
At the fame hour he fhews his orient head, And, warn'd by Thetis, finks in ocean's bed.

Adieu! ye damask roses, which remind The maiden fair-one, how her charms decay; [hind, Ye rifing blafts, oh! leave fome mark beSome fmall memorial of the sweets of


Ah! no-the ruthless season will not hear,
Nor fpare one glory of the ruddy year.
No more the waste of music fung fo late

From every bush, green orchestra of love, For now their winds the birds of paffage wait,

And bid a laft farewell to every grove; While thofe, whom thepherd-fwains the fleepers call,

Chufe their recefs in fome fequeftered wall. Yet ftill fhall fage September boast his pride, Some birds fhall chant, fome gayer flowers fhall blow,

Nor is the feafon wholly unallied [grow, To purple bloom; the haler fruits fhall The ftronger plants, fuch as enjoy the cold, And wear a livelier grace by being old.

The ROSE and the BUTTERFLY. AFABLE, imitated from La Motte.


'Tis an age fince you left me;" (the meant a few hours, [of flowers) But fuch we'll fuppofe the fond language "I faw when you gave the base vi'let a kifs : [as this?

How could you defcend to fuch meanness Shall a low little wretch, whom we roles defpife, [eyes? Find favour,-oh, love !-in my butterfly's On a tulip, quite tawdry, I mark'd your foul rape,

Nor yet could the pitiful primrose escape; Dull daffodils too, were with paffion adAnd poppies, ill-fcented, you fendly ca[refs'd."


The coxcomb was piq'd, and reply'd with a fneer, [you, my dear; "That you're firft to complain, I commend But know, from your conduct, my maxims I drew,

And if I'm inconftant, I copy from you : I faw the boy Zephyrus rifle your charms; I saw how you fimper'd, and (mil'd in his [own, The honey bee kifs'd you, you must not dif You favour'd likewife-Oh, dishonour !—a [not deny,



What's worfe 'tis a fault that you can. Your fweets were made common, falle rofe! to a fly.


AT day's early dawn, a gay butterfly spy'd This law, long ago, did love's providence

A budding young rofe, and he wish'd

make, [rake. every coquet fhould be curs'd with a

TUNBRIDGE VERSES. EPIGRAM on a late Death: Addressed to the Minority.

her his bride: That [declare, She blush'd when the heard him his paffion And tenderly told-he need not despair. Their vows they foon plighted. As lovers still do, [true, He swore to be conftant, she vow'd to be It had not been prudent to deal with delay, The bloom of a rofe paffes quickly away,

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THE rotten caufe that you maintain,
And your fucceffes tally;
Though cashier'd generals ftrive in vain
Your broken troops to rally.
With each new day new hopes are fled,

And quarter you must beg:
When Hardwicke fell you loft a head,
And now you lose a Leg.

ANSWER to the Above.

THO' Legge be loft, and Hardwicke dead,
Our glory's not yet faded;
The caufe is found, nor wants a head,
And many Limbs are added.

The Authors of the BRITISH MAGAZINE are greatly obliged to Philo-Clericus for bis favour; but think the intention of bis letter has been already fully answered by the extraft they gave in their laft Magazine from the ingenicus pamphlet be recommends. There mainder of Varignano's pieces will appear, if poffible, next month; In the mean time, they bag leave to affure this gentleman, that they shall be extremely proud of bis correspondence. The Lines from Wigan are under confideration.

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BY the last advices from Poland, we are

informed, that on the 27th of laft month, the ftates of the republic having affembled in the neighbourhood of Warfaw, opened the diet of election, and elected Count Sofnowfky, grand-marfhal of the diet. On the eve of the preceding day, count Stanislaus Poniatowsky formally declared himself a candidate for the crown, and told the Waywodes and Magnates, that if they knew any one whose zeal for the country furpaffed his own, he would renounce his pretenfions, and give him his vote. Though the election was expected to be over by the 7th of this month, and it has been reported that count Poniatowsky was elected; yet we are inclined to think this intelligence premature, as no authentic accounts have yet arrived of this nobleman's election. Count Braniky and prince Lubomirsky still perfevere in their oppofition to the diet of confederacy, and have hitherto refufed to affift at the diet of election; fo that it is conjectured they have been promised affiftance by fome foreign power.

Naples, Auguft 27. The mortality, which has made fuch great havock in this city, is almost entirely ceafed. Eut the laft advices from Foggia, in the Capitinate, occafion the most lively alarms. The multitude of perfons who die there every day is prodigious, and there is no counting the number of the fick.

Copenhagen, Sept. 4. The nuptials of their royal and moft ferene highneffes, the hereditary prince and princefs of Heffe, were folemnized on Saturday laft in the prefence of their Danish majeflies and the royal family; all the foreign minifters by invitation affifted, and afterwards fupped, in the ufual manner, at the king's table. The city was fuperbly illuminated, and all ranks of people fhewed the utmost joy on this happy occafion.

Genoa, Sept. 8. On the 3d inft. at night this republick received an exprefs from Calvi, advifing, that two Genoefe a rmed barks and two feluccas fell in with, on the 26th past, two Corfican armed barks, one Tartan and two Feluccas, in the gulph of St. Fiorenza. The Cor@cans immediately September 1764.

attacked the Genoefe; but after an engage ment of two hours, the largest of the Cor fican barks (faid to have mounted 18 guns and 150 men) ran afhore. During this engagement they likewife took the Tartan, which had one gun of 18 pound shot, and two others of a smaller caliber, and several wall pieces: when this veffel was taken, there were only eight Corficans found alive aboard, and two dead. One of the Corfican feluccas, either defignedly or cafually, blew up whift it was engaged with one of the Genoefe feluccas, and the greatest part of the crews of both perished, or were wounded. After this defeat of the Corficans, the barks proceeded up the gulph, and landed the fuccours they had on board for the befieged in St. Fiorenza, and retired to Calvi to refit.

Yesterday one of the republick's galleys failed for Baftia, and carried M. Auguftine Sperone, who is to remain there with the character of Vicegerent; and M. Sauli, who has refided there fome years in character of Commiffary-general, is to embark on board the galley to return hither.

Extract of a letter from Legkorn, Aug. 27.

"The dey of Algiers having declared war against our regency, we are preparing to give him as warm a reception as we can, on our part. With this view all the galleys in our port, that are fit for fervice, are arming with the greatest expedition; and, when ready for fea, are to be joined in a certain latitude by two chebecks of the pope's, and three or four half-galleys from Naples, after which they are to proceed in conjunction on a craife against thofe pirates.


In the mean time, that our navigaon may foffer as little as poffible, two armed polacres have been detached, one eaft, the other weft, to inform all the veffels they may meet of the rupture, and take fuch as belong to this duchy under their protection. The government of Na ples have likewife fent ont the St. Charles man of war, and the Conception frigate, with orders to cruife before Sicily, and give chace to the rovers they may find in thofe feas."

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MONDAY, August 27.

N the 21st of June last, the St. Peter, capt. Heere Ganfz, bound from Hamburgh to Porto, about five o'clock in the afternoon, was attacked by a pirate, off Beachy-Head, who fhewed English colours, and whom he took for a double floop, or cutter, having fix guns on deck, and a long pennant flying. The pirate fired a gun at them, when they truck their topfail and hoifted their jack. This was fearce done, before a fecond gun, with a ball, was fired at them, which the captain perceiving, ftooped, or it would have ftruck him. The pirates then boarded them, armed with piftols and blunderbuffes, which they put to the captain's breaft, and forced him into the cabin, where they left him, with a man at the cabin door with two loaded pistols, as a centinel over him. They then went on deck, ordered the hatches to be opened, and the carpenter refufing to take off the hoops from the harches, they beat and forced him to do it. They then obliged the mate to unlock the hatches, which, to preferve his life, he did. They then confined the mate, carpenter, co k, and two other men, in the fteerage, and being now maiters of the veffel, loaded their boat with fheets of copper, which they carried on board their own veffel, leaving people to watch the captain, and his men, who were prifoners on board their own thip: at eight o'clock the fame evening they went to the captain, and told him he might go about his business: upon which, coming on deck, he found a great quantity of goods lying, but chiefly pipe ftaves; but in the hold every thing was cut to pieces and defroyed. On the 2d of July they boarded a fmall English veifel, or cutter, armed with cutlaffes, &c. which had but one gun; this was near Ornay, on the French coaft, when after asking several queftions, they returned to their own hip. The captain declares, that while he was robbed, a three maft veffel was not far off, which made a fignal, and approached the fmall one; when the robbery was over, the fmail one fired a gun as a fignal.

Wednesday laft as the high sheriff for the County of Leicester was going in a chairs,

in order to attend the affizes at Leicefter, in paffing through a turnpike near that place the gate fell close too foon, which he endeavouring to prevent, had his little finger cut quite off, on which was a diamond ring, that could not be found, though diligently looked for.

At Denton near Stilton in Huntingdonshire, a common field-pea was fown in the garden of Mr. Samuel Hoppers of that place, from whence have fprung this year 23 branches, on which were 249 pods, that produced a full Winchester quart of peas when shelled.

On Wednesday the affize for the county of Suffex ended at Horfham, when Michael Ramfey, for horfestealing, and William James, for burglary, received fentence of death, but were both reprieved.

TUESDAY, August 28.

Norwich, August 26. On Friday laft there was an exhibition of the patent air jackets at the New-Mills, before a numerous fet of gentlemen who attended at the af fizes, which gave general fatisfaction; they appeared of real utility for the ends propofed, and capable of being extended and applied to many more ufeful purposes. Many experiments with them were try'd by Mr. Tinkler, in deep water, and in the mcg rapid part of the flushes; from which it is very evident that no depth or current of water could fink a perfon with an air jacket The natural tendency of the air jacket appears not only to buoy the wearer above water, but to recline him upon the back, and fupport the head above water. Mr. Tinkler, with one of them, fupported an hundred weight upon his breaft; he likewife Acated three perfons at a time with one c them on..


WEDNESDAY, August 29.

Newcastle, Aug. 25. On the 17th inftant, came on at Durham, before the Hon. Mr. Juftice Bathurst, the trial of Mr. and Mrs. Oliphant, and their maid, for the alledged murder of Dinah Armstrong; when the parties being juftified by the very evi dence brought against them, their judge de-. clared his fenfe of their unmerited fufferings,


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in publick court, by faying, "He believed them as innocent of the crime laid to their charge as himself."

At the affizes held for this town and county, George Stewart, for the murder of Robert Lindlay, Keelman, and Cuthbert Thompfen, found guilty of breaking Mrs. Douglas's houfe, received fentence of death. On Monday evening a houfe fell down in Bun's Rents, Raven Court, Whitecrofs Street, by which a woman and her child were buried in the ruins; the woman was foon after dug out much bruifed, but would not be carried to the hofpital till the child was found, which was not done till near twelve, when the infant was brought to her dead; he was then carried to St. Bartholomew's Hospital.

Late on Saturday night the affizes for the county of Surry ended at Guildford, when befide Matthew Wilkinfon, William Curtis, Richard Norris, and John Skinner, (mentioned in our laft Mag.) Samuel Brain, John Vernon, and Matthew Jackfon, for robbing John Grunfell on the highway, were capitally convicted, and received fentence of death. The judge was pleased to reprieve Richard Norris, and to order the other fix for execution.

THURSDAY, August 30. Birmingham, Aug. 27. At Warwick affizes, which ended on Tuesday, Edward Crofts, for theep-fealing, received fentence of death.

At the affizes at Shrewsbury last week, Evan Davies, for robbing Elizabeth Harding of three pence, and John Smith, for ftealing a mare, received fentence of death; but were afterwards reprieved.

Extract of a private letter from Charlef

town, dated July 2.

"The fanguine hopes of our adventurers to Pensacola, &c. feem to be fruftrated; and if we may judge from the following truth, fome of our men of war are employed to other purposes than to protect and encourage trade, as has been often the cafe before. A Spanish loop arrived at Penfacola, in order to exchange 30,000 dollars for dry goods, the greatest part of which, you know, was fent from this place; inftead of meeting with encouragement, an officer was put on board from the frigate ftationed there, with orders to continue till the floop was fupplied with a few neceffaries which he stood in need of, and the was ordered out to fea again immediately. If you think this piece of information will be of any fervice to the many fhippers from

the port of London, you are welcome to make it as publick as you please."

On Monday laft the wife of a poor man in Old Street bought an old ftuff chair, of a broker near that place, for 8d. when the carried it home her husband abused her for making fo miferable a purchase, and a fouffle enfued; on moving the chair, fomething was heard to jingle, and the feat being cut open, they found 150 guineas, which had been concealed there, which terminated the fcuffle to their mutual fatisfaction.

On Tuesday a peruke maker, who is faid to be a waiter at one of the publick gardens, was committed to the Gatehouse prifon, Westminster, for cruelly uling a woman, whom he pretended to marry: he decoyed her from her fervice on Monday evening, to an alehoufe in Shug-Lane, where, it is faid, they lay together; and in the night-time he quarrelled with his intended bride, for refusing to give him her money and apparel, for it feems he had faved in her fervice, upwards of forty pounds in cash, befides clothes to a confiderable value: he stabbed the poor creature in the face, breaft, neck, and other parts of the body, beat one of her eyes almoft out, and tore most of the hair from her head; the woman was fent to the hofpital, where, we are told, he died the fame night.

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FRIDAY, August 31

On the trial of John Croxford, Benjamin Deacon, and Richard Butlin, at Northamp ton affizes the ad ult. for the murder of

Thomas Corey, a travelling pedlar, the principal evidences were, Anne Seamark, (whofe husband was executed the Northampton affizes before) and Richard Seamark, her fon, a boy about ten years of age. Anne Seamark depofed, That be. tween Michaelmas and Christmas, the pri foners were in her houfe: that a man, with a wallet on his houlders, came to the door, and called to fell ftockings: he went away, and, in about a quarte: of an hour, the prifoners followed him, with ticks in their hands; they returned in about half an hour; he went into the chamber to make her bed, and hearing a fcream, looked out at the window, and faw a man down on the ground in the garden, and believes it was the fame man who had called with a wallet, for he had the fame coloured clothes on: her husband and Butlin, the prifoner, held him down by the thighs; the prifoners, Deacon and Croxford, lay upon his breast; that Croxford ftabbed him with a knife, 3 52



-hafted knife in his hand. Her husband fetched two fpades out of the houfe; this was in the afternoon. That they returned the next morning, between feven and eight o'clock; that afterwards the fame morning, the faw the ground dug next the cucumber-bed; and she heard the prifoner, Benjamin Deacon, fay, they intended to burn the body in the garden, but the prifoner, Butlin, faid nothing about burning the body: the limbs were burnt upon the hearth; the bones were put toge ther, and burnt to ashes. The prifoner Benjamin Deacon's dog, and her hufband's bitch, took away the heart and liver, and eat most of them. The bones and afhes afterwards were fwept up and buried. Being cross-examined, the faid, The p:ifoners had been in the house, with her hufband, for an hour or two before the man with the wallet came to the door; that he had on a grey coat, was between five and fix feet high, as near as the can recollect; and that it was between Michaelmas and St. Luke, when the murder was committed; that the bad been ill of a fever when she was first examined, and difordered in her fenfes, and knew not what the faid; but fince the came to herself, has always continued in the fame ftory.-Richard Seamark, her fon, near ten years of age, depofed, That he knew all the prisoners, faw a fire burning, and that he faw, thro' the boards, the toes of a man's leg burning, and a hand hanging out of the oven, and more meat covered over with afhes; and that he faw the prifoners Croxford, Deacon, and Butlin, with his father, in the house together.-Mr. Bateman, a juftice of the peace, and Mr. Adcock, depofed, that they were prefent at the diggng for the body, and faw bones and afhes where Seamark's wife faid they were buried. The jury found the prifoners guilty, and they were executed the Saturday after the day of trial.

SATURDAY, Sept. 1.

The three young fellows from Croydon, that were tried for a rape and cruel ufage of a poor woman there, under pretence of helping her to a lodging, and forcing her into a hay-loft, &c. were acquitted. It was a most cruel cafe, and the rape plainly proved; but the honesty, or delicacy of the woman not fwearing to the real fact, was the reafon of it.-They were afterwards tried for an affault, with an intent to commit a rape, and found guilty; for which they were fentenced to be fined and im

prifoned, and find fecurity for their good be. haviour.

MONDAY, Sept. 3.

On Friday night, at ten o'clock, his Dover from Calais, where his royal highroyal highnefs the duke of York landed at nefs lay that night, and on Saturday at noon he arrived in good health at his house in princefs dowager of Wales at CarltonPall Mall; he afterwards waited on the Houfe, and at five o'clock fet out for Richmond, to vifit their majefties, who received royal highnefs was at court, -and received him very affectionately. Yesterday his the compliments of the nobility and foreign minifters, on his fafe arrival in England.

TUESDAY, Sept. 4.

At Wifbeach affizes, the week before appointed judge by the bishop of Ely for Jaft, before Mr. Serjeant Fofter, who was the Ifle, a man for horfe-stealing received fentence of death, but is fince reprieved.

At the affizes for the county of Somerfet, held at Bridgewater, which ended on Wedrobbery, and Thomas Light, for sheepnefday night, John Tozier, for a highway ftealing, were capitally convicted. Thomas Parker, charged with the murder of two infant bastard children, was acquitted. There fervant, nor against a clergyman, charged was no bill found against Mary Wilkins, his with wilfully and knowingly having married a couple without licence or publication of bans.



The following advertisement is in the Hague Gazette of the 31st of August.

"One I. H. C. de Stumpel, who stiles "himself a colonel in the fervice of the "king of Great Britain, having engaged a "number of perfons to go into England,

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upon affurances which he gave them, "that he was authorized by his Britannick "majefty to promife them fettlements in "America; and that they should be carried "there at the king's expence: in order to "prevent his continuing to impofe upon

the credulity of the publick in this rethat the faid Stumpel was never autho"fpect, it is thought proper to advertise "rized, as he pretends, to engage people for thofe fettlements, nor to make any "promises on the part of the British mi"nistry."

Newcafle, Sept. 1. The following letter, communicated to us by Mr. Green, of Pref ton, was wrote by Oliver Cromwell to Cardinal Mazarine, on his refufing to deliver


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