
precifion, the returns having been made up only to Michaelmas. Of this Unfunded Debt, 15,800,00cl. confifted of Exchequer Bills, but of thefe 90,0:1. was provided out of the Land and Malt, and 3,000,000l. on which no intereft is paid, nor are they in the market, being a payment made by the Bank on account of the renewal of its Chetter. He then came to the taten.ent of the Supply for the year, and the Ways and Means for railing it. He took a view of the Army and Navy Estimates, from which it appeared, that the total fum voted for the Army was 7,500,ocol., for the Navy, confifting of 50,00ɔinen, at 71. per month, the Extraordinaries, Ship-building Charges, &c. made the fum for the enfuing year 6,669,3731. After enumerating the items, he prefented the following as the whole of the Supplies:

Navy, 50,000 men, at 71. per man, 4,550,000l. Ordinary and Extraordinary, 1,218, 2381. Building, &c. 901,1401.-Army, 5,500,000l. Extraordinaries (including Surplus Extraordinaries 18c2), 2,000,ocol. Ordnance, 787,9471. Corn Bounties, 524,5731. Mifcellaneous, England and Ireland, 1,000,000l. Irish Permanent Grants, 363,3391. To be contributed jointly between England and Ireland, 16,845,2371.

England's Separate Charges. To pay off Exchequer Bills on Aids, 1801, 2,781,000l. To pay off Exchequer Bills on Aids, 1803, (Bank), 1,500,000l. Repayment to India Company, 1000,000l. Intereft on Exchequer Bills, Difcount, &c. 650,000l. Reduction National Debt, 100,000l. Total Supplies, 22,826,2371.

From the statement of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, it appeared that there was to be made to the Eaft India Company a repayment of a fum advanced by them, and on which there was an Account between them and Government, arifing out of advances made by the Company to carry on military efforts in India, and on which the Company would have a subftantial demand on Government to the amount of one million. He then exprefled his conviction of the propriety of what

he had formerly urged, viz. that provision fhould be made for the permanent charges of the country, out of a permanent revenue, that our revenue thould be raifed to our expenditure, and our expenditure not be accommodated to our revenue; but he added, that he had not felt it neceffary to make any propofition for increasing our permanent burthens; nor did he think fuch a meature would be neceffary in the prefent Seffion. He trusted there would be no glut of Exchequer Bills in the market; and to prevent which, he thould, at an advanced pe riod of the Seffion, propofe to fund from fix to eight millions of Exchequer Bills, if that operation could be made on advantageous terms; but if not, a Loan must be provided to that amount. But he was not aware, there would be any difficulty in the operation of funding the Bills. After adverting to our rapid and increafing profperity, he proceeded to itate the Ways and Means for raising the Supply. They were, the Land and Malt 2,750,000l. The Surplus of the Confolidated Fund, nearly double that of the last year. amounted to 6,500,000l. The Exchequer Bills 11,000,000l. and the Lottery 500,000l. making together, 20,750,000l. a fum which was greater than the Supplies voted. So that the amount of the Ways and Means was 20,750,000l. He then stated the amount of our Exports and Imports, by which a great increase appeared to have taken place fince the conclufion of the Peace. It alfo appeared that the number of fhips cleared outwards and entered inwards in the year 180f, were 1762, and the amount of the tonnage was 41.861 tons. In 1802, the number of fhips was 2469, and the amount of the tonnage was 574,000. The number of British Seamen in 1801, was 23,096; and in 1802, it was 33.7401.The number of Foreign Ships had decreafed in proportion to the increafe of the British, namely, from 3385 to 1149. He then concluded with expreiling his extreme fatisfaction at being enabled to prove the fallacy of the predictions that had been made relative to the deficiency that would

Two feventeenths of the above fum of 16,845.2371. are to be contributed by Ireland, 1,981,792).—Add for Ireland two feventeenths of 1,200 4011. for Civil Lift, and other Charges on the Confolidated Fund, not relating to the Public Debt, 141,223. On Account of Ireland, 2,123,015l. and on Account of England, 20,703,211.


take place in the Revenue immediately after the Peace. The ftatement of the fituation of this Country must be in terefting to the Continent, for it could not be fuppofed that what we gain by trade, is loft to others. Alluding to the National Debt, he obferved, that at the prefent time, while the charge for the intereft of the Debt is 18,000,000l. the fum applicable to the reduction of the Debt is 6,000,000l. He next touched on the flourishing fituation of Ireland, which he attributed to the incorporation of the two kingdoms: it appeared that in Au


guft laft, the Revenue of Ireland was increafed by 900,000l. He concluded with paling fome high encomiums on the financial abilities of his predeceffor, to whofe wisdom he attributed the prefent enviable ftate of the Country.

The Refolutions were agreed to, and the Report ordered to be received on Monday. The Chancellor then gave notice, that he fhouid on Monday move for 1,500,000l. to make good fums advanced by the Bank, &c.—The Indemnity Bill was read a third time and paffed.-Adjourned till Monday.


PARIS, DECEMBER 6. WHITWORTH'S prefentation to the Fift Conful on the 5th inft. was marked with the moft diftinguished honours. He was received with every poffible attention which could be paid to the reprefentative of the British Sovereign. There were no less than eighty foreigners prefented the fame day, among whom were thirty-two English; but the English Ambaffador occupied nearly the whole of the Firft Conful's care and reSpect; and the Chief Magiftrate of the French Republic feemed particularly anxious to give the most public and fatis. factory proofs of his fincere defire to preterve unimpaired the established relations of peace and amity between the two


At this audience Lerd Whitworth prelented his Letters of Credence in the quality of Ambassador from his Britannic Majetty. Mr. Merry, Minifter Plenipos tentiary from his Britannic Majefty, prelented his Letters of Recall, and had his audience of leave. The Marquis de Gallo prefented his Letters of Credence in quality of Minister from the King of the Two Sicilies to the Prefident of the Italian Republic. Citizen Ferreri d`A lafho prefented his Letters of Credence in his quality of Minifter Plenipotentiary forai the Ligurian Republic.

On the morning of the tin, the Confcripts of the 6th District aflembled at the Mayoralty Houle to draw lots. A quarrel took place among them; the guard on duty endeavoured to appeafe the tumult, but only received abute. The dilpute grew warmer. The Conicmpts barricaded themselves, placing

boards between them and the guard. A patrole of the 9th Dragoons coming up, were affailed by vollies of stones. The Dragoons difmounted, forced the barricade, and arrested thefe disturbers of the peace. In the affray one perfon received a wound from a fword, of which he is fince dead; and several others were wounded. Twenty-three of the most refractory were fent to prifon. On the following day the Confcripts again drew lots, and every thing paffed off quietly. Moniteur.

Navigation from Havre and Rouen to Paris.-Among the projects of amelioation that now occupy the attention of the French Government, is that of facilitating the tranfport of goods, by multiplying the means of interior navigation. This contists in establishing more regular modes of conveyance on rivers already navigable, or in digging canals. For accomplishing, in part, the tormer of thele objects, a company has been formed in Paris, under the firm of G. Mioche and Co. who propose to keep vellels regularly employed in transporting goods from Havre and Rouen to Paris. But, to effect this purpose, they require a capital of 300,000 francs, with which they engage, by the beginning of the autumn, 1803, to put at least twentyveffels, of from 100 to 120 tons burthen, in activity. To establish the neceffary fund, this company has opened a fubfeription, dividing the whole into fixty fares of 5000 francs each, of which they themelves are to take ten. The Firit Conful has tubscribed as an individual. The company promifes thirty per cent. profit to the fubfcribers, which they un


dertake to prove in an incontestale manner. The poffibility of eftablishing a navigation between Paris and the fea is no longer confidered as dubious. Experiments made on different occafions particularly by Le Saumon (a veffel of the Republic), La Ballondre, and La Parifienne, prove, that veffels of hundred or a hundred and fifty tons, decked, and able to keep the fea, can fail, with a full cargo, from Havre to Paris, generally for nine months in the



Citizen Coquebert has lately communicated to the Philomatic Society of Paris a very fimple procefs for taking a copy of a recent manufcript. The process is the more interesting, as it requires neither machine nor preparation, and may be employed in any fituation. It confifts in putting a little fugar into common writing ink, and with this the writing is executed upon common paper, fized as ufual: when a copy is required, un fized paper is taken, and lightly moilt ened with a sponge. The wet paper is then applied to the writing, and a flatiron (fuch as is used by the laundrefles) of a moderate heat, being lightly paffed over the unfized paper, the copy is immediately produced,

Citizen Olivari, a natural philofopher, lately went from Paris to Orleans, where he pledged himself to the inhabitants to afcend in a Montgolfier; he tried, for two fucceffive days, to fill his balloon, but failed both times. On the third experiment (Saturday laft), however, he launched into the regions of the air at half past twelve P. M. and at one his corpfe fell in the Commune of Fieury, about three miles from Orleans.

A Letter from Calais informs us, that M. Otto arrived there on the 5th init. after a favourable paffage of three hours. On his landing, all the Conffituted Authorities, the Mayor, the Commiffary General, the Governor, and the Commiffary of the Marine, went to the Hotel to prefent him with their respects: he was then invited to a public ceremonial dinner; and in the evening the Theatre opened on the occafion. After the performance of the first piece, several fongs, teftitying the gratitude of the French People for the exertions of M. Otto, in the late negociation for the Peace, were executed on the ftage, amid the unanimous acclamations of a crowd. ed, audience.

General Menou is going to replace General Jourdan in Piedmont, as AumiVOL. XLII. DEC. 1802.

niftrator-General. The latter will take his feat in the Council of State.

Intelligence has been received, by way of Leghorn, of the death of Prince Jofeph Benedictus Marie Placidus, Savoy, brother to his Sardinian Majefty. The event took place at Safari, in the island of Sardinia, of which he was Governor, on the 29th of O&tober. He was thirty-fix years old.

Accounts from Egypt itate, that the Pacha at Caire, who has affumed the title of Viceroy, is fortifying the Palace which General Bonaparte formerly occupied, under the apprehenfion of being befieged by the Beys, who are in polfeffion of all Upper Egypt, and are advancing towards the Pyramids. They have beaten the Viceroy's troops in five encounters. The English are till at Alexandria, where General Stuart commands with 4000 men. The greatest misunderstanding prevails between the English and the Turks. The Turks have 3000 men at Damietta, 2000 at Rofetta, and 20 000 at Cairo.

The Confular Representative, Moreau St. Mery, has received the homage of a deputation from the Citizens of Placentia. He affured them, that the only object which the First Conful had in annexing their country to France, was to make them happy. The Marquis de Venturia, though acting under the exprefs orders of the King of Etruria, has been prevented by the interpofition of the French Refident, from carrying off the library and other moveables of the late Duke of Parma.

A Note has been addreffed to the Dey of Algiers, and all his Commanders, by the Grod Seignior: It states the complaints of the French against Algiers, and enjoins immediate harmony with France. The Captain Pacha has fent letters of a fimilar tendency to the Algerine Government.

ALGIERS, Nov. 8.-It will be recollected that, on the 8th of May, the Algerines took a Portuguese frigate. The officers, who were received into the houses of the different Confuls, have been taken from thence within a month, and compelled to labour in the most levere manner. The Grandees of the Regency, and the Corps of Rais, had made reprefentations to the Dey without fucceis. The French Commiffary at length complained in favour of the Portuguese officers. He reprefented that all the uiual laws were violated with regard to them, and that the Dey had himself complained, that at Naples his Rais were PPP


obliged to work. The Dey replied, that he would always be happy to do any thing that should be agreeable to the First Conful's agent; but that in the prefent cale he had ftrong reafons, known only to himself, for treating the Portuguefe as he had done.

Yesterday, at three quarters paft eleven in the morning, the horizon being very cloudy, the air hot, and the fea fomewhat agitated by a light fouth wind, a dreadful earthquake, was felt here. The fhock was fo violent that every one thought, for more than forty feconds, he should be buried under the wreck of the houfes vertically destroyed. A great number of inhabitants hurried through the city gates. Several houfes were damaged; alinoft all have crevices. At fix leagues from Algiers, on the fide of Belida, a village of 20 houles was deftroyed, and all its inhabitants perifhed. The Aga went out with his troops to proceed to the spot. Two English fail of the line felt the fheck strongly at thirty miles from land. Several fhocks were again telt in the night and on the morning of the 8th. All the European families are encamped in the fields un

der tents.

Letters from Hamburgh flate, that the Magiftrates of that city took poffeffion, on the 3d initant, at the defire of the French Minifter, of the Cathedral and dependencies belonging to the Chapter of Bremen, fubject to his Britannic Majefty, in his quality of Elector of Hanover. The Dean and Canons of the Chapter are to preferve their revenues for life.

From Holland we learn, that a fortnight fince there had been prefented to the Batavian Government an Addrefs fubfcribed by 50 merchants of Amiterdain. praying that the law of the 26th of February last, prohibiting the importation and ale of English and other foreign manufactures, after the first of January next, thould not be carried into execution. No arrangement has yet taken place upon this interesting fubje&t.

On the 14th of June a Convention was figned at Berlin, between Pruffia and the Batavian Re; ublic, in virtue of which his Pruffian Majelty renews, in favour of Holland, the fovereignty of Sawenger, Huillen, and Malbourg.

In a Treaty figned at Paris on the 19th of Auguft, 1798, between Citizen Talleyrand, on the part of the French Government, and Meffis. Zeltner and Jenner, on the part of the Helvetic

Government, there is the following article:

Art. 3. The French Republick gua rantees the Independence of the Helvetic Republick, and the unity of its Government. And in cafe that the Oligarchy fhould attempt to overturn the actual Government of Helvetia, the French Republick engages, on the requifition of the Helvetic Republick, to give it every kind of affittance, and to refift the attacks of its internal and external enemies.

BERNE, Dec. 3.-The activity of the meafures adopted to re-establish order in the fmall Cantons, where freth troubles had broken out, has been happily fuccefsful. Tranquility is perfectly restored in that country; yet the marching of French troops thither continues. The Helvetic Government has received the official intelligence from its Envoy at Ratisbon, that the preliminary negociations have already been fet on foot refpecting the indemnities claimed by Switzerland for the lots of its poffeffions in Germany, which promife complete fuccefs.

CONSTANTINOPLE, 02. 26. - The differences between the English and the Tu ks, at Alexandria, have rifen to fuch a height, that the English General has deinanded certain forts, which had been refigned to the Turks, to be put again into his poffeffion. Turks refufe to yield to his demand. The English are, however, itill fecurely masters of Alexandria.


BUCHAREST, 08. 27. — Yesterday, between twelve and one o'clock, this city was thrown into the greatest confternation by an earthquake. The fhocks, which fucceeded each other for ten minutes and a half, were fo violent, that almost all the chimnies were thrown down; feveral houfes and fome churches alfo tumbled to pieces; that of St. Nicholas, and the famous tower of Goltza, are nothing but heaps of ruins. The earth burit open at feveral times, and a greenith water, which diffuted a fulphurous odour throughout the whole city, fpouted up through the fissures. At five o'clock the phenomenon was renewed, but the fhocks were lefs violent, and occafioned no damage. Notwithitanding the great number of edifices thrown down, during the firit commotion, no perfons have perished, except a Jewefs and her child, and two others. Prince Yipilanti, the new Hofpodar of Wallachia, had just ar


rived; he had gone to church to offer up his prayers, and the moft violent fhocks were felt juft at the moment when he was about to kifs the Gospel. VIENNA, Nov. 20. According to the laft intelligence from the frontiers of Turkey, the earthquake of the 26th of October has occasioned more ravage than announced by the first reports-a great many people must have perished in confequence of this difatter." Thefe ravages have extended as far as Conftantinople. Between Siliftria and Rostock a confiderable track of land has been entirely fwallowed up, and transformed into a lake. A mountain has had a fimilar fate; before it funk down, a water fomewhat like milk fpouted up from it. The towns of Krajowa and Widdin have fuítained confiderable damage. The cattle of Bucharelt, which was built by the Romans, prefents nothing but ruins. The Prince and the inhabitants quitted the town, and are encamped in the plain. This phenomenon is afcribed by naturalifts to the exceffive heat which took place laft fummer.

VIENNA, Nov. 24.- We have received here from Peter warradin, news of the earthquake which was felt at Conftantinople. The firft reports were exaggerated, but it is not the lefs true that Conftantinople has experienced a violent fhock. The letters from Peterwarradin are in fubftance as follows: "The earthquake felt here, and throughout Syrmium, on the 26th of October lait, extended throughout Servia, Bofnia, and the other Turkish provinces, to the banks of the Black Sea. It was very violent at Conftantinople. The greater part of the houfes fituated in the neighbourhood of the Seraglio, and a great part of the buildings and mofques in the fuburb Galata, have been thrown down. The earthquake lafted more than thirty minutes. The rocking and fhocks were continual, the Seraglio was thaken, and fuffered much. The Grand Seignior fled to the principal mofque, formerly the church of Saint Sophia, whither the people repaired en male, because that mofque is deemed indestructible." -A fresh incident has occurred, which gives rife to many rumours. The union of the Dutchy of Parma to France, though it was eafy to forefee it, has produced nevertheless a frong fenfa

tion. Our Court claims that Sovereignty in virtue of the Treaty of Aix. la-Chapelle, which establishes in favour of the Houfe of Auftria the reversion of Parma and Placenza. How could Spain give to another Power territories which had devolved to Auftria by an anterior Treaty? It is hoped that the Imperial Court will receive an indemnity from France.

VIENNA, Nov. 29.-The brother of Prince Rufpoli refides here. He has received from England letters from the Prince, who was nominated by the Pope to the dignity of Grand Master of Malta. Prince Rufpoli, by thefe letters, fignifies to his brother his refufal of that dignity, and explains the reafons why he refufes it.

His Imperial Majelty has again given orders to reduce his army to the meafure of the peace establishment.

RATISBON, Dec. 2-The Imperial Plenipotentiary has not yet acceded to the definitive Conclufum of the Deputation. That acceffion will probably not take place until the interests of the Grand Duke of Tuscany have been finally arranged.

Five women were lately tried at Patna, in Hindoltan, on charges of Sorcery, and, being found guilty, were put to death. The Governor General, on being informed of the circunftance, ordered all the principal perfons who compofed the tribunals to be apprehended, and arraigned before the Circuit Court of Patna, on charges of the murder of thefe women, and the Court adjudged them to fuffer death. It appeared, however, that this custom had prevailed time immemorial; feveral of the witneffes remembered numerous inftances of perfons having been put to death by the Brahmans for forcery, and one of them in particular proved that his own mother had been tried and executed as a witch-the Government, therefore, pardoned the offenders; but, to prevent the recurrence of circumftance's fo difgracefu! to humanity, a Proclamation has been iffued, declaring, that any one forming a tribunal for the trial of perfons charged with witchcraft, or aiding or encou raging in any act to deprive fuch perfons of life, fhall be deemed guilty of murder, and fuffer the penalty attached to that offence.

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