

The palace was fuperbly illuminated, as was all the neighbourhood, even as far as the old caftle. After fupper there was a ball in the fquare before the palace, which was opened by the prince of Pruffia, and the princefs, fpoufe of the hereditrary prince of Brunswick. The next day there was an open table at Potfdam, where a very fine concert was performed in the evening by his majefty's band of musicians.

It is obfervable, that fince laft Christmas, there have been no lefs than feven profecutions carried on against the prefs, by informations in the court of King's Bench, viz. 1. Mr. Wilkes, for re-publishing the North Briton, Numb. 45, in volumes.

2 Mr. Wilkes, for printing the Effay on Woman.

3 Mr. Corbet, for an advertisement in the Whitehall Evening Poft.

4. Monf. D'Eon, for publishing a book in French, entitled Lettres, Memoirs, et Negociations.

5. Mr. Wilkes, as the original publisher of the North Briton, Numb. 45.

6. Mr. Williams, for the re publication of that number in volumes.

7. Mr, Kearly, for publishing the fame paper feparately.

All of which, (except the fifth, which was always looked upon to be the princi. pal) have been tried before Lord Mansfeld.

York, July 31. On Sunday the 15th inftant died, in the 125th year of his age, George Kirton, of Oxnop-Hall, near Reeth, in this county,/Efq; a gentleman more remarkable for fox-hunting than the famous Mr. Draper; for after following the chace on horfeback till he was upwards of 80, fo great was his defire for the diverfion, that full he was 100 years old) be regularly attended unkennelling the fox in his finglehorfe chair: and, as a proof that length of days is not always intailed on a life of temperance and fob iery, he was an inftance to he contary; for no man, even till within en years of his death, made frear with his ottle. His eftate, which is pretty confideable, and has been in the family near three enturies, defcends to his fn, Thomas Burton, E'q; an eminent phyfician in Yarm,

SATURDAY, Auguft 4. A few days fince one John Parfens, a dier in the first regiment of guards, havgfome words with a woman, he itabbed

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Thot himfelf with his mufquet at his dig in Weltminster, and died the fame

efterday the report was made to his ma

jefty in council, of the malefactors under fentence of death in Newgate; when Archibald Nelfon, for perfonating John Wallis, a feaman, in order to receive his wages, &c. and James Lacey, and Thomas Edwards, for robbing Philip Roper, Efq; near Marybone turnpike, were ordered for execution on Wednesday the 15th inflant. Margaret Wefton, for robbing Ann Pierce on the highway, were refpited during his majefty's pleasure.

Oxford, Aug. 3. On Tuesday laft, at the affize at Abingdon, for the county of Berks, Mr. Juftice Wilmot fat on the crown fide, when Jofeph Hone, for ftealing about three gallons of cyder, the property of Mr. Goodall of Wallingford; and Abraham Dungworth for ftealing five filk handkerchiefs, the property of Mr. Hall of Abingdon, were both found guilty of grand larceny for which Hone was burnt in the hand, and Dungworth was fentenced to be tranfported for 7 years-One was difcharged by proclamation; and John Dixon, capitally convicted at the last affize and refpited, was ordered to be tranfported for 14


On Wednesday morning, at this affize, Elizabeth Cooper, a girl of fixteen years of age, fervant to Jonathan Bedford, a baker, of Stanford, Berks, was tried for the murder of her baftard child, by drowning it in a fand pit; when after a moft candid and impartial trial, that lafted upwards of five hours, in which there having appeared cir cumftances of infanity, occafioned by the very uncommon bardships under which the had laboured in the hour of her diftrefs, fhe was most compaffionately acquitted.-She faid her mafter, who is a married man, and has had many children, was the father; that during her pregnancy, he had not only forced her to take medicines to procura abortion, but had tried every means to perfuade her to fwear the child wrongfully, and, upon a refufal, had struck her fo vio lently on the belly, that fhe fainted; and that, the morning before her delivery, he had forced her from his houfe, deftitute of money, at the fame time encouraging her to get rid of the child, and then the should want for nothing; that early on the Friday morning, after lying out, in a deplorable wet condition, for a day and a night, without the leaft fuftenance, and in labour, the was returning home, but being met by her mater was refufed even a fhelter from the inclemency of the weather; and that after wards being delivered alone, under a hedge,


the fainted away, and on coming a little to life again, found the child dead, and threw it into the water.

At this affize the great caufe relative to the tolls of Windfor bridge, was tried before a fpecial jury, and given in favour of the corporation.

MONDAY, August 6.

St. James's, Aug. 3. His majesty in council was this day pleafed to order, That the parliament, which ftands prorogued to Thursday the 16th of this instant Auguft, fhould be further prorogued to Tuesday the goth day of October next.

TUESDAY, August 7.

On Thurfday laft the affizes ended at Northampton, when the following perfons were capitally convicted, viz. John Croxford, Benjamin Deacon, and Richard Butlin, for robbing and murdering Thomas Carey, afterwards burning his body to ashes in an oven near Guilfborough, in Northamptonshire. They were executed laft Saturday; Croxford was hung in chains on Guilfborough-common, near the place where the fa&t was committed; Deacon and Butlin were delivered to the furgeons.

Salisbury, Aug. 6. At Winchester afsize, which ended on Saturday, only one received fentence of death, viz. James Boyce, for fealing brass locks of carriage guns belong ing to his majefty's ftores at Potsmouth.

WEDNESDAY, August 8.

Newcastle, August 4. We hear, that Mr. William Bell, of Carlile, has completed a moveable Time-keeper for the difcovery of the longitude, which has been proved to a certainty both at fea and land, and which will go with a fun dial for the space of twelve months, without varying one moment. In confequence of which he intends to apply for the premium offered for finding out the longitude.

THURSDAY, August 9.

The following is an exact copy of the proclamation made at the great door of St. Margarets church, Westminster, on Sunday laft, by the under-fheriff of Middlefex:

John Wilkes, late of the parish of St. Margaret, within the Liberty of Weftminfter, in the county of Middlefex, Efq; appear before the lord the king at Westminfter, on Tuesday next, after the morrow of All Souls, to fatisfy the lord the king for your redemption, on account of certain trefpaffes, contempts, and mifdemeanors, whereof you are impeached, and thereupon, by a certain jury of the country, taken between the king and you the faid John Wilkes, you are convicted."

On Tuesday the affize ended at Hertford, where, we are informed, two perfons received fentence of death, and three were caft for transportation.-At this affize, a wealthy farmer of Hempstead, in Hertfordshire, was tried on fufpicion of robbing the house where he boarded, when, after a long hearing, only examining the evidences for the profecutor, without any one evidence for the prifoner, he was acquitted by the


FRIDAY, August 10:

This day there was a general court of the governors of Guy's hofpital, when Thomas Lucas, Efq; was chofen treasurer, in the room of Dr. Avery, deceased; and Dr. Tomlinfon, physician, in the room of Dr. Wollaston, deceased.

Last week, at the affizes at Hull, Thomas Creffey and John Storey were found guilty of sheepftealing, and received fentence of death, but were reprieved by the judge.

SATURDAY, August 11.

At the affizes at Buckingham, Mary Goodsteed and Nathaniel Cripps, received fentence of death for burglary, but were both reprieved before the judges left the place; Richard Collings, for stealing of hogs, and James Putham for robbing a Jew at Aylesbury fair, to be transported for 7 years, and Richard Edwards, a former conviet, was ordered to be transported for 14 years.

At Bedford affizes, Ann Grey, Elizabeth Barton, and John Stephens, were capitally convicted for sheepftealing, but were afterwards all reprieved; Philip Hayes, for ftealing filver spurs from the boot-catch a the Swan Inn, to be tranfported for leven yerrs, and Samuel Britnall, a former convict, to be tranfported for 14 years.

At Huntingdon affizes which ended on Monday last, James Jackson alias Turner, was capitally convicted of stealing cattle, and received fentence of death, but was afterwards reprieved.

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At Cambridge affizes, which ended ca Tuesday evening before Lord Chief Just Pratt, and Mr. Serjeant Sayer, Jonathan Gynn, a boy about 17 years old, was con victed of an unnatural attempt on a box about fix years of age, and was ordered to be imprisoned fix months, to ftand once the pilllory, and to find furety for his behaviour for four years; James Fu phreys, who was convicted at the last af. but received 'his majesty's clemency, ordered to be transported for 14 years. MONDAY, August 13.

At Worcester affizes, which ended

Tuesday, James Pigeon, for stealing an ewe sheep, was condemned, but afterwards reprieved. James Pilkington, charged with forgery, and who has appeared to be deaf and dumb for fome months, was ordered to remain in gaol till next afsizes.

Salisbury, Aug. 13. At our affize, which ended Wednesday laft, the three following received fentence of death, viz. William Jacques, otherwife Spencer, of Leign Delamere, in this county, mariner, for the murdering and robbing George Hartford, a black, his fellow-failor and companion, as they were travelling through a wood, in the parish of Stanton, near Malmsbury; Abraham Barret, for horfe-stealing; and one for breaking open a box, and stealing feventy-four pounds, the property of Mr. Mufslewhite, at the Red Lion and Crofs Keys in this city, where he had lodged fome weeks before. The two latter are refpited for transportation.

TUESDAY, August 14.

On Friday laft the affize ended at Chelmsford, when one perfon was capitally convicted, and received fentence of death: viz. William Bacon, for robbing James Mabew, a farmer of Great Tray, in or near the parish of Hatfield-Peveril, of 10 s. in money, his mare, faddle, and bridle.

At Winchester affizes, which ended on Saturday, thirty-five prifoners were tried, one only of which received fentence of death, viz. James Boyce, for ftealing brass locks of carriage guns belonging to his ma jefty's ftores at Portsmouth; fifteen were caft for transportation, three to be whipped, eight acquitted, fix no bill, and two to remain.

THURSDAY, August 16. Yesterday morning the following malefactors were carried in a cart from Newgate, and executed at Tyburn, viz. Archibald Nelson, for perfonating John Wallis, a mariner, in order to receive his wages and prize money; James Lacey and Thomas Edwards, for robbing Philip Roper, Efq; near Marybone turnpike.

Gloucefter, Aug. 13. At the conclufion of our affizes on Friday evening, three perfons were capitally convicted; John Davis, for stealing a deer out of the park of Charles Wyndham, Efq; (but was afterwards reprieved); John Jordan, for a highway robbery on Durdham Down; and John Hancock, for robbing William Cooke, of Norton; both of whom are left for execution. Thomas Powel, and William Williams, for deer-stealing, were ordered to



remain; and Edward Thompson, and Edmund Smith, condemned last affizes, were fentenced to be transported for 14 years. FRIDAY, August 17.

Yesterday both houses of parliament met at Westminster, pursuant to their last promand, further prorogued by the, lord chanrogation; and were, by his majesty's comcellor, to the 30th of Octocer next. Thomas Tyrwhitt, Efq; chief clerk to the honourable House of Commons, fupplied the place of Sir John Cuft, Bart. the fpeaker, who is abfent at the German Spa.

ftone, when five prifoners were capitally Yesterday the affizes ended at Maid


York, Aug. 14. At the affizes for this Clayton was found guilty of the murder of county, which ended laft Friday, Abraham his wife, and on Saturday he was executed at Tyburn, and his body fent to the county hofpital to be diffected and anatomized, pursuant to his fentence.

MONDAY, August 20.

St. James's, Auguft 17. The king has ther, of Swillington in Yorkshire, clerk, been pleased to grant unto William Lowmafter of arts, and his heirs male, the dignity of a baronet of Great Britain.

By a letter from New-York there is advice, that most part of the lofs fuftained by of the Bermudians, who had five fail of the English in Turks Island falls to the mare turtlers there when the French landed. All the falt which their people on shore were preparing for the Newfoundland fishery, was either deftroyed or carried off.

TUESDAY, August 21.

Norwich, Aug. 16. At the afsizes for the county of Norfolk, William Brentnall, Creafy, for a highway robbery ; and John for returning from transportation; Samuel Carman, for house-breaking, received fentence of death.

Bury, Aug. 16. At our affizes, which old convict, was fentenced to be transportended on Saturday, Matthew Hindes, an ed for 14 years; and Emanuel Knights convicted of theft for feven. John Cathercole Thomas Dowling was acquitted. William was ordered to be privately whipped, and Blake to remain in gaol till next affizes.

Jaques, for murder, was, purfuant to his
Salisbury, Aug. 20. On Tuesday William
fentence, executed in the parish of Stan-
ton, near the fpot where he committed the
thought it no crime to kill a black, and
fact; on his way he feemed to hint that he
dropped fome other expreffions that shewed


him to have but little remorse. On Monday night, when he lay at Devizes Bridewell, two men were ordered to fit up with him, in order to accompany him in prayer; but about eleven o'clock, he defired to be excufed, as he had been much fatigued that day, therefore wanted to go to fleep, which he did, and flept very found the whole night. When he came to the place of execution, he feemed half dead, and faid but little, defired he might not be turned off a ladder, or from the cart, but be drawn up with a pulley from the ground, in the fame manner as failors are executed on fhip board, which was complied with. The number of spectators prefent on the occafion, was fuppofed to be near ten thousand. WEDNESDAY, August 22.

On Monday laft, a boxing match was fought on Mousehold-Hill, for five guineas a fide, between ferjeant Watling of the 50th regiment, and Thomas Alger, a butcher from Difs; which lafted one hour and five minutes. The butcher was victorious, and carried to Bear street, in triumph. It was computed there were upwards of 5000 perfons prefent.

Norwich, Aug. 18. On Tuesday aft at our affizes, a caufe was tried on the Nifi Prius fide, before Mr. Serjeant Whitaker, for the breach of a promife of marriage, when the plaintiff had a verdict for 300 guineas damages, befides her cots,

THURSDAY, August 23.

At the affizes at Exeter, which ended on Saturday laft, three received fentence of death, viz. Hugh Brown and James Obryan, for robbing Mr. Saunders of his watch, and about twelve fhillings; and Jaines Rowe for stealing a rare the property of William Endacott

Luicefter, Aug. 18. Yesterday ended the affizes for this county and borough, when Robinfon Holmes, for ftealing a horfe from Mr. Moley's ftage waggon, between Quarndon and Loughborough, received fentence of death.

At Hereford afflizes laft week, Jofeph Thomas, convicted of heep stealing, and George Ward for breaking open Mr. Meakins's fhop, were condemned to be hanged; but were afterwards reprieved.

TUESDAY, August 28.

hithe, and stealing goods, plate, &c. to the value of 3001. and upwards; Skinner's wife was tried with him for being concerned in this robbery, but the jury acquitted her, as acting under the direction of her husband. John Hood, for receiving part of the goods stolen, was convicted as an acceffary after the fact, and fentenced to be tranfported for fourteen years. Richard Norris was capitally convicted of privately ftealing two filver watches in the shop of Humphry Sellon, watchmaker in South

wa k.

On Saturday William Curtis and Matthew Wilkinson were capitally convicted of robbing William Smith, in the Lock-Fields, near Newington, of his watch and money. These two men had been evidences against their accomplices, three of whom were executed fome time ago.


Earl of Powis, lord lieut. of the county of Salop.

Earl of Northampton, lieut. of the town and county of Northampton.

Ceorge Macartney, Efq; envoy to the court of Ruffia.

Lift of MARRIAGES. Right Hon. Lord Corke, to the Hon. Mifs Courtenay.

Dr. Smith, head-mafter of Westminsterfchool, to Mifs Ja.kfon.

James Gould, Efq; to Mifs Sally Temple." Ambrofe Pugh, Efq; to Mis Amelia Jofepha Home.

Charles Cornwall, Efq; to Mifs Jenkinfon.

Rev. Mr. Rider, of Hertfordshire, to Miss Westcomb.

Mr. Court, of Birmingham, to Mifs Bromley of the fame place.

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Sir William Douglas of Glenbervie, in Scotland.

John Hervey, Efq; one of the Wech judges.

Sir Charles Molyneux, Bart. of Notting


William Watts, Efq; late gove. nor of

On Friday afternoon, the affize on the Crown fide for Surry began at Guildford, before the Hon. Mr. Baron Smythe, when fix prifoners were tried, two of whom were capitally convicted, viz. John Skinner, the noted waterman, for breaking open the Henry March, Efq; an eminent Turkey houfe of Capt. John Dobíon, of Rother- merchant. Remainder of Promotions, Marriages, Deaths, &c, in our next,




For SEPTEMBER, 1764.

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REFLECTIONS on the univerfal Defire of RICHES.

XXXHERE is fcarcely any fentiment in which, Tamidft the innumera

ble varieties of inclimation that nature or accident have scattered in the world, we find greater numbers concurring than in the wish for riches; a wish indeed fo prevalent that it may be confidered as univerfal and tranfcendental, as the defire in which all other defires are included, and of which the various purpofes which actuate mankind, are only a fubordinate fpecies, and different modifications.

Wealth is indeed the general center of inclination, the point to which all minds preferve an invariable tendency, and from which they afterwards diverge in numberlefs directions. Whatever is the remote or ultimate defign, the immediate care is to be rich; and in whatever enjoy ment we intend finally to acquiefce, we seldom confider it as attainable but by the means of money, of which September 1764.

all therefore confefs the value; nor is there any difagreement but about the use.

There is fcarcely any paffion which riches do not affift us to gratify. He that places his happinefs in full chefts of numerous dependents, in refined praife or popular acclamation, in the accumulation of curiofities or the revels of luxury, ia fplendid edifices or wide plantations, mutt ftill either by birth or acquifition poffefs riches. They may be confidered as the elemental principles of pleafure, which may be combined with endlefs diverfity; as the effential and neceffary fubftance, of which the form only is to be adjusted by choice.

The neceflity of riches being thus apparent, it is not wonderful that almost every mind has been employed in endeavours to acquire them; that multitudes have vied with each other in arts by which life is furnished with accommodations, and which therefore mankind ma 3 M reasonab

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