

grave, deceased. The Earls of Bute, Cardigan, and Lincoln; the Dikes of Reified and Leeds, and his RH Prince Wiliam Henry allifted in perterm ng the ce.emony.


Several barges failed from Galford for Londen, on the navigation from that town thing. A completed

The right hon. Lord Clive was by his Ma jefty created a knight of the bath.

Orders were received at Grauelad, for the Success Indiaman to fail immediately, but the commanding officer of the highlanders, of whom 200 were on board, being ablent the highlanders refused to fal til he arrived, and actually unfhipped the bars of the capitene by force to prevent it.

The fociety of arts gave 50l. to Mr Harrison for a matterly improvement in the spinning wheel, by which a child may do double the bufinefs a grown pe fon can on the common wheel.


A Sea officer was picked up in Fleetfireet, by a woman of the town, who found means to rob him of his purfe. in which was 126. with which he got clear off.

Being the birth day of his R. H. the D. of Cumberland, who then enter into the 44th year of his age, their mjedies and the royal family received the complements of the nobi lity on that occafion. The hon. fciety of natives of the county of Cumberland made a moЯ fplendid appearance in honont of his highness and held their anniverary festival at the Crown and Anchor with extraordinary magnificence.

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MONDAY, April 30.

On Home Hill, an eminence that commands a moit beautiful profpect of North Wile, is now erecting a tomb for the reception of the remains of the late Earl of Shelbourne, who often wished for the convenience of the neighbouring villares, that a church might be built there, no place of worth`p being near; in confequence of which his countets dowager is carry his lordship's preus intimation into execution, and her fon, the pre-gat car, 19 pleafed to endow it, and to place a chaplain in it.

The high fhiff and grand jury of the county of 2urk having refolved at the late af fizes heid there, to think their repref-narises, Sir Ges. Saville Bait, and Edwin Lelles Esq; for their conduct in the question lately agitated in the hufe of commons, whether a gepera! warrant 2e is warantable by law or not, and to caurels their concern that a quef tion fo interefing to them and their pofterity fhould remain undetermined, the fame was agreed to, and figned by the sheriff, and 17 out of 21 of the grand jury: And being fest to their members refpectively, the high ff received the following answers,



Sir George Savile's Answer to the Sheriff.

"Be pleafed, Sir, to accept yourself, and o tranfmit to the gentlemen of the grand jury, my best and most cordial acknowledgements for the diftinguishing honour I have received from them.

Such a testimony of the approbation of fo refpectable a part of my conftituens will, be aflured, make a lafting impreffion on my memory and my gratitude.

The extreme pleasure I received from this mark of their kindnets and of their opinion, came, in truth, very opportunely. It was a confolation, the greatest I could receive; yet not more than I wanted, to alleviate a concern which indeed I feel, with them, very deeply.

It was an additional matter of uneafi eis to find myfel obliged to defend the undoubted and undisputed birth-right of the fubje&t in the caufe of a man, of whom I forbear to speak, because he has paid the great forfeit, and. as a member of parliament, rece ved the juft punishment of his gult,

If the favour of my confituents were to depend on my abilities to ferve them, I should Jabour under a real anxiety and a confant dread of thing that favour; but if they can be pleafed thus to accept of my honest invent on, and even my unfuccefsful endeavours, let me aflume the confidence to fay I never call forfeit the thare I am honoared with in their

DeReem. I have the honour to be yours, &c."

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and that it shall always be my constant enseavour to promote every step which shall feem to me to be conducive to the juft rights and Fibertics of the fubiect, the honour of the fovereign, and the united happin is of both. I ha e the honour to be, yours, c."

Exports of gold and fiver to India.
fold cz. fiver oz.
118,127. 10.550,784.
9,760. 1411,116.

From 1753 to 758.
From 1759 to 1564.

An information has by his majesty's command been filed in the crurt of King's Bench, apaint the Chevalier D'Eon, as author of a libel against M De Guerchy, the French ambeffuder. (See Vol. xxxx11, p.614,

A pot woman in the parifh of Charlton Adam, Somerfuftine, was lately delivered of a fon, with 5 singers and a thub on each hand, and fix toes on each foot; this fact is atteft. ed by the minifter, who baptized the child, BENJ, KABBY, Vicar.

The duties paid on beaver-kins imported into

into Great Britain, and the draw back allowed upon the exportation of them, being contrary to all found maxims of trade; by an aft of this feffion of Parliament, the duty on each beaver-fkin imported from any of his majefty's dominions, is lowered to one penny; a duty of 7d, is laid on every beaver fkin, or piece of beaver-fkin, exported, and a duty of 1s. 6d. is laid on every pound of beaver wool or wombs exported. No drawback is to be allowed on the exportation of beaver-fkins. The whole to take place from th 7th of this month.

A nobleman has laid a confiderable wager, that in 12 hours he'll ride from London to Edinburgh, [400 miles] he is to have as many horfes as he pleafes, ride what portion of the way at a time he pleafes, fo that he gets there in one month.

There has been already collected in England on the brief, ilued for the benefit of the colleges of Philadelphia and New York, 9.600!.

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A fa lor at Edinburgh, who had ferved his majefty duaing the war, on his return home, found his wife married to another man, by whom he had feveral children; the failor after fome converfation, gave the man warning to provide himself in 8 days, and during that time left him in poffeffion of his wife; but at the end of the term finding him ftill there, he civilly turned him out, taking at the fame time po fion of house, Wife, children and D all, upon this principle, that what belonged to his wife belonged to him; but on the Sunday following, the man returned with a knife in his hand, and after folemnly laying his death to their charge, inftantly cut his throat.

Several of his Majefty's fubjects being fill detained in France as hoftages, for the payment of ranfome bills, which have not yet bren fat:shed, notice has been given in the Gazette that in cafe fuch ransom bills are not immediately difcharged, profecutions will be commenced in the court of admiralty against the perfons who have unjustly refused or neglected to pay fuch ranfors,

Timothy Rhodes and his wife were lately committed to Ilebeffer goal, for making bife fhillings: The difcovery was made by their apprentice, who being queftioned in paffing one of them, ignorantly faid, be'd go whome. and chaunge it, for that bis maifter made 'em.

Affixe news continued from p. 144.

At Kingfion affixes, John Madox for houfebreaking, Rich Sylvefler and Edw. Odels, for robbing a pye woman, im. Guilt for horfeftealing, Wm. Corbitt the failor, for the murder of Mr Knight and his wife, (fee p. 145) and fepb Ryland for the highway; were all found guilty, and received fentence of death accordingly.


At the aflizes for Deven, Wm Luxham and The Baker for highway robberies: Tho Carver, Wm Cause, and Eliz. floeper, for burglaries: H and Jon Elliot for sheep ftealing, received fentence of death,

At Taunton aflizes, Jobn Warren for robbery, Sam. Woodland for theep ftealing, and Rib. Cox for horfe flealing, were capitally convicted,

At Exeter, Nicholas Maunder was found guilty of the murder of Wm, Couch, (see p.561) and being executed the next day, his body was delivered to the Devon and Exeter hospital, to be diffected.

At Shrewsbury affizes, Wm Newcombe, Ruffel Daucly, John Sandells, and Rich. Howell, for house breaking; and Evan Roberts, for horfe ftealing, received fentence of death.

At Lancafter affizes; John Nelfon and Francis Windle for housebreaking, and Tho. Naden, for pulling down Heaton Mill were capitally


At Stafford affizes, Humph. Walters for the highway, Wm. Robinfon and Rich. Fletcher for burglaries; and John Jackfox for fheep stealing, were capitally convicted.

At Manchester aflizes, the right of the warden and fellows of Manchefter college, to the nomination to Blakney chapel, that has been difputed by Mr Davenport was confirmed.

At Nottingham aflizes, John Death was capitally condemned for theft, Wm. Howe for murder, was discharged being lunatic, and Wm. Barlow for the fame murder died in the arms of the goaler as he was bringing him to trial.

At the affizes at Briftol, Thomas Uber, who carried off 180/. in cafh from the Briflol waggon, (fee Vol. xxxiii. p. 360.) Robert Salla-away for a like offence, and Wm Powell for houle breaking, received fentence of death.

At Coventry afizes, Jane Smith, an accomplice with the Coventry gang in robbing Mr Bayley of that city of about 1867. was capitally convicted.

At Chefter affizes Wm. Warebam, and Hen. Glover for fhoplifting, and burglary; and Tho. Blackburne for a highway robbery, were capitally convicted.

At Norwich afzes, John Brown for horfe ftealing; Wm. Priefland for ftealing cattle; Wm. Chambers, John Chambers and Charles Salterwite for an affault on the highway with intent to rob, received fentence of death. AMERICAN NEWS.

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A body of friendly Indians have lately furprized a pay of the enemy, furrounded them, and made them all prifoners, to the number of 41, whom they have delivered up to Sir Wm, Johnstone.

The accounts we have received of the maffacre of the Indians in Pennsylvania, appear, by a private letter from thence, to be not enough explain'd. If entire credit may be given ta this letter, the spirit of refentment that was manifefted on that occafion was not appealed by the death of the poor Indians, but threatens even the whole body of Quakers, their pro tectors, who, not manifefting a zealous inclination to carry on the war against the Savages,, are become equally obnoxious to the frontier inhabitants as the Indians themselves, by whom they are daily masacred.

The danger to which thefe people are expofed from continual incurfions of the Savages, render them defperate, and unless fome means is contrived for their fecurity, it is feared they will attack the metropolis, and fhke the very foundations of the Philadelphi ans government fo firmly established in peace.



Lifts of Births, Marriages, and Deaths.

Lift of BIRTHS for the Year 1764.

Ady of Sir John Gibbons,-of a son.


-a fon.

Lady of Sir Digby Logard, of a fon. Lady of Sir Bellingham Graham, Lady of Lord Grey, of a daughter. Lift of MARRIAGES in the Year 1764. R Stephens, phyfician in Lincoln's-Innfields,- -to Mifs Elis of Queen-fquare. 25. Sir Wm Maxwell of Sprint well in ScotJand, to Mifs Stewart of Blickall.


April 3. Thomas Robinson, Efq; of Portf mouth,to Mifs Kaines.

5. Rev. Mr Lufhington,-to Mifs Law, eldest daughter of Dr Law, master of Peterhoufe, Cambridge.

Rev. Mr Havward, warden of New-college, Oxon, to Mifs Way.

7. Sir Roderick M Kenfie,quhoun of Lufs in Scotland.

-to Mifs Col

9. Capt. Forbes of Lord Townshend's reg. to Mils Stow of Newcaftie.

to Rev. Dr Wicks, Lect. of St Alban's, Wood-freet, to Mifs Floyer.

11. Tho. Leigh Bennet of Aylfham, Norf. -to Mifs Horne, neice to Tho. Duckett, Efq; member for Caine.

12. James Gordon, Efq; of Rochester,-to Mifs Reading.

14. Capt. Tolley of the Artillery,- to Mifs Nash.

Lucy Knightly, Efq; member for Northampton, to the 2d daughter of Sir James Dashwood, Bart.

Rev. Dr Nicols, prebendary of Ely,-to Mifs Mary Hyde.

22. Rev. Mr Ellifon, R. of St Bennet,-to Mifs Witby.

27. Tho. Bray, Efq;-to Mifs Angela Took, of Throgmorton ftreet. 100,000!.

Lift of DEATHS for the Year 1764.


RS Eliz. Taylor in Piccadilly, aged 131. 23 Ch Stewart of Ballochin Eq; in the 71st year of his age.

25. Capt. Clive, brother to Geo. Clive Efq; member for Bps calle in Sarophie

26. Rev. Mr Gudhart, one of the minifters of Edinburgh.

27. Rev. Mr Taylor, R. of Ripple, Worcefter [351] in Bps. gift.

30. Dr Letherland, phyfician to her majefty. 'Mifs Emilia Budworth at Nantwich, occafioned by a pin in her throat, with which he went to bed in her mouth, and fwaltowed in her fleep.

Rev Jolia Durant, R. of Hagley and of Frankley.

April 1. Rev. Matthew Smith, R. of ShadWell, Effex.

2. Maj. Gen. Barrington at Paris.

Edw. Bigge Eq; near Newcastle.


Rev. W Ragh, R. Little Ilford, Effex. Dr. Cornelly, phyfician in Burlington street. Mr Pingle, a Lord of feffions in Scotland, accidentally.

9. Rob. Allen Efq; at Putney.

11. Mr Cary, R. of Woeton, Oxon. He has left an eftate to New College Ox.; 100 1. each to the Societes for propagating the faith and Chriftias Knowledge.

12. Maximilian Weftren, formerly a director of the East India company

13. Mathew Hale, a partner in the Bristol Bank.

Sir John Freke Bart. member for Cork, Ireland.

15. The Marchion-fs of Pampadour, favourite mistress to the King of France.-A fhort time before her death fhe defi-ed to fee and be reconciled to her husband: His anfwer was, that he forgave her, but would never return to a court from whence he had been excluded. She spent the latter part of her life in fettling her affairs; to the Carthufians the ' left 10,000l. annuities to all of her fervans, feveral large fums to charitable ufes, and the legal part of her eftate to her husband. She died in the 434 year of her age

16. Rev. Mr Wilkins, R. of Shrewly, Worcestershire. [2001.]

Rt Hon. Werden Flood, Lord Chief Juftice of the King's Bench in Ireland.

Mr George Oughterlony, merchant, Throgmorten-freet.

17. Mich. Spateman, aged 8o, follicitor in Chancery.

Rev. Mr Lowe, a chaplain to Chelsea-coll.
Lady of Samuel Whitebread, Efq;

17. Rev. Mr Broderip at Canterbury,-a minor canon, maer of St John's-hofpital, R. of Melton, and V. of Brookland.

19. Mrs Stanley, eldest daughter of Sir Hans Sloane, fifter to Lady Cadogan, and mother of Hans Stanley, one of the lords of the admiralty.

Capt. Samuel Jennings at Gibraltar.

21. Richard Eaftland, Efq, in Cornhill.

22. Dr Cobden, R. of St Auftin and St Faith, London, and A&ton, Midufx auther of a famous difcourfe before the late king againft whoredom and adultery.

24. Rev. Mr Pritchard, R. of Chriftchurch, Spittlefields, fuddenly. not dead Rev. MrNewton, minister of Colefhall, Berks 26. Rev. Dr F:fieid Allen, R. of St Anne, Alderfgate, and St Zachary, prebendary of St ( Paul's, and archd acon of Midefx. V. of Chigwell, Effex, fub-dean and priest of the Royal Chapel.

27. Lady of ville- Atreet.

Aylmer, Efq; in Sack

LiA of PROMOTIONS for the Year 1764. UGH Pellifer, Efq; governor of New

H foundland, &c.

- receiver general at

Henry Budd, Efq; Guernfay. [Mr Role, dec]

Philip Stanhope, Efq;-envoy extraordinary to Saxony.

Wm Gordon, Efq;-minister to the Dyet at Ratifoon.

Geo. James Bruere, Efq;-governor of Bermuda. [ Wm Popple, dec.]

Dr Wooiatlon, - one of her majefty's phyficians in ordinary. [Dr Letherland. dec.]

Jofeph Mellth, Efq;-governor of the company of Merchant Adventurers at Hamburgh. [J. Gore, dec]

E. or Belvedere, -mufter-mafter gen. of the army in Ireland.

Hon. Ch. Sloane Cadogan,-furveyor of his majefty's gardens and works.

J.Cranfurd, Efq;-gov, of Berwicke. [ditto.] Jer. Dyfon.-a Lord of trade & plantations. Richard Vernon,-comptroller to the board of green cloth. [in r. of H. Bridgeman, Efq;] Dr Brook, phyfician to St Luke's. [Dr Battie, refigned.]

David Græme,col. of the 49th reg. of foot, in room of

Major Gen. Stanwix,-col. of the 8th reg. [Major Barrington, dec.]

Staff Officers on the military establishment of the new governments.

GRENADES. John Fleming Efq; commiffary Gen. of Stores.

Lieut. Maclellan (4th reg.) maj. of Brigade. Wm. Bryant, (hal pay) furgeon and purvevor to the Holp

Rev. J. Boudler, chaplain.

Enfien Dalrymple, (63d reg.) Fort. adj. and

Bar, maiter.

Capt. Forbes, (4th reg.) deputy judge adv. ". Vincent.

Deputy commif. J. Davies, (half pay) dep. commif. of Stores, &c.

Lt Fairbairne, (4th reg.) Fort. adj. Bar. m.
Rev. Michael Smith, chaplain.
Geo. Young. (half pav) furg. to the Hofp.


John Weir, dep. com. of Stores.
John Boon, (half pay) Fort. adj. Bar, maf
Rev. Mathew M'leane, chaplain.

W. Walker, dep commif. of Stores

Rev. W Small, chaplain.

Lieut. Ab. Hon. Goidon, (half pay) Fort. adj. Barr master.

W. Young, (half pay) furgeon to the Hofp.
Eaft Florida.

Tho. Sherley Eq; commiffary.
Lieut. Power, (balf p.) Fort. adj. Bar. mast.
Rev. Ralph Church, chaplain.
Rev. Catherwood, furgeon.


EV. Mr Vincent,-to Kenton, V. Devonshire. 2001.

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Rev. Mr Gibbons, -V. of High-Eafter, Ex, in room of

Rev. Mr Wright,-V. of Wilfdon, and chapelry of King fbury, Middlefex.

Rev. Mr Simpkinfon,-toLushby, V. Wilts. (refignation.)

Rev.MrJ.Seagrave,-Beverton, R. Yorksh. Rev. Mr Stephen Buckle,-R. of Shepmeadow, Suffolk.

Rev. Mr Charles Hall,-R. of Carleton Colville.

Dr Jortin, archdeacon of London. [Dr Cobden, dec.]

Dr Taylor, St Auftin & St Faith's. [do] Rev. Geo. Berkeley-R. of Acton. [ditto 300] and Bray V. Berks

Rev. Mr Pearce, a minor canon of St Paul's -to the curacy of St Gregory. (Rayner, d.)

Difpenfations to bold two Livings.

Dr J. Davis to hold Peckham, R, Kent, with Hanfey, R. Suffex.

Dr Warren, to hold Ripple, R. Worcest. with Kinwarten, R. Warwickshire.

Rev. Francis Worfley, to hold Gatcombe, R. in the Isle of Wight, with Chale, Hants. BKTS.

John Ferris Sherwood, late of Saint Paul's
Churcn-yard, Mercer.

William Owens, of Bath, Linnen Draper.
Tho. Twells & Tho. Porter, Nottinh. hofiers.
Alex. Strachan ef Friday ftr. London Merch.
R. Dallas of Throgmorton-ft. London merch.
John Upton, of Manchefter, dealer.
Jefton Humfrey, of Oldfwinford, Worcestersh.

Rich Camplin & Dan. Smith, Bristol, merch.
James Bull, of Newbury Berks, dealer,
Jon. Weetch, of Ratcliffe cross, linnen draper,
James Harg, of Jermyn street, taylor,
Nicholas Dawes, of London, broker,

Tho. Shewell and Hen. Masterman, of Shoe-
Jane, brewers,

J. Cox, of Swithin's Alley London,haberdasher
Jane Cox, of Lombard Street, London millener,
John Jarret, late of Hackney, brewer,
William Lintot, late of Hafting Suffex,merch.
Charles Millan. of London. merchant,
Rob. Caruthers, of Northwick, linnen draper.
Tho, Hunt, late of Newport Atreet Leicester
fieles, Hofier,

Jofeph Daltera, of Bristol, merchant.

Thomas Anderton, of Manchefter, book feller. James Browne, late of Meards Buildings St Ann's dealer,

Benj. Wright, of Birmingham, Hardwareman, R. Collie, of St Martin in the fields, vintnerM. Cleaveland, late of Wapping, widow and fhip-chandler,

Ed, Corfield of Hughly in Shropshire, maltfier, E. Hilcock, widow, and A. Stili fpinfter, both of the Devizes fhopkeepers, and partners. B. Robinfon of Thames ft. London, flopfeller, G. Laidler jun. of Bufy Cottage Northumberl. manufacturer of iron and steel.

Tho. Maine, of Lothbury London, merchant.
David Jones, late of Ratcliffe crofs Middlesex,

J.L. Harris, late of Kington Hereford, fcrivener
W. Gordon, late of Liverpoole merchant,
J. Beck of Newgate street, London, merchant,
Bill of Mortality from Feb. 28. to April 24.

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EACH DA AY's Price of STOCKS in APRIL 1764.

BANKE. India (South Sea S.Sea An. S. SeaAn 13 per Gent 13 per Cent.13 Bank 3 per C4 per Cent Old Long Nav. Bille In. Bonds Scrip. Exch.B.

Stock. Stock.


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