



CHAPTER I.-§ 1. Meeting of congress. 2. President's message. 3. Confidential message. 4. The embargo. 5. Mr. King's resolutions. 6. Indulgence to embargoed coasters. 7. Exemption in favour of Nantucket. 8. Motions for suspension and repeal of the embargo. 9. Repeal of the restrictive system recommended by the president. 10. Report of the committee of foreign relations. 11. Debate on the repeal of the restrictive system, 12. Double duties. 13. Exportation of specie. 14. British licenses. 15. Cuffee's memorial CHAPTER II.-§ 1. Bill for encouraging enlistments. 2. Debate on its passage. 3. Increase and organization of the army. 4. The militia. 5. Augmentation of the marine corps. 6. Officers in the flotilla. 7. Additional navy pay. 8. Bounty for prisoners. 9. Navy and privateer pensions. 10. Purchase of the squadron captured on lake Erie. 11. Tribute to valour. 12. Increase of the navy. 13. Steam frigates CHAPTER III.-§ 1. Treasury report. 2. Eppes' introductory speech on the loan bill. 3. Pitkin's reply. 4. Arrangement of the debate on the loan bill. 5. Finances of the union. 6. Causes of the war, and justice of its continuance. 7. Naturalization and allegiance. 8. Offensive and defensive war. 9. Rights and duties of opposition. 10. Treasury note bill




CHAPTER IV.-§ 1. Deficit in the revenue. 2. National bank. 3. New taxes. 4. National bank postponed. 5. Assumption of the direct tax. 6. Duty on distilled spirits. 7. Licenses to retailers. 8. Duty on sales at auction. 9. Compromise of the Yazoo claims. 10. Louisiana land claims. 11. Liquidation of Florida claims. 12. Extension of credit to land purchasers. 13. Organization of New York district court. 14. Payment of money into the courts. 15. Allowance to marshals and district attorneys. 16. Alteration of the judicial system. 17. Residence of the attorney-general. 18. Regulation of the post-office. 19. Trophies of war CHAPTER V.-§ 1. Enquiry into the failure of the campaign. 2. Report of the secretary of war. 3. Motion for a committee of enquiry. 4. Enquiry respecting retaliation. 5. Report of the secretary of 6. Resolution respecting the vacancy in the treasury department. 7. Vacancies in the departments. 8. Gore's resolutions. 9. Amendments to the constitution. 10. Hanson's resolutions. 11. Roberts' resolutions. 12. Webster's resolutions CHAPTER VI.-§ 1. Rejection of the Russian mediation. 2. Motion for papers relative to it. 3. Abstract of those documents. 4. Motion for a suspension of military operations. 5. Resignation of the speaker. 6. Relations with France. 7. Organization of the navy department. 8. Appropriations. 9. Adjournment of congress 234





Message from the president of the United States to both houses of congress at the commencement of the second session of the 13th con



Message from the president of the United States recommending an embargo, &c.

[9 Letter from the commissioner of the general land-office, respecting the public lands of the United States



Message from the president of the United States, transmitting copies of a letter from the British secretary of state for foreign affairs, to the secretary of state, with the answer of the latter [19 Message from the president of the United States, transmitting information relative to the reception of Mr. Crawford, the minister from the United States to the court of France, by that court, in obedience to a resolution of the 11th instant [24 Message from the president of the United States, transmitting a report from the secretary of state, complying with the resolution of the house of representatives of the 12th instant Message from the president of the United States, transmitting a report of the secretary of state, in obedience to a resolution of the 13th instant, "requesting the president to lay before this house such documents relative to the Russian mediation as in his opinion it may not be improper to communicate" Message of the president of the United States, transmitting a letter from the secretary of war, accompanied with sundry documents; in obedience to a resolution of the 31st of December last, requesting such information as may tend to explain the causes of the failure of the arms of the United States on the northern frontier Correspondence between the secretary of war and major-general Dearborn, &c.




Correspondence between the secretary of war and brigadier-general Boyd


Letters from the secretary of war to major-general Lewis, commanding at Sackett's Harbour


Correspondence between the secretary of war and major-general Harrison


Correspondence with governor Shelby in relation to the north-western campaign


Correspondence between the secretary of war and major-general Hampton


Correspondence between the secretary of war and major-general Wilkinson


Correspondence between the secretary of war and colonel Porter and general M'Clure, &c.


Message from the president of the United States, recommending a repeal of the embargo and the restrictive system, so far as relates to nations in amity with the United States; also recommending measures for the encouragement of American manufactures, and advis ing the prohibition of the exportation of specie [190 Message from the president of the United States, communicating information touching our relations with France, in compliance with a resolution of the 13th instant [190 Message from the president of the United States, transmitting a report from the acting secretary of the treasury, in compliance with the resolution of the senate of the 13th instant [192 Message from the president of the United States, transmitting a report from the acting secretary of the treasury, in compliance with a resolution of the 31st of December, 1813


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CHAPTER V.-Of the Federal Constitution. (In continuation.) § 1. Command of the army. 2. Military peace establishment. 3. Additional force of 10,000 men. 4. War establishment. 5. The regiment of light artillery. 6. The regiment of dragoons. 7. The artillery corps. 8. The regiments of infantry. 9. The rifle regiments. 10. The general officers. 11. The quarter master general's department. 12. The topographical department. 13. The adjutant general's and the inspector general's departments. 4. The ordnance department. 15. The purchasing department. 16. The paymaster's department. 17. The hospital department. 18. The judge advocates and the chaplains. 19. The engineer corps. 20. Rank of regiments. 21. Rank of officers. 22. Rules of promotion. 23. Army pay, &c. 24. The militia. 25. Volunteers. 26. Invalid pen



CHAPTER VI. Of the Federal Constitution. (In continuation.) § 1. The navy. 2. Pay and subsistence. 3. Distribution of prize money and bounties. 4. Navy pension fund. 5. Regulations of privateers and letters of marque. 6. Privateer fund. 7. Privateer journals. 8. Punishment of offences_committed by or in privateers. 9. The marine hospital fund. 10. Fund for the relief of destitute seamen in foreign countries. 11. Regulation and protection of sea


men in the merchant service. 12. Consuls and ministers CHAPTER VII.-Of the Federal Constitution. (In continuation.) § 1. Revenues of the United States. 2. The customs. 3. The postoffice. 4. Public lands. 5. Receipts and expenditures from the commencement of the federal government. 6. Public debt. 7. Funding system. 8. The sinking fund. 9. Statement of the public debt in 1814. 10. The post-office establishment. 11. Surveyor general's department and land-offices. 12. The mint establishment. 13. United States coin. 14. Trading-houses with the Indians. Indian intercourse



Observations made during a short residence in Virginia. In a letter from the Editor to his friend in Philadelphia


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