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Clean and give to the Hair a matchless gloss and beautiful appearance. The bristles being of different lengths, the one counteracts the defect of the other, separate and penetrate to the roots of the Hair, so that it is impossible any scurf or other dirt can remain unmoved; by which its growth will be cultivated, and its appearance much improved.

N. B. New Invented PENETRATING HORSE BRUSHES on the same construction, sanctioned by the most eminent Veterinary Surgeons, as contributing much to the health as well as the beauty of the animal; by the use of which much time and labour is saved.




Viz. Three Gallons to the Dozen, which the purchaser may have either in Twelve full Quarts, or. Fifteen commou sized Bottles, at his option, and at the following unprecedented low Prices:-Fine Old Port, 57s.; Sherry, 57s.; and Cape Madeira (a choice article), 36s 6d. per Dozen. Also capital Old Jamaica Rum, 18s; Brandy, 30s.; and British Geneva, 12s. 6d. per Gallon, London Proof.

Apply to T. WIGLESWORTH, and Co. 15, Georgestreet, Mansion House.

N. B. Those persons who wish to have a real good article in Wine and Spirits, will do well to notice this Advertisement. [95%


MRS. TROTTER, who has for more than Thirty Years been the successful Proprietor of that invaSold wholesale only, by P. BURGESS and Co. Brush Manufacturers, No. 63, Holborn-Hill, Lon-luable preparation for the Teeth and Gums, the don; and by their appointment, retail in every ORIENTAL DENTIFRICE and ASIATIC POWtown in the Kingdom. DER, has recently discovered that great impositious are daily practised by persons travelling in the country, &c. who pretend to vend that article, so P. BURGESS'S ELYSIAN BALSAMIC COM-long esteemed and so justly patronized by the NoPOUND SOAP FOR THE FACE AND SKIN. PLEASANT, INNOCENT, AND EFFICACIOUS BEYOND A PARALLEL.

P. BURGESS, Inventor and sole Manufacturer, recommends all those who have yet unexperienced the good effects of his COMPOUND SOAP, to make a trial, as the best means of proving (without the hacknied jargon generally set forth to them), it is in every way superior to any thing yet introduced, for softening, improving, beautifying, and rectifying any impairment to which the Complexion is subject it cleanses the Skin in a very superior way, without injuring or discolouring its surface; giving it a pleasant softness, the most severe wind or most powerful sun cannot affect. In fine, nothing but a fair trial can prove its good and infallible qua


Prepared only by P. BURGESS, No. 63, Holborn. Hill, London, Inventor of the much admired LILAC FLOWER SOAP.

bility, Gentry, &c.

As a Guardian of the Public Health, as relating to the Teeth and Gums, Mrs. TROTTER views it an imperious duty to caution the Public against such glaring impositions.

This unrivalled Tooth Powder Sold at her Ware

house, No. 3, Beaufort buildings, Strand, and Mr. Newberry, and Mr. Smith, Dean-street, Dublin,

Sold by Tait, Cornhill; Ross, Bishopsgate-street; Nixon, Royal Exchange; Sterling, ditto; Rigge, Cheapside; Smyth, Perfumer to his Majesty; Gatty and Co. New Bond street; Tarner, ditto; Crookshanks, Haymarket; Davidson, Fleet-street; Mr. Sawyer (late Geboult), Oxford-street; Mr. Newbury, Mr. Smith, and Messrs. Janillion and Co. Dublin; and Mr. Robertson, Edinburgh; and every Per. fumer throughout the United Kingdom.





88, Leather-lane, near Greville-street, Hatton-garden. The only House in London for the Cambrian Flannels, or Davies' Improved Extra Superfine Ell Wide and Double Milled Genuine Welch Flannel, sold only by the Inventor, William Davies, Welch Flannel Manufacturer to his Majesty. Warranted to be of a superior quality for peculiar softness, warmth, durability, and will not shrink by washing N. B. Ladies' very curious Saxony and Merino Casimere superfine Welch Whittles, Scarfs, and Shawls, patronized by her Royal Highness the Princess Charlotte of Wales and Saxe-Cobourg-Saalfield Hosiery, real. Tewkesbury Cotton, Leicester 3rds Worsted, Lambs Wool, and Knit super Welch Hose, Socks, &c. Grey and White 3rds fiue Welch Yarn for Knitting, fashionable Mixed Coating, &c. No Flannel sold but real Welch, at 98, Leatherlane.

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An entire new article for Winter Under Garments.

MRS. MORRIS (Patentee of Elastic Petticoats, Drawers, &c. and Manufacturer to the Royal Family) respectfully informs those Ladies that honour her with their commands, and others, she has invented an entire new and complete manufacture, in Petticoats, Drawers, and Dresses, called Vandyke Work. Combining warmth with that of elegance, which never was before accomplished, will consequently increase the comfort that attends the wearer not to change colour or shrink by washing. She of those most essential articles, and are warranted has also a fresh and extensive assortment of her Orininal Patent Articles; Children's of every size, and made to any size or pattern; all of which are manufactured of real Welch Wool, which renders their washing so much softer than any other manufacture.

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To be had, Genuine, only at the Patentee's, Nos. 99 and 100, Oxford street, where Ladies are supplied with real Welch Wool.

N. B. Ladies Wash Leather Drawers for riding. 1920


Manufacturers may have immediate cash for any
quantity of good and well made articles in Rich
Poplins, Sarsnets, Satins, Velvets, Hose, Gloves,
Pelisse Cloths, Stuffs, Bombazeens, Lawns, Linens,
Damask Table Liuen, and most articles sold by Silk
Mercers and Linen Dropers.-The Business con-
ducted upon Ready Money terms only.

A few Boxes of Damask and Diaper Table
Linen to be sold much under what they are worth.

The Public are respectfully invited to an inspec-
tion of the very large and cheap Stock of Irish Shirt.
ing and Sheeting Cloths, now on sale at No. 4, the
south side of Bloomsbury-square. The Company,
from the nature of their Establishments here, and in
Ireland, offer to the community the above articles
much cheaper and better than they can be procured
through any other medium. Their lineus are
bleached under their own inspection, without the
help of acids; they warrant their durability and co-
lour, and engage to return the money should a fault
appear.-Country orders faithfully attended to.
The attention of the Fair Sex has been for a con-
AGENTS. John Donovan, No. 4, Bloomsbury-siderable time attracted by Marston's curious and
square, London.

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splendid assemblage of PATENT STAYS, which
infinitely surpass his former Inventions, and seem
calculated to gratify the expectations of the Fashion-
able Circles, who are most respectfully invited to
bonour him with a visit to his very extensive Repo-
sitory, where convenient rooms are appropriated for
the reception of the Nobility and Gentry, with re-
spectable females to attend them. The great ad-
vantages resulting from this Establishment can
only be appreciated by comparing the quality and
price of his Stays with those of other houses.

Great pleasure will be felt in submitting for their
inspection his French, Spanish, improved Grecian,
Italian, a-la-Diana, Circassian, and every other Stay
(for which he has been favoured with the sanction
of the Royal Family), in the greatest variety of
shapes, and of the most exquisite materials and work-

Sold by the Inventor and Patentee, at 24 and 25,
Holywell-street, Strand; and retail by one respect-
able Milliner or Dress-maker at every principal
town in England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.

Country Milliners and Dress-makers coming to
town, may purchase Stays well worth their conside-





Under the August Patronage of his Royal High-
ness the Prince Regent; their Royal Highnesses
the Princesses Augusta, Elizabeth, Sophia, and
Mary; her Imperial Highness the Grand Duchess
ef Russia; Princess of Wirtemberg; their Graces DIXON and CLARKE (from Todd's), anxious to
the Duchesses of Devonshire and Wellington; his inform that part of the Nobility aud Public who have
Grace the Duke of Marlborough; the Right Hon. not already heard of their Cheap Lace and Haber-
the Countesses of Waldegrave, Darnley, and Liver-dashery Warehouse, that they have just purchased
pool; the Right Hon. Viscountess Powerscourt;
Lady E. Bentinck; the Baroness de Montesquieu;
the Hon. Mrs. Hope; the Hon. Mrs. Stapleton;
Ladies Hatton, Bourne, and Ball; and by the No-
bility and Gentry in general.

for cash, an extensive assortment of PELISSE
CLOTHS, 2 yards wide, at 4s 6d. per yard; supe-
rior Merinoes at 9s. all fashionable colours for the
Winter; Stuffs, 9d. to 11d.; superior Circassia
Twills, 14d to 16d.; good assortment of cloth co-
loured Satins, at 4s. per yard; Poplins, 2s. 6d. per
yard; real Irish Tabbinets, 3s 6d.; coloured Bom-

Also the AROMATIC TOOTH PASTE, an ele-
gant composition, possessing antisceptic and cleans-bazens, 2s. to 2s. 4d.; rich Satin Stripes, 33. 64. ;
ing properties, without injuring the Teeth.

Manufactured by HENRY CHRISTIAN, Chemist,
&c. Canterbury, the ouly and sole inventor (and with
whom no other person is connected), of whom it
may be had wholesale, retail, and for exportation;
also in London of Mr. Johnston, 15, Mr. Berry, 17,
Greek-street, Soho; Overton, 51, and Gattie and
Pierce, 57, New Bond-street; Newbery and Sons,
45, and Prosser and Co. 20, St. Paul's Church
yard; Barclay and Sons, 95, Fleet-market; Leuchars,
47, Piccadilly; Lowe, 330, Strand; Cruikshank, 12,
Haymarket; Wass, 12, Cheapside; and of all the
respectable Perfumers, Stationers, &c. in Great

Britain and Ireland.


striped Sarcenets, 3s. plain and Twilled equally
low; Mull Muslins, 5s. 6d. by the piece, for La-
dies' dresses; striped Mulls, 13d. a yard, and al!
descriptions of plain equally cheap; Whittles,
Cloth Shawls, and Scarfs, in great variety; Fur
Trimmings and Muffs will be found very cheap;
French Kid Gloves, 16d, per pair, or 15s. 63. by the
dozen; China Silk Hose, 4s. 6d. per pair, as well as
their Thread Lace Trade, which has already beea
allowed to be cheaper than any House, is now in
particular very extensive and cheap.

A youth of respectable connexions wanted as an
Apprentice, who will be treated as one of the family,
and a premium expected.

[blocks in formation]



[blocks in formation]

One hundred capital stout Suffolk Hemp
Fifty pieces real Russia ditto, full ell wide
Fine Irish ditto, full yard and quarter wide
Beautiful Holland ditto, full yard and half
Fifty excellent Purniture Dimities (worth



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1 11

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700 pieces

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Elegant Moscow Shawls, each
Pelisse Cloths, two yards wide, per yard
Ditto best Saxon, two and a quarter wide
Super super, ditto

Merino Cloth for Ladies' Dresses, a choice of

Eight Hundred New Patterns, in Silk Shawls
and Scarfs, elegant initation, 3 yards long 14 0
Ditto, real Norwich, with elegant pine ends
Rich Tissue Scarfs, worth three guineas
Handsome Shawls with fillings, largest size
Elegant Norwich Silk, two yards square 21
Beautiful coloured Bombazeens, per yard


20 0






2 0

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Two Thousand Remnants (of every article in the
Trade), viz. Muslins, Poplins, Linens, Bombazeens,
Sarsnets, Cambrics, Sheetings, Prints, &c. &c. &c.
to be sold at less than half the original Cost Price.
PS. Fly Dozen elegant Damask Table Cloths,
viz.—two yards long, 7s each; two and a half yards
long, 12s.; three yards long, 18s.; three and a half
yards long, 245.; four yards long, 308.; four and a
half yards, 35.; five yards, 45s. ; and six yards, 55s.
-Breakfast Napkins, 118. a Dozen.

CRAIG, 78, Oxford-street, opposite the Pantheon.


Flannels from 9d. per yard to the best qua-

Real Welsh ditto, per yard
Printed Furnitures, ditto
Rich Chintz ditto, warranted
Town-work Linings, per yard
Furniture Dimity, 78. to
Curiously fine India ditto
New Patterns, very fine, per yard

[blocks in formation]

A per centage allowed on all purchases exceeding
51. On parle Francais dans le dit Magasin.



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0 11







A. PEARS, Proprietor and Manufacturer of the following articles, can, from a decisive knowledge of their several intrinsic excellencies, with the greatest satisfaction recommend them to fashionable adoption, and warrant that on a fair and impartial trial they will be found infinitely superior to what are vended at other places in the metropolis.


The Verdict of the Jury before the Lord Chancellor, on Wednesday, the 6th of December, 1809, in the case of John Watson versus Andrew Pears, will be ever considered by the latter as a complete triumph, it being a defeat which his antagonist well merited, and which, on a serious investigation, he might well expect to experience. This important decision has established him the acknowledged Proprietor of the Genuine TRANSPARENT SOAP, an article that is daily increasing in public reputation, and which, for obvious reasons, is the favourite appendage to the Toilets of Ladies of the first fashion and distinction.

The Transparent Soap is composed of the most innocent ingredients, so that instead of possessing those acrimonious, that tend to irritate the surface of the skin, it gives it that healthy appearance which has been long sought after, but never attained in such perfection. It being refined, through undergoing a chemical process, an infant may have it applied with the greatest safety and advantage; and no complexion, however delicate, can fail of being improved by constantly resorting to so admirable a means of establishing the triumph of beauty, health, and cleanliness.-Price 18. Is. 6d. and 2s. 6d. per square; Transparent Shaving Cakes 1s. 18. 6d. and 2s. 6d.


To remove that vulgar redness which obscures the natural beauty of the complexion, and to obliterate, through the medium of a gentle perspiration, that cuticular scrophula that every person possesses in a greater or less degree, are considerations of too much importance to be neglected in the moments devoted to the improvement of personal appearance, especially as the adoption of this invaluable preparation tends likewise to speedily remove ail Eruptions, Freckles, Sunburns, &c. The Botanic Cream is admirably calculated for exportation, for in cold climates it protects the skin from the severity of the weather, and in extreme hot climates shields it from the effects generally by the powerful influence of a vertical sun.

It being of a more refined and delicate nature than soap, the most early as well as the more advanced periods of life will be equally benefited by its adoption; in fact, it is the best article extant for bestowing on the surface of the skin that exquisite improvement which renders it clean, blooming, and transparent to extreme old age-Price 2s. 6d. per pot.


The Teeth being universally admitted to be one of the greatest external ornaments of the human person, it is no wonder that this invaluable Indian Tooth Powder should be purchased with an avidity, which is the criterion of its pre-eminence to the generality of articles advertised for the same purpose.

A regular set of Teeth displays every other feature to the greatest possible advantage, and on the contrary an irregular set of Teeth lessons the charms of every other of the countenance which, like the verdure of the earth, replenished by the all glorious sun, is constantly requiring renovation and improvement.

The Malabar Dentifrice renders the Teeth white, smooth, and even; the Gums healthful; fortifies the Enamel; prevents the accumulation of Tartar, which, by being suffered to adhere in too great quantities, is in time the utter destruction of good teeth; prevents the occurrence of that seldom pitied, though excruciating, the Tooth Ach, and renders the interference of the Dentist unnecessary. It is astringent, anti-putrescent, a fine aromatic, and for sweetening the breath, it

may defy and challenge competition.-Price 2s. 9d. per box.


To remove the injuries sustained by the injudicious use of deleterious compositions, and to seat beauty on its native throne-the countenance, A PEARS has produced this invaluable extract from the flower whose name it bears, which is invariably admitted to be the best means of effectuating this grand and laudable purpose.


This simple but effective cosmetic gives a softness to the texture of the skin unparalleled in the annals of art, and consequently enhances the value of the rich donation of nature.-Price 2s. 6d. and 5s. per box.


This ingenious discovery may be applied to a variety of purposes with the happiest success.--Drawing in Water Colours, Painting on Velvet, Tinging the Cheek, Lips, &c. Dying Silk, Lace, Muslin, Feathers, Artificial Flowers, &c. Thus a lady of fashion will find it an article of use as well as embellishment, and the female artist a source of improvement and satisfaction. As a medium for improving native talent it cannot be too highly appreciated.




MR. WILSON, Dancing-Master, has just published, price 53. the ECOSSOISE INSTRUCTOR, containing directions for performing this new species of Dancing; in which will be found Twelve Ecossoise, with appropriate Figures; the whole of the Figures explained by diagrams.

To be had of Mr. Wilson, at his Academy, Old Bailey, near Ludgate-hill. Where may be had his "Correct method of German and French Waltzing," "Companion to the Ball-Room," "Quadrille Instructor," Quadrilles, La Batteuse," &c. &c.


La Nature nous a donné des Specifique,
L'art est de Savoir les Employer.


This inestimable Specific is the Compound of the great Dr. Zimmerman, of high eminence in literature and physic, late Physician to his present Britannic Majesty, as well as to the Great Frederic of Prussia.

The great Virtue of the Zimmermanic Powder is, that by judiciously strengthening the Debilitated Constitution, it gives Appetite and Spirits, and by its reviving powers restores the Patient in a short time to perfect convalesence.

A few trials of this Medicine, and a strict observance of the Directions given with the Boxes will effect a radical Cure for all who are afflicted with

Going to the East or West Indies, are most respectfully informed they can be fully equipped for the voyage, at S. UNWIN'S Ready Made Lineu Warehouse, 57, Lombard-street, with every article of Wearing Apparel, at the following low prices :— Ladies' Calico Shifts, 4s. 6d. each; White Morn-Wind, Indigestion, Heartburn, Giddiness, Coughing ing Dresses, 12s.; Coloured Gingham ditto, 148.; Petticoats, Caps, and Linen of every description; a large assortment of Children's French Cambric Caps, 8s.; Worked Robes, and a great variety of Childbed Linen, remarkably cheap.

[blocks in formation]

At R. ACKERMANN'S, 101, Strand,
The Eighth and last Number of the "DANCE OF
LIFE," as a Companion Work to the "Tour of
Doctor Syntax," written in Verse, by the same
Author, and illustrated with twenty five Coloured
Engravings by Thomas Rowlandson; price 2s. 6d.
each Number, or 21s. in Boards. Also,

R. Ackermann's SUPERFINE WATER COLOURS, being refined and prepared under his immediate inspection, they are rendered completely free from those imperceptible and destructive particles which occasion those frequent changes of the brilliant Hues of Colours; they are sold in Boxes of various sizes and prices, at most of the respectabie Booksellers and Stationers in the United King


No. 100, STRAND.


and Sickness at first rising in the morning, Nervous Affections, Water on the Chest, Superabundance of Phlegm, Asthma, Eruptions on the Face and Skin, all Swellings occasioned by Weakness, as well as all Cutaneous Disorders, Scurvy, Scrofula, Glandular Complaints, Rheumatism, Gout, and all diseases incident to the tender Age of Children.

Those who apply for this Medicine are particularly requested to mention for what disorder they make the application, as it is prepared in different ways according to the Complaint of the Patient.

Madame D'AUBIGNE may be consulted (as usual) on all disorders incident to her own sex and children

with the greatest safety; having been regularly bred to Medicine, and gone through all the degrees at the College of St. Come, and other Institutions in Paris.Hours of Consultation from Twelve to Four.

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At the Depot may be seen a variety of testimonials from the first people of fashion, of cares that had baffled the most eminent of the faculty.

Each Box contains Twelve Powders, price 88. 6d. for Children Ten Doses, price 2s. 6d. Sold at D'AUBIGNE'S (only), No. 4, Queen street, four doors from Russell-street, near the British Museum, Bloomsbury.

Persous residing in the country, or Captains of Ships, by enclosing a Pound Note will receive Three Boxes.

This elegant preparation of Ginger has been pa ADRESSE AU DAMES-Madame d'Aubigne has tronized for nearly thirty years by the Nobility and the honour to announce to the Nobility and Gentry that Gentry, and recommended with the greatest success by medical men of the first eminence, for its bene- she has made arrangements in Paris to have a regular ficial effects in all disorders where a warm stimulat-supply of the different articles so indispensible to the ing medicine is indicated, such as Wind, Spasms, Indigestion, Cramp or Pains in the Stomach, Gout, Palsy, Rheumatism, Langour, and Debility. Also as a preventive against cold from exposure to the inclemency of the season.

Prepared and sold only by H. J. Preston (late Walsh) Chemist to his Royal Highness the Duke of York, No. 100, Strand, in Bottles, 2s. gd. 7s. and 10s. 6d. each.

N. B. To prevent mistakes, be careful to ask for Walsh's Ginger Seeds.


toilette of a woman of fashion, the most prominent of
which are in the constant use of Mario Louisa, late
Empress of France; and will be supplied to Madame
d'Aubigne by the same person who always prepared them
for her Majesty. In the next Number of La Belle
Assemblee the different Articles will be enumerated.
Letters unless post paid will not be received.
Vin d'Absinthe, and Elixir de Garns, 9s. 6d. the


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