
officers), all at a fixed price. The ftation of an army offers a picture of the most rapid exercife of every refource that industry can furnish: every individual fets all his abilities to work for the general advantage; but what peculiarly characterizes a French army is, to establish fuperfluities and amufements at the fame time, and with the fame care as necessaries; thus we had gardens and coffee-houtes, in which we amufed ourselves in games with cards manufactured at Syene. At one en trance of the village is a walk with ftraight rows of trees pointing to the north (to Europe), our foldiers here fet up a mile ftone with this infcription-Route de Paris, No. onze, cent foixante fept milles, trois cents quarante; it was fome days after having received a diftribution of dates for their whole allowance, that they entertained fuch pleafint or philofophical ideas. Nothing but death can put a period to valour combined with gaiety, the greatelt misfortunes cannot effect it."

At Syene, the Nile makes its first entrance into Egypt, and this was a fubject highly meriting the pencil of the artist; accordingly, Citizen Denon has given a beautiful view of it, which we could have wished to have feen on a larger fcale, approaching nearer to the French plate in the original work; and it might have been accomplished on the fame plan as the view of the magnificent Temple of Apellinopolis Magna, already mentioned.

In the vicinity of Syene are two beautiful iflands; the firit, Elephantina, became at the fame time the country houfe, and the palace of delight, ob fervation, and refearch, of our curious antiquary, who thinks he must have turned over every loofe ftone, and questioned every rock in the inland. Two views of temples in this island accompany the defcriptions of thefe, and various other relics of antiquity.

Philoc, the other inland, they were obliged to take by force, the inhabitants refufing to let the French land on it; but after an ineffectual refiftance, they took poffeffion, and a new field for fpeculation prefented itfelf to our author. A plan of the island, and of the temples remaining on it; copies of the hieroglyphics painted on the ceilings, and of various fragments of Egyptian architecture, are the fruits of his relearches, and the labours of his pencil, in fix vifits to this ifland; the

moft ample and fatisfactory defcriptions being the conftant attendants on the engravings. This ifland was once the entrepot of a commerce of barter between Ethiopia and Egypt; and wishing to give the Ethiopians a high idea of their refources and magnificence, the Egyptians had raised fo many fumptuous edifices on the confines and natural frontier of their empire, Syene and the Cataracts. In the road towards Philoe by land, across the defert, they met with feveral large blocks of ftone covered with hieroglyphics, as if they were put there for the amufement of paffengers. One of the most fingular of these prefents the form of a feat cut out of the folid rock, with a flight of steps to climb up to it, and the whole ornamented with hieroglyphics, the greater number of which are executed with great care. The reprefentation of this culptured Granite rock, near Philoe, is given in an elegant engraved print facing p. 149. Vol. II.

The termination of the march of the French through Egypt, was inferibed on one of thefe granite rocks beyond the cataracts of the Nile. It appears that the army remained upwards of three weeks in this delightful part of Upper Egypt, for it quitted Syene, on its return towards Cairo, the latter end of February, the fame month in which it arrived there. Denon embarked on board a fmall flotilla, that he might have a better opportunity of viewing fome places on its banks which he had not yet seen, and of revisiting others more leifurely than he had been permitted to do, when the army was advancing by hafty marches, to come up with Murad Bey, whom they now learnt was alfo returning to Lower Egypt, by the left fide of the river through the defert, by way of El Cofeir, on the borders of the Red Sea,

To the remaining Chapters of Vol. II. viz. from Chapter XV. to Chapter XVIII. and to Chapter XIX. XX. and XXI. of the third and laft Volume, in which will be found the author's arrival at Cairo, we refer the lovers of antiquity and natural history, and thofe readers who are either interested in, or may be amufed with, the military operations of armies; and fhall take our leave of this work of uncommon merit, with a further account of fuch of the Plates as have not been mentioned in the course of our Review.


Plate I. Fig. 1. The weft fide of the Ifland of Elba. Fig. 2. A view of the town of Malta. Fig. 3. The interior of the grand harbour, the ci tadel of Valetta on the right, and the batteries of fort St. Angelo on the left. Fig. 4. A view of Alexandria, taken in its whole extent from east to welt..

Plate III. Fig. 1. A general View of the Islands of Malta, Goza, Cumino, and Cuminoto. Fig. 2. A View of the great harbour of Alexandria. Fig. 3. A View of Salmia in the Delta. Fig. 4. The entrance of the great harbour of Malta. Fig. 5. Fort St. Angelo, and the old city. Fig. 6. The north-welt fide of the island of Corfica. Fig. 7. The French fleet and convoy on their paffage to Egypt, paffing under the eaft fide of Sardinia. Plate IV. Fig. 1. An infcription upon the liftel of the entablature of the gate of Kous. Fig. 2. A perfpective view of the village of Kous. Fig. 3. Pompey's pillar. Fig. 4. Cleopatra's needle. Fig. 5. 6. and 7. A fpecies of Patera of very fine yellow baked earth, found in the tombs of the Kings of Thebes. Fig. 8. A figure of a Vulture very frequently met with in Egyptian Sculpture. Fig. 9. An augural staff.

Plate V. Fig. The Pharos of the Port of Alexandria. Fig. 2. A general view of Alexandria, taken from the Minarets of the Mofque of St. Athanafius. Fig. 3. The arrival at Rofetta.

Plate VI. Fig. 1. A bird's eye view of the peninfula of Aboukir. Fig. 2. The Tower of Abumandur, near Ro fetta. Fig. 3. The village of Demichalat. Plate VII. Fig. 1. 2. and 3. Different views of the Pyramids. Fig. 4. A View of the city of Cairo. Plate VIII. Fig. 1. and 2. Views of the Pyramids of Sacarah and Gizeh. Plate IX. A fide view of the Sphink. Plate X. The entrance to the galleries of the Pyramid of Chiops.

Plate XI. Fig. 1. A View of Old Cairo, or Forftah built by Amru. Fig. 2. The Khalydge, or Canal, which conducts the water of the Nile to Cairo. Plate XII. Fig. 1. Bulac, a fmall town near Cairo. Fig. 2. The tombs of the Caliphs. Plate XIII. Fig. 1. and 2. The Pryramid of Meidum, and the Pyramids of Sacarah, as feen from the Nile. Plate XIV. Ruins of the Temple of Hermopolis, or the great city of Mercury. Plate XV. One of the


tombs of Lycopolis. Plate XVI. A fcene in an Egyptian hot-bath. Plate XXII. Fig. 1. A view of the village of Luxor, and its monuments. Fig. 2. A view of one of the Temples of Thebes. Plate XXIV. Fig. 1. A generak view of Thebes. Fig. 2. Plan of the Temple of Luxor. Plate XXV. The entrance of the village of Luxor. Plate XXXVI. Head quarters of the French army in the tombs near Nagadi. Plate XXXVII. Fig. 1. A view of the convent of the Chain. Fig. 2. The town of Bathenel Baccara, or the Cow's belly. Plate XXXVIII. An Arab Council near Samatah. Plate XXXIX. Elbequier, the largest square in Cairo. Plate XL. Fig. 1. Part of an ornamental Frieze in the inner Typhonium of Apollinopolis Magna. Fig. 2. An infcription taken from the door frame of a fmall monolithic temple of black granite at Kous. Fig. 3. A procethion of Egyptian Divinities, fculptured on the frieze of the gate, which is beneath the portico of Apollinopolis Magna, at Etfu. Fig 4. 5. 6. 7. and 8. Different groups of fculptured figures, &c. Plate XLI. A mifcellaneous collection of subjects, drawn feparately as they were met with, particularly a variety of ferpents from Latopolis. Plate XLII. An Egyptian barber in his fhop. Plates XLIII. and XLIV. Arms and Accoutrements of the Mamelukes.

Plate XLV. Fig. 1. Reprefents part of the triumph of Sefoftris, Ofyman dyas, Memnon, or fome of the conquering Monarchs of Egypt, while Thebes was the feat of empire. Fig. 2. A Santon, a kind of idiot, who is pitied during life, and revered after death. Fig. 3. A noble lady in her Haram drefs. Fig. 4. An inhabitant of Darfur, in the kingdom of Nubia, who brings the negroes into Egypt. Fig. 5. Keprefents the earth in the power of Typhon. Plate XLVI. Fig. 1. A view of the defert with a camp of Bedouins. Fig. 2. A machine for drawing water to irrigate the land, after the inundation of the Nile. Plate XLVII. A boy's fchool. Plate XLVIII. Fig. 1. Head of a Bedouin Arab. Fig. 2. Head of Koraim, Sheref of Alexandria. Fig. 3. A Jew of Jerufalem. Fig. 4. The Bashaw of Aboukir. Fig. 5. A young Arab Prince. Plate XLIX. Fig. 1. A young Mameluke in grand coftume. Fig. 2. An Almee of Egypt, (a dancing girl)


her robe is of fine cloth, her shift of gauze, her turban and girdle are fhawls. Fig. 3. A Mameluke in his war drefs. Fig. 4. The coftume of a merchant. Fig. 5. A lady walking through the streets. Plate L. A

Feaft in a Harem. Plate LI. A mifcellaneous collection of hieroglyphical figures. Plate LII. Fig. 1. A group reprefenting fome event of war. Fig. 2. 3. 4. and 5. Priests, and other sculptured figures in temples, and on tombs. Plate LIII. Fig. 1. A bas-relief,fculptured on a ceiling in the temple of Tentyra. Fig. 2. A group which covers half the ceiling of the fame temple. Fig. 3. A large picture in bas relief, occupying the whole of one fide of the fanctuary of the temple of Oneph. Plate LIV. Contains a number of fubjects painted principally in the tombs of the Kings of Thebes, defcriptive of mufic, arms, domeftic utenfils, furniture, and inftruments of arts, particularly of agriculture, in all 36 figures.

The Elements of Book Keeping: Comprising a System of Merchants' Accounts, founded on real Bufinefs, and adapted to modern Practice; with an Appendix on Exchanges, including the recent Alterations. By P. O. Kelly, Master of Finsbury Square Academy, London. THE author of this fimple yet comprehenfive fyftem of Book-keeping, under the modeft title of Elements, has rendered an effential fervice to the commercial part of the community, by this masterly performance, which combines theory with practice, and precision with utility, in one flender volume. The work confifts of three fets of Books. The firft explains the elements of fingle and double entry, in a concife and fimple manner. The fecond is a further and more complex exercise in double entry, arranged according to the theories generally taught in fchools; and, like thefe, founded on imaginary tranfactions: but "the third let is founded on real bufinefs; that is, the materials which compofe this fyftem, have been selected from the books of different Merchants, and arranged according to the most approved practice of the firft Countinghoufes. In this part, therefore, we fearched for proofs of the fuperiority of the plan to thofe previously extant; and after a careful investigation, and

Plate LV. Part of a manuscript found in the covering of a mummy. Plate LVI. Part of another manuscript; both thefe plates have likewife representations of mummies and idols. Plate LVII. A view of the inner court of the great temple of Apollinopolis. Plate LVIII. Fig. 1. The plan of the fmall apartment on the roof of the great temple of Tentyra. Fig. 2. A reprefentation of a planifphere on the ceiling of the fame. Plate LIX. Represents two compartments of the Zodiac, taken from two oppofite plat bands of the portico. Plate LX. Various fculptured figures in different temples, of the Godcat, two winged horfes, &c. Plate LXI. Four fragments of historical bas-reliefs, fculptured on the outer walls of the temple of Karnac. Thus have we flightly iketched the subjects of the numerous well executed engravings, which are feparately and fully explained in Vol. III. from page M.

129 to p. 276.

confulting a very able Book keeper, in the actual fervice of one of the first mercantile houfes in London, whote experience has been meliorated by conftant and varied operations through a long feries of years, we are enabled to give it a decided preference. This lyftem does not confist in any change of the principles of Double-Entry, but in the adoption of Subfidiary Books, and in the claflification of fimilar accounts

arrangements which greatly promote perfpicuity, precision, and difpatch. The whole plan is clearly explained, by examples and illustrations, from page 39 to 167. Next follows Shipping accounts, and averages exemplified. The Appendix on Exchanges has the advantage of being regulated by the most recent regulations, according to Lloyd's List, July 1, 1802, that is to fay, according to the acknowledged concurrence of the Merchants of London, fubfcribers to Lloyd's Coffee-houfe, whofe mercantile tranfactions are carried on with all the commercial cities of Europe, and the courie of the different monies of exchange fettled, together with the Par, Ufance, and Days of Grace, with respect to London. A more ufeful book cannot be put into the hands of young men daily arriving from the country,and advertising by various means, to those


[blocks in formation]

Figures of Mofaic Pavements difcovered at

Horkflow, in Lincolnshire. Folio.

MR. SAMUEL LYSONS is the Author and Publisher of this important work, which exhibits the plates mentioned in the title-page, as the beginning of a work in which it is propofed to include figures of the most remarkable Roman Antiquities difcovered in Great Britain, under the title of RELIQUIÆ ROMANÆ, to be published in feparate parts. Mr. Lyfons' induftry and intelligence on the fubject of antiquities naturally Jeads us to indulge expectations of the future execution of the remainder of this work, of which the prefent part forms an excellent fpecimen. Mifcellaneous Translations and Imitations of the Minor Greek Poets. By T. B. S. Merritt, Efq. 8vo.

Thefe tranflations and imitations from Mufæus, Mofchus, &c. are executed with fo much elegance as to claim unqualified praife. They are fimple, tender, and delicate, and furnish the English reader with a happy fpecimen of the beauties of feveral of the Greek poets.


Poem, in Two Books: Containing, the Conduct of a Suit at Law, with the Arguments of Counsellor Bother'um and Counsellor Bore'um, in an Action between John-a-Gull and John-a-Gudgeon, for Alfault and Battery at a late contested Election. Book II. 8vo.

The first book of this whimsical and entertaining publication appeared feveral years ago, and fhewed marks of its coming from the fchool of the celebrated "New Bath Guide." The prefent performance is faid to be the avowed work of one of the fons of that engaging Author. It boasts the fame pleafantry and amusing fatire, the fame flow of verfification, and the fame fpirit. It will, in fact, fuffer little even by a comparison with the Adventures of the Blunderhead Family. On this occafion, we may obferve, that the mantle of Elijah has certainly fallen on Elisha.

Lecteur François : ou, Recueil de Pièces, en Profe et en Vers, tirées des Meilleurs Ecrivains. Pour fervir a perfectionner les Jeunes Gens dans la Lecture; à étendre leur Connoiffance de la Langue Françoife; et a leur inculquer des Principes de Vertu et de Piété. Par Lindley Murray, Auteur d'Une Grammaire Angloife, &c. One Volume.


To thofe who have feen Mr. Mur


's "English Reader," and the "Sequel" to that work, we need only fay, that the prefent volume is compiled on a fimilar plan, and with the fame degree of attention to purity of fentiment and elegance of compofition. The extracts are chiefly drawn from the best French writers of the age of Louis the Fourteenth.

The Compiler profeffes to have paid particular attention to the orthography, which, he says, will be found to be ftrictly agreeable to the latest edition of the French Academy's Dictionary; and in the task of felection he has fpared no pains to render his book equally interesting and inftructive to young perfons.

At the end of the work we find

fome very pleafing and fatisfactory biographical notices (in alphabetical arrangement) of the numerous writers to whofe works Mr. Murray has reforted for the materials of his Lecteur François: it is honourable, at once, ta his taste and industry.

[blocks in formation]

for a grove, and had configned to Juno's protection. Here the rites, inftituted to the memory of Achilles, were celebrated by women lamenting, and attired like mourners. Thefe rites were not performed fub dio; but in Juno's temple, which was erected in this grove, or fhrubbery, Quroon εξησκημένον, Temples were ufually built in groves; and both are frequently mentioned together.

Τεύξασθαι νηόντε καὶ ἄλσεα δενδρήεντα. Krioa is here, and in another place, ufed by Lycophron in its customary fenfe, condere; and not, as Canter renders it, in the fenfe of on habitandum. For the poet is not fpeaking of peopling the land; but of the defignation of a certain portion of it to a particular purpofe. He has already told us, that the women, ap. pointed to perform the rites, were natives of the country. If fo, the country was peopled before the rites were inftituted. Habitandum therefore is in every view inaccurate. The Scholiaft's interpretation is, xi

sopduyέ Títuros. This view of the paffage creates a fufpicion, that xépcov has properly no place here. Were it allowable to fubftitute du, ntioxi would then be followed by its proper cafe, and Lycophron's own words, onzor péyar, would be retained. For thus he writes at v. 927. onnòv péyar δήμαντες" and at v. 959. σηκὸν μέγαν Siparto. Still the fenfe is incomplete. For it is evident from the caufal adverb ouvexa, that Lycophron meant to affign a reafon, why the fe fringed with gold. He was preparing women were not clothed in purple, to tell his readers, that fplendid apparel was inconfiftent with an office, that required them a Yet thus we read: thefe women were not dreffed in gay garments, because Thetis gave Juno the hill to build upon. Thus the clofe of the period does not correfpond with its commencement. A line, that thould follow, seems to have been loft. Perhaps our poet's flight variation, will complete the own words, at v. 859. with only a fenfe, and fupply the deficiency.

ὅυνικ' ἡ θεᾷ θεὸς

Σηκόν μέγαν όρθυγγα δωρεῖται κτίσαι, ἐν ᾧ γυναιξὶ τεθμός ἐστ ̓ ἀνεὶ δένειν.

But this conftruction requires, that xato fhould not have been underfood, but exprefed. The reader will obferve in the words χέρσου μέγαν orduya a redundancy, not ufual with our author, Erópy does itfelf imply a cape, or craggy cliff. Thus, fpeaking of Titon, a promon- In quâ mulieribus nos eft femper lugere. tory in Thrace, Lycophron calls it

quoniam deæ dea Edem magnam cacumen donat ad-condendam,




YE age-ftruck towers, amid whofe mouldering walls,

By Time hook low, and haftening to decay,

Around whofe arch-bent heights and pillars grey,

Deck'd with rude mofs, the greenleav'd ivy crawls,


It was in the full beauty of a fummer's morning, when Nature wore her robe of lovelinefs, and one wide flush of verdure, illumined by the beams of the rifing fun, hung a fmile upon every feature of the furrounding landscape, when, having quitted the pallet of repofe, and inhaled the fea breeze frefhnefs on the fmooth fandy beach of Abergele, I bade adieu to that pleasant and reat fpot fituated on the bofom of Cambrian retirement, to pay a visit to the ancient and romantic town of Aber Conway, in North Wales.


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