I now come to him as my reconciled Father; yet I fear him, not as a God of vengeance, but of love. Before, I dreaded him as an angry Judge, now I fear him as a gracious Father. Wherever love reigns in the heart, we shall have more fear of offending than when we loved not. We We may dread when we cannot love, but when we love, we cannot wilfully offend. O what reverential fear should we feel in ourselves, when we stand in the holy presence of the God of love!

The fear I am now speaking of is one of the New Testament blessings, which God has promised for the preservation of his children—" I will put my fear into their hearts"-"there will I create it, there it shall exist, and it shall never depart from them till they reach my glory in heaven." O my God, grant that this fear, this reverential fear, may never depart from me!

It will always exist in those who have a true understanding of the nature of God. This wisdom he communicates universally to his people; "all my children shall be taught of me;" they are taken into his celestial school, and he is ever giving them some wise and profitable lesson.

O then, my dear hearers, deal with God that you may be made wisely good. Read your bibles under the light of the divine Spirit, and with holy prayer for a clear comprehension, and a diligent practice of their precepts, and you will soon find how beautifully this wisdom will enable you to live. Go to God for strength to master your tempers, appetites, and corruptions, and you will be led to act wisely. In all your conduct, in all your business, pray that you may be kept without error, and live consistently, and to the Lord's glory. Think of Him, whose piercing eye looks the world over as in a moment, and from whose glance not a creature can escape. Remember, that our heaviest curses are caused by our own imprudence and carelessness, and that the great safeguard is "a conscience void of offence towards God and towards men," coupled with a disposition to fly to Christ under all circumstances.

Holy fear and holy wisdom are inseparable; but be not content with knowing this; bring it into practice. Religion should be made the chief concern of our lives; and this does not consist only in externals. We have a religion -O what is it? Is it an immediate communication from God to our souls? If so, the foundation of our faith and obedience will be laid in a powerful fear in our hearts towards him, regulated by wisdom divinely imparted from above. They who use aright the means which God has provided, under the influence of his Spirit, will be enabled wisely to manifest his praise and glory. If you would have all things go on well, cry to your Saviour, "Lord we must have thee reigning in our hearts."

I want you, beloved, to be the admiration of the world. I desire to have it said of you respectively, "there is the parent that trains up his children in the fear of the Lord"-" there is the man whose whole conduct is regulated by wisdom from on high”—“there is the servant that is truly conscientious"-"there are the husband and wife who are really affectionate to each other." Such things will prove that the power of religion is in the heart.

Avoid all things contrary to wisdom and goodness. Walk in God's ways, and you will find in them spiritual delight. If God's spirit of wisdom and fear be in you, nothing will be so pleasant to you as holiness. May God's blessing rest upon what I have spoken for his name's sake. Amen.



MATT. xxviii, 19.

"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost."

By the services of this day you perceive that it is what is commonly called Trinity Sunday. I am for keeping the festival of the Trinity, though it is not positively commanded in Scripture; for if we give up the doctrine of the Trinity, we give up every thing. Some persons are much mistaken as to their notions of the usage of keeping certain days. They were kept by the primitive Christians, long before any thing like papal superstition and ignorance had corrupted the church. All is not popery which the papists observe. They keep the sabbath, and so do we; they keep the nativity and acknowledge the atonement of Christ, and we do the same. But they have awfully mixed

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