
fighting armies and conquering heroes, with Jesus Christ at their head, to establish his kingdom. The author, guided by the interpretations which Christ and his spirit gave in the New Testament of the meaning of the Old Testament predictions respecting the Messiah, has given a description of the millenium, not as consisting of the temporal reign of Christ, but of his more extended, pure, and glorious spiritual reign. The writer always keeps before the mind of the reader, the spiritual nature of the kingdom of Christ, and through the whole book, attributes the glorious change to be produced in society to the agency of the truth and of the spirit, to whom the work of evangelizing the world is assigned, and who has already done so much to prepare the way for it."

Dr. Bogue's mind was ever engaged with some important plan of usefulness. In May, 1820, he favoured this Magazine, and several other religious miscellanies, with an important Proposal for establishing a University for Dissenters, which excited much discussion in private circles, and in the pages of our work; and which, doubtless, contributed much to prepare the minds of opulent Dissenters to unite in the establishment of that University which, we hope, will ere long grace this metropolis. These extensive and varied engagements did not, however, abstract his mind from local duties. As a pastor and a neighbour his labours and usefulness were abundant. To employ again the language of Mr. Griffin, than whom no one is better prepared to give a testimony to his labours, The efficiency of his character was powerfully experienced in the County Association, which he was the mean, of forming, strengthening, and invigorating. His at tendance with the ministers, his advice, prayers, and preaching, were highly beneficial to all the congregations in the county and its vicinities. It is a pleasing and grateful subject of recollection, that within the period of his residence in Gosport, the congregations, in all the large towns within

the County Association, have erected new and far more spacious places of worship; and nearly every chapel in the smaller towns has been considerably enlarged. Since the formation of the Hampshire Society for promoting religion in the county and its vicinity, twentyone new chapels have been erected, and three buildings fitted for places of worship, within the county, or on its borders, either by the benevolence of individuals, the contributions of congregations, or the direct arrangements of the Society in towns or villages where the Gospel had not been previously introduced. In eleven of the places alluded to, a church has been formed and regularly constituted; and in seven of those places there is a resident ordained minister, supported almost solely by the congregation. In all these places there is a Sunday School, conducted by the gratuitous instructions of persons in the neighbourhood. In the production of these gratifying effects much must undoubtedly be attributed to the counsel and influence Bogue."

of Dr.


Dr. Bogue was united in marriage to Miss Charlotte Uffington, in 1788, a lady generally esteemed for her amiable spirit, intelligent mind, agreeable manners, decided piety. They had a family of four sons and three daughters, who were successively devoted to the Lord in baptism by their friend Dr. Winter; and their parents were faithful to discharge the solemn obligations which that ordinance involves. Amidst abounding labours, Dr. B. did not neglect his household; and it was his happiness to see them growing up to manhood around him, with accomplished and tified minds. These pleasures were, alas! but of short continuance; for, says Mr. James, "during the latter period of his life, he was severely tried by domestic



broken on its stem, just when putting forth its full-blown beauty and its richest fragrance, was smitten by the rude hand of death, and fell, with all his youthful honours, on the ashes of his mother and his brothers. But how did the father bear this four-fold bereavement? Like one that recognized in every stroke the appointment of a God who, however seemingly severe in his dealings, or really mysterious in his schemes, is always wise, and just, and good: like one who knew that his own approaching dissolution would soon restore to him those dear friends, torn from him by the ruthless hand of the last enemy.' His unmarried daughter still remained, like a ministering angel, to comfort him in his old age, to be the companion of his home, and a light in his dreary habitation; but the assiduities of filial love, and the tender offices of sisterly affection, which had been performed at the dying beds of a mother and three brothers," were too much for her strength, and she too sunk on the bed of sickness, from which she has not yet risen; and the result is anticipated with gloomy apprehensions. "Her father, though called to endure the affliction of seeing her suffer, and of anticipating her removal, was spared this last woe. Never were afflictions borne with more dignified grief, or more christian submission.

affliction, and was thus placed in a situation which afforded him an opportunity of uniting the milder beauty of the passive graces, with the bold energy of the active virAbout eleven years ago, he was deprived by death of one of his sons, who sunk to the tomb at the age of twenty-two: about the same time, his eldest daughter, having married a respectable minister, crossed the Atlantic, and settled in America. Three years since, the destroyer of our family circles entered his habitation a second time, and laid another of his sons in the grave. This venerable minister, then nearly seventy-three years of age, equally removed from unmanly stoicism and unchristian sorrow, preached a funeral sermon for his own child, in which all the father appeared supported and hallowed by all the saint. Of these two interesting young men, a touching memoir was drawn up by one of the surviving brothers, which, together with the funeral sermon just alluded to, was printed for private circulation. Mr. David Bogue, the author of this beautiful piece of biography, was then the classical tutor in the academy over which his revered father presided; of which office he discharged the duties with singular ability, and will ever be remembered with delight and gratitude, by those who enjoyed his instruction. About a year and a half ago, Mrs. Bogue, whose constitution never recovered the shock it received by the death of her sons, followed them to the sepulchre, and left her bereaved husband to prove by experience, that there is a woe for mortals, far more bitter than the loss of children. David, who had devoted his fine talents to the legal profession, and bid fair to be a bright ornament of the English bar, was destined to be the next victim. Alas! he too, like a lovely flower,

It seemed as if the clouds of sorrow were permitted to collect around his setting sun, to reflect more brightly, as he was retiring from earth, the varied effulgence of his christian character."

It had long been the devout prayer and earnest wish of Dr. Bogue that every town in the county of Hants should enjoy a preached gospel; and for several years before his death this was happily the case, with only one exception. The inhabitants of Alresford, however, had repeatedly re

pelled, with determined hostility, its introduction. At length prejudice gave way, a meeting-house was built, and with great satisfaction did he sign a recommendation of its case, which accomplished a fond wish of his heart, and on the day he died that house of prayer was first occupied for the service of God.

At the close of the academical session at Gosport, last July, Dr. Bogue engaged, as usual, to spend his vacation in the laborious duties of a missionary tour.


"The last time he preached in his own pulpit," says Dr. Winter, was on Lord's-day, the 7th of August. On that occasion, the twentieth chapter of the Acts of the Apostles, from which the text of this evening is selected, was read at the beginning of the service. He preached on the apostolical benediction, which he had pronounced thousands of times in the course of his ministry: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all. Amen.' And he took leave of his church at the commemorative supper of his Lord. The following day, he commenced a missionary journey into Warwickshire and Worcestershire. On his return, he spent one Lord's-day in London, when he preached for his two friends, the Rev. John Arundel and the Rev. George Burder, the Secretaries of the London Missionary Society. On returning home, he found that this place of worship, which had been shut up for repairs, was not ready to be re-opened. On the first Sabbath he attended the morning worship in the chapel of ease, where he heard, with much pleasure, the excellent young clergyman who officiates there. In the afternoon and evening, he preached in a neighbouring village, which has been for many years supplied by his students. On the following

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Sabbaths, he preached in his vestry, on the transfiguration of Christ; and on one of them, he administered in the same place the Lord's Supper.

"On Lord's-day the 16th of October, he finished his public testimony. His subjects of discourse


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very memorable. In the morning, he preached at Portsea a funeral sermon occasioned by the decease of a relative of the Rev. John Griffin. His text was, And not only they, but ourselves also, who have the first-fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.' In the afternoon and evening, he addressed a part of his own flock in the vestry, on the character and the translation of Enoch: And Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him.""

The return of the Missionary Meeting for the county of Sussex, in October, induced the friends at Brighton to request his valuable services. He addressed, in a letter to the Rev. J. N. Goulty, their Secretary, the following reply :

"Gosport, Sept. 14, 1825.

"In compliance with the wishes of your Committee, I shall be happy to render you every assistance in my power at your ensuing anniversary. As it is termtime at Gosport, I shall, as last year, come to you on the Tuesday and return on Thursday. I pray that God may favour us with his presence and blessing. The meeting last year was peculiarly pleasing. I have seldom been at one more generally interesting. May this be still more so; and if our prayers ascend to heaven for a double portion of the spirit of Christ, we have reason to hope we shall be favoured with it. In the early part of my vacation, I was three weeks on a Missionary expedition into Warwickshire and Staffordshire, and had the pleasure to find all, both ministers and people, ardent in their zeal for the cause of Missions."

When he left his home to fulfil this engagement on Tuesday morning, 18th October, his old female servant observed that "her master had not looked and acted so well for a long time."

"There was," says Mr. Goulty, "a peculiar interest and cheerfulness about him on the day he arrived at Brighton, interrupted occasionally by evident indications of pain. The only part which he was able to take in our Missionary Services, was the prayer before the Sermon preached by the Rev. George Clayton, on Tuesday evening, the 18th inst. in this pulpit. Those of us who knew him, observed with much regret, that he was evidently suffering great pain. At the same time it was impossible not to notice a peculiar sweetness and simplicity in his petitions. Oh! had we known that these would have been his last, how would we have hung upon his lips, and desired a personal interest in his supplications at the throne of grace; the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.' "Late in the evening of the same day, calling me out of the room, he expressed his sorrow that he should be come hither to be ill at my house, and requested that I would procure some surgical attendance. This was immediately done; but the sickness was unto death,' and the places that once knew him, were to know him no more for ever.'

lic meeting, he said, that this was, no doubt, wisely ordered, and, that, while those who were getting old in the service, must expect to be prevented; it was a great pleasure to him to see so many young persons, and, particularly in the ministry, rising up to succeed them. When, in answer to his inquiries as to the character and spirit of the meeting, he was told, that it was peculiarly interesting and devout, and, that the accounts from India, and from the Sandwich Islands were most encouraging, he said, repeatedly, as if impatient to utter his praise, THAT THAT is remarkable, I am glad to hear THAT,' THAT is very pleasing, God IS blessing his own work.'

"During his affliction, Dr. Bogue said but little, but what he did say, was that substance, which might have been greatly attenuated. The nature of his disease, the circumstances of our public engagements, and the fear of intruding upon our time, together with an habitual disposition to make light of his maladies, all operated to induce him to say as little as was necessary but the strength, and power, and delightful savour of his expressions, and the decision, and calmness, and resignation of his mind, will, I hope, never be forgotten by us.

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"Every expression from him was accompanied with some word of gratitude and praise for his mercies.

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"On one occasion he said, What a blessing it is to be interested in the Gospel before such a time as this arrives. We have much to be thankful for.'

"His fervent petitions and fatherly blessing on my leaving him last Lord's-day, before the morning service, were peculiarly affecting and impressive. May God, from Sabbath to Sabbath, answer his prayer for an extensive blessing on a preached gospel. When on several occasions, he was asked if he was comfortable, he replied invariably quite so, I thank you, quite so.' We fear, Sir, that the time appears heavy to you, being so much alone.' No,' he said, I thank you, I prefer it, I am not alone, the Father is with me.'

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"When his daughter, Mrs. Parker, communicated to him the opinion of his medical attendants, that there was now no hope of his recovery, he calmly replied, Well, my dear, the will of the Lord be done.-Read to me the 32d Psalm;' after which he said, 6 now, shut the door, and I will pray with you.'

This was indeed a father's prayer, consisting entirely of suitable and fervent supplications for himself as a dying believer ånd for his children, whom he mentioned severally, by name, and commended them to his God and Saviour. He seemed in this prayer to have been very solicitous that his afflicted daughter might recover; and that those of the family who should live the longest,' might be the subjects of perpetual care and blessing.

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"Soon after this I spent a short time with him, which I regarded as peculiarly sacred-endeavouring to comfort him, I repeated the promise, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee,' upon which, with an effort of his exhausted strength, but with a delightful energy, he said, Ah, remember that stands in the highest character,' (alluding to the peculiarity in the original of that passage, in which the force of the expression is so strong, that it might be rendered, I will never, never no, never — never forsake thee.') To the question, Is your mind, my dear Sir, still supported?' he replied, Yes, I thank you, I am looking to that compassionate Saviour, whose blood cleanseth from all sin.' • It is encouraging to us, Sir, to receive the testimony, and to witness the support of the Gospel in those who have long been in the service.' He said, 'Yes, it is valuable, and I am able I know whom I have besay,


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lieved. His state of exhaustion and disease rendered his subsequent words unintelligible; at length he sunk into a stupor, from which he never recovered till his spirit departed about 9 o'clock on Tues

day, 25th October, in the 76th year of his age.

The particulars of his funeral, when" devout men carried him to his burial, and made great lamentations over him," are before our readers. We shall not attempt to sketch his character, which might fill a volume, but close this article with the following resolution of the Directors of the Missionary Society in reference to his death:

"That, in recording this mournful event, the Directors would express the feelings of their minds on the solemn

occasion. Their deceased friend was one of the very first projectors of the Society; toward the establishment of which he materially contributed, and for the extension and prosperity of which he directed well-informed mind for the space of thirty the best energies of his powerful and years. By his prayers, his writings, his example, his journeys, and, above all, by his direction and superintendence of the Missionary Seminary at Gosport, in which many eminent and useful Missionaries have been trained, he has been rendered, by the blessing of God, one of the chief instruments of the Society's prosperity. The loss of such an efficient and disinterested labourer cannot be calculated: yet, yet, while it is sincerely and deeply lamented, the Directors would return their devout thanks to God, the source of all gracious influence, who rendered his instrumentality so beneficial; and who continued him amongst them, in full activity, till he had reached the seventy-sixth year

of his life.


"The Directors are fully assured, that the numerous members and friends of the Society will sympathize with them in the feelings thus expressed and will unite with them, in thanksgiving to God, for the important and useful labours of their late lamented friend; and in earnest supplication for a copious supply of the Holy Spirit, that many more faithful men may be qualified, by as able an instructor, for the all-important work of Missions, and from time to time be sent forth to preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of




(To the Editors.) GENTLEMEN,-I have read, in your January number, an article NEW SERIES, No. 14.

"On an Ornamented Pulpit Style," which appears to me to call for some further observations on the subject. Fully agreeing with the K

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