
ye have kindled.

This fhall them, Why, what evil hath ye have of mine hand, ye fhall he done? And they cried out lie down in forrow. the more exceedingly, Crucifie him. And fo Pilate willing to


The Gospel. S. Mark 15. 1. Nd ftraightway in the content the people, releared -morning, the chief priefts Barabbas unto them, and deliheld a confultation with the el- vered Jefus, when he had fcour ders and scribes, and the whole ged him, to be crucified. And council, and bound Jefus, and the foldiers led him away into carried him away, and deliver the hall called Pretorium; and ed him to Pilate. And Pilate they call together the whole asked him, Art thou the king band. And they clothed him of the Jews? And he answering, with purple, and platted a faid unto him, Thou fayft it. crown of thorns, and put it And the chief priefts accufed about his head, and began to him of many things: but he falute him, Hail king of the answered nothing. And Pilate Jews. And they finote him on asked him again, faying, An- the head with a reel, and did fwereft thou nothing? behold spit upon him,and bowing their how many things they witness knees, worshipped him." And against thee. But Jefus yet an- when they had mocked him, fwered nothing fo that Pilate they took off the purple from marvelled. Now at that feaft him, and put his own clothes he released unto them one pri- on him, and led him out to crufoner, whomfoever they defi- cifie him. And they compel red. And there was one named one Simon a Cyrenean, who Barabbas,which lay bound with paffed by, coming out of the them that had made infurre- country, the father of AlexanEtion with him, who had com- der and Rufus, to bear his crofs. mitted murder in the infurre- And they bring him unto the &tion. And the multitude cry- place Golgotha, which is, being ing aloud, began to defire him interpreted, the place of a skull. to do as he had even done unto And they gave him to drink, them. But Pilate answered wine mingled with myrrh; them, faying, Will ye that I but he received it not. And releafe unto you the king of when they had crucified him, the Jews? (for he knew that they parted his garments, caftthe chief priests had delivered ing lots upon them, what every him for envy) But the chief man fhould take. And it was priests moved the people that the third hour,and they crucifihe fhould rather release Barab. ed him. And the fuperfcription bas unto them. And Pilate of his accufation was written answered, and faid again unto over, THE KING OF them, What will ye then that THE JEWS. And with him I fhall do unto him whom ye they crucifie two thieves, the call the king of the Jews? And one on his right hand, and the they cried out again, Crucifie other on his left. And the Scriphima Then Pilate faid unto ture was fulfilled, which faith,

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And he was numbred with the ceffity be the death of the teftatranfgreffors. And they that tor: for a teftament is of force paffed by, railed on him, wag- after men are dead; otherwise ging their heads, and faying, it is of no ftrength at all whilft Ah, thou that deftroyeft the the teftator liveth. Whereupon temple, and buildeft it in three neither the first teftament was days, fave thy felf, and come dedicated without blood for down from the crofs. Likewife when Mofes had spoken every alfo the chief priests mocking, precept to all the people, ac, faid among themselves with cording to the law, he took the the fcribes, He faved others, blood of calves, and of goats, himself he cannot fave. Let with water and fcarlet-wooll, Chrift the king of Ifrael de- and hyffop, and sprinkled both fcend now from the cross, that the book and all the people, we may fee and believe. And faying, This is the blood of the they that were crucified with teftament which God hath enhim, reviled him. And when joyned unto you. Moreover, he the fixth hour was come, there fprinkled likewife with blood was darkness over the whole both the tabernacle, and all the land, until the ninth hour. And veffels of the miniftry. And at the ninth hour Jefus cried almoft all things are by the law with a loud voice, faying, Eloi purged with blood; and withEloi, lama fabachthani? which out fhedding of blood is no reis, being interpreted, My God, miffion. It was therefore nemy God, why haft thou forfa ceffary that the patterns of ken me? And fome of them things in the heavens fhould be that ftood by, when they heard purified with these, but the it, faid, Behold, he calleth E- heavenly things themfelves lias. And one ran, and filled a with better facrifices than these. fpunge full of vinegar, and put ForChrift is not entred into the it on a reed, and gave him to holy places made with hands, drink, faying, Let alone; let which are the figures of the us fee whether Elias will come true, but into heaven it felf, to take him down. And Jefus now to appear in the prefence cried with a loud voice, and of God for us; nor yet that he gave up the ghoft. And the vail fhould offer himself often, as of the temple was rent in twain, the high prieft entreth into from the top to the bottom. the holy place every year with And when the centurion which blood of others: for then must food over against him, faw he often have fuffered fince the that he fo cried out, and gave up the ghoft, he faid, Truly this man was the Son of God.

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foundation of the world; but now once in the end of the world, hath he appeared to put away fin by the facrifice of him felf. And as it is appointed un this the judgment: fo Christ to men once to die, but after was once offered to bear the

fins of many; and unto them and the twelve apostles with that look for him, fhall he ap- him. And he faid unto them, pear the fecond time without With defire I have defired to fin unto falvation.

The Gospel. S. Luke 22. 1. Ow the feaft of unleavened bread drew nigh, which


eat this paffover with you be fore I fuffer. For I fay unto you, I will not any more eat thereof, until it be fulfilled in

is called the paffover. And the the kingdom of God. And he chief priests and scribes fought took the cup and gave thanks, how they might kill him; for and faid, Take this, and divide they feared the people. Then it among your felves. For I fay entred Satan into Judas, fir- unto you, I will not drink of named Ifcariot, being of the the fruit of the vine, until the number of the twelve. And he kingdom of God fhall come. went his way, and communed And he took bread, and gave. with the chief priests, and cap- thanks, and brake it, and gave tains how he might betray him unto them, faying, This is my unto them. And they were body, which is given for you: glad, and covenanted to give this do in remembrance of me.. him money. And he promised, Likewife alfo the cup after fup and fought opportunity to be per, faying, This cup is the new tray him unto them, in the ab- teftament in my blood, which fence of the multitude. Then is fhed for you. But behold, came the day of 'unleavened the hand of him that betrayeth bread, when the paffover muft me, is with me on the table. be killed. And he fent Peter And truly the Son of man goeth and John, faying, Go and pre- as it was determined; but wo pare us the paffover, that we unto that man, by whom he is may eat. And they faid unto betrayed. And they began to him, Where wilt thou that we enquire among themselves, prepare? And he faid unto which of them it was that them, Behold, when ye are en- fhould do this thing. And there tred into the city, there fhall a was alfo a ftrife among them, man meet you, bearing a pitch which of them fhould be ac er of water, follow him into counted the greatest. And he the house where he entreth in. faid unto them, The kings of And ye fhall fay unto the good- the Gentiles exercife lordship man of the houfe, The mafter over them, and they that exfaith unto thee, Where is the ercife authority upon them, are gueft-chamber,where I fhall eat called benefactors. But ye shall the paffover with my difciples ? not be fo; but he that is greatAnd he thall fhew you a large eft among you, let him be as upper room furnished; there the younger; and he that is make ready. And they went, chief, as he that doth serve. and found as he had faid unto. For whether is greater, he that them and they made ready fitteth at meat, or he that ferthe paffover. And when the veth? is not he that fitteth at hour was come, he fat down, meat? But Lam among you as


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he that ferveth. Ye are they about a ftones caft, and kneeled which have continued with me down, and prayed, saying, Fain my temptations. And I ap- ther, if thou be willing, remove point unto you a kingdom, as this cup from me: neverthemy Father hath appointed unto lefs, not my will, but thine be me; that ye may eat and drink done. And there appeared an at my table in my kingdom, angel unto him from heaven, and fit on thrones judging the ftrengthning him And being twelve tribes of Ifrael. And the in an agony, he prayed more Lord faid, Simon, Simon, be- earneftly; and his fweat was hold,Satan hath defired to have as it were great drops of blood you, that he may fift you as falling down to the ground. wheat: but I have prayed for And when he rofe up from thee, that thy faith fail not; prayer, and was come to his and when thou art converted, difciples, he found them fleepftrengthen thy brethren. And ing for forrow, and faid unto he faid unto him, Lord, I am them, Why fleep ye? rise and ready to go with thee both into pray, left ye enter into temptaprifon and to death. And he tion. And while he yet fpake, faid, I tell thee, Peter, the cock behold, a multitude, and he fhall not crow this day, before that was called Judas, one of that thou shalt thrice deny that the twelve, went before them, thou knoweft me. And he said and drew near unto Jefus to unto them, When I fent you kiss him. But Jefus faid unto without purfe, and scrip, and him, Judas, betrayeft thou the fhoes, lacked ye any thing? And Son of man with a kiss? When they faid, Nothing. Then faid they who were about him, faw he unto them, But now he that what would follow, they faid hath a purfe, let him take it, unto him, Lord, fhall we fmite and likewife his fcrip: and he with the fword? And one of that hath no fword, let him fell them fmote the fervant of the his garment, and buy one. For high prieft, and cut off his right 1 fay unto you, that this that is ear. And Jefus answered and written, muft yet be accom- faid, Suffer ye thus far. And he plifhed in me, And he was touched his ear, and healed reckoned among the tranfgref- him. Then Jefus faid unto the fors: for the things concerning me have an end. And they faid, Lord, behold, here are two fwords. And he faid unto them, It is enough. And he came out, and went, as he was wont, to the mount of Olives, and his difciples alfo followed him. And when he was at the place, he faid unto them, Pray, that ye enter not into temptation. And he was withdrawn from them

chief priests, and captains of the temple, and the elders who were come to him, Be ye come out as against a thief, with fwords and ftaves ? when I was daily with you in the tem ple, ye ftretched forth no hands againft me: but this is your hour, and the power of darkness. Then took they him, and led him, and brought him into the high priests house, and


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Thursday before Eafter.
Cor. 11. 17.

The Epiftle.


Peter followed afar off. And right hand of the power of when they had kindled a fire in God. Then faid they all, Art the midst of the hall, and were thou then the Son of God And fet down together, Peter fat he said unto them, Ye fay that down among them. But a cer- I am, And they said, What tain maid beheld him as he fat need we any further witness? by the fire, and earnestly look for we our felves have heard of ed upon him, and faid, This his own mouth. man was alfo with him. And he denied him, faying, Woman, I know him not, And after a little while, another faw him, this that I declare unto and faid, Thou art also of them. you, I praise you not And Peter faid, Man, I am not. you come together not for the And about the space of one better, but for the worse. For hour after, another confidently firft of all, when ye come toge affirmed, faying, Ofa truth this ther in the church, I hear that fellow alfo was with him; for there be divifions among you, he is a Galilean.And Peter faid, and I partly believe it. For there Man, I know not what thou fay- must be alfo herefies among eft. And immediately while he you, that they who are approyet fpake, the cock crew. And ved, may be made manifeft a the Lord turned, and looked mong you. When ye come toupon Peter; and Peter remem- gether therefore into one place, bred the word of the Lord, how this is not to eat the Lords fuphe had faid unto him, Before per: For in eating, every one the cock crow, thou fhalt deny taketh before other his own me thrice, And Peter went out, fupper: and one is hungry, and and wept bitterly. And the men another is drunken. What, that held Jefus, mocked him, have ye not houses to eat and and fmore him. And when they to drink in? or despise ye the had blind-folded him, they Church of God, and fhame ftruck him on the face, and ask them that have not? What shall ed him, faying, Prophefie, who I say to you? fhall I praise you is it that fmote thee? And ma- in this? I praife you not. For I ny other things blafphemously have received of the Lord that fpake they against him. And which alfo I delivered unto as foon as it was day, the elders you, That the Lord Jefus, the of the people, and the chief fame night in which he was bepricfts and the fcribes came to trayed, took bread; and when gether, and led him into their he had given thanks, he,brake council, faying, Art thou thou it, and faid, Take, eat, this is Chrift? Tell us. And he faid my body, which is broken for unto them, If I tell you, you you: this do in remembrance will not believe. And if I alfo of me. After the fame manask you, you will not anfwer ner alfo he took the cup, when me, nor let me go. Hereafter he had fupped, faying, This fhall the Son of man fit on the cup is the new teftament in my


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