
Wortley, James Archibald Stuart, Bof- Wynn, Sir Watkin Williams, Den

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bighshire Wynne, Owen, Sligo


Yarmouth, the Earl of, Lisburne
York, Jofeph Sydney, Ryegate
Yorke, Right Hon. Charles, Cam-
bridge hire

Young, Sir William, bart. St. Mawes



INDEMNITIES IN GERMANY. HE Imperial Commiffioners having refused to ratify the Conclufum of the Extraordinary Deputation, the following important Notes have been prefented by the Minifters of France and Ruffia :


The undersigned Minifter Extraordinary of the French Republic to the Diet of the Germanic Empire has taken the earlieft opportunity of tranfmitting to his Government the Refcript communicated by the Sub-delegate of Bohemia to the Extraordinary Deputation of the Empire, in the fitting of the 24th of Auguit, and communicated alfo to the undersign ed on the 28th of the faid month. He is charged to tranfmit to the Deputation the following obfervations :-The First Conful has been much affected to fee that his intentions for fecuring the peace and profperity of the Germanic Body have been misunderstood, fince they reproach him with not having answered the overtures made by his Imperial and Royal Majetty, fince the conclufion of the Treaty of Luneville, and having thus retarded to Germany, that interesting portion of Europe, the advantages of the peace, he muft declare, that the overtures which, though confidential and fecret, are at prefent publickly alluded to by the Court of Vienna, far from being calculated to procure the execution of the 9th article of the Treaty of Luneville, could tend only to remove, rather than to indicate, the means of providing for the indemnifica tion of fo many lecular Princes who had fuftained fuch confiderable loffes; their only object v. 35 to regulate the indemnification of the Archduke Ferdinand, by employing lay and hereditary domi. nions. The projects of the Court of Vienna tended to extend its territory beyond the Lech, and their effect conf-quently would have been to erate Bavaria from

the number of the Powers. Juftice and gererofity, which are always the first heard in the heart of the First Conful, made it a law with him to forget what wrongs the Elector might have done to the Republic, and not to fuffer to perish a' State weakened and threatened, but how. ever hitherto fecured by the policy of the Governments interested in maintaining a juft equilibrium in Germany; for if the equilibrium of Europe requires that Auftria fhould be great and powerful, that of Germany requires that Bavaria fhould be preferved entire, and protected from all farther invafion. What would become of the Germanic Bedy, if the principal States which compofe it should fee their independence every moment endangered! and would not the honour of that an cient federation fuffer, by weakening a Prince whofe houfe has concurred in fo honourable a manner to the establishment and fupport of the Germanic Con.." ftitution? It is not then at Paris that the infinuations of the Court of Vena, in regard to the affairs of Germany, could be received, and though it has fince renewed them at Petersburgh, they could not meet with better fuccels. The great and generous foul of the Emperor Alexander could not permit him to neglect the interefts of Bavaria, which were recommended to him alfo by the ties of biood, and by every consideration of found policy. Having been unable to fucceed, either at Petersburgh or Paris, the Court of Vienna nevertheless purfued at Munich the exccution of its projects, and it was the communication of his uneasiness made by the Elector to the French and Ruffian Governments, which contributed above all to make them feel the neceflity of uniting their influence to protect the hereditary Princes, fecure the execution of the 7th article of the Treaty of Lune. ville, and not to suffer to fall to the lowest rank one of the oldelt, and not long ago


one of the most powerful, Houses of Germany. The undersigned, therefore, is charged to declare to the Deputation, that the States of his Serene Highnefs the Elector Palatine of Bavaria, as well as the poffeffions deftined for him as indemnities, and as neceflary for re eftablishing the equilibrium of Germany, are naturally and indispensably placed under the protection of the Mediating Powers; that the First Contul, perfonally, will not fuffer the important place of Paffau to remain in the hands of Auftria, nor allow it to obtain any part of the territories which Bavaria poffeffes on the right of the Inn; for he conliders that there would be no independence for Bavaria, the moment when the troops of Au. ftria should be near its capital. It remains to the undersigned to exprefs to the Deputation the regret which the First Conful feels for divulging negociations which took place only under the feal of confidence, and the fecrecy of which ought confequently to have remained facred; but he has been conftrained to it by juft reprifals, and by the value which he attaches to the opinion and effeem of the brave and loyal German people.

(Signed) LAFORET.

Ratisbon, Sept. 13.


The undersigned Plenipotentiary of his Majefty the Emperor of all the Ruffias to the Germanic Diet, has feen a Note, dated the fame day, which was tranf mitted to the Extraordinary Diet of the Empire, in the name of the French Re. public, in confequence of the Refcript communicated by the Sub Delegate of Bohemia to the Deputation, in its hitting of the 24th of Auguft, and communicated alfo to the underfigned on the 28th of the fame month. At prefent he can only refer to the contents of his Note delivered to the Deputation next day, August 29, without dwelling on the facts which preceded and rendered neceffary the concert between Ruffia and France, But he must again declare, that his Imperial Majefty has manifefted the fentiments of justice by which he is distinguished, and the interest he takes in the happinets and equilibrium of the Germanic Empire, in the Declaration which he caufed to be tranfmitted on the 18th of Auguft last, conjointly with the Firft Conful. His Imperial Majefty cannot then but expect a speedy accomplishment. He particularly confiders the

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Hereditary States of his Serene Highnefs the Elector Palatine of Bavaria, as well as the poffettions alligned to him as an indemnity, as indifpenfably placed under the protection of the Mediation ;1 and has no doubt that the town of Paffau will be immediately given up to its deftination.

(Signed) BARON DE BUHLER. Ratisbon, Sept. 13.



"The declaration delivered at Ratifbon, in the name of the intervening Powers, contained an heavy and unmerited imputation upon the delays which attended the meeting of the Depu tation of the Empire. His Majesty owed it to himself, as well as to the Germanic Empire, to prove by facts, that nothing had been neglected on his part to abridge thefe details. Far from withing to inculpate any body, the faithful expofition of what is paling had only for its object to evince the purity of the conduct of the Emperor.

"Such is alfo the motive which obliges his Majesty to call to mind here other facts relative to anterior conterences which had taken place upon the Indemnity of Tufcany, for the purpote of oppofing them to affertions contained in the Note tranfmitted the 13th of this month to the Underfigned, by C. Laforet, Minifter Extraordinary of the French Republic. His Majesty willingly fubmits it to the judgment of all Europe, whe ther he can be charged with injustice or ambition, for having infifted upon the full and entire indemnity which the Treaty of Luneville allures to his augult Brother. As to the means which he has employed to obtain the execution of fo formal a ftipulation, far from entertaining a fear of expoting them in full day, he can only feel a deire for their publicity, inasmuch as all his efforts have had exclufively for their object to combite the frict execution of the Peace of Luneville with the maintenance f the Germanic Constitution. Some in i e infinuations made at Vienna, by a distinguished perfon in the service of the Court of Munich, have given reafon to think,


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that the Elector Palatine himself wifhed to fettle with the Grand Duke of Tufcany upon the exchanges for their mutual convenience; nobody then doubting but that the Indemnity of his Royal High. nefs would be fuch as the Treaty im. ported. In the fuppofition that the complement of the Indemnity of Tufcany could not be found, except in the ecclefiaftical properties of Suabia, it was in queftion to concentrate the respective poffeffions by an exchange of the part of Bavaria, in the neighbourhood of the Bishop of Salzburg.

"His Majefty, having no motive to object to fuch an arrangement, did not fhew himself difinclined to give effect to thefe overtures. Infinuations of the fame kind took place at Paris at the time of the ratification of the Treaty of Luneville, and they went even fo far as to put in doubt what had been faid to the Austrian Plenipotentiary, whether the Elector would be able to preferve the City of Munich; but it never had been, nor could be, a question, in thefe different Conferences to carry fo far as the Lech the Indem'nity of the Grand Duke of Tuscany.

"Upon what title could the Elector be deprived of the whole of Bavaria ? Where could the means be found to indemnify him and though his Majefty should have had views fo foreign from his fentiments, how could he conceive the idea folely to engage the French Government to adopt them? He appeals, in this, to the teftimony which he has himfelf furnished, to that of the Court of Mu nich, and to that of the Imperial Court of Ruflia, to which every thing was communicated upon this fubject. All thofe who had a knowledge of the fubject which was then in treaty, know that the only question was, that of the Ifer, with the addition of the propofition made by Auftria to leave to the Elector a fuitable extent of country, for the purpofe of removing the City of Munich from the frontier: and that this projet, which furely was not exaggerated in the fuppofition of a full and entire indemnity for Tufcany, at the fame time that his Palatine Highnets thould have obtained in Suabia a complete equivalent of ceffions, to which it would be willingly carried, was entirely abandoned by the Emperor the moment it was perceived that the Elector was not inclined to put his hand to it. Since that time the views of his Majefty for a fupplementary portion to be given to his auguft Brother have been folely fixed upon Ecclefiaftical

Properties and Free Cities fituate in the circle of Suabia. The plan of it has been drawn up in Paris, and afterwards propofed by his Imperial Majefty of Ruffia, who in his wifdom adopted it in full. In confining himself to this faithful fatement of every thing that paffed upon the subject, he may dispense with noticing the inductions contained in the Note of Citizen Laforet. Never could the Emperor have entertained a thought of procuring for his auguft Brother any part whatsoever of Bavaria in any other manner than by an arrangement of mutual confent, to the perfect convenience of the Elector Palatine. His Majefty has already given, relative to the City of Passau, every afsurance that could be expected from his justice and moderation. He is ready to fuirender that city to the perfon who, by the legal and definitive arrangement of the Indemnities, fhall be acknowledged its lawful owner. It is not until then, that the present pof. feffor fhall ceafe to be fo, and that his Majefty will be difengaged from the obligation which he has contracted, at the request of the Prince Bishop, to provide for his fafety until the decifion of his fate. The Emperor would not willingly renounce the hope, that the moderate and equitable propofitions with which he has recently charged his Ambaffador to the French Republic, hall put an end to all differences of opinion between him and the First Conful; but fhould it be otherwife, his auguft Brother, without having any pretentions to make to any part of Bavaria, which he never entertained an idea of acquiring, except by the way of exchange with mutual confent, will not the lefs retain the incontestable right, fecured to him by the Treaty of Luneville, to a full and entire indemnity in Tufcany; a right, of which the Empire. and France have folemnly bound themfelves to put him in poffeffion.

"The undersigned eagerly embraces this opportunity to repeat to C. Laforet, Minifter Extraordinary of the French Republic, the assurance of his high confideration."


"The undersigned has not failed to make his auguft Matter acquainted with the Note which M. the Baron de Buhler tranfmitted to him the 13th of September. He is charged to inform him, in answer, that the welfare of the Germanic Empire,


and the most prompt arrangement of what Atill remains to be regulated in confequence of the Treaty of Luneville, form equally the object of the most ardent withes of his Imperial and Apoftolic Majefty and King.

relies with confidence upon his friendfhip; he cannot doubt but that auguft Sovereign appreciates, at once, both the justice of his demands, and the spirit of conciliation that directs his whole conduct.

"His Imperial Majefty fhall be, no doubt, immediately informed of all the circumstances which have rendered neceffary the occupation of the City of Passau by the Imperial troops. He will acknowledge in his wisdom, that this oc

"In claiming the accomplishment of what the Treaty of Luneville fecures to the Grand Duke of Tuscany, as his Majefty cannot difpenfe with it, the means of conciliation which he has himself propofed in that respect, the moderation of his demands, notwithstanding the in-cupation having taken place at the inconteftable rights of his Royal Highnels to a full and entire indemnity: every thing unites to prove, that it is not his Majesty's fault that the iffue of important affairs, which are at this moment treating of, fhould not be as prompt as all those interested in them might defire. The Emperor is convinced of the fentiments of equity entertained by his Imperial Majesty of all the Ruffias: he

ftance of him, who is fill its lawful poffeffor, his Imperial, Royal, and Apoftolic Majefty, has fatisfied every thing that could be required of him, in declaring, that this city fhould be delivered up, without any obstacle on his part, to the person to whom it should be legally adjudged by the definitive ar rangement."



THE late exceffive heats having nearly dried up one of the arms of the Saone, at Pontailler, feveral of the inhabitants of the neighbouring country went there to procure ftones for building. They difcovered feveral columns, fragments of beautiful marble, inftruments of copper, and a figure of bronze, about ten inches in height, reprefent. ing a woman coming out of the water with her hair wet. The figure is fingularly graceful. A Member of the Academy, Citizen Lefchevin, hearing of the circumitance, immediately went to Pontailler, to examine the bed of the river. In addition to what had been already difcovered, he found there feveral chirurgical inftruments, a number of medals in bronze of Nerva, Velpafian, Nero, Antonius, Domitian, &c. and feveral copper utenfils.

A mine of amber, of the finest colour, has been difcovered a few leagues from Laon, in the Department of l'Aifne, in France. The pieces which have hi therto been found do not prefent any veftige of plant or infect; feveral have been met with incrufted with fulphur of iron. Near the fame place have alfo been found several blocks of wood, almost converted into charcoal, fuppofed to be parts of trees that have

lain in the earth a confiderable time.

Specimens of both have been prefented to the Museum of Natural History at Paris.

20. Prince Charles of Heffe, and Felix Lepellitier, are among the French patriots tranfported to the Seychelles.

Mr. Fox, and the party at Paris with him, affifted at the extraordinary Sitting which took place at the Tribunate on the 16th. A few minutes before the opening of the Sitting, Citizen Boyer, Captain of the Guard to the Tribunate, advanced to Mr. Fox, who was in one of the adjoining rooms, and addreffed him in the following terms: "I am one, Sir, of two hundred French Officers, who, in the year three, were prifoners at Portchefter. We applied to you; you had the generofity to exert your eloquence in our favour. On a sudden our chains were broken, and we were almost free This benefit will never be forgotten by my companions in misfortune: but I am at prefent happier than they are, because I am able to declare to you publickly my gratitude. I intreat you to add to it, if it be poffible, by con defcending to accept my weak, but fincere, expreffion of it." Mr. Fox appeared to be much affected by this act of gratitude. He replied, with a Rra


motion expreffive of modefty-" Oh! Sir-yes-I recollect."

On the 27th ult. the Union of Pied. mont with France was celebrated at Turin in a fplendid manner, after the celebration of a folemn mass in the cathedral of Turin,by the Archbishop of that city. Over the pincipal entrance of the cathedral were two figures of Fame proclaiming these words-" The Union of Piedmont with the French Republic"

"Glory to the Eternal Being.". On one of the fide gates was written "Toleration," and on the other "Concord."-After the ceremony, a variety of military evolutions were performed; to which fucceeded dancing in the National Gardens from two in the afternoon till midnight.

In purfuance of a plan of the First Conful to establish camps in the vicinity of the Piedmontele territory, the following curious orders to that effect have just been published •

The Minifter of War to the General having the prefent Command of the First Military Division.

"The Government is defirous to give a fubftantial teftimony of the national gratitude to thofe foldiers who have been maimed or otherwife wounded in the war, for the fupport of its liberties; and has therefore come to a refolution to form five camps of veterans, each to confift of 400 men, in the departments of the Po. Ma. rengo, La Doira, La Sezia, and Tanaro, forming the twenty-feventh military division; as alfo five other camps, each to contain 300 men, in the four departments of Mont Tonnere, the Rhine and Mofelle, the Sarre and Roer. To each individual of the foldiers in there camps will be aligned an extent of land, of which the produce shall be equal to the prefent national allowance for his fupport. He thall, befides, continue to enjoy his prefent pay. Of this, one month's pay fhall be given in advance, to enable the foldier to pur chafe furniture and other neceffaries for his new establishment. All foldiers who have obtained the benefits appropriated to invalids, all who have been maimed or feverely wounded in the war, are competent to receive thefe recompences, if, under forty years of age, and unmarried, they are difpofed to marry women, natives of the departents in which the lands are fituated to be allotted."

A new Nocturlab, or finall pocket

inftrument, to afcertain the hour by the stars, has been invented in France by M. I. Berard.

PARIS, O. 2.-On receipt of the intelligence of the prefent disturbances in Switzerland, the First Conful issued the following Proclamation: BONAPARTE, First Conful of the French Republic, President of the Italian Republic, to the EIGHTEEN CANTONS of the HELVETIC REPUBLIC. St. Cloud, Sept. 30.


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INHABITANTS OF HELVETIA, You have afforded, for two years, an afflicting fpectacle. Oppofite factions have fucceffively taken poffeffion of the fovereign authority: they have fignalized their temporary empire by a fyftem of partiality which proved their weakness and want of ability.

In the courfe of the year 1801 2, your Government defired that the small number of French troops in Helvetia fhould be withdrawn. The French Government willingly availed themselves of that opportunity to konour your independence; but foon afterwards your different parties began to be agitated by fresh fury; the blood of the Swifs was thed by the hands of Swifs.

You have been difputing for three years, without coming to any underItanding; if you are left longer to yourfelves, you will be killing each other for three years more, without coming to a better understanding. Your history befides proves, that your inteftine wars could never be termi nated but by the efficacious interven tion of France.

It is true that I had determined not to interfere at all in your affairs; I had conftantly feen your different Go. vernments aik advice of me, and not follow it, and fometimes abuse my name, according to their interests and their paffions.

But I neither can nor ought to remain infenfible to the miferies of which you are the victims; I recall my de, termination-I will be the mediator of your differences, but my mediation fhall be efficacious, fuch as befits the great people in whofe name I fpeak.

Five days after the notification of the prefent Proclamation, the Senate fhall aflemble at Berne.-Every Magiftracy that fhall have been formed at Berne fince the capitulation, shall be diffolved, and shall ceafe meeting


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