
to every creature. He that be- the fame one to another, as lieveth and is baptized, fhall be good stewards of the manifold faved; but he that believeth grace of God. If any man speak, not, fhall be damned. And let him speak as the oracles of thefe figns fhall follow them God: If any man minister, let that believe: In my Name fhall him do it as of the ability they caft out devils, they fhall which God giveth, that God fpeak with new tongues, they in all things may be glorified fhall take up ferpents, and if through Jesus Christ, to whom they drink any deadly thing, it be praife and dominion for ever. fhall not hurt them, they fhall and ever. Amen. lay hands on the fick, and they fhali recover. So then after the

The Gospel. S. John 15. 26. and part of the 16 Chapter.

Lord had spoken unto them, When the Contorer is

he was received up into heacome, whom I will ven, and fat on the right hand unto you from the Father,even of God. And they went forth the Spirit of truth, which pro and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with figns following.

Sunday after Afcenfion-day.
The Collect.

ceedeth from the Father, he fhall teftifie of me. And ye alfo fhall bear witnefs, because ye have been with me from the beginning. These things have I fpoken unto you, that ye. fhould not be offended. They God, the King of glory, fhall put you out of the fina who haft exalted thine gogues: yea, the time cometh, only Son Jefus Chrift with great that whofoever killeth you, triumph unto thy kingdom in will think that he doth God heaven; We beseech thee, leave fervice. And these things will us not comfortless; but fend to they do unto you, because they us thine Holy Ghoft to comfort have not known the Father, us, and exalt us unto the fame nor me; but these things have place whither our Saviour I told you, that when the time Chrift is gone before, who li fhall come, ye may remember veth and reigneth with thee, that I told you of them. and the Holy Ghoft, one God, world without end. Amen.

The Epiftle. 1 S. Pet. 4. 7.
He is at

The Collect.

who as at time

The end of all things fore G didit reach the hearts of


fober, and watch unto prayer. thy faithful people,by the endAnd above all things have fer- ing to them the light of thy vent charity among your felves: Holy Spirit; Grant us by the for charity fhall cover the mul- fame Spirit to have a right titude of fins. Ufe hofpitality judgment in all things, and one to another, without grudg- evermore to rejoyce in his holy ing. As every man hath recei- comfort, through the merits of ved the gift, even fo minifter Chrift Jefus our Saviour, who E 3 liveth

liveth and reigneth with thee, The Gospel. S. John 14. 15. in the unity of the fame Spi- Jye love me keep my comEfus faid unto his disciples, rit, one God, world without end. Amen.

For the Epifile. Acts 2. 1.


mandments. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that

When the day of Pente- he may abide with you for ever,

coft was fully come, even the Spirit of truth, whom they were all with one accord in the world cannot receive, beone place. And suddenly there cause it feeth him not, neither came a found from heaven as knoweth him; but ye know of a rufhing mighty wind, and him; for he dwelleth with you, it filled all the house where and fhall be in you. I will they were fitting. And there not leave you comfortless; I appeared unto them cloven will come to you. Yet a little tongues, like as of fire, and it while, and the world feeth me fat upon each of them: And no more; but ye fee me; bethey were all filled with the cause I live, ye fall live alfo. Holy Ghoft, and began to At that day ye fhall know, that fpeak with other tongues, as I am in my Father, and you in the Spirit gave them utterance. me, and I in you. He that hath And there were dwelling at my commandments, and keep.. Jerufalem, Jews, devout men, eth them, he it is that loveth out of every nation under hea- me; and he that loveth me, ven. Now when this was noifed fhall be loved of my Father, and abroad, the multitude came I will love him, and will mani together, and were confound- feft my felf to him. Judas faith ed, becaufe that every man unto him, (not Ifcariot) Lord, heard them fpeak in his own how is it that thou wilt mani language. And they were all feft thy felf unto us, and not amazed, and marvelled, fay- unto the world? Jefus answer, ing one to another, Behold, ed and faid unto him, If a man. are not all thefe which speak, love me, he will keep my Galileans? and how hear we words: and my Father will love every man in our own tongue him, and we will come unto wherein we were born? Par- him, and make our abode with thians, and Medes, and Ela- him. He that loveth me not, mites, and the dwellers in Me- keepeth not my fayings: and fopotamia, and in Judea, and the word which you hear, is not Cappadocia, in Pontus and mine, but the Fathers which Afia, Phrygia, and Pamphylia, fent me. These things have I in Egypt, and in the parts of fpoken unto you, being yet preLibya, about Cyrene, and fent with you. But the Comftrangers of Rome, Jews and forter,which is the Holy Ghoft, Profelytes, Cretes and Arabi- whom the Father will fend in ans, we do hear them fpeak in my Name, he fhall teach you our own tongues the wonder- all things, and bring all things ful works of God. to your remembrance, whatfo..

ever I have faid unto you. Peace children of Ifrael, preaching I leave with you, my peace 1 peace by Jefus Chrift, (he is give unto you: not as the world Lord of all) That word, I fay, giveth, give I unto you. Let you know, which was published not your heart be troubled, nei- throughout all Judea, and bether let it be afraid. Ye have gan from Galilee, after the bap-heard how I faid unto you, I go tifm which John preached : away,and come again unto you. How God anointed Jefus of If ye loved me, ye would re- Nazareth with the Holy Ghoft, joyce, because I faid, I go unto and with power, who went a the Father: for my Father is bout doing good, and healing greater than L. And now I have all that were oppreffed of the told you before it come to pafs, devil: for God was with him. that when it is come to pafs, And we are witneffes of all ye might believe. Hereafter I things which he did,both in the will not talk much with you: land of the Jews, and in Jerufafor the prince of this world co- lem; whom they flew,and hangmeth, and hath nothing in me. ed on a tree: Him God raised But that the world may know that I love the Father; and as the Father gave me commandment, even fo I do.

up the third day, and fhewed him openly; not to all the people, but unto witnesses chalen before of God; even to us, who dideat and drink with him after he rofe from the dead. And he commanded us to preach unto G didnt teach the hearts of it is he which was ordained of Od, who as at this time the people, and to teftifie that

Munday in Whitfun-week.
The Collect.

thy faithful people, by the God to be the Judge of quick fending to them the light of and dead. To him give all the thy Holy Spirit, Grant us by prophets witnefs, that through the fame Spirit to have a right his Name whofoever believeth judgment in all things, and in him, fhall receive remiffion evermore to rejoyce in his holy of fins. While Peter yet fpake comfort, through the merits of thefe words, the Holy Ghoft Chrift Jefu our Saviour, who fell on all them who heard the liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the fame Spirit, one God, world without end. Amen.

word. And they of the circumcifion who believed, were aftonifhed, as many as came with Peter, because that on the For the Epiftle. Ats 10. 34 Gentiles, alfo was poured out Hen Peter opened his the gift of the Holy Ghost. For Tmouth, and faid, Of 4 they feard them fpeak with truth I perceive that God is no tongues, and magnifie God. refpecter of perfons; but in Then answered Peter, Can any every nation, he that feareth man forbid water, that thefe him, and worketh righteouf fhould not be baptized, who nefs, is accepted with him. The have received the Holy Ghoft word which God fent unto the as well as we? and he com


E 4


manded them to be baptized in in the unity of the fame Spirit, the Name of the Lord. Then one God, world without end. prayed they him to tarry cer- Amen.

tain days.

The Gofpel. S. John 3. 16.

G that he gave his only be
Od fo loved the world,

For the Epifile. Acts S. 14.

heard that Samaria had accen? WHen the Apoftler, who


were at Jeruialem,

gotten Son, that whofoever be- ved the word of God, they lieveth in him fhould not pe- fent unto them Peter and rith, but have everlasting life. John; who when they were For God fent not his Son into come down, prayed for them, the world to condemn the that they might receive the world, but that the world thro' Holy Ghoft. (For as yet he him might be faved. He that was fallen upon none of themi: believeth on him, is not con- only they were baptized in the demned: but he that believeth Name of the Lord Jesus) Then not, is condemned already, be- laid they their hands on them, cause he hath not believed in and they received the Holy the Name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that light is He that entreth not by the Erily verily I fay unto you, come into the world, and men loved darknefs rather than door into the fheepfold, but light, because their deeds were climbeth up fome other way, evil. For every one that doth the fame is a thief and a robber. evil, hateth the light, neither But he that entreth in by the cometh to the light, left his door, is the fhepherd of the deeds fhould be reproved. But he that doth truth, cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifeft, that they are wrought in God.

Tuesday in Whitfun-week.

The Collet.

The Gofpel. S. John 1o. 1.

fheep. To him the porter openeth; and the fheep hear his voice, and he calleth his own theep by name, and leadeth them out. And when he putteth forth his own fheep, he goeth before them, and the fheep follow him; for they know his voice. And a stranger will they not follow; but will

G we as at this tim of not from him; for they know I didft teach the hearts of not the voice of strangers. This thy faithful people, by the parable fpake Jefus unto them: fending to them the light of but they understood not what thy Holy Spirit; Grant us by things they were which he spake the fame Spirit to have a right unto them Then faid Jefus unto judgment in all things, and them again, Verily verily I fay evermore to rejoyce in his holy unto you, I am the door of the comfort, through the merits of fheep. All that ever came before Chrift Jefu our Saviour, who me are thieves and robbers; but liveth and reigneth with thee, the fheep did not hear them.

I am the door; by me if any they had on their heads crowns man enter in, he fhall be fa- of gold. And out of the throne ved, and fhall go in and out, proceeded lightnings,and thunand find pafture. The thief drings, and voices. And there cometh not but for to fteal, and were feven lamps of fire burnto kill, and to deftroy: I am ing before the throne, which come that they might have are the feven Spirits of God. life, and that they might have And before the throne there it more abundantly.

The Collect.

Lmighty and everlafting A God, who haft given un

was a fea of glass, like unto cryftal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beafts full of eyes before and behind. And the firft beaft was like a lion,

to us thy fervants grace by the and the fecond beaft like a calf, confeffion of a true faith, to and the third beast had a face acknowledge the glory of the as a man, and the fourth beaft eternal Trinity, and in the was like a flying eagle. And power of the divine Majefty, the four beafts had each of them to worship the Unity; We be- fix wings about him, and they feech thee, that thou wouldft were full of eyes within, and keep us ftedfaft in this faith, they reft not day and night, and evermore defend us from faying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord, all adverfities, who liveft and God Almighty, who was, and reignet one God, world with is, and is to come. And when out end. Amen. those beafts give glory, and ho nour, and, thanks to him that fat on the throne, who livech

For the Epiftle. Rev. 4. 1.

Fter this I looked, and be

A hold, a door was opened for ever and ever, the four and

in heaven: and the first voice twenty elders fall down before which I heard, was as it were him that fat on the throne, and of a trumpet, talking with me; worship him that liveth for ewhich faid, Come up hither, ver and ever, and caft their and I will thew thee things crowns before the throne, fay which must be hereafter. And ing, Thou art worthy, O Lord, immediately I was in the Spi- to receive glory, and honour, rit; and behold, a throne was and power; for thou hast creafet in heaven, and one fat on ted all things, and for thy pleathe throne, and he that fat, was, fure they are and were created. to look upon, like a jafper, and The Gospel. S. John 3. 1. a fardine ftone: and there was a rainbow round about the Pharifees, named Nicodethrone, in fight like unto an mus, a ruler of the Jews. The emerald. And round about the fame came to Jefus by night, throne were four and twenty and faid unto him, Rabbi, we feats; and upon the feats I faw know that thou art a teacher four and twenty elders fitting, come from Gud: for no man clothed in white raiment; and can do thefe miracles that thon

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