
works, and yet they do not perfectly understand either, nor is it likely they ever will, because they are only finite, while he is infinite. But do they therefore question his existence, as an uncaused and independent Being? or do they therefore doubt the wisdom and equity of his designs? or impeach the justice and benevolence of his conduct? Certainly not. What they cannot fathom, they admire and adore. This we infer from the fact, that they are represented by the sacred writers as especially engaged in the work of praise; and it will be freely acknowledged that praise, when offered with sincerity, as they offer it, must be expressive not only of profound reverence, but of complete satisfaction and unmingled joy.

Their conduct is worthy of our imitation. It would be extremely unwise, and even preposterous in us, with such an example before us, to reject as untrue any of those inexplicable representations of the purposes and proceedings of the Almighty, which are found in the Bible; more particularly, as the authenticity and inspiration of that sacred book have been so often and so abundantly proved. Let us rather, when reflecting on them, cherish the feelings which prevailed in the breast of Paul, while engaged in the same exercise; that, instead of perplexing ourselves with what we can never unravel, at least on this side the grave, we may be ever ready to exclaim, How unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!

J. J.

REFLECTIONS ON THE OPENING OF A NEW PLACE OF WORSHIP. (Extracted from a Sermon preached on such an occasion.)

SUCH is the constitution of human nature, that we are powerfully NEW SERIES, No. 18.

affected by local associationsthose associations of thought, which connect important events with the places where they occurred. The sanctified direction of this principle is one of the most interesting sources of religious emotion, Who could revisit the scenes once hallowed by the presence of the incarnate Redeemer, or consecrated by the labours and sufferings of his immediate disciples, and not be conscious of unutterable feelings? Could we behold, unmoved, the sea of Tiberias, the mount of Tabor, the village of Bethany, or the hill of Calvary? And what invests these. places with their sacred attraction? It is not the result of any merely picturesque effect, however lovely, or romantic, or sublime might be their natural scenery; but it is because they were spots once visited by the SAVIOUR, and where HE exhibited his power, his grace, and his glory.

In the remembrance of every true disciple of the Redeemer, there are particular localities thus associated with the best feelings and affections of the heart; where devotion has glowed with a purer flame, and communion with an unseen world has elevated the spirit above "this low diurnal sphere." The scene, hallowed by such remembrances, may be solitary as the desart, or humble as the dwelling of the peasant; but it is in the Christian's estimation, a BETHEL " the house of God, and the gate of heaven!”

These recollections acquire additional force, in reference to places eminently honoured by the visitations of divine mercy; where there is a special and exclusive appropriation to the sacred engagements of religion; and social devotion, and public worship, are the objects to which they are consecrated. We believe not, indeed, in the sanctity of places, as it was 2 Q

formerly understood, under the dispensation of types and shadows. We should deem it unwarrantable to apply to any spot on earth, the full import of the terms once applied to "the place where the honour of Jehovah dwelt;" because such local sanctity was derived principally, if not exclusively, from its typical reference to HIM, whose humanity was to be the mysterious temple in which the Deity was to be enshrined, and who has appointed no place on earth to be the scene of his manifestations, or the symbol of his glory. Since HE ascended on high, "neither at Jerusalem," on Mount Zion, or 66 on any other mountain," is the Father to be worshipped, as before that memorable period. The Redeemer has entered into "the most holy place;" and now, "wherever two or three are gathered together in his name," he has said, "I am in the midst of them." Still, on principles warranted by scriptural analogy, and supported by the most powerful considerations, we cannot think of the places where Christians assemble from time to time, as we should of merely secular or ordinary scenes. There, matters of the highest importance are to be transacted; there, the great business of actual reconciliation with God is carried on; there," the truth, as it is in Jesus," in all its rich and interesting combinations, is exhibited; there, holy ordinances are administered; there, the fellowship of the saints, and communion with God are enjoyed, "of this and that man, it is said, 'he was born there;'" and there, materials are provided for increasing the joys of the heavenly world, and preparation is made in time, for the services and felicities of eternity!

Such are the feelings naturally awakened in a reflecting mind, when thinking of "the house of

God"-and such will be the feelings of thousands, it is to be devoutly hoped, respecting the place now, for the first time, occupied in the worship of the Almighty. We are not assembled to consecrate the place, but to implore the truly consecrating presence, and continued blessing of the "great Head of the Church"-" the Shepherd and Bishop of our souls." Let us cherish the delightful hope that here, many of the disciples of the Saviour will be edified and refreshed-that many a pilgrim, on his journey to our Father's house, "will drink of the brook by the way;"-that many an anxious inquirer will be directed to the Lamb of God;-that many a penitent will approach the cross of the Redeemer-and ministering angels rejoice over sinners brought to repentance within these walls! Those holy beings pass by the scenes of architectural magnificence, and earthly splendour, if there be no connexion with the interests of that "kingdom which is not of this world; while the humblest sanctuary, where the simple and spiritual principles of the Gospel are proclaimed, furnishes materials for their grateful praises, in the triumphs of the Cross of Christ. May such anticipations be amply realized in reference to this place! Here may the truth, in all its purity, and the ordinances of Christ, in all their simplicity, long continue to be administered by "holy men," in successive generations! May no "root of bitterness" spring up to trouble or defile this "garden of the Lord;" but the selectest influences of heaven descend on this sacred enclosure, and the "fruits of righteousness" on earth, afford the happy pledge of a transplantation to that purer region— that more genial clime,

"Where joy, like morning dew, distils, And all the air is love!"

S. F. J.



It has been considered honourable to the character of a minister to continue with his people till death. In reading the "Statistical View of Dissenters," in the Congregational Magazine, I have been struck with the frequency of the removals of many of the modern pastors of churches, compared with the rarity of such Occurrences among their antient predecessors. in office. Four causes may be assigned for this difference: Dissentions in congregations-Fickleness of ministers-Want of salary adequate to the increasing demands of their families-And the desire of extending their usefulness.

In reference to the first cause, antinomian sentiments, the domination of leading persons in a congregation, family quarrels, or the imprudent conduct of the minister himself, may occasion such discontent as to lead to a dissolution of the pastoral relation; but some separations might be prevented, were the servants of the Lord not to strive, but be gentle toward all men. Few ministers have been long in office, without being tried by occurrences, which require the wisdom of the serpent, and the harmlessness of the dove; and if they should attend to animum rege, so much, and so long, as to live down all oppositions, they would gather the spoils of a holy victory, in the testimony of their own conscience, and the interpositions of Divine Providence, which might be succeeded with such congregational prosperity, and tranquil termination of their labours, as they little expected in the gloomy seasons of adversity.

In contemplating the second cause of the Removal of Ministers, it is to be lamented that some worthy men should yield to the inducements to relinquish their

charge before they have given a place a sufficient trial; forgetting that it is by patient continuance in well doing we shall reap, if we faint not. There are some venerable pastors of Independent and Baptist Churches in the country, who relate what small beginnings they had in reference to the number of their hearers, and church members; but they have attained to very general respect in their connexions, and lived to see their spiritual families increased like a flock. If "days should speak, and multitude of years should teach wisdom," they would probably recommend their junior brethren, in most cases, to abide at their posts, rather than commence a doubtful warfare in other parts, or seek ideal pleasures in a wilderness, every where infested with briars and thorns, till their strength and spirits are worn out, by unhappy wanderings from place to place.

A third cause of removal is to be sought in the difficulty which a good minister of Christ may find to provide things honest in the sight of all men.' When young


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men set out in the ministry, they have seldom correct views of the expenses of a domestic establishment; hence, before they are aware, they are exercised about the affairs of this life. Reflections are sometimes cast on ministers so circumstanced, for accepting invitations to more opulent congregations; but then it cannot be denied, that people will often give a favourite preacher twice the salary of his predecessor, who had a greater claim to their liberality. Were the writer's opinion asked upon these subjects, he would say to the Deacons of Dissenting Churches, Devise liberal things when you see your pastor faithfully serving the Redeemer's cause, and let him not be a loser for his disinterestedness; and, on the other hand, he would advise

the minister to leave himself in the hands of his gracious Master, who will see his wages duly paid, either by offerings presented through the voluntary subjection of his people to the Gospel of Christ, or from other sources of supply, at present unknown to himself. When the late Dr. Fawcett, in the early part of his life, was wavering in his mind whether he should remove to a situation more adapted to the wants of his family, he intimated to his people, that £40. a year would be the extent of his wishes, but though they hesitated, and even declined entering into any engagement to raise that sum annually, his attachment to them was so deeply fixed, that he concluded at once, to cast himself upon Providence, and live and die with them. His excellent biographer. observes, "such a line of conduct as this may not be proper as a general precedent; yet it exhibits many traits of character which are endearing in the man, the Christian, and the minister. It shows a delicate and solemn sense of the duties of the pastoral office, not to be deserted, except for the most urgent and satisfactory reasons; steadiness of attachment, compassionate regard, and disinterested love, where that love, perhaps, has seldom met with suitable returns. This event was, in some sort, the crisis which gave a new impulse to his mind and views, and it was a resolution of which he never afterwards saw reason to pent."


A fourth cause of removal, originates in a desire of more extensive usefulness. A person may be preaching in a place where the population is so small, or so obstinately opposed to the Gospel, that considering himself bound to attempt the greatest possible good to mankind, he may seriously think it is a duty to remove to a more promising sphere of la

bour. When a minister, occupying a retired situation, has been useful to a few persons, who love him with a pure heart fervently, the separating stroke will be severely felt by both parties; and though the pastor may generally calculate, that the happiest period of his labours has been now spent, yet subsequent events may prove, that in accepting an invitation to another congregation, he has obeyed the voice of Providence. În Morris's "Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the Rev. Andrew Fuller," there is a touching.account of his conflict in tearing himself from the arms of his beloved charge at Soham, to be pastor of the Baptist church at Kettering. On this occasion, the church at Soham wept much, but said, "The will of the Lord be done." Several ministers of the present day are now filling important stations in the church, who commenced their pastoral relation in country villages; nor does there seem any thing incongruous in such a transition; towns in which there are the most inhabitants, and the largest circle of intelligent persons, ought to be supplied with ministers of the best talents and

information. Still the probable advantages to the general cause of religion, may be sometimes a little over-rated; for if the preaching gift, unremitted labour, weight of character, and fervent piety, had continued to operate in places which have been deprived of ministers who possessed these qualifications, it might have been expected, through the blessing of God, that they too would have. risen, in the course of years, to some eminence in the scale of congregational prosperity; a consideration which suggests the propriety of a sober calculation being made, not only how much service the removal of an acceptable minister would be to the inviting congregation, but how much dis

service it would be to the bereaved congregation.

Perhaps the writer cannot conclude this paper better than in the words of the late Dr. Buchanan, "Blessed, indeed, are they, who, whether they go to foreign lands, or fulfil their ministry at home, are animated by the spirit of Christ, who devote themselves with a single eye to his glory; who seek not the world, and yet demean themselves toward the world with charity and courtesy; who court an humble situation in life, as knowing it hath fewest dangers to the soul, but can be humble in a high situation; who, in short, study to maintain a pure conscience, and possess, generally, a peace of mind which passes the understanding of worldly men." JACOBUS,



THE churche of Christe hath ever sufferede more from ennemies within, then foes withoute, and the moste hurtefulle off these have alwaies bene inconsistente and ungoddly professers. Nevver surelie was thiss made moore manifeste, then in these oure daies, when the olde fox, puttinge on the apparence off the lambe, is ever stryvinge to enterr the folde unsuspectede. I shalle theirfore endeavoure to propounde some causes of spirituall declensione forr the guidance and warninge of all sinceere Christianes; that as a skillfull pilott, haveing knowleddge off the differente rockes and sande bankes thatt lie in the tracke he has to navigate, avoides themm as farr as he may, and thuss preserves hiss vessell from manie imminente dangers, iff nott from utter destructionn, soe I am ledd to hope that som younge Christiane may by these humbell hintes be ledd to avoide som dangerr, and bee preservede from splittinge on

the various rockes thatt lie hidden benethe the surface off the oceane hee will have to plowe. I shalle attempte to shewe, firstlie, the peculiarr dangeres of those whoe. have bene educatede inn the feare off God, and beinge mercifulle preservedde fromm heenous sinns, have inn there youthe joyned themselves too his people in sotheese when lemne covenante : younge shewe greate zeele forr God, and theirfore Satann markes them oute for hiss moste cruelle temptationes, thatt he maye lede He does nott at them astraie. firste thwartt there zeele, butt letts itt have itts fulle playe; and then, whenn the firste hete is overr, he perswades them that there is noe neede for theire helpe, and they maie take there reste. Havinge cooled theire zeele, hee nowe strives to lede them intoe lesser sinnes. He urges them to the habitt off anger and ille tempere, in theire famylies and householdes, and telles them they maie bee angry and sinn nott, (for Satann cann quote Scripture to perverte its meaninge.) Hee then induces them to indulge inn secrett sinnes, to riott inn alle the drunkennesse off the hearte, and make the chambers off imagerie cages off unclene birdes. This, he welle knowes, wille lede them to neglecte theire secrett prayeres, and prevente theire beinge proffittable, forr noe impure spiritt, while itt loves itts impuritie, cann enjoye the worshippe off a pure and holie God; and iff conscience arise upp againste themm, he putts intoe there mindes that they muste bee safe, for theye are memberrs of God's churche, and unitedd withe God's people, as iff, forsoothe, thiss woulde save themm instedd of increasinge there condemnatione, and soe they falle, if God doe not mercifulle arouse themm fromm there dangerr by afflictione, or by some specialle providence, and thenn ledes themm to cry oute

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