






Bring sentences, written out, illustrating emphasis by pause (section 17, 1, p. 84). Practice vocal exercises 14, 15, 16 (pp. 296-97).

Ten minutes for vocal exercises 14, 15, 16. Reading and discussion of problems 1-20. Read also sentences chosen by students to illustrate emphatic pause.

Assignment: Prepare problems 21-27 as in previous assignment.

Recitation: Ten minutes for all vocal exercises for clearness of tone (pp. 296-97). Reading and discussion of problems 21-27.

Assignment: Prepare The Gift of the Magi (problem 28) for general class reading.

Recitation: Ten minutes for general vocal exercises. Reading of The Gift of the Magi for naturalness and enjoyment and with no reference to technical problems involved.

Assignment: Review Chapters I-IV and prepare a paper on the influence of thought on utterance. Prepare to relate in your own words an incident regarding an inappropriate Christmas gift.

Recitation: Talks on Christmas gifts.

Assignment: Study Chapter V, and be prepared to speak briefly on any section of it. Bring ten or fifteen lines from some stirring poem, story, or oration, and a few lines from some matter-of-fact exposition, to read to the class. Explain differences in the style of reading the two selections.

Chapter V

Recitation: Brief talks on Chapter V followed by general discussion and the reading of selections made by stu dents to illustrate emotional and unemotional utterance.

Assignment: Select and prepare orally some short, strong poem, or stirring portion of an oration or story, for class reading. Study paragraph on resonance and fullness of tone (pp. 297-98) and try vocal exercises 17-18.

Recitation: Discussion of resonance and practice of vocal exercises 18. Reading of spirited selections.

Assignment: Prepare orally the Legend of Sleepy Hollow







(pp. 116-23). Write a paper showing the difference in spirit between this part of the story and that given in Chapter I, and explain any difference in the reading of the two parts. Recitation: Exercises in deep breathing; repeat 18. Reading of the Legend for vividness, atmosphere, and mood.

Assignment: Prepare to recount some narrow escape or some exciting or amusing personal experience. Study and practice vocal exercises 19-20 (pp. 298-99).

Recitation: Vocal exercises 19-20. Short talks on personal experiences.

Assignment: Study Chapter VI and prepare the examples so that the reading of them illustrates the principles they represent.

Chapter VI

Recitation: Discussion of Chapter VI and reading of illustrative selections.

Assignment: Study problems 1-6 and be ready to explain why the tone varies in intensity in reading the different selections. (Section 28, pp. 124–29.) Begin memorizing problems 2, 3, 7, 9. Practice vocal exercises 21-22 (p. 299).

Recitation: Vocal exercises 21-22. Reading aloud and discussion of problems 1-6, for vocal energy and intensity without undue loudness.

Assignment: Study problems 7-9. Finish memorizing 2, 3, 7, 9.

Recitation: Reading of problem 8 and recitation of memorized selections for intensity and impressiveness of utter


Assignment: Study problems 10-12 (section 28, 1, b, p. 127). Memorize problem 10.

Recitation: Review exercises for resonance (pp. 298-99). Reading of problems 10-12 for quiet, resonant and feeling


Assignment: Study problem 13 for conversational expression. (Section 28, 1, c, pp. 127-28.) Prepare a short talk telling how some machine is made, or some particular kind of work is done. Study paragraph on range and flexibility and practice exercise 23 (pp. 299-300).







Recitation: Discussion of flexibility of voice, and testing of sensitiveness of ear to pitch changes. Reading of problem 13 for conversational naturalness and energy, followed by short expository talks.

Assignment: Study problems 14-19 (section 28, 1, d, p. 128). Begin memorizing 19. Practice vocal exercises 24-25 (pp. 300-01). Spend ten minutes on them.

Recitation: Vocal exercises 24-25. Finish short talks and read problems 14-19. Write out 19 from memory.

Assignment: Study problems 20-24 (section 28, 3, a, b, pp. 131-33). Memorize problem 20. Try vocal exercises 26-27 (p. 301).

Recitation: Vocal exercises 26-27. Reading of problems 20-24 Write out 20 from memory.

Assignment: Study problems 25-26 (section 28, 3, c, pp. 133-34). Underline words in which the stress is particularly marked. Bring illustrations, chosen outside the text, and written out, of median and final stress. Underline words on which the stress is most noticeable.

Recitation: Reading of problems 25-26, and of examples of median and final stress brought in by students.

Assignment: Study selection from The Christmas Carol (problem 27). Begin memorizing At the End of the Day (problem 28). Practice vocal exercise 28. (See problem 13, p. 63.)

Recitation: Practice vocal exercise 28 (problem 13, p. 63). Reading of selection from The Christmas Carol for enjoyment and spontaneous expression with little or no reference to any technical matters involved.

Assignment: Continue study of selection from The Christmas Carol and finish memorizing At the End of the Day.

Recitation: Review vocal exercises for flexibility (pp. 300-01). Finish reading problem 27. Class write At the End of the Day from memory, after which several members may recite the poem to the class.

Assignment: Study Chapter VII to section 33 (pp. 161-71). Prepare orally all examples so that the point of the section they stand under will be illustrated in the reading.








Chapter VII

Recitation: Discussion of portion of Chapter VII assigned and reading of examples.

Assignment: Finish Chapter VII, prepare the examples given in the text, and bring written illustrations, chosen outside the text, of fast, medium, and slow time.

Recitation: Practice in concert the first two stanzas of The Rising (p. 302) for rhythmic breathing, purity, resonance, and fullness of tone. Continue discussion of Chapter VII. Reading of examples in text and of illustrations brought by students.

Assignment: Study problems 1-4 (section 31, 1, p. 162.) Prepare a short paper explaining the difference between rhythmic beat and emphasis, in reading prose and poetry.

Recitation: Reading of problems 1-4.

Assignment: Study problems 5-14 (section 32, pp. 16369). Bring illustrations, written out to hand in, of regular and irregular verse. Memorize problems 10, 12, 13, 14.

Recitation: Practice in concert stanzas three and four of The Rising (p. 302) for pure tone and quiet, resonant utterance. Reading of problems 5-14.

Assignment: Prepare problems 15-21 (section 32, 2, pp. 169-71). Bring in illustrations, written out, of " run on" lines, and explain briefly in the same paper how the reading of run on "lines differs from that of "end stopt," or regular, lines.


Recitation: Reading of problems 15-21. Recitation by certain members of the class of problems 10, 12, 13, 14. Assignment: Prepare problems 22-26 (section 33, I, p. 173). Memorize the Recessional (problem 26).

Recitation: Practice in concert stanzas five and six of The Rising, (p. 303) for sustained tone, variety in pitch, and time. Reading of problems 22-26. Continue recitation of problems 10, 12, 13, 14.

Assignment: Study problems 27-36 (section 33, 2, 3, pp. 174-75).

Recitation: Reading of problems 27-36. Write out the







Recessional from memory; follow with recitation of the
by certain members of the class.


Assignment: Study The Pied Piper of Hamelin (problem 37).

Recitation: Reading of The Pied Piper of Hamelin for enjoyment and spirited utterance of the poem and with little or no discussion of rhythm or of technical problems involved.

Assignment: Each student to prepare a short talk on some legend, such, for example, as The Pied Piper is based


Recitation: Finish reading The Pied Piper and begin talks on legends.

Assignment: Review orally all memorized problems in Chapter VII.

Recitation: Finish talks on legends. Recitation of memorized problems of chapter.

Assignment: Study Chapter VIII. Prepare all examples and be ready to explain the principles they illustrate.

Chapter VIII

Recitation: Practice in concert stanzas seven and eight of The Rising for breath control, energy, rhythm, and vocal quality. Discussion of Chapter VIII with reading of examples. The recitation may take the form of short extemporaneous talks on the various sections and topics of the chapter. Assignment: Prepare problems 1-5 (sections 38, 1, 1, 2, pp. 206-09). Begin memorizing Columbus (problem 6).

Recitation: Practice in concert the last three stanzas of The Rising. Reading of problems 1–5.

Assignment: Prepare problems 7-9 (section 38, 1, 3, pp. 209-10). Finish memorizing Columbus.

Recitation: Reading of problems 7-9. Columbus written out from memory. Several members of class called to recite the poem.

Assignment: Prepare problems 10-13 (section 38, 1, 4, p. 210). Study sections 44, 45 (pp. 285–88) and 48 (p. 305). 52. Recitation: Discussion of sections 44, 45, 48. Reading of problems 10-13.

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