
with grace and captivation, and she knew so well how to avail herself of the power of pleasing, that she frequently averted storms, and seemed alone to possess the gift of calming a temper naturally imperious and irascible.


of personal beauty, yet the contrary effect was observable in Napoleon, and increase of years seemed to produce a favourable operation on him. His embonpoint gave an agree. able rotundity to his figure and rendered his "Fortune had, however, pronounced her skin fairer than before. "His eyes became anifall, and a remarkable fatality decided it. mated, and his countenance acquired a digThe Emperor, on his return from Vienna, nified expression, which was probably prohad directed her to meet him at Fontainbleau. || duced by the habit of constantly exercising She had been long accustomed to these ren-authority. His hand, leg, and foot, were dezvous, which she regarded as orders, and formed after the most perfect models, and the she was always the first to reach the appointed || Princess herself remarked these advantages.” place. On this occasion, however, Napoleon arrived full six hours before her. Vexed for having waited so long, he reproached her in a strain of language not the most choice. Josephine, mortified, suffered a few harsh words to escape her; observations fell from both parties of a nature which nothing can repair, and of which nothing can obliterate the remembrance. The word divorce was pronounced. From that moment it became the object of the Emperor's most serious consider-wished to turn them to account. He never ation; it took place about four months after- before appeared in so amiable a light. He wards, and was, perhaps, the origin of Na- showed neither anger, caprice, nor impapoleon's fall, from the immoderate impulse || tience." He addressed to every one the lanwhich his second marriage gave to his ambi.guage best calculated to please." tion.".


NING THE EXPEDITION TO RUSSIA. -* “He was well aware that this campaign would be far from exciting universal approbation, and probably with a view to calm the dissatisfaction to which he foresaw it would give rise, he endeavoured to conciliate every heart, by exerting all his powers of pleasing, and they were not inconsiderable when he

He was a

banker at Amsterdam, a merchant at Brussels, and a ship-owner at Antwerp. He visited the manufactures, inspected the dock-yards, re

were given in the towns, he visited. He appeared polite and gracions, speaking freely to every one, and, contrary to his custom, uttering only the most agreeable things."

"M. de Talleyrand used to say that she viewed the troops, harangued the sailors, was a pretty woman with the head of a Crom-and accepted invitations to all the balls which well. Nature had endowed her with a reso. lute temper, a vigorous understanding, lofty ideas, a flexible and delicate mind-her manners were graceful and captivating beyond all expression-she only needed to conceal her love of power, and if she did not gain her object, it was entirely owing to her desire of reaching it too speedily. From the very first moment she be held the Austrian Princess, she thought she understood her character; but she was completely deceived. She mistook her timidity for weakness, her embarrassment for awkwardness; she thought she had only to command, and she totally alienated the heart which she hoped to govern.”

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NAPOLEON'S MANNER OF LIVING. "When in the camp Napoleon disregarded all fatigue, braved the most inclement weather, reposed beneath a wretched tent, and seemed to forget all care of his person. In his palace he bathed almost every day, made a very free use of the Eau de Cologne, and sometimes changed his linen several times in the course of the day; his favourite costume was that of the National Guard; wheu on a journey he was content with any lodging, provided that not the least ray of light was suf fered to enter his bed-chamber; he could not even endure to have a chamber lamp; his table was covered with delicacies of every kind, but he never touched them: a broiled breast of mutton, cutlets, a roast chicken with peas or French beans, were the dishes which he preferred to all others; he was very difficult to please in the quality of bread, and he drank only the best wine, but in very small quantities."

MEANNESS OF NAPOLEON'S MOTHER. "It is time to say something of the prolific mother, who had hatched this covey of Kings. Napoleon had given her a train of domestics, worthy of the mother of so many crowned heads, and in order to bestow on her a sort of political consequence, he had named her protectress of all the charitable institutions. One might suppose this nomination a biting satire, for nobody was less charitable than Madame Letitia Bonaparte, whom they called at Paris, Mother Joy, in allusion to her name. They tell almost incredible stories of her avarice; we shall mention some of them.

"During the residence of Lucien's eldest daughter at Paris, she lived with Madame Mere: this was the title of Napoleon's mother. The young lady, brought up to principles of religion, asked for a confessor at the approach of a grand fête; Madame Mere, who did not quite so strictly fulfil her christian duties, had neither a chapel, nor a confessional in ber palace. They besought her to purchase the latter commodity, but she could never bring herself to determine on doing so. It was necessary to borrow one from the cu rate of her parish. Rather than be at such an expence, she made use of the sentry box belonging to the sentinel who was stationed at her door.

"One of the ladies of her palace enjoyed a moderate property, and the trifling salary she received from Madame Mere, did not add considerably to her income: she was judicious in regulating her expences by her means, her dress always neat, was never gaudy; and, in a

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word, she bad not a cachemire shawl, which was more remarkable, because they were then in great vogue, and every lady about court had several of them. Madame Mere asked her one day why she had not one? The other explained the reason, without any embarrassment or mauvaise honte, and added that her finances would not allow her to spend more than from twelve to fifteen franks a month. Some days after, when this lady entered Madame Mere's house, the latter shewed her a shawl richly embroidered; How do you like it?' said she — It is beautiful, Madame, and the colour is charming !'—' I am delighted that it is to your taste, for it is yours!-The lady supposed that it was a present made to her by the generous Madame Mere; but the illusion was short. The next day came the bill of a shopman, at whose house the shawl bad been purchased. She sent it back, and when Madame Mere was informed of it, she expressed her surprise in high terms, saying, that the shawl was a lucky hit, that it cost but nine hundred franks, and that it was the best bargain she had ever made in her life.

"I shall mention another anecdote more remarkable; a waiting-woman in Madame Mere's service, died after a long illness. Every necessary relief had been afforded her, and the funeral obsequies were even more splendid than her station required. The day after the burial, the husband was sent the bill of expences for her illness and funeral, drawn up by Madame Mere herself, and he was obliged to pay it."



The Fast of St. Magdalen. A Romance, by Miss A. M. Porter. 3 vols. 12mo. Longman and Co.

Or the writings both of Miss Porter and her sister, we have never formed but one idea; that they are replete with ele gance of language, true morality, and where historical incidents are introduced into the pages of romance, they are only embellished by those graceful touches which the present time of refinement requires; but truth is not violated, and youth is not led astray, as is too often the case, in its perusal of his-this interesting work :—

After having given such well merited eulogium to writers like Miss Porter, before whose shrine criticism acknowledges herself compelled to bend, we shall subjoin a few interesting extracts from the volumes before us; wishing at the same time, that our contributors would send such publications earlier, as our limits now will not allow us to give an outline of the story of

torical romances.

No. 118.-Supplement.



with grace and captivation, and she knew so well how to avail herself of the power of plea sing, that she frequently averted storms, and seemed alone to possess the gift of calming a temper naturally imperious and irascible.

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of personal beauty, yet the contrary effect was observable in Napoleon, and increase of years seemed to produce a favourable operation on him. His embonpoint gave an agree. able rotundity to his figure and rendered his "Fortune had, however, pronounced her skin fairer than before. "His eyes became anifall, and a remarkable fatality decided it. mated, and bis countenance acquired a digThe Emperor, on his return from Vienna, nified expression, which was probably prehad directed her to meet him at Fontainbleau,|| duced by the habit of constantly exercising She had been long accustomed to these ren-authority. His hand, leg, and foot, were dezvous, which she regarded as orders, and formed after the most perfect models, and the she was always the first to reach the appointed Princess herself remarked these advantages.” place. On this occasion, however, Napoleon arrived full six hours before her. Vexed for having waited so long, he reproached her in a strain of language not the most choice. Jo-" He was well aware that this campaign sephine, mortified, suffered a few harsh words would be far from exciting universal approto escape her; observations fell from both bation, and probably with a view to calm the parties of a nature which nothing can repair, dissatisfaction to which he foresaw it would and of which nothing can obliterate the re- give rise, he endeavoured to conciliate every membrance. The word divorce was pro- heart, by exerting all bis powers of pleasing, nounced. From that moment it became the and they were not inconsiderable when he object of the Emperor's most serious consider-wished to turn them to account. He never ation; it took place about four months after- before appeared in so amiable a light. He wards, and was, perhaps, the origin of Na- shewed neither anger, caprice, nor impapoleon's fall, from the immoderate impulse tience. He addressed to 'every one The lanwhich this second marriage gave to his ambi.guage best calculated to please. He was a tion.".


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"M. de Talleyrand used to say that she was a pretty woman with the head of a Cromwell. Nature had endowed her with a reso. Jute temper, a vigorous understanding, lofty ideas, a flexible and delicate mind-her manners were graceful and captivating beyond all expression—she only needed to conceal ber love of power, and if she did not gain her object, it was entirely owing to her desire of reaching it too speedily. From the very first moment she beheld the Austrian Princess, she thought she understood her character; but she was completely deceived. She mistook her timidity for weakness, her embarrassment for awkwardness; she thought she had only to command, and she totally alienated the heart which she hoped to govern."




banker at Amsterdam, a merchant at Brussels, and a ship-owner at Antwerp. He visited the manufactures, inspected the dock-yards, reviewed the troops, harangued the sailors, and accepted invitations to all the balls which were given in the towns, he visited. He ap peared polite and gracious, speaking freely lo every one, and, contrary to his custom, uttering only the most agreeable things.”


"When in the camp Napoleon disregarded all fatigue, braved the most inclement weather, reposed beneath a wretched tent, and seemed to forget all care of his person. In his palace he bathed almost every day, made a very free use of the Eau de Cologne, and sometimes changed his linen several times in the course of the day; his favourite costume was that of the National Guard; when on a journey he was content with any lodging, provided that not the least ray of light was suf fered to enter his bed-chamber; he could not even endure to have a chamber lamp; his table was covered with delicacies of every kind, but he never touched them: a broiled breast of mutton, cutlets, a roast chicken with peas or French beans, were the dishes which he preferred to all others; he was very difficult to please in the quality of bread, and be drank ouly the best wine, but in very small quanti

"Napoleon was now forty-one years of age.
In the early part of his life he was extremely
thin, his complexion had an olive tinge, his
countenance long, his eyes sunk in his head,
and he wore his hair cropped close, with locks
at the ears: finally, his appearance altoge-
ther was far from being agreeable. Though
at the expiration of the spring of life, every
year, in general, produces some diminution || ties."

word, she bad not a cachemire shawl, which was more remarkable, because they were then in great vogue, and every lady about court had several of them. Madame Mere asked her one day why she had not one? The other explained the reason, without any embarrassment or mauvaise honte, and added that her finances would not allow her to spend more than from twelve to fifteen franks a month. Some days after, when this lady entered Madame Mere's house, the latter shewed her a shawl richly embroidered; How do you like it?' said she

MEANNESS OF NAPOLEON'S MOTHER. "It is time to say something of the prolific mother, who had hatched this covey of Kings. Napoleon had given her a train of domestics, worthy of the mother of so many crowned heads, and in order to bestow on her a sort of political consequence, he had named her protectress of all the charitable institutions. One might suppose this nomination a biting satire, for nobody was less charitable than Madame Letitia Bonaparte, whom they called at Paris, Mother Joy, in allusion to her name. They tell almost incredible stories of her avarice; It is beautiful, Madame, and the colour is we shall mention some of them.

"During the residence of Lucien's eldest daughter at Paris, she lived with Madame Mere: this was the title of Napoleon's mother. The young lady, brought up to principles of religion, asked for a confessor at the approach of a grand fête; Madame Mere, who did not quite so strictly fulfil her christian duties, had neither a chapel, nor a confessional in ber palace. They besought her to purchase the latter commodity, but she could never bring herself to determine on doing so. It was necessary to borrow one from the cu rate of her parish. Rather than be at such an expence, she made use of the sentry box belonging to the sentinel who was stationed at her door.

"One of the ladies of her palace enjoyed a moderate property, and the trifling salary she received from Madame Mere, did not add considerably to her income: she was judicious in regulating her expences by her means, her dress always neat, was never gaudy; and, in a

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charming! I am delighted that it is to your taste, for it is yours!-The lady supposed that it was a present made to her by the ge nerous Madame Mere; but the illusion was short. The next day came the bill of a shopman, at whose house the shawl had been purchased. She sent it back, and when Madame Mere was informed of it, she expressed her surprise in bigh terms, saying, that the shawl was a lucky hit, that it cost but nine hundred franks, and that it was the best bargain she had ever made in her life.

"I shall mention another anecdote more re markable; a waiting-woman in Madame Mere's service, died after a long illness. Every necessary relief had been afforded her, and the funeral obsequies were even more splendid than her station required. The day after the burial, the husband was sent the bill of expences for her illness and funeral, drawn up by Madame Mere herself, and he was obliged to pay it."



The Fast of St. Magdalen. A Romance, by Miss A. M. Porter. S vols. 12mo. Longman and Co.

Or the writings both of Miss Porter and her sister, we have never formed but one idea; that they are replete with ele gance of language, true morality, and where historical incidents are introduced into the pages of romance, they are only embellished by those graceful touches which the present time of refinement requires; but truth is not violated, and youth is not led astray, as is too often the case, in its perusal of his

torical romances.

No. 115.-Supplement,

After having given such well merited eulogium to writers like Miss Porter, before whose shrine criticism acknowledges her. self compelled to bend, we shall subjoin a few interesting extracts from the volumes before us; wishing at the same time, that our contributors would send such publications earlier, as our limits now will not allow us to give an outline of the story of this interesting work:—




Dawn glimmered faintly; yet not so faintly as might have prevented her from seeing melancholy traces of the midnight strife, The crimson stones she trod on, the livid heaps of slain which occasionally obstructed their path, now and then surprised her into a thrilling cry, or an audible shudder: the monk crossed himself at every new horror; and Valombrosa with unusual emotion, wondered how any motive could sanctify bloodshed. "Here and there they passed a camp-follower, employed in rifling the dead; and at these moments, Valombrosa's stern mandate to forbear, was followed by instant obedience. In crossing a narrow outlet towards the moun tains, he observed a single body stretched upon the ground. Life had issued there, at a thousand gaping wounds, for the grass around was reddened in as many channels, The gleam of daylight shone upon some jewels about the breast of the fallen warrior, dis, covering at the same time a dog which Jay moaning at his dead master's feet, The eye of a straggling plunderer fell on them at the same instant, and contesting the possession of the body with the faithful animal, was just raising the butt end of his trombone, to kuock out the brains of the dog, when Valombrosa, transported beyond himself, sprung forward, and felled the ruffian to the earth."


*0) ཌཉྩ ཙྭ",རྒུ༢ **} !4.*』 * ** HERMITAGE OF SANTA ANNA. D "It was rudely built of stone, but the contrasted forms of the spiral and spreading trees around it, grouped well with its low, irregular figure, and with the rough-hewn cross by which it was surmounted.

"Long exposure to the air, by producing a soft brown tint, had mellowed the glaring whiteness of the stone, into harmony with the surrounding objects; and now the increase of mosses and weather-stains upon the fractured surface of the building, threatened soon to blend it entirely with the darker shades of the back-ground.

"Wreaths of smoke ascending from the solitary chimney, and the grateful smell of burning rosebay issuing from the entrance, spoke of comfort and warmth within; yet Ippolita when they reached the threshold, held back on the arm of Valombrosa, and motioned for the monk to enter alone.

"Valombrosa felt her tremble, as she leaned upon him, and he would have impelled her forward, but she withheld him.

"The monk re-appeared; ' be of good cheer,

daughter!' he said, and motioned her to ad


Ippolita's raised eye uttered the thanksgiving she did not articulate; and no longer hesitating, she followed her guide.

"Formless seats of wood, with a block of mountain marble for a table, an hour-glass, a crucifix, and the image of the patron saint, furnished the single apartment. Its inhabitant, a woman of severe piety, smiled not like her blazing fire, but she welcomed Ippolita with serious earnestness; assuring ber, that protected by the Virgin and Santa Anna, her solitary abode had never, during twenty years, beast." BIS been invaded either by ruffian or savage



when youth breaks into manhood, and the "At four-and-twenty, (that charming age greatest indiscretious find perhaps too ready an excuse in the ardour of the blood!) Va, lombrosa's character certainly displayed the faults of bis age; but these were really overbalanced by a far larger proportion of amiable and estimable properties.,

Frank, true, and unsuspicious; firm as warm in friendship; with large and liberal views of his duties as a patriot and a patron; rightly understanding the best and most splendid means of exalting the nobility of his name; respectful to age and misfortune;;prompt to pity; eager to redress wrong as tops forgive injury; easily convinced of error; prouder of unsullied family honour than of, family antiquity; kind nearly to excess tỏ those beneath him; and attached to his kindred with the tenderest affection."

66 Among his faults might be numbered credulity, rash judgments, aversion to deep investigations, and a deficiency of that mental courage without which all our virtues, are built on sand. His temper, which carried anger, as the flint doth fire, had never received any check from himself nor others: for if it lightened through bis social circle, the storm was so brief, and such enchanting sun- / shine succeeded, that his companions thought only of eujoying the present brightness; and if it gathered over a domestic, such a shower of bounties and favours, almost immediately. fell from the same cloud, that gratitude or selfinterest, or indulgent partiality, stifled complaint.

"Valombrosa's engaging physiognomy developed this character to the most careless observer, for its rapid changes were true to every variety of his feelings, or his fancy. Ardour was perhaps its chief characteristic;

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