
Commercial Agent at Paris, by Mr. Simpson, Conful of the United States at Tangiers.

The American States have paid 2,59,320 dollars to the Barbary Powers fince 1791.

The new Treaty between the United States and the Creek Indians was received at Washington on the 6th September.

The Spanish Government in North America, unable to make efficient oppofition to the predatory warfare of Bowles and his Indian followers, is negociating a Treaty of Peace with


It is estimated that 30,000 of the inhabitants of Philadelphia have retired from that city in confequence of the yellow fever. Commerce has been nearly fufpended by it; and the merchants, and in fact all defcription of traders, have been involved in great embarraffment. The Cuftom-house is hut up, and the business of that office is tranfacted in the chamber formerly occupied by the Senate of the United States during the prevalence of the fever there.

The malignant fever is on the decline at New York and Philadelphia, but has made its appearance at Wathington and other places.

Accounts from St. Domingo of the 2d of August state, that the Blacks had rifen in Tortuga, a fmall island near Cape Francois, and had maffacred every White inhabitant on the Inland.

Accounts from the West Indies ftate, that the crops have been fo very abundant as to lower the price of fugar and rum confiderably in all the iflands, and sufficient shipping could not be procured to export them.Price of rum in fome islands is only 2s. id. of our currency.

The New York Paper, of the 12th Auguit, contains a notice from the poor-house of Newcastle, Delaware, figned by the Governor, which itates, that a maniac, who had been admitted there, had not taken any kind of nourithment between the 27th July and the 6th Auguft, a term of ten days, notwithstanding which he continued alive and in apparent health!

A large naval force belonging to the Continental Powers is collecting in the Mediterranean; two Dutch fhips of the line, two frigates, and a floop, had paffed a short time before the accounts came away. The French are making preparations to garrifon and fortify two harbours belonging to the Algerines.



AFIRE broke out in the premifes of Mr. Cooper, near the Patent Shot Manufactory, Lambeth, which con fumed the whole of the buildings, befides damaging the cooperage and the lead-melter's adjoining. Nine horfes out of eleven, kept by Mr. Cooper, were burnt to beath; one man, endeavouring to draw them from the itabie, was fo dreadfully bruited by the roof falling in upon him, that he is not expected to live; five others were alfo maimed at the fame time; and two children were crushed nearly to death by the engines coming unexpectedly upon them.

City Improvements.-The Gazette of Sept. 24 contained a Notice from the Corporation of London of their intention to apply to Parliament for five Acts. The first, to remove Bethlem Hofpital; and on its fite to build


a new fquare, with two new ftreets,

the one leading into Throgmortonfreet and the Royal Exchange, and the other from Moorgate to MansionHoufe ftreet, and to widen, improve, &c. the intermediate lanes, &c.-The fecond,for taking down London Bridge, and rebuilding another bridge acrois the Thames instead of it.-The third, for enlarging Smithfield Market, and for the better regulation of it.—The fourth, for enlarging and amending the powers in the Act for improving the Port of London.-And the fifth, for establishing a free market for the fale of Coals in the Wards of Billingfgate and Tower, or one of them, and to prevent imposition in the fale of this article.

26. Laft week a large copper table, weighing twenty tons, was calt at Berfham iron works, for the Ravenhead Glafs Company. The metal was melted


in five furnaces, each containing four tons: the building was fecured from the immenfe heat of the cafting by a wrought iron umbrella. A carriage with eight wheels has been constructed to convey it to the place of its deftination.

27. In the morning, a fire broke out in a large ftore-houfe, in Store. ftreet, Bedford-fquare, belonging to Meffrs. Combe and Co. brewers, by which the greater part of the building was deftroyed. A large quantity of porter was in the ftore-houfe at the time the fire broke out, and was ufed to fupply the engines for an hour, till water could be procured.

Same night, about eleven o'clock, a fire broke out at the new Affemblyroom behind Ruffell-fquare, which was entirely confumed. The fire is attri buted to an incendiary.

27. At Stirbitch fair, a full audience was collected, to witnefs the reprefent. ation of A Bold Stroke for a Wife by an itinerant company. At eight o'clock an alarm of "Fire" was given by fome perfon in the gallery. The play was itopped, and a confternation enfued. A woman, in excess of fear, threw her felf from the gallery into the pit. The company ruthed inftantly towards the door; fome were crushed to death by the preffure, and more were either killed or wounded feverely by being trampled upon. The accounts ftate the deaths to be fix or feven, and the number of the bruifed and wounded to exceed thirty! The author of this alarm, for which there was not the fmallest foundation, is yet undifcovered.

The Magiftrates have offered 1col. for his apprehenfion.

28. A fhocking murder was committed at Mortlake:-A man named Stillwell, who keeps a public-houfe in that village, rofe at five o'clock; and having fome words with his wife, to wards whom he had always manifefted great conjugal affection, was fo hurried away by paffion, that, fetching a horfe piftol, loaded with eight flugs, he prefented it at her, and pulled the trigger! The flint being worn out, the dif charge was prevented; when, with a vengeance truly diabolical, he ruthed upon the woman, and with the but end of the piftol beat he: on the head till her brains were scattered about the room. He is committed for trial.

OCT. 3. A few days fince, as Lord Gage was going down Glynde Reach

(a branch of the Oufe), in a boat, with his fon and feveral young Gentlemen, Master Gage, by fome accident, fell overboard; when the Noble Lord inftantly plunged into the water, and rescued his fon, by bearing him in fafety to the fhore.

6. The formal Prorogation of Parliament took place in the Houfe of Lords. The Lord Chancellor, and Lords Hobart and Carleton, attended. The Commons appearing in the ufual manner at the Bar, the Proclamation was read, and the Lord Chancellor declared, that the Parliament was further prorogued until the 16th day of November; and then to meet for the difpatch of bufinefs.

At a Meeting of the Magiftrates of the Tower Hamlets, the Rev. Mr. Robfon, of Whitechapel, in a long fpeech, oppofed the renewal of the annual licence of the Royalty Theatre. After a patient hearing by the Magiftrates, amounting to 29, the refult was, that 22 of the number were against the renewal.-It is probably clofed for


7. Several perfons were feparately examined at Hatton Garden, for affaulting and wounding T. Pamphlin, a clerk to Mr. Gordon, diftiller, in Gofwell street, who is fince dead of the wounds he received: and alfo for committing a fimilar outrage on a Mr. J. Shifnall. They have been comnitted for trial.

In the afternoon a fire broke cut at a timber-yard, near the Gaol, in Reading, and, communicating to fome ftacks of corn, reduced them to afhes.

The wind fortunately was from the South-west; or, from the violence of the flames, it is probable that the greater part of the town would have been de itroyed. The lofs is very confiderable, and the property, for the greater part, uninfured.

10. Mr. Whitehead, the owner of a lime kiln at Wigmore, which had been burning a few days, inadvertently attempted to walk across the top of the pit; when the chalk giving way beneath, he funk down, and in a very fhort space was literally burnt to a fkeleton; his wife who had accompanied him, ran and alarmed a neighbouring congregation, but too late to afford him any afliftance.

The fon of a taylor at Framlingham, in Suffolk, died there fome days fince; he was eight years old, only 18 inches S12 high,

high, and weighed no more than 28 pounds.

11. As Lady E. Bentinck was returning from Penshurit on horfeback, 'with a party, her horse stumbled; in confequence of which accident, her right thigh was broken at a fmall diftance from the knee. She was conveyed to the house of her father, Richard Cumberland, Efq. at Tunbridge Wells, and is now in a favourable state.

13 Mr. Pitt's late refidence and eftate at Holwood, was fold at Garraway's, by Meffrs. Skinner and Dyke, and was knocked down at 15.000l.; but as 36,cool. was the fum originally demanded, it is fuppofed that the eftate may have been bought in.

An Impoftor, who perfonated Col. Hope, M. P. and duped many people at Kefwick, in Cumberland, has abfconded. He contrived to marry a young woman, called the Beauty of Buttermere, and lived fome time on her friends, till he was detected by Mr. Hardinge, the Welch Judge, who if fued a warrant for his apprehenfion.

15. In the morning two Dover boats difcovered a dead whale floating down the Channel, mid-way between Dover and Calais, and towed it on fhore near Shakespeare's Cliff. It is 81 feet long, and between 50 and 60 in girth. The tail, from one fork to the other meafures zo feet.

16. About five o'clock in the even. ing, a man genteelly dreffed went into Mr. Maryan's (Gilverfimith's), in Lombard-street, drew a pistol from his pocket, and demanded money; which Mr. M. hefitating at. he fired, and the contents grazed his hair. He then attempted to efcape; being clofely pursued, he endeavoured to fhoot himself; the piftol miffing fire, he drew out, a clafpknife to defend himfelf, but was fecured and lodged in the Compter. From Saturday night to Tuesday noon he obftinately refufed to take any fuftenance, and ftill perfifts in concealing his name, alleging that his brother is a reputable merchant in the city, but should never know his prefent difgrace.

There is now a hog at the Salisbury Arms, Hertford, which was bred by Alderman Curtis, at South End; the exact weight of which is 960lb. or 120 ftone. It is of the Leicestershire breed, and fuppofed to be the largest in the kingdom.

The largest ox ever bred in this kingdom is now at Berwick-on-Tweed: his weight is 320 ftone, 14lb. to the ftone: he measures four feet across the fhoulders, and his back is afcended by means of a ladder. He was bred by John Spottifwood, Efq. near Dunfe (and of Sackville ftreet, London), who fold him lately for 200 guineas.

Lord Mulgrave has been humanely and patriotically employed in giving premiums to his tenants and poor neighbours, for their improvement in agriculture, for industry and general good conduct. To fome, pieces of plate were given; to others, cows, pigs, &c. proportioning the premiums to the condition and the merit of the candidates.

culver, in Kent, was in part washed The old chapel on the Cliff at Redown by a late fwelling of the tide, and the church, with the adjoining buildings, which form a beacon to mariners on the coaft, is considered to be in danger.

18. A General Court Martial was

affembled at the Royal Marine Barracks, Chatham, on the 10th inft. and continued by adjournments to this day, to try Captain H. Lee, of that corps, on the undermentioned charges, exhibited against him by First Lieutenant Hand -1ft, For ungentlemanlike conduct to Lieutenant Hand-2d, For being drunk on the Dock Guard, on the night of the 17th of August last. -The Court were of opinion, that the charges were unfounded, vexatious, and groundless; and that the profecutor's conduct was deferving of the highest cenfure.

19. Manfion Houfe.-An information was heard, which had been laid againtt Mr. Hatfield, a grocer, near Shoreditch, for felling an ounce of refined liquorice without the ftamp required by the late Act.--The Solicitor to the Commiffioners of the Stamps ftated, that it was the opinion of his employers, that the article in queftion did not come within the meaning of the Act, in the manner it was fold by grocers and confectioners; it not being advertifed as a noftrum or specific for any difeafe. This was not the cafe with Tolu Lozenges, which, though equally fimple, were originally a patent medicine. The Lord Mayor was about to give his opinion to that effect, when an error being difcovered in the indictment,

dictment, the prosecution fell to the ground:

21. Guildhall.-A cafe of fome im portance to Bookfellers was heard before Sir W. Staines. An information was exhibited against Mr. Holmes, a Bookfeller, at the Royal Exchange, for publishing a book called " The Wonderful Adventures of Baron Munchaufen," the book not having the Printer's name to it, as directed by act of Parliament. The information was laid by one of thofe pests to fociety, a Common Informer. The book was proved to have been purchased at the fhop of the defendant by J. Collinfon, on the 24th of September. On the cross-examination of the witnefs by the defendant's Counfel, it appeared, that he was employed at the rate of 55. per day, for the fole purpofe of purchafing thefe books, and that he had procured 13 of them at different Bookfellers. It was contended, that the defendant must be acquitted, as the law on which this information was founded, did not mean to ena that perfons printing and publishing books which were not of a feditious or irreligious nature, and which happen not to have the Printers name, fhould be liable to the penalties therein impofed; and further, that the book in queftion

might be confidered in a moral point of view, as it was written for the pur pofe of exhibiting in the most odious light the practice of lying. Sir W Staines faid, he was fully convinced that the act was intended for the fuppreffion of fedition and infidelity, and was not meant to apply to harmless publications. The indictment confequently fell to the ground, and the informer received a fevere reprimand.

22. Westminster Seffions.-W. Putney, foreman of Mrs. Bridges, a chimneysweeper in Swallow-ftreet, was indicted for affulting and ill-treating a child, the fon of Kavanagh, an infant under eight years old. The prifoner having lately beaten the child unmercifully, fome female neighbours, attraced by his cries, ruthed into the houfe, feized the object of their pity, and carried him to the Work houfe. The treatment which this infant had experienced, was fhocking in the extreme. Befides compelling him to go up chimnies by goading him with fticks having pins at the end, Mrs. B. who was ill in bed, used to have him brought frequently to her bed fide, for the purpofe of castigation. The Prifoner was found guilty, and sentenced to fix months imprifonment.

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Hepworth, A. M. He was born at Hepworth, near Huddersfield, educated at Wakefield from whence he was removed to Bennet College, Cambridge.

15. At Marlborough, Mr. James George Ruffell, many years a book feller in London.

17. The Rev. Edward Eftcourt, LL D. in his 52d year.

18. At Bath, Granado Pigott, efq. F. R. S. and A. S S.

Thomas Maitland, efq. of Maitlandfield, aged 83.


Mr. Thomas Afkham, of Thurl-
ftone, near Penyftone Lancafhire.
At Carlile, William Chisholm, of
Chisholm, efq.


Mr. Alexander Angus, bookfeller, Aberdeen, in his 82d year.

22. Mr. Hunt, apothecary and furgeon, of Burford, Oxfordshire.

24. At Bath, Mr. Gill Slater, late of Liverpool.

John Rixon, efq. of Great Hermitage. Atreet.

Simon Frazer, of Boblainy, efq.

25. W. Tocke, efq. of Thompson, near Wetton, Norfolk, and of the Middle Temple, London, in his 83d year.

At Chertley, in Surrey, Charles Pembroke, efq. aged 45.

At Bambro' Grange, near Doncaster, James Farrer, efq.

26. At Kenington, Frederick Dingley, youngest fon of the late Rev. Robert Henry Dingley, of Beaumont Common, Effex.

Mr. Laborde de Mereville, of Paris. Lately, W. Van Hemert Burt, of Portman-street, efq.

28. Mr. John Langdon, of the Excife Office.

At Ripon, in his 46th year, William Harrison, M. D.

Mr. Hay Donald fon, town-clerk of Hadington.

Mr. J. Rodwell, farmer, at Livermere. 29. Mr. Jofeph Smith, of the Woolpack Inn, St. Alban's.

At Glafgow, Captain James Fairful, late of the 49th regiment of foot.

30. George Law, efq. of Brathay, near Ambleside, Weftmorland.

Mr. Edward Turner, of Everton, near Liverpool, attorney.

At Dalquin, in the county of Galway, Ireland, the Right Hon. John Birmingham, Lord Baron Athenry, premier baron of Ireland.

OCT. 1. John Hobcroft, cfq. of Nor-, -ton-street, aged 82.

3. William Barrington Richardson, efq. one of the magiftrates, and a deputy lieutenant for the county of Surrey, and many years deputy comptroller of the cuftoms of the port of London.

At Ramsgate, St. John Charlton, efq. of Apley Castle, Shropshire.

At Grove-bill, Mrs. Elliot, wife of Dr. Elliot, and eldest daughter of Dr. Lettlom.

4. At Purford, Surrey, Mr. J White burn, fen. many years a brewer at Ripley. · At Bath. William Sainsbury, efq. John Wallace, efq. of Kennington. At Radlifhbeg, in Dunbartonshire, the Rev. Gordon Stewart, minister of Bonhill, in his 68th year.

5. At Kentish Town, Mr. Thomas Liddell, partner in the houfe of Telford, Liddeli, and Smallman, Blackwell Hall factors, Aldermanbury.

At Poole's Hotel, Thomas Burnett Tucker, elq. aged 31.


Lately, at Hampstead, John Page,

6. At Tottenham, in his 74th year, Mr. Thomas Gibson, late of White Lioncourt, Cornhill.

At Belmont-place, Vauxhall, Mrs. Waters, wife of Mr. Waters, of the East India Company's ship Britannia.

At Kennington Cross, Surrey, aged 50, John Wallis, efq. of his Majefty's cuttoms.

7. Colonel Gilbert Ironfide, late of the Eaft India Company's fervice.

The Rev. Dr. Knowles, of Bury. He had been lecturer in St. Mary's Church there upwards of fifty years; was prebendary of Ely, rector of Ickworth, and vicar of Winton, in Suffolk. He was formerly of Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, of which fociety he was fellow, and where he proceeded A. B. 1743; A. M. 1747He was author of

(1) An Anfwer to the Effay on Spirit. 8vo. 1753.

(2) Obfervations on the divine Miffion and Adminiftration of Mofes. 8vo. 1763.

(3) Objections to Charity Schools candidly answered, in a Sermon preached 09. 11. 1772. 4to.

(4) The Paffion; or, a defcriptive and critical Narrative of the Incidents as they occurred on each Day of the Week in which Chrift's Sufferings are commemorated; with Reflections calculated for religious Improvement. 12mo. 1780.

9. The Rev. R. Sumner, vicar of Kenelworth and Stoneleigh, in Warwickshire.

12. At

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