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Torquati Tassi, 1822. par sir E. Brydges. 31. SELECTIONS from Ravenscroft's works, 1822. par le duc de Marlborough. 32. MARSTON's elegiacall poem on the death of lord Grey of Wilton, from a ms. in the library of the R. H. S. Grenville, lord Morpeth.


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36. THE CUCK - QUEANES and Cuckold's errants, a comoedye, by W. P. (W. Percy), 1824. - par M. Lloyd. 37. LA ROTTA de Franciosi a Terroana novamente facta. La Rotta de Scocesi (Flodden Field), 1825.- par le comte Spencer.

38. GOLDINGHAM's Garden Plot, a poem, from a manuscript in the Harleian collection, 1825.-par Archdeacon Wrangham.

39. POEMS; written in english, by Charles, duke of Orleans, during his captivity in England after the battle of Agincourt. 1827, de vin et 295 pp. par M. G.-W. Taylor. Il a été tiré trois exempl. sur VÉLIN.

40 THE ancient english romance of Havelok the Dan, 1828.-aux frais du club.

Voir le 2e vol. de nos recherches au mot HAVELOK.

41. PROCEEDING in the Court Martial, held upon John master of Sinclair captain-lieutenant... for the murder of enseign Schaw, and captain Schaw, 17 th october, 1708, with correspondence respecting that transaction. Edinburgh, printed by Ballantyne and company, 1828, titre, dédicace, liste des membres, 3 f.; introduction, XV pp., texte, 41 pp.-par sir Walter Scott. 42. GAUFRIDI ARTHURII Monemuthensis archidiaconi..... de vita et vaticiniis Merlini, Caledonii, carmen heroicum. Londini, e typogr. Gulielmi Nicol., 1830; 4 f. pour le titre, la dédicace, etc., introduct. XV pp., texte 67 pp. M. G. Neville Grenville.


43. THE ANCIENT english romance of William and the Werwolf; edited from an unique copy in King's college library, Cambridge, with an introduction and glossary, by Frederick Maden. London, printed by Wil. Nicol. 1832; introduction xvII pp. ; on Werewolves, 45 pp. texte, 254 pp. par le comte Cawdor. 44. THE PRIVATE DIARY of William, first earl Cowper, lord Chancellor of England. Eton, from the press of E. Williams, 1833. Titre, avertissement, etc. VIII pp. ; texte 58 pp. et un f. la pour table des figures. par le rév. E. C. Hawtrey. Un exemplaire des 39 premiers articles de la collection ci-dessus, a été payé III livr. 16 sh. à la vente Lang, en 1828.

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