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Hamburg, Feb. 21.


IT was hoped that the election of a king

of Poland would not occafion a war; but we have now little reafon to p.rfuade curfelves that it will go off peaceably. There are wagers of three to one, that the Polanders will prefer a war to a forced elation. The liberty which they have in choosing a king is unlimited; and it would be fetting bounds to it, if they could not think of railing any-other than a Piaft to the throne. Reflections are made already in different parts of Poland, on the prejucice that would refult to the public, it it was to fubmit or give itself up to councils which affume neatly the form of orders.

Madrid, Feb. 20. On the 16th, all the foreign ministers afflifted at the marriageceremony, which was performed in the evening, at the palace of Buen Retiro. The prince of Afturias efpoufed his fifter in the name of the archduke Leopold, and his Cathelic majefty led the queen-mother by the hand to and from the altar. After the ceremony there was a fine firework before the palace, upon the occafion.

Don Ricardo Wall was created a knight of the order of St. Januarius; and the mai quis Grimaldi and the marquis Squilace, counfel.ors of state. Many other promo. tions were alfo made.

Hague, March 2. We are affured that the reiterated reprefentations made by count Walderen, our minifter at London, relating to the ill ufage our merchantmen have received from English privateers, have at length made fome impreffion, and that his Britannic majefty has ordered the grievances of the Republic's fubjects to be inquired into, and full fatisfaction to be given them. Genoa, Feb. 13. The kingdom of Naples, Tufcany, &c. are in diftrefs for want of corn; and if not fupplied from abroad, there is danger of a famine in feveral parts of Italy before the new harveft, which will not begin before the middle of June. The populace at Naples had feized the ammunition-bread inter.ded for the foldiers. Copenhagen, Feb. 25. The horrible invention put in practice fome time fince at Lions, has been just imitated in Jutland. Colonel Poulfon received lately a box di

March 1764.

rected for him, which was put into his hands by a country fellow of the neighbourhood. On opening it, a fpring concealed on the infide lut lonfe the trigger of a loaded pistol which was that up in it, and the fire immediately communicated i felf to the powder in the box, of which it was full. Happily colonel Poulfon was neither touched by the ball nor the fplinters from the box; and received no other harm than just what the explosion of the powder did him. This accident neverthelefs might have caufed a fire, if immediate a Tftance had not been given. The author of it is yet unknown.

Dantzick, March 10. The divifions and tumults in feveral of the Polish diets have

lately rifen to a very great height on account of the different parties and interefts, particularly at Brackiaw they came to great extremities. Prince Jablonowski, the palatine of Bracklaw, who, under a pretence of making his public entry into that city, came there with 150 gentlemen in military uniforms, and 300 Tartars, was feveral times very near being killed at that diet. A Polander who flood next to him, was killed by a ftroke from a fabre, and 30 other gentlemen who were nearest to his perfon were feverely wounded. The Jefuits, in whofe church the diet was held, have demanded 3000 marks of filver, to atone, as they fay, to the Divinity, for fullying the fanctuary with fo much human


Count Braniki, great general of the crown, perfifls in refufing to march the army towards the frontiers of the kingdom, and has likewife fet himself up as a candidate for the crown. The parties of Poniatowski and Czartorinski are much the ftrongest, and both these noblemen are at a vaft expence. The former lately gave an entertainment which cost him 2500 ducats, and at which 800 bottles of Hungarian and other wines were drank. Warfaw, March 7.

The king of Pruffia has fent us notice, that if no foreign troops enter the territories of Poland, nether will he fend any of his forces into this republick,



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THURSDAY, March 1. Efterday came on at Guildhall, before the Right Hon. the Lord Chief Juftice Pratt, an action, brought by Mr. Beardmore, against the king's meffengers, for entering his houfe, and infpecting into his and his clients books and papers; when Mr. Attorney-General having obferved that another action was depending, which Mr. Leardmore had brought for falfe imprifonment, against the faid messengers, jointly with the Right Hon. the earl of Halifax, under the faid warrant, it was propofed that both actions might be confolidated, and tried upon one record; on which Mr. Beardmore and his counfel, immediately expreffed great defire to unite both actions, and the court recommending it to have the earl of Halifax joined as a party, that the whole merits against all parties charged or concerned, might be tried in one action, M. Attorney General promifed to recommend the fame, and thereupon his Lord. hip appointed to try the caufe on Friday the 4th day of May next.

A few days ago was prefented to the Society for the Encouragement of Arts and Sciences (at the defire of four great naval officers) an air-jacker, to prevent the fatal confequences attending failors in a fhip. wieck: it has met with great applaufe from the fociety, is reckoned a very curious invention, and entirely on a new plan.

By letters from Amfterdam of the 14th, we learn that the hereditary prince and princefs of Brunfwick had a very narrow efcape, in paffing the Iffel on the 11th ult. in their way to Twickel; as in about an hour after they had paffed a dyke, which contained the waters of that river, the vioIence of thofe waters. all of a fudden, made a very confiderable breach in the dyke, and carried off a great part of the bank along with them.

The parliament have granted the fum of 2500l. to John Blake, Efq; to carry on his plan for fupplying the cities of London and Weftmintter with fifth.

FRIDAY, March 2.

A faip lacly arrived from Newfoundland brings device, that one of his ma

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jefty's cruifers on that station had feized upon three large open decked schooners, loaded with fifh, defigned to be put on board fome French fhips in the Gulph of St. Lawrence, by which it was difcovered that no less than feven agents from the merchants of Bourdeaux, and other ports of France, were then upon the island, chiefly employed in purchasing cargoes, at a fma'l advanced price, through the means of which the French nation, though in a manner reftrained to a very fmall portion of this valuable fishery, are nevertheless enabled to make quicker returns, and even rival us in moft foreign markets.

SATURDAY, March 3.

By letters from Warfaw, dated the 9th ult. we learn, that the election of a king of Poland will not take place till the month of Auguft next: according to the Polish conftitution there must be an extraordinary diet held first, and the primate, for his own advantage, will prolong the interregnum as long as he can, if it is done within twelve months after the king's death, purfuant to the pacta conventa.

We are informed that the Right Honourable Lord Egmont will expend the fum of 200,0001. of his own fortune, in order to carry his plan for peopling and improving the island of St. John's in Newfoundland into execution.

Mr. Arnet is appointed reading clerk to the Right Honourable the house of peers in the room of Maclay, Efq; deceased; and Mr. William Maclay, his fon, is appointed clerk of the journals, and Mr. Strutt, clerk of the copies.

In the new plan for re-building Newgate, there is to be an area round the gaol, and in the middle a fort of fquare, where there will be a continual running water, for to keep them clean; and in the cold weather, a large room with a great fireplace, to keep them warm; and at night they will be put into feveral cells or rooms, as at Bedlam. The keeper's house will be next the cells, which are to ftand as at préfent; there is to be a poftlern on each fide, and a light arch-way across the street.

They write from Kembly in Wiltshire, that a tradesman of that place having two apprentice

apprentice boys, fome time ago took it into his head to tie them both in their beds, and caftrate them; and a day or two afterwards apprehending a mortification, the mafter cut the parts off close to their bodies, and applied plaifters to heal the wounds, but it coming to the knowledge of the boys friends, they fent a furgeon to their relief, and they are both in a fair way of doing well. However they took the ma fter into cuftody; and on the 25th ult. he was carried before a magiftrate, who committed him to Salisbury gaol to take his trial for the fact at the next affizes.

The mayor and corporation of Exeter have voted the Right Hon. the Lord Chief Justice Pratt the freedom of that city, for his noble and impartial conduct in the caufe of liberty, to be prefented him in a gold box of exquifite workmanship, which is now making by an eminent filversmith in Londen for that purpose.

MONDAY. March 5.

His majesty has offered a reward of tool. for the apprehending Matthew Delohanty, an Lith chairman, who commited great outrages in the houfe of the Morocco ambafador on the 15th ult. and a fuitable reward for any other of the perfons concerned in the faid riot.

On Thursday laft the governors of Chrift Hofpital came to a refolution to admit an hundred and fifty children into their house at Easter.

TUESDAY, March 6.

On funday night an extraordinary phænomenon was feen in the air. At three quarters past eight, being a bright ftar-light evening, a column of a very bright appearInce became visible in the eaft of the hemifphere, which had an apparant effect on the air, making it much lighter than it was before. Its bafe feemed to be about ten degrees diftant from the horizon; and it rofe, ia the space of a few minutes, above ten degrees in perpendicular heighth; after which it took an oblique direction towards the fouth, and extended itfelf, by a gradual accretion, in length only, till it had astained about ninety degrees. At this time, which was nine o'clock, it had the appearance, in fome meafure, of half a white rainbow. After nine o'clock it as gradually decreafed in length, the brightnefs of its appearance fading at first as its upper extremity, till a quarter after nine, when it was no longer visible.

Letters from Paris fay, that Mr. Wilkes now almoft recovered, his wound being

cicatrized; and that he intends coming to England, soon after Eafter.


A letter from Paris mentions, that at a place called Buch near Verfailles, lives a woman, the iris of whofe eyes is let into twelve fections, forming an exc dial, the figures refembling thofe on the fmall watches that are included in rings to wear on the finger. She has had this ever fince her birth, without having her fight hu t by it.

Yesterday in the afternoon, at a quarter after three o'clock, died at his houfe in Grofvenor fquare, in the 73d year of his age, the Right Hon. Philip York, Earl of Hardwicke, Viscount Royston, High Steward of the university of Cambridge; a governor of the Charter-houfe, vice prefident of St George's Hofpital, &c.

He is fucceeded by his eldest son, Lord Viscount Roylon, in title and paternal eftate, which vacates his feat as member for the county of Cambridge.

His lord hip married Margaret, one of the daughters of Charles Cocks, of the city of Worcester, Efq; by whom he had five fons and two daughters, viz. 1. Philip Lord Viscount Royston; 2. the Hon. Charles York, late attorney-general; 3. the Hon. Sir Jofeph York, now ambassador at the Hague; 4. the Hon. John York, member for Higham Ferrers, in Northamptonshire; 5. the Hon. and Rev. James York. His lordship's two daughters were, lady Elizabeth, married to George, Lord Anfon, and died June 1, 1760; and lady Margaret, married in 1749, to John Heathcote, Efq; fon and heir of Sir John Heathcote, Bart.

THURSDAY, March 8.

It is faid an augmentation to the wages of feamen in his majesty's fervice is under confideration.

This morning the felons convicted last feffions, to the number of upwards of 50, were put on board a tender at BlackFriars, in order to be shipped off for his ma jefty's plantations in America.

Wednesday Sir Thomas Harrison, chamberlain of London, waited on the Right Hon. Lord Chief Juftice Pratt, and prefented to his lordship the freedom of this city in a gold box; and his lordship having condefcended to fit for his picture, the committee gave orders yesterday to Mr. Reynolds to paint the fame, which when finished, will be hung up near the Huntings at Guidhall.

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SATURDAY, March 10. Yesterday between 11 and 12 o'clock, Watkins, the gardener (who was this week, capitally condemned at Reading affizes, for the murder of Mifs Hamerfley's maid fervant) was executed at the MarketCrofs, in Windfor, after which he was hung in chains, at the corner of Gallows Lane leading to Old Windfor. He perfifted to the laft, that he was innocent of the crime for which he fuffered.

The beginning of this week a publican in Oxford Road, had his till broke open and robbed of near fifty pounds, which by accident was found tied up in a handkerchief belonging to the maid fervant, concealed beneath a heap of fnow. A lodger had been fufpected of the fact, but on this difcovery the girl foon cleared up all, by immediately abfconding.

Dublin. On the 10th of February, be. tween the hours of three and four o'clock in the morning, the dwelling houfe of Catherine Butler, of Harlaftown, in the county of Meath, was broke open by two perfons, with their faces blackened, who fet the faid Catherine Butler on a red-hot griddel, ftabbed her in the thigh with a hanger, and cruelly tortured her many ways, then robbed her of 61. 10s. fterling, and feveral other valuable effects, having first fecured her fervants, by tying them and her toge ther. The lord lieutenant and council having a just abhorrence of fuch barbarous and inhuman robberies, and being determined to bring the faid inhuman offenders to speedy and condign punishment, have of fered a reward of 501. fterling for apprehending and convicting the perfons guilty of the faid robbery.

MONDAY, March 12.

We are favoured with the following account of the arrival of their ferene highneffes the hereditary prince and princess at Brunfwick.

On Sunday the 19th of February his ferene highness the hereditary prince arrived at Brunswick.

On Tuesday the 21ft her royal and serene highnefs followed. She was met at Wenden, three miles from Brunswick, by a party of light horfe; and when she came within one mile of the town, by the reigning dake, the duchefs, prince Ferdinand, and the whole illuftrious family, who were come in fix coaches and fix. After repofing fome time in a large fplendid green pavilion, the reigning duchefs and her royal and ferene highness then fet out in an

open coach, that the people might fee her. During her paffage, and at her approach to town, attended by military mufic, 90 guns were thrice difcharged, and the bells of the town and adjacent places were rung. Without the gate paraded a company of prince Frederick's grenadiers, and 40 of horfe life guards, dreffed in leather jerkins, laced with filver. Within the gate were two battalions of the foot-guards, two battalions of Gen. Imhoff's regiment, two battalions of Gen. Manfberg's regiment, and two battalions of the hereditary prince's own regiment. Her royal highnefs was preceded by two fquadrons of huffars, and followed by 60 of the horfe life-guards, another fquadron of huffars, and a great number of officers on horfeback. After they alighted at Granhoff, the duke's palace, the princefs appeared at the window, while the regiments filed by and faluted her, and then went to the ramparts and fired three falvos. At five o'clock their highne les fat down to table, from which they arofe at eight, played at cards in the great affembly room till ten, when they went to fupper, and then retired to the hereditary prince's palace.

On the 22d, the whole court was affembled in the morning in the prince's palace : at two her royal highnefs went to the duke's palace, with lady Stuart in her coach, followed by his ferene highness. In the evening their royal highneffes went to a new opera, and were received at their entrance with great acclamations of the people. After the opera they supped in the great ball room, and there was a splendid ball, which lafted till early the next morning.

On the 23d they dined in public, and in the evening went to an operetta.

On the 24th was a great Gala at court, and a fupper in the parterre of the operahoufe, on a table in the form of an A, with So covers.

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was opened by Sir Francis Gofling, explaining the critical fituation of their affairs in Bengal, and concluded with the following motion:

"That confidering the great alteration of our affairs in Bengal by the late commotion in that fettlement, and the restoration of Meir Jaffier Alli Kawn to the subaship, the prefent appointment of fucceffor to the prefidency and the military appointment of the commander of our forces, are therefore improper."

This motion producing much debate, and a majority of the proprietors appearing convinced of the neceffity of appointing fome men of fuperior abilities and influence to restore the affairs of this company, from that anarchy and confusion in which they are involved, all eyes feemed to be fixed upon one, which produced a motion, as if by infpiration from a candid and fenfible member, who had fet out with arguments against the first motion; but who had the tonour of propofing this, "That lord Cive fhould be requested by this court to take upon him the prefidency at Bengal, and the command of the military forces there, upon his arrival in that province." This met with an univerfal fhout of approbition, which obliged his lordship to deliver his fentiments in a very manly and modet speech," Confeffing, that though his affluence of fortune and other schemes of life were totally different; yet, if he was called upon by the general fenfe of the proprietors, and matters could be fettled, fo that he could proceed with any degree of prudence, fupported by a friendly and united direction, he would once more stand forth in their fervice."

After a short debate, the question was put, and carried without a divifion.

His majesty has been pleased to appoint Denys Roile, Efq; member for Barnstable, to be governor of Eaft-Florida; And West-Florida.

Johnstone to be governor of

On Saturday morning, as the fon of Mr. Wells, fword hilt maker, in St. John'sfquare, Clerkenwell, a lad about 15 years old, was going up a fhort ladder placed on the roof of a houfe repairing in the faid fquare, the ladder flipped, when the boy faught hold of one of the flaves at the top, and they fell to the ground together, but luckily the bottom of the ladder pitching first on the ground, broke the fall, and he received not the leaft hurt.

tended to be made into the true state of the finking fund and national debt.

THURSDAY, March 15.

Yesterday was held a general court of the Ruffia company, at their court room over the Royal Exchange, on fome affairs of importance; when, after debate, the queftion was put, Whether an agent was neceffary or not, when, on a divifion, paffed in the affirmative, by a majority of fix. After which, an elegant entertainment was provided at the King's Arms Tavern, in Cornhill, at which were present the earls of Sandwich, Egmont, and Halifax, with feveral other perfons of distinction, as also M. De Groffe, ambafiador extraordinary from the empress of Ruffia.

On Tuesday night an exprefs arrived at the Right Hon. Lady Townshend's - in White-hall, which brought an account of the death of her husband the Lord Viscount Townshend, who died on the road coming from Bath on monday evening. By his death 3000l. per annum devolves to her ladyfhip. His lordship is fuucceeded in title and estate by his eldest fon, the Right Hon. George, now Viscount Townshend, of Rainham, in the county of Norfolk, lieutenant-general of the ordnance, colonel of the 28th regiment of foot, as alfo of the western battalion of militia of the county of Norfolk, a major-general, and knight of the hire for the faid county of Norfolk.

A fhock of an earthquake was felt the 26th of last month at Mantua, but in did no damage.

FRIDAY, March 16.

In a late affembly of the governor and council at Kingston in Jamaica, a motion was made and approved, to prefer a memorial to the British parliament, setting forth, that in the prefent declining state of the fugar islands, nothing could tend more effectually to restore the Weft-India trade from ruin, than putting a stop to the farther diftillation of rum in the British colonies of North America, commonly called New England and Northern Rum; which, together with the large quantities imported from the French Islands, had fo funk the demand for that produce as to threaten a total diffolution to the whole trade.

A fhip lately arrived from Newfoundland, has brought over a few chaldrons of coals, the produce of that ifland; which for pitchiness and clear burning, are esteemed equal to the best Long Benton.

Lord Hertford lodges at the Hotel de

We hear a parliamentary enquiry is in- Grimbergen. The owner of that Hotel


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