

In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, fo Eastern District of Pennsylvania.


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"The Winter-Bloom ;" a name quite modest and suming, and very appropriate. And though there is an attractiveness in the name which is given to a vo sufficiently strong to secure for it the friendliness of rea yet have we endeavoured to render the interior of Winter-Bloom," its plates and its letter-press, deserv the sympathies and the love of the lovers of the he literature. It has been gotten up in view of both ple and instruction, and it is now sent out into the world a degree of assurance on the part of the publishers those moments that may be spent in the perusal pages, will not be wasted moments, and with the stro hope that its purpose will be realised by all.

Fondly trusting that all the departments of the vo mechanical and artistical and literary, will commend selves to the taste and admiration of all into whose it may fall, we may be permitted to speak a word på larly in reference to the very beautiful-is that sayin much?-coloured plates which are presented in it. have been prepared at a great expense, and printed highest style of the art, with recent and original im

ments, under the sole auspices of the publishers. They are regarded by many as being superior in pleasing and attractive beauty to line engravings or mezzotints, and as being more artistical, life-like and laborious in their execution. As specimens of art they will be interesting to many, and as beautiful pictures they will be attractive to all.

The publishers design issuing "The Winter-Bloom" annually; and are determined to spare no pains or expense in their endeavours to make it a welcome and popular visitant in many homes; and a favourite ornament in the parlour library.

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