
One cannot foresee what useful difcoveries may occur, by means of continued obfervations and communications of this kind. The race is not always to the fwift, nor the battle to the

ftrong; even fo, useful hints may oc cur to the countryman uninformed in philofophical principles.



HE various viciffitudes of life are
fufficiently numerous to ftimulate
into exertion every paffion of the foul.
He who cautiously reviews the fcenes of
existence and marks the moments as
they fleet before him, will find an in-
ftructive pleasure in contemplating the
univerfal operations of nature, in trac
ing her through her immenfe progref
fion, and in obferving the emotions
which the incites in the heart.

The fudden tranfitions of fituation from one extreme to another, the ftrokes of ftrange adventure, the exaltation of fome, and the defolation of others, each concurring to produce unexpected and uncommon effects, abundantly fupply every paffion with its proper and congenial objects; and furnishes matter enough to the contem plative for their fpeculation, and to the fprightly for their amufement or cu riofity.

The everlasting variety of nature is indeed a magazine from whence the fpeculatif may draw inexhaustible ftores of thought; and the wonders of the moral, natural, and intellectual world, will accommodate him with

conftant exercise for his abilities: they will prevent his heart from relaxing into a fenfelefs neutrality, preserve its original fprightly tone, and fave it from the muddinefs of ftoical stagnation. The variety of the creation is the only thing which could make it lovely, fince without that variety to touch the fancy and animate the paffions, a general apathy would feize upon us, and infect our bofoms with ruft. It is univerfal variety, or a conftant diversification of the fcenes, that conftitutes the finest pleafures of life: hence the world wears often a comic appearance; it would otherwife be a perpetual tragedy, too deep and difmal to be borne.

Hence alfo diverfity of tempers and feafons become agreeable; for the attachments we thew to the charms of novelty are inborn, they are the inclinations we exprefs in our infancy, and, "growing with our growth," soon establish themfelves into the grand principles of our after conduct..

This reafoning is plain: for the child foon weary of one toy, weeps impatiently for another; and the man fatiated with the poffeflions of to-day,

the quick filver feldom falls lower than 29 deg. 5 min. It therefore follows from hence, that a fall of one tenth of an inch during the funmer, is as fure an indication of rain as a fall of between two and three tenths is in the winter.

It must be observed, that these heights of the barometer hold only in places nearly on a level with the fea; for experiments have taught us, that for every eighty feet of nearly perpendicular height the barometer is placed above the level of the sea, the quickfilver finks one tenth of an inch now by an accurate comparison between the motion of the barometer in inland and higher places, with its inotion in a place on a level with the fea, the heights of thele inland places may be pretty nearly afcertained; and obfervations must determine the heights of the quickfilver, which in each place denote fair and foul weather.

In all places nearly on the level with the fea, rain may be expected when the quickfilver falls below thirty inches. This points out one caule of the more frequent rains in lofty fituations than in low champaign countries. Thus double the quantity of rain falls at Townly-hall, in Lancashire, that does at London.

Very heavy thunder-ftorms happen without fenfibly affecting the barometer; and in this cafe the ftorm feldom reaches far. When a thunder-itorm is attended with a fall of the barometer, its effect is much more extensive. And here I mußt mention an obfervation which I have often feen verified, viz. that when the quickfilver falls very low, the weather continuing mild and the wind moderate, a violent ftorm happens at that time in fome diflant place: this accounts for a falfe prognoftic that the barometer has been often unjustly charged with.


fighs for a fresh enjoyment to-mor


The Father of Nature, therefore, knowing the defires of the beings he has formed, extending his kindness beyond the mere formation of his capa city and fenfes, has benevolently in dued them with objects perpetually innovating, and becoming more grate ful by their changes. And thus is existence rendered agreeable without furfeit, various without diforder, and entertaining without fatigue.

There is no man fo abftracted from the common fatisfactions of life, nor any fo loft in vacuity or diffipation, as to be infenfible to the beauties of natural variety. Were we chained down by a cruel neceffity to one clafs of conceptions, to act only from one narrow principle, to converfe on one everlasting theme, who could fupport the permanent infipidity? Even he who poffeffes the luxuries of life foon difrelishes the difagreeable grandeur, and feels his palate and his fenfes ficken with inappetency. He who was con demned for ever to his gardens or his palace, however extensive or fuperb, would in a fhort time, when the novelty of his curiofity was fatisfied, wander difcontented through rooms of ftate and pavilions of pleature, about bowers of verdure and through anes of flowers, loft to their accustomed enchantments; and finding every effort to escape impoffible, the level of the lawn, the tinge of the tulip, and the trophies of magni. ficence, would become objects of difguft; the velvet couch would disturb his repofe, the mufic of the groves grate harthness on his ear, the profufion of the banquet difplease his tafte, and the Jull of streams glide fmooth and beautiful in vain.

It has been obferved, that happinefs is not more various in its nature or degree than it is variously purfued and enjoyed. This may be feen in two common illuftrations, and each will prove the neceffity of variety. The man who has acquired great wealth by the labour and affiduity of many years, becomes, as it were, attached to his bufinefs, and confiders it as the friend which has procured him the golden burthen, which he therefore is lefs willing to refign. Happy in the reflection of daily accumulations, he refufes to take leave of thofe means whereby his ends may he even yet

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more completely anfwered. On the other hand, he whofe eftate is the prefent of fortune, who has left him inde. pendent of toil, and given into his hands the fceptre of command, bleft in the cafe of his fituation, feldom feels the ardour of folicitude, or en gages in the drudgery of trade to increafe his poffeffions, but prizes them which the indulgence of fortune has allowed, chiefly in proportion to the convenience or diftinction which they will produce.

This has every ftation and feafon. alfo its peculiar and characteristic pains and pleafures. In the first years of our being, while reason is even lefs forcible than inftinct, we are awhile amufed by the rattle,

"Pleas'd with a leather, tickled by ftraw :"

but obferve the love of variety; the gingle of the coral, or the blaze of a button, will withdraw our attention from its former joys, and the sudden deprivation of the baubles fwells the bofom with the anguish of disappoint ment till we burst into tears. And thus it is at a maturer age; for the fame paffions, more turbulent, act upon different objects, but as fenfelels quite." Examine the common joys and forrows of the youth, if the expreffion of Pope in any degree appears doubtful: he will be found enchanted with the toys of greatnefs, melting away in the foftening idleneffes of courtship, or bigated to the gew-gaws of ftate nor will his forrows bear a ftricter inspection; he is diftreffed by trifling mifcarriages, mean refentments, or petty difappointments. Nor is the laft ftage of being exempt from an equal, or even a greater, imbecility. The veteran is pleafed or enraged at the fmallest circumftance; his paffions are easily alarmed, but their guft is foon over; his powers of vociferation are not great, but his malignity fometimes completes what his feebleness of tongue could not. It is therefore certain, that every hour has a freth supply of objects to engage our notice, as every month, as it circulates through the calendar of time, is favourable to the blooming of fome bloffom, or the ripening of fome fruits. The univerfe is, in truth, fo variegated, that I believe, at least I have never yet feen one object, however fublime or fimple,



bulky or minute, fo exactly fimilar to the principles of another, as not to poffefs fome perfpicuous or latent mark of distinction.

I am perfuaded, that the eye of attention may discover fomething original in every thing: fome streak in the colouring of the flower, fome diffimili tude in the fabrication of the ftem or of the leaf, varies every object of vegetation.

In the fame manner it is with the animal world; each creature, whether winged or footed, undoubtedly poffeffing fome diftinctions in its plumage or fkin; and thus it is among our own fpecies. The human countenance is fo furprisingly varied, that notwithstand ing it is moulded into a million of forms effentially different, yet each poffeffes harmony, force, and proportion. Hence it is that beauty is uni verfally different and univerfally admired, whereby the eye of every lover may be captivated, and every tafte fuited with its favourite charm.

The mind likewife fhares in the variety of nature for although it must always act upon one uniform principle to become virtuous, yet each foul may have a fingularity in its manner which may ftrongly characterife its genius and inclinations.

It was an observation of fome writers, that there is as many forts of minds as of mofs. The remark is concife and excellent. It is indeed aftonifhing to confider the infinite diverfi. fication of the human temper; and yet it is to this very commixture that we are indebted for the effence of converfation and the spirit of fociety.

To render every thing wonderfully various, the very kies are for ever thifting their appearance upon the eye: almost in the fame inftant, and often in the fame hour, we fee the fleeces of white darken into blackness, or, as they roll along the clouds, the azure mixing with the gold, while the rainhow arches over the heavens, not only as a promife of fecurity, but as an emblem of the universal variety which it reprefents.

I cannot but hope that thefe refleo. tions will have fome useful effect, fince they are written to convince every man who confiders them that he has no folid reafon to complain; for however life may be over-run with debauchery and error, it ftills abounds with every natural beauty that can charm the eye, every perfume that can regale the smell, and every elegance that can animate the heart.


DIONYSIUS. From the Rambler



ift RULE. AVOID all excess, because it is against nature.-COMMENT. You must not eat, drink, fleep, or exercife, too much : and not only fo, but no object either of paffion or tafte fhould carry you beyond what your trength and fpirits are proportioned to bear. These are exceffes, which always weaken, and, if continued, are fure to destroy.

ad RULE. Do not depart fuddenly from what you have been accustomed to, becaufe cuftom is a fecond nature. COMMENT. For instance, you, Mrs, P. B. have long been accustomed to contradict, to lecture, to rate, your very good friend and humble fervant ;-fome times with, but oftener without, rea

fon. No matter: the evacuation has done you good: I have feen you grow better upon it: it will therefore be for your health not to leave it off fuddenly, but by degrees.

3d RULE. Be cheerful and tranquil, becaufe this is the fureft means of bealth and long life.-COMMENT. To be cheerful-Don't look upon the dark fide of things; don't extract only the melancholy, which will ever be one ingredient in all human affairs; don't fore bode evils that never may happen, and be prepared to bear with reafonable patience thofe which affuredly will. To be tranquil-Suffer none of your paffions to grow inordinate; let not your heart be torn with anger,


envy, malice, &c.; be not corroded with little fplenetic frettings and vex. ations; nay, keep even the kind and amiable affections within due restraint: for thefe, by being fuffered to indulge and riot at large, will acquire a vio lence, an impetuofity, and an unrulinefs, which may ferve for the groundwork of much future tribulation.

4th RULE. Affect a pure and tempe rate air.-COMMENT. I would add, -and, as often as you can, change your air: a change of air, even for the worfe, has been found to produce good effects upon invalids; to fay nothing of the exercife, and benefits there from.

5th RULE. Adapt your aliments to your temperament, and let them be fuch as dif. folve and pass eafly.COMMENT. This must be ascertained by obfervation and experience of your own? books and physicians can do nothing here.

6th RULE. Obferve a proportion between your aliments and your exercife.COMMENT. I would rather say, proportion your exercife to your strength and fpirits, and your aliments to the appetite this exercife thall give you. and (let me add) have a special regard to the temperature of the air, at the time of your using it; for I am by no means with those who think, that exercife in all kinds of weather is equally


7th RULE. Avoid phyfic and physi cians, if you would be well.-COMMENT.

Does not this found as if one was to fay," Avoid religion and priests, if you are defirous to be faved?"


But, whatever may be faid for phy. fic and phyficians, you, I apprehend, have no occafion for either. You complain of bowels, as I do of nerves : but I do verily believe, that your bowels are found and healthy. From fome caufe or other, a defluxion has fallen upon them, which produces an unealy, it may be a painful fenfation your great object is, that this defluxion pafles off as easily as may be. But you must not ufe purging phyfic, because that, as it does fome violence to all natures, and would a great deal to yours, will infallibly weaken you, who are too weak already; and you must not be coltive. If you can find the mean, you will have done your duty to your bowels; and I hope and truft, that all your complaints will gradually wear away.


Your bilious ailment, if you mean any thing more by it than a propensity now and then to be crofs and peevish, especially with you know whom, is another affair. This propenfity, which you call bilious, is mistaken by fome for a fournefs in the ftomach :-an acri

monious humour undoubtedly it is.
Charlotte-freet, Soho,
30 Jan. 1778.

J20. III.


Nil ego contulerim jucundo fanus amico.

The greatest blessing is a pleasant friend.

HABIT of pleasantry and good hu-
mour is of fuch very great import-
ance, that we cannot be too fedulous in
acquiring it. Were we to reflect, how
much we have it in our power, by our
deportment, either to overcait the
cheerfulness, or lighten the forrows, of
those with whom we are connected,
this confideration would of itself be a
fufficient inducement to a generous
mind to cultivate fo amiable a difpofi.
tion. But there is too often found in
our nature a shameful selfishness, which


tempts us to prefer our own caprice to the most ferious comforts of our friends. Though we are confcious, that it is the duty of every one to contribute to the happiness of others, we yet with an exception to this general rule to be made in our favour, and a peculiar licence, we know not wherefore, to be granted to us. But by feeding the flame of our peevishnefs, we not only occafion unneceflary vexation to others, but alfo create imaginary evils to our felves. The man who accustoms himLia


self to survey every object with faftidi. ous nicety, will fcarcely ever have a refpite to his difquiet.

Aufterity of manners ftrikes at the root of every focial pleasure affabi lity, on the contrary, not only heightens the charms of friendship, but wins, by an irrefiftible impulfe, the admiration of our inferiors, the confidence of our equals, the favour of our fuperiors, and the affections of even our enemies. The churl, whatever may be the endow ments of his mind, or the fterling vir tues of bis heart, will find it difficult to obtain access to our esteem; while the artful knave, under the semblance of good humour, will frequently impofe upon our credulity, and beay us into

the latent fnare.

But notwithstanding thefe advantages to be derived from a courteous difpofition, yet there are many who are more delirous of commanding our admiration than of gaining our affec tions, who swallow the fpecious bait of cringing adulation with eagerness, but efteem the familiarities of friendship degrading to their dignity. But fuch forget, that though we may venerate the luftre of diftinguished talents and profound erudition, or the intrinfic value of unfpotted integrity, ftill thefe eminent qualities become doubly attractive, when there is fuperadded a pliancy of difpofition, which adapts itself reasonably to the inclinations of others. He who thus fpurns the reciprocal obligations of friendship, facrifices at the altar of his own felfimportance fome of the most pure of all thofe enjoyments that counterbalance the miferies of human life.

But here I would wish to diftinguish between good-humour and that fervile obfequioufnefs which acquiefces in every polition that is advanced, how. ever abfurd or untrue. This may be invariably confidered as a proof either of weakness or duplicity." He who regularly coincides with us in matters of opinion may, perhaps, be an object of our pity rather than our contempt. But when we obferve that any one confirms us in every affertion, however notoriously inaccurate, we cannot be too much upon our guard; in every fentence which he delivers, we may with reafon fufpect the ftratagem of defigning hypocrify. The most unfortunate fport of nature can fecern truth from falfehood.

Those who are entrusted with the

fuperintendance of youth fhould be particularly careful in forming the tender difpofition, in encouraging every thing which tends to affability and focial pleafantry, and checking every diforderly inclination. That mistaken fondness which gratifies every with is extremely prejudicial to the real interest of youth. Caprice will be matured into peevishness, and peevishness will foon lead to habitual afperity. When the child is removed from the arms of the doting parent, his wifhes will increafe with his years; but in vain will he look for that immediate gratification of them to which he has been accuf tomed. The forced tear, or the mo mentary pet, once the price of the most unreasonable whim, he will now find to his forrow to be of no avail in a sphere where his pleafure is no longer con fulted in preference to that of others. If we attend him into the world, we fhall here fee every forrow exacerbated by the teftiness of his own difpofition. We shall find him difpleafed with others and with himself, and thall observe the croffes, which occur to him in common with his fellow-creatures, revenged upon his unoffending family, not be caufe they have in any degree contributed to his uneafinefs, but because they cannot refift his power. Many of his griefs may be traced to the fource of exceffive indulgence in early life. Had he been taught that he should confider himself as on a level with those around him, that he had no right to exercife any greater authority, or foster more buoyant expectations, than others, he would not fo frequently have felt the tortures of infulted pride and difappointed hope. It should alfo be the care of the guardians of the rifing generation to difcourage every appearance of fullen gloominels. I do not mean to recommend that frivolous turn which is too generally prevalent in the prefent age, but that happy medium which exits between the madness of mirth and the morofenets of melancholy, that delightful habit of mind which is well calculated to endear our fociety to our friends, and toarm us against the power of thofe trivial misfortunes which every day befall us.

It is certain, that the difpofition, although its general outlines are laid down at first, may nevertheless be confiderably improved by attention, or greatly corrupted by neglect. For this reafon it should be the study of our


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