

IN completing a Third volume of the "Females' Advocate," the conductors desire gratefully to acknowledge the truly acceptable encouragement which they have received from the Public in their interesting labors, and also the kind assistance rendered by various correspondents and friends.

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The great desire of the Editors has been to render the Advocate' a work of practical utility, and that they have not been altogether unsuccessful in this object, the records of the Society with which it is more immediately connected, as well as the existence and prosperity of other benevolent Institutions, satisfactorily prove.

In the coming year it is proposed to reduce the size of the Advocate to 12 pages, and to limit its price to One Penny. By this arrangement it is hoped that its circulation will be extended; and, inasmuch as its pages will in future be more especially devoted to the advocacy of the claims of the ignorant, the neglected, and the oppressed female, it is hoped that its usefulness also will be greatly increased. And that this may be the happy result, the continued prayers, and active exertions of all the friends of the London Female Mission," are

earnestly requested.



To prescribe laws for the government of the whole intelligent universe, is the prerogative of Deity. His will is absolute in heaven; and the performance of his high behests constitutes the supreme felicity of all its happy inhabitants. He also rules with infinite moral energy in this lower world. All moral laws for the government of rational beings are from him. Whatever is essential to social enjoyment, and harmoniously to sustain all the ramifications of social economy, is heavenly in its origin, and effective for those important objects. The great Author of our being is not only the source of every thing essential to the well-being of nations and individuals, but he imparts to man every virtuous and benevolent principle. He has so constituted the nature of things, that a strict adherence to his will infallibly produces enjoyment. In the display of pure love and charity to each other, and the various benevolent emotions of the human breast, there is a dignity betokening their source. It is, however, only with a soul endued with Christian principles that benevolence of the first order is displayed. Subordinate acts of charity may be manifested, and have been exhibited, in nations without the light of Christianity. VOL. III.


But under the rays of heavenly light every dark place is sought out and illuminated; and all the complicated woes of humanity are mitigated and removed by the heavenly principles of Christian charity and love. Nor does the devout soul ask, "Who is my neighbour;" but with a dignity becoming her heavenly origin she searches out the sons of want, and distributes her blessings according to the existence of distress and suffering.

What are the tender mercies of any people where the gospel has not shed her genial influence? The very converse of those which have a tendency to sooth, to comfort, or to induce peace and happiness. Note them :-Widows have been immolated on the funeral pile, or sacrificed at the shrine of Moloch; children cast into the Nile, or offered in sacrifice under the Car of Juggernaut; the sick, the infirm, the poor, like Lazarus at the gate, disdained by the rich, abandoned by relatives, and doomed by an unfeeling public, to pine away and die!

But revelation unfolds the principles of universal benevolence, and inculcates their practice. Indeed, a penalty invariably follows a departure from her rules. Pure spontaneous compassion for suffering humanity is acceptable to God, and will, if performed from love to him, be rewarded with his future smiles and favours. "Inasmuch as ye did

it to one of the least of these my brethren, ye did it unto me;" and such shall "go away into life eternal."

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