
the present state of affairs of the Institution.

"First Report of the Council to the General

Meeting of Proprietors.

"The Council, constituted by the Deed of Settlement, bearing date the 11th day of February last, have proceeded, incessantly, in promoting the great object entrusted to their care, and have convened this First General Meeting of the Proprietary, according to the provisions of that Deed, for the purpose of submitting to them the present state of the Funds of the Institution, the proceedings hitherto taken by the Council, and the further measures they would recommend to the proprietors for their sanction, with a view to the gradual completion of the proposed Establishment.

"To this Report is subjoined, the halfyearly balance-sheet, showing the several sums received and paid on account of the Institution, up to the 11th of August last, as checked and verified by the Auditors.

"Subscriptions have been since received, whereby the number of shares on which deposits have been paid has been increased to 1,157; in addition to which, upwards of 143 shares have been subscribed by individuals of the greatest respectability, on which, owing to various causes, the payment of the deposit has been delayed, but may be considered perfectly secure; the total amount of shares thus actually subscribed, may be stated as amounting to 1,500.

"The Council were desirous of obtaining further subscriptions to the extent of 1,500, constituting the sum of £150,000, the smallest amount of capital prescribed by the Deed, but obstacles presented themselves, arising not less from the actual pecuniary difficulties which many laboured under, who would otherwise have zealously supported the cause, than from the general prevalence of that distrust which the failure of so many speculative undertakings had induced. In these circumstances, the progress of the Institution must have been suspended until the restoration of confidence, so for a time disturbed, had the Council not been encouraged and supported by the voluntary aid of several individuals, who took upon themselves to subscribe the deficient 200 shares, for which they have consented to become responsible in all respects, subject only to the sanction of the proprietors to a declaration that the capital of the Institution shall be considered as limited to the sum of £150,000, until such 200 supplemental shares shall be replaced by subscriptions to that amount.

"The capital required having been thus provided for, (exclusively of £655 contributed by way of donation,) the Council were enabled to proceed in the

excrcise of the powers confided to them; but the only material step taken by them has been a selection from among the several plans submitted to them, of that designed by Mr. Wilkins, a selection in which their own judgment coincided with that of almost every proprietor who inspected the drawings; and the Council are enabled to state, that the work, in its execution, will have the benefit of Mr. Gandy's superintendence in conjunction with Mr. Wilkins.

"The wish of the Council will appear to have been rather to select a great design suited to the wants, the wealth, and the magnitude of the population, for whom the Institution is intended, than one commensurate with its present means; but, as they were determined to take no step in this important part of their trust without first ascertaining and limiting the utmost extent of expense to which any engagement might lead them, they advertised for tenders by public competition for the execution of the works. lowest offer was made by Messrs. Lee, who engaged to complete the buildings for the sum of £107,000, exclusive of stone ornaments to the amount of about £3000.


"This sum exceeds, by £20,000, the estimate made by Mr. Wilkins, who, in explanation, has stated that his specification in the quality and amount of the materials, goes far beyond the usual course of building; his main object having been to give durability and beauty to a building, which would find but few in this country to vie with it.

"In the present state of the subscription, and with the design of the building, so far matured, the Council consider themselves fully justified in assuming, that, after making a more than adequate allowance for any probable defalcation, a clear sum of £100,000. will still remain avail. able for the immediate objects of the Institution; and after minute consideration of the circumstances, they feel assured, that, with that sum at their disposal, a portion of the building may be forthwith erected, adequate to the accommodation of the Medical School, and of all the classes composing the more essential parts of a good education, a sufficient surplus being left for the purchase of a library and museum, and as much as may be absolutely requisite for salaries to Professors. A portion of the building, comprising the library, two museums, four great theatres of instruction, and about twenty-six other rooms, and affording ample accommodation for the objects. immediately proposed, will require an out-lay, including fittings, of about £50,000.; to which, adding £10,000. for the library and museum, and a like sum to meet contingencies, salaries, and

other incidental expenses, the whole will amount to £70,000., which, with the £30,000. paid for the land, make up the sum of £100,000.

"To that extent, for the present, the Council would bound their views, not doubting for a moment, that, as the building proceeds, and the merits of the undertaking are gradually developed, it will obtain such additional encouragement and support, by an increase of subscriptions to the extent of £300,000., the maximum of capital contemplated by the deed of settlement, as will, at no distant day, amply provide for the completion of the buildings, and for the full establishment of the Institution, on as liberal a scale as its most sanguine friends can desire.

"The Council, therefore, propose that the contracts for the building be entered into in such subdivisions of it as shall, from time to time, be required; and be so framed, as to admit of the completing or abandoning any such subdivisions upon due notice, at the will of the Council, strictly adhering, as they pledge themselves to do, to the provisions of the deed of settlement, and to the fixed principle they have established, on no account, and in no circumstances, to incur a liability beyond the amount of the resources under their controul. In the mean time, and as the only measure which consists with the season, they are desirous of commencing operations by causing the foundations to be excavated, which will be done under a distinct contract, and at a cost not exceeding £1000.

"The Council having given in their prospectus, a general view of the ends proposed to be attained, are unable, at this early period, to enter into any further detail; more specific regulations and arrangements must form subject for future consideration, as exigences arise, and experience is obtained. All they can now do is to submit to the proprietors the expediency of sanctioning the Council in immediately commencing the excavation of the ground, and proceeding to the gradual erection of the buildings in portions under separate contracts, as already suggested; for the accomplishment of which, further instalments of £10. per cent. on the subscriptions, at intervals of six months, will, it is believed, prove adequate.

"Three months may probably elapse before these preparations can be completed; after which the Council propose an Address to His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex, requesting him to lay the first stone of the building, His Royal Highness having been pleased to add his name to the list of proprietors, at the same time expressing much interest in the success of the Institution, and announcing his intention

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It was then resolved :"That the Report of the Council, now read, be received, confirmed, and entered on the minutes of the meeting.

"That the meeting doth hereby recognize and sanction the accession of 200 supplemental shares, subscribed for the completion of the capital of £150,000; such shares to be replaced by the direct subscriptions that may from time to time be received.

"That, until such shares be replaced, the capital of the Institution be limited to £150,000.

"That the Council be hereby authorised and requested to proceed in causing the ground to be excavated for the foundation of the intended buildings, and in contracting for the gradual erection of them in the manner suggested by the Report.

"That the Report of the Council be printed, and a copy thereof transmitted to each proprietor; and that the proceedings of this meeting be duly advertised.

"That the thanks of the meeting be given to the Council for their judicious and unwearied labours in forwarding the great objects of the Institution.

"That the thanks of this meeting are particularly due, and are hereby given to William Tooke, Esq., for the able and zealous aid he has afforded the Council by his gratuitous professional exertions.

That the thanks of the meeting be given to the Rev. Dr. Cox, for his co-operation with the Council.

"That the thanks of the meeting be given to the noble Chairman, for his kind assistance this day, and for his constant efforts on behalf of the Institution." Office of the University, 7, Furnival's Inn.


The third Anniversary of this important and benevolent Institution, formed for assisting Protestant Dissenting Congregations in supporting their ministers, was held in Barbican Chapel, on Tuesday evening, the 31st October, when a most appropriate and impressive discourse was delivered by the Rev. Joseph Fletcher, who kindly undertook to advocate the interests of this excellent Society. After the sermon, an abstract of the proceedings of the Society was read, which detailed many affecting cases of privation endured by active, holy, zealous ministers of the gospel. Several powerful appeals were then made on behalf of the objects of this Institution, by the ministers and laymen who severally moved and seconded the resolutions, which were adopted, and as we understand the Report is to be printed

and published, we earnestly recommend the attention of ministers and their congregations to this particular object of Christian beneficence, and to those affecting detalls which the proceedings of the Committee have developed, as a powerful stimulus to their liberal countenance and support of this labour of love.


On Wednesday, Oct. 4, the pastoral relation of Dr. Harris to the church at Stoke Newington was publicly recognized. Prayer and reading the Scriptures, Rev. J. Campbell; introductory discourse and questions, Rev. H. F. Burder; prayer, Rev. T. Lewis; charge to the pastor and church, Dr. J. P. Smith; concluding prayer, Rev. R. Phillips; psalms and hymns given out by Rev. H. Evison.

On Thursday, Oct. 19, the Rev R Slate, late of Stand, near Manchester, was publicly recognized as the pastor of the church and congregation assembling in Grimshaw Street, Preston. In the morning, the Rev. D. T. Carnson, of Cannon Street Chapel, introduced the service by reading suitable portions of the Scriptures and engaging in prayer. The Rev. John Ely, of Rochdale, delivered a very interesting discourse on the nature and government of a Christian church. Afterwards one of the deacons gave an account of the circumstances which led to the invitation of the Rev. R. Slate, which was then publicly recognized by the members of the church; and Mr. Slate publicly signified his acceptance of the call. The Rev. George Payne, M. A. Theological Tutor of Blackburn Academy, implored the divine blessing on the pastor and people; and the Rev. William Roby, of Manchester, gave some important advice to the minister from 1 Tim. iv. 13;


Rev. Mr. Hodson, of Lady Huntingdon's connexion, offered up the concluding prayer, and the Rev. Mr. Holmes, (Baptist,) gave out the hymns. In the evening, a numerous congregation assembled to hear the Rev. Dr. Raffles, of Liverpool, address the people, on the duties they owe to their minister, from 1 Cor. iv. 1. The Rev. D. Edwards, of Elswick, J. Deakin, of Chorley, and J. Speakman, of Tockholes, conducted the devotional parts of the evening service.

Mr. Ely concluded his discourse in the following language:-" We proceed now to the solemn recognition for which we are convened together. It is with no dubious feelings of the propriety of our brother's removal, or the suitableness of the new relation into which he has entered, that we proceed to this solemn act of recognition. We congratulate our brother on his introduction to a sphere in which we doubt not his usefulness will be continually extending. We congratulate this church on obtaining a pastor, under

whose ministry they are likely, with the divine blessing, to enjoy steady and progressive prosperity. And I may be allowed to add, I am glad that our brother and this church have set the example to the county, of snch a recognition service. It has been too long the practice for ministers, removing to new charges, to settle down in their new spheres without any such service, a practice which, I hope, will henceforth be corrected."

On Thursday, Nov. 9, Rev. George Rose was ordained as pastor of the Church at Jamaica Row, Bermondsey, late under the care of that venerable servant of

Christ, Rev. John Townsend. The services of the day were commenced with reading and prayer, by Rev. H. B. Jeula, of Greenwich; Rev. H. F. Burder, A. M. delivered the introductory discourse; Rev. John Arundel asked the usual questions: Rev. Joseph Fletcher, A. M. offered the ordination prayer; Rev. Dr. Collyer gave the charge from 2 Tim. ii. 15; Rev. George Clayton preached to the people from Deut. i. 38; and Rev. John Morison concluded. As such a service had not been witnessed in the chapel for 42 years, the interest excited was so great, that a crowded congregation assembled, and numbers were obliged to return, unable to obtain admittance; and although about five hours were occupied in the interesting solemnities, none appeared to be fatigued by the length of time during which their attention had been engaged.

Thursday, Nov. 9, 1826, the Rev. John Greig, A. M., late student at the Theological Academy, Glasgow, was publicly set apart by the laying on of hands, to the pastoral office over the church and congregation assembling for divine worship, at Mount Zion Chapel, Harper's Hill, Birmingham; the Rev. J. Sibree, of Vicar Lane Meeting, Coventry, commenced the services with reading the Scriptures and prayer; the Rev. John Hudson, of Westbromwich, delivered the introductory discourse, asked the usual questions, and received the confession of faith; the Rev. J. Cooper, of Westbromwich, offered up the ordination prayer; the Rev. G. Greig, of London, delivered to his son a judicious and impressive charge, from 1 Tim. iv. 16; the Rev. J. Roaf, of Wolverhampton, concluded the morning services with prayer; the hymns were given out by the Rev. Mr. Evans, of Hales Owen. The evening services were commenced with reading and prayer, by the Rev. J. Griffiths, of Birmingham; the Rev. J. Jerrard, of West Orchard, Coventry, addressed the people, from Deut. iii. 28. "Encourage him, and strengthen him." The Rev. J. Poole, of Birmingham, closed with prayer. Many were the prayers, and most fervent were the wishes, of the friends of religion, that the future labours of this young

Minister may be crowned with the greatest success. This place of worship is very commodious, and beautifully neat, situated in a genteel, and increasingly populous neighbourhood.


We understand that the Rev. Mr. Leach, of Shepton Mallet, has engaged to supply the congregation assembling in Robert Street Chapel, near Grosvenor Square, for six Lord's-days, in the months of January and February. The liberality of that cougregation has been most exemplary. At their two anniversaries in the present and preceding year, they collected above £1100., by which the whole of their debt on the chapel has been extinguished. We trust that they will soon be settled with a pastor, whose labours will be eminently blessed in that important part of our metropolis.

We rejoice to hear that the Rev. William Urwick, of Sligo, has accepted the call of the church at York Street, Dublin, by which means his sphere of useful exertion will be greatly extended.

The Rev. Wm. S. Palmer, late of Westbury, has accepted the invitation of the ancient church at Hare Court, Aldersgate Street, London, to become their pastor, vacant by the decease of the Rev. J. Davies.

The chapel in Daery Lane, Ipswich, having fallen into a neglected and dilapidated state, was recently purchased by a well known patron of Congregational Churches, who having made the muchneeded repairs and improvements, has opened it for public worship. The Rev.

Edward Parsons, jun. of London, engaged in that service, on Friday, the 30th June, and the Rev. James Stratten, of Paddington, occupied the pulpit on the following Sabbath. The chapel has since been supplied by the senior students of Highbury College, with every prospect of establishing a second congregation of the Independent denomination in that populous town. It is a curious fact that at the present time, there are still two Dissenting places of worship unoccupied in that ancient borough.



November 2, died, the Rev. SAMUEL DEVENISH, pastor of the Independent Church at Sydling, Dorsetshire. Although he had been previously visited with some severe attacks of illness, yet his death may be considered almost sudden. attended the Dorsetshire Association at Cerne a fortnight before his decease, on which occasion he expressed himself as enjoying more of the felicity of heaven than earth. On the day of his death he said to those around him, I thought this would be my dying day, but I am disappointed. At half-past ten, however, the same evening, he fell on sleep, at the age of forty-three. His funeral sermon was preached on the day of interment at Sydling, by the Rev. John Saltren, of Bridport, to his family and flock, and on Sabbath-day, November 19, at Salisbury, by Rev. J. Good, of whose church Mr. Devenish had been several years an active and efficient deacon. He was a faithful man, and feared God above many."

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS AND MINOR CORRESPONDENCE. COMMUNICATIONS have been received during the past month from the Rev. S. Alexander--J. Turner-J. Wooldridge--Thomas Weaver-J, Hudson--Dr. J. P. Smith-J. Matheson-B. Byron-Thomas Guyer-R. Ashton-G. Redford-Thomas Morell-W. Harris, LL. D.-J. E. Good-R. Slate-S. R. Pittard - Thomas Scales R. Farebrother-W. Blackburn-G. Moase--Joseph Mather-J. Sibree. Also from Messrs. J. Pitman--J. Storer--James Edmeston--J. Woodford, jun.-J. Pownall - Unus Seguntiorum-Philo Helveticus-A Subscriber to Lodge's Portraits -Sarah Elizabeth--E. S.-J. K. K.--T. G. --R. T.-S. B.--T. J. B. doubtful. Philo Helveticus will perceive that our correspondent J. P. S. has not yet finished his observations on the Letter of the Swiss Girl. When he has done, if he will furnish something more worthy of himself, and the cause he espouses, than assertions of our valued correspondent's confusion of ideas of theology, and of the operations of the mind," and accusations of his "calumniating" the Genevese Christians, we shall be glad to let him speak through the medium of our pages. In the mean time, we must assure him, that such language can only reflect disgrace on himself.

The proposed communications of Ignotus will, we doubt not, be acceptable.

We deplore the death of Bishop Heber with too much sincerity to publish the feeble rhymes of R. T. on that lamented event.

We beg to inform a Yorkshire Correspondent that we do not insert notices of the re-opening of chapels after repairs.

We have been requested to correct a trifling inaccuracy in the Memoir of Rev. S. King, who, it appears, did not marry the daughter of Mr. Norris, but his daughter in law by a second wife, a lady descended from a distinguished Bedfordshire family named Wingate.

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