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dom of Galicia, . . " thirty-eight visible appearances, in as many different battles, aiding and favouring the Spaniards, are recounted by the very learned Don Miguel Erce Gimenez in his most erudite and laborious work upon the Preaching of Santiago in Spain; from which work the illustrissimus Doctor Don Antonio Calderon has collected them in his book upon the Excellencies of this Apostle. And I hold it for certain that his appearances have been many more; and that in every victory, which the Spaniards have achieved over their enemies, this their Great Captain has been present with his favour and intercession.". · Armas i Triunfos del Reino de Galicia, p. 648. The Chronista General proceeds to say that Galicia may be especially proud of its part in all these victories, the Saint having publicly prided himself upon his connection with that kingdom; for being asked in battle once, who and what he was, (being a stranger,) he replied, "I am a Soldier, a Kinsman of the Eternal King, a Citizen and Inhabitant of Compostella, and my name is James." For this fact the Chronicler assures us that a book of manuscript sermons, preached in Paris three centuries before his time by a Franciscan Friar, is sufficient authority: "es valiente autoridad!”- · Armas i Triunfos del Reino de Galicia, p. 649.

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And believe in him with might and main. — p. 249.

"calamo describi vix potest, aut verbis exprimi, quanto in Jacobum Apostolum Hispani amore ferantur, quam tenero pietatis sensu festos illius dies et memoriam celebrent; quam se suaque omnia illius fidei et clientelæ devoveant; ipsius auspiciis bellicas expeditiones suscipere, et conficere soliti, et Jacobi nomine quasi tessera se milites illius esse profiteri. Cum pugnam ineunt, ut sibi animos faciant et hostibus terrorem incutiant, in primâ, quæ vehementior esse solet, impresssione, illam vocem intonant, Sancte Jacobe, urge Hispania, hoc est, Santiago, cierra Hespanha; militari se illi sacramento addicunt; et illustrissimo Equitum Ordine Jacobi nomine instituto, ejusque numini sacro,

cujus Rex ipse Catholicus Magnus Magister et Rector est; ejus se obsequiis dedicant et legibus adstringunt, ut nullius erga quenquam alium Sanctum Patronum gentis clariora extent, quam Hispanicæ erga Jacobum amoris et religionis indicia. Quàm verò bene respondeat huic amori et pietati Apostolus curâ, et solicitudine Patris et Patroni, ex rebus à suis clientibus, ejus auxilio, præclarè gestis, satis constat, tum in ipsa Hispania, tum in utrâque, ad Orientem et Occidentem Solem Indiâ, Hispanorum et Lusitanorum armis subactâ, et illorum operâ et industriâ ubique locorum propagatâ Christianâ religione.”— P. Ant. Macedo. Divi Tutelares Orbis Christiani, p. 228.

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"The true name of this Saint," says Ambrosio de Morales, "was Jacobo, (that is, according to the Spanish form,) taken with little difference from that of the Patriarch Jacob. greater is that which we Spaniards have made, corrupting the word little by little, till it has become the very different one which we now use. From Santo Jacobo we shortened it, as we commonly do with proper names, and said Santo Jaco. We clipt it again after this abbreviation, and by taking away one letter, and changing another, made it into Santiago. The alteration did not stop here; but because Yago or Tiago by itself did not sound distinctly and well, we began to call it Diago, as may be seen in Spanish writings of two or three hundred years old. At last, having past through all these mutations, we rested with Diego for the ordinary name, reserving that of Santiago when we speak of the Saint.". Coronica General de España, 1. ix. c. vii. § 2.

Florez pursues the corruption further: "nombrandole por la voz latina Jacobus Apostolus, con abreviacion y vulgaridad Jacobo Apostolo, ò Giacomo Postolo, 6 Jiac Apostol." -España Sagrada, t. xix. p. 71.

It has not been explained how Jack in this country was transferred from James to John.

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The Prior Cayrasco de Figueroa assures us that St. James was a gentleman, his father Zebedee being

"Varon de ilustre sangre y Galileo,
Puesto que usava el arte piscatoria,

Que entonces no era illicito, ni feo,
Ni aora en muchas partes menos gloria,
La gente principal tener oficio,

O por su menester, o su exercicio.”


Templo Militante, p. iii. p. 83.


Morales also takes some pains to establish this point. Zebedec, he assures us, era hombre principal, señor de un navio, con que seguia la pesca :" and it is clear, he says, como padre y hijos seguian este trato de la pesqueria honradamente, mas como señores que como oficiales!" Coronica Gen. de España, 1. ix. c. vii. § 3.

They've an Inquisition to maul him.

p. 249.

Under the dominion of that atrocious Tribunal Ambrosio de Morales might truly say, "no one will dare deny that the body of the glorious Apostle is in the city which is named after him, and that it was brought thither, and afterwards discovered there by the great miracles,”. . of which he proceeds to give an account. "People have been burnt for less,”. as a fellow at Leeds said the other day of a woman whom he suspected of bewitching him.

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There is nothing of which the Spanish and Portugueze authors have boasted with greater complacency and pleasure than of the said Inquisition. A notable example of this is afforded in the following passage from the Templo Militante, Flos Santorum, y Triumphos de sus Virtudes, by D. Bartolome Cayrasco de Figueroa, Prior and Canon of the Cathedral Church of Grand Canary. (Lisbon, 1613.)

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Aunque de mucho puedes gloriarte,

No está en esso el valor que te acompaña,
Sino en tener la Fè por estandarte:
Por esta la provincia mas estraña,
Y todo el orbe teme de enojarte ;

Por esta de tu nombre tiembla el mundo
Y el cavernoso Tartaro profundo.

"Agradecelo a Dios de cuya mano
Procede toda gracia, toda gloria;
Y despues del al Principe Christiano,
Philipo digno de immortal memoria:
Porque con su govierno soberano,
Con su justicia, y su piedad notoria,
Estas assegurada, y defendida,
De todos los peligros desta vida.

"Este gran Rey decora tu terreno

Con veynte y dos insignes fortalezas,
Cuyos fuertes Alcaydes ponen freno
A todas las tartaricas bravezas :
Y con temor del malo, honor del bueno,
Castigan las malicias, y simplezas
De hereticas palabras y opiniones,
Que son las veynte y dos Inquisiciones.

"De la Imperial Toledo es la primera ;
De la Real Sevilla la segunda,
De Cordova la ilustre la tercera,
La quarta de Granada la fecunda :
Tambien en Calahorra la vandera
De la sagrada Inquisicion se funda,
Y margaritas son desta corona,
Zaragoza, Valencia, Barcelona.

"Tambien Valladolid aventajada:

Despues del gran incendio, en edificio;
Cuenca, Murcia, Llerena celebrada
En mucha antiguedad del Santo Oficio:
En Galicia assi mismo esta fundada
Torre deste santissimo exercicio,
En Evora, en Coimbra, en Ulisipo,
Que ya la Lusitania es de Philipo.

"Tambien Sicilia en esta viva peña
De la importante Inquisicion estriva ;
Y Gran Canaria en publica reseña
Los adversarios de la Fe derriba :
Las islas de Mallorca de Cerdeña,
Y el gran Reyno que fue de Atabalipa,
Y la postrera desta heroyca suma
Es la ciudad que fue de Motezuma.

"Sobre estas fortalezas de importancia
Esta la general torre suprema,
Fundada sobre altissima constancia,
Cubierta de Catolica diadema :
De cuya soberana vigilancia,
Resplendeciente luz, virtud estrema,
Procede a las demas, la fuerza, el brio,
El Christiano valor, el poderio.

"Estes pues son los celebres Castillos,
De la Fé verdaderos defensores,
Que con habitos roxos y amarillos,
Castigan los heretycos errores:
Y a los pechos Catolicos senzillos,
De la verdad Christiana zeladores,
Les dan el justo premio, honor devido,
De la virtud heroyca merecido."

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