
which is not allied closely to truth, or which, in the conduct of the divine Spirit, doth not lead to the glory of God in the acknowledgement of the truth as it is in Jesus, is admissible upon the Christian plan. Genuine charity is a fruit of the Spirit; and they, who have not the Spirit, though they may, from natural causes and impressions, be humane and beneficent, are and must be, in the sense of Scripture, earthly, sensual, (and if they continue in virulent opposition to the truth of God) devilish. Christian charity may and doth yield, and bear, and forbear, and become all things to all men, so far as may be consistent with fidelity to the honour of God our Saviour; but faith and truth can yield nothing, without a breach of charity itself; because, by yielding and swerving, a way would be opened for all sorts of errors and deceits, and might lead to the spiritual injury of many.

many. The wise man's rule, therefore, in this case, must, above all considerations of consequences, be strictly adhered to; Buy the truth, and sell it not. Part not with it, at any time, for any person, for any purpose, whatsoever.

§ 56. If these things be so, and if the representation here made of them be found consonant with the word of truth and the analogy of faith, which runs through it; the grace of God may make it of use, by his own application, to some sincere, though young and weak, believers, who have been led away from the free grace of the Gospel to their own doings, and from an entire reliance upon Christ and his Spirit for pardon, wisdom, and strength, to a partial dependence at least upon the exercise of their own reason and abilities, Many such have been greatly distressed under trials by false representations of the Gospel,


and by being put upon legal views and legal workings for spiritual life and salvation. These are, for such a purpose, what the Prophet calls, broken cisterns which can hold no water, to which false or unskilful teachers are ever leading men, instead of the only fountain of living waters. Under pretence of guarding the Gospel, they darken the Gospel, by putting a clum sy coarse veil of man's devising before the eyes of the mind, the effect of which is to hide the Gospel, and debase the Redeemer. No sinner can ever be truly wise, holy, or happy, but in beholding clearly and with open face the Sun of Righteousness, who sweetly hath healing in his wings. This is the only legitimate light and consolation for every truly-convinced and broken-hearted child of fallen Adam, every gracious and humbled soul. Froth and filth may be taken for fine and favourite nourishment by


the unquickened and unenlightened; but the sincere, or unadulterated, milk of the word is the only food that can satisfy and strengthen, in the ways of holiness and truth, the genuine children of God. And whenever these mistake the one for the other, they presently begin to doubt, and to distrust, and to grow cold or dark, and perhaps, if not mercifully prevented, to slip into some other egregious errors of heart or of life. The grace, which brings men for all their pardon and peace to Christ, can alone enable them to trample upon sin and falsehood, and to walk comfortably and honourably with him.

$57. "Are men, then, to do nothing?"Let them try to do all they can. If they are really able of themselves to believe in Christ, and to walk with Christ, or to secure their own salvation, and so confidently to stand upon this ground; they will be


justly condemned, if they do not exercise that ability, and accomplish that profession. Out of their own mouths they will be fairly sentenced, if they fail. Let them pray, therefore, and strive, and earnestly endeavour, with every energy they can find or feel, to reach the ears of God in prayer, and to work out their own salvation: There is no objection to all this in the fact, or to a thousand times as much more, which they may think themselves able to bring. But, after all, we must not hold forth a lie, for a safe principle, nor keep back a truth to maintain such persons in a peaceful delusion. If they do all this in the spirit of true holiness, they have already received the grace and blessing of God; and their prayers and services in Christ shall undoubtedly be heard and accepted: But, if this be attempted in their own spirits and strength, without assistance from on

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