
De vita et scriptis Conradi Celtis opus posthumum E. Klüpfelii. Friburgi, 1828, in-4.

Albert le Grand, sa vie et sa science, d'après les documents originaux, par le docteur Joachim Sighart, traduit de l'allemand par un religieux de l'ordre des Frères prêcheurs. Paris, Ve Rusand, 1862, gr. in-18 de vin et 639 pp.

30811. C.-M. Engelhardt: Herard von Landsperg, Aebtissin zu St. Odilien im Elsass im XIIten Jahrh. und ihr Werk: Hortus deliciarum, etc. Stuttg., 1818, in-8., avec 12 pl.

30812. Jo.-Henr. Maii vita Joh. Reuchlini. Durlaci, seu Francofurti, 1687, in-8.

30813. Lamey John Reuchlin. Pforzheim, 1855, in-8.

30814. Vita equitis Ulrici de Hutten, per Jac. Burkhard. Wolfenbuteli, 1717-23, 3 tom. en 1 vol. pet. in-8.

30815. Ulrich von Hutten (von L. Schubart); 2o nnveränd. Ausg. Leipzig, 1817, in-8. 30816. Ulrich von Hutten in litterar. Hinsicht, von G.-W. Panzer. Nürnb., 1798, in-8. 30817. Ulrich von Hutten nach seinem Leben, seinem Charakter und seinen Schriften geschildert, von Ch.-Jac. Wagenseil. Nürnberg, 1823, 2 part. in-8.

Dav.-Friedr. Strauss, Ulrich von Hutten. Leipzig, Brockhaus, 1857, 3 part. in-8.

The life of H. Cornelius Agrippa, known as an magician, by Morley. Lond., 1856, 2 vol. pet. in-8. 30818. Heinrich Bebel, nach seinem Leben und Schriften, von G.-W. Zapf. Augsb., 1802, in-8. 30819. Jacob Locher, genannt Philomusus, in biographischen und litterarischen Hinsichten..., vou G.-W. Zapf. Nürnberg, 1803, in-8.

30820. Ud. ZASII vita et epistolæ. Ulmæ, 1774, in-8. 30821. Phil. MELANCHTHONIS vita Mart. Lutheri. Gottinga, 1741, in-4.

30822. Vita Mart. Lutheri nummis illustrata, studio Christ. Juncker. Francofurti, 1699, pet. in-8. 30823. Jo.-Alb. FABRICII centifolium lutheranum. Hamburgi, 1728, 2 vol. in-8. Voir le n" 30117. Mémoires de Luther. Voir le n° 22422. 30824. J. Agricola's aus Eisleben Schriften, möglichst vollständigst verzeichnet, von Bt. Kordes. Altona, 1817, in-8.

30825. J. Camerarii vita Phil. Melanchthonis. HagaComitum, 1655, in-12, seu Lips., 1696, in-8. (imprimé d'abord à Leipzig, en 1566, in-8., et deux fois sous la même date. La meilleure édition est celle qu'a donnée G.-Théod. Strobel, à Halle, 1777, in-8.)

The life of Phil. Melanchthon, comprising an account of the most important transactions of the Reformation, by Augustus Cox; second edit. London, 1817, in-8.

C. Mailhes, Melanchthon, sein Leben und Wirken, etc.; 2e édit. Altenburg, 1846, in-8.

Vie de Philippe Mélanchthon, par Ledderhose, librement traduite de l'allemand par A. Meylan, pasteur, avec un portrait de Melanchthon. Lausanne, 1855, in-12.

30826. Hans Sachs, in 2 Abtheilungen, von F. Furchau. Leipzig, 1819, in-8.

D.-F. Strauss, Leben und Schriften des Dichters und Philologen Nicodemus Frischlin. Ein Beitrag zur deutschen Culturgeschichte in der 2a Hälfte des XViten Jahrhunderts. Frankfurt am Mayn, 1856, in-8., portr.

30827. Petri Gassendi vitæ Tychonis Brahei, Nic. Copernici, Georgii Peurbachii, et Jo. Regiomontani. Paris, 1654, seu editio auctior, Hage-Comitum, 1655, in-4.

30828. Leben, Studien und Schriften der Astronomen J. Hevelius, etc., von J.-H. Westphal. Königsberg, 1820, in-8.

30829. Chr. Juncker commentarius de vita, scriptisque ac meritis Jobi Ludolfi, cum appendice aliquot epistolarum, et specimine linguæ hottentoticæ. Lipsia, 1710, in-8.

30830. J.-A. Eberhard's Charakteristik des Frun. von Leibnitz. Leipzig, 1818, in-8.


Herm.-Sam. Reimarus, de vita et scriptis Jo.-Alb. Fabricii. Hamburgi, 1737, in-8. 30832. Vita, facta et scripta Christ. Wolfii (auctore Jo.-Christ. Gottsched). Lipsia, 1739, in-8.

30833. Winckelmann und sein Jahrhundert; in Briefen und Aufsätzen, von J.-Wig. von Göthe. Tübingen, 1805, in-8.

30834. J.-Jac. Reiske's von ihm selbst aufgesetzte Lebensbeschreibung. Leipz., 1783, in-8. (continué et publié par la veuve de l'auteur.)

30835. Sam.-Fr.-Nat. Mori vita J.-J. Reiskii. Lips., 1777, in-8.

30836. Ghld.-Ephr. Lessing's Leben, neu bearbeitet von J.-F. Schink. Berlin, 1825, in-8.

Lessing, sein Leben und seine Werke, von A.-G.-E. Stabr. Berlin, 1858-59, 2 vol. in-8. 30837. J.-D. Michaelis Lebensbeschreibung von ihm selbst abgefasst, mit Anmerkungen von Hassencamp, etc. Leipzig, 1793, in-8.

30838. Klopstock's Leben, von H. Döring. Weimar, 1825, in-16.

30839. J.-G. Herder's Leben, von H. Döring, Weimar, 1824, in-8. (Une autre vie d'Herder forme les tom. XVI et XVII de ses œuvres.) 30840. Im. Kant's Biographie. Dresden, 1811, 2 vol. in-8.

1.-H. Fichte, Joh. Gottlieb Fichte's Leben und literarischer Briefwechsel; 2te verm. Auß. Leipzig, 1862, 2 vol. in-8.

Ant.-X. Schurz, Lenau's Leben. Grossentheils aus des Dichters eigenen Briefen. Stuttgart, 1855, in-8.

Rdf. Köpke (et non Koepske, Ludwig Jieck. Erinnerungen aus dem Leben des Dichters, nach dessen mündlichen und schriftlichen Mittheilungen. Leipzig, 1855, gr. in-12.

30841. F. von Schiller's Leben, von H. Döring. Weimar, 1822, in-8.; - von G. Schwab. Stuttg., 1841, in-8.

Life of Frederick Schiller, with an examination of his works, by Th. Carlyle. London, 1845, in-12, portr. Third edition, with life of J. Sterling. London, 1857, in-12.

Schiller und seine Zeit, von Joh. Scherr Leipzig, Wigand (1860), in-8., portr. de Schiller et de ses contemporains.

30842. C.-G. Heyne, biographisch dargestellt von Arn.-II.-L. Heeren. Göttingen, 1813, in-8. 30843. Cp.-M. Wieland, geschildert von J.-G. Gru ber. Leipzig, 1815-16, 2 vol. in-8.

30844. Gabr.-G. Bredow's nachgelassene Schriften, mit dem Bildnisse und Leben des Verfassers herausgegeben von J.-G. Kunisch. Breslau, 1816, in-8.

30845. J.-G. Rosenmüller's Leben und Wirken, von J.-Ch. Dolz. Leipzig, 1816, in-8.

J.-H.-Wil. Tischbein, aus meinem Leben; herausg. von Dr Carl-G.-W. Schiller. Braunschweig, 1861, 2 vol. in-8., portr.

30846. A. von Kotzebue's Leben (von F. Cramer. Leipzig, 1820, in-8. Autre, par Döring. Weimar, 1830, in-8.

30847. Mémoires de Goethe, trad. de l'allemand par Aubert de Vitry. Paris, 1823, 2 vol. in-8.

Life and works of Goethe, with sketches of his age and contemporaries, by G.-H. Lewes et non Lewis). London, 1856, 2 vol. in-8.: - 2o édition, Leipzig, 1857, 2 vol. in-12.

Göthe's Leben, von Dr. Heinr. Viehoff. Stuttg., 1858, 4 part. in-8.

Goethe, ses mémoires, sa vie, etc., trad. et annotés par H. Richelet. Paris, Hetzel, 1863, 4 vol. in-8.

The life and letters of B.-G. Niebuhr... by Bunsen, Brandis and Læbell; 2d edit. translat. by S. Winkworth. London, 1852, 3 vol. in-8. 30848. Leben und Studien Fr.-A. Wolf's, von W. Körte. 1833, 2 part. en 1 vol. in-8.

Friedrich Perthes Leben nach dessen schriftlichen und mündlichen Mittheilungen aufgezeichnet, von Clem.-Theod. Perthes; 5 édit. Gotha, 1861, 3 vol. in-8.

Karl Rosenkranz ; Geo.-Wilk.-Fr. Hegel's Leben. Berlin, 1844, gr. in-8., portr.

Hegel und seine Zeit, von R. Haym. Berlin, 1857, in-8.

Aug. Jäger, das Leben des Fürsten von PücklerMuskau. Stuttgart, 1843, in-8., portr.

30849. Illustrium Galliæ belgicæ scriptorum icones et elogia, ex musæo Aub. MIREI. Antuerpiæ, 1608, in-4.

30850. J.-Fr. FOPPENS, Bibliotheca belgica. Bruxellis, 1739, 2 vol. in-4.

30851. Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire littéraire des Pays-Bas, par J.-N. PAQUOT. Louvain, 1763, vol. in-fo l., ou 18 vol. pet. in-8.

Dictionnaire historique ou histoire abrégée de tous les hommes (célèbres) nés dans les dix-sept provinces. Anvers, 1786, in-12.- Voir le n° 25134.

Biographie des hommes remarquables de la Flandre occidentale. Bruges, 1843-49, 4 vol. gr. in-8.

Album biographique des Eelges célèbres, publié par J.-A. Chabannes. Bruxelles, 1845-48, 2 vol. in-4., grav.

Biographie luxembourgeoise, par A. Neyen. Luxembourg, 1860-61, 2 vol. in-4.

Biographie montoise, par Ad. Mathieu. Mons, 1848, in-8.

Biographie liégeoise, par le comte de Becdelièvre. Liége, 1836-39, 2 vol. in-8. 30852. Trajectum eruditum, virorum doctrina illustrium vitas exhibens, auct. Gasp. Burmanno. Traj.-ad-Rhen., 1750, in-4.

30853. P. Hofmanni Peerlkamp, Vitæ aliquot excellentium Batavorum. Harnemia, 1806, in-8.

Biographisch Woordenboek der Nederlanden door A.-J. van der Aa. Haarlem, Brederode, 1852 et ann. suiv., gr. in-4. (En cours de publication par livraisons. La 142e s'arrête à Ma.) Voir le n° 25134.

Levensbeschryving van eenige voornaame meest Nederlandsche mannen en vrouwen. Amsterdam, 1774-83, 10 vol. in-8.

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Beknopt biographisch handwoordenboek van Nederland, behelzende de levensbeschrijvingen van vele personen, die zich in Nederland hebben bekend gemaakt; onder medewerking van anderen bijeengebragt door J.-C. Kobus en W de Rivecourt. Zutphen, 1856-61, 3 vol. in-8. 30854. Erasmi vita, partim ab ipsomet Erasmo, partim ab amicis descripta; accedunt epistolæ illustres. Lugd.-Batav., 1642, seu 1649, pet. in-12. 30855. Sam. KNIGHT, Life of Erasmus. Lond., 1726, in-8.

30856. Vie d'Erasme, par de Burigny. Paris, 1757, 2 vol. in-12.

30857. Life of Erasmus, by J. JORTIN. Lond., 1758, 2 vol. in-4.

30858. Life of Erasmus, by Ch. Butler. London, 1825, in-8.

30859. Leben des Erasmus von Rotterdam, mit einleitenden Betrachtungen über die analoge Entwickelung der Menschheit und des einzelnen Menschen, von Adolf Müller. Hamburg, 1828, in-8. 30860. De Justi Lipsii vita et scriptis commentarius, auctore Fr.-Aug. de Reiffenberg. Bruxellis, 1823, in-4., fig.

30861. Hug. Grotii Belgarum Phoenicis manes, ab iniquis obtrectatoribus vindicati; accedit scriptorum ejus conspectus triplex. Delphis-Batavorum, 1727, 2 vol. in-8.

Kaspar Brandtz Leven van Hugo de Groot, vervolgd door Kattenburg. Dordrecht, 1727, ou Amsterd., 1732, 2 vol. in-fol.

30862. Vie de Grotius, avec l'histoire de ses ouvrages, par de Burigny. Paris, 1752, 2 vol. in-12. 30863. Life of H. Grotius, by Ch. Butler. London, 1826, in-8.

30864. Historia vitæ Sim. Episcopii, scripta a Phil. a Limborch. Amstelodami, 1701, in-8.

30865. La VIE et l'esprit de B. de Spinosa. 1719, pet. in-8.

30866. VIE de Spinosa, par Colerus. Amsterdam, 1706, pet. in-8.

Histoire de la vie et des ouvrages de Spinosa, par Amand Saintes. Paris, 1842, in-8.

30867. Jo. Clerici vita et opera. Amstelodami, 1711, in-12.

30868. Dav. RUHNKENII elogium Tiberii Hemsterhusii. Lugd.-Batav., 1789, in-8.

30869. Dan. WYTTENBACHII vita Dav. Ruhnkenii. Lugd.-Batav., 1799, in-8.

30870. G.-L. Mahne, Vita Dan. Wyttenbachii. Gandavi, 1823, in-8.

e. Anglais, Ecossais et Irlandais.

30871. Scriptorum illustrium Majoris Britanniæ catalogus, authore Joan. BALEO. Basilea, 1557, 2 tom. en 1 vol. in-fol. (Article BALE.)

30872. Jo. Pitseus, de illustribus Angliæ scriptoribus. Paris., 1619, in-4.

30873. Th. TANNERI bibliotheca britannico-hibernica. Lond., 1748, in-fol.

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Athenæ Britannica... by Miles DAVIES. Lond., 1716, 5 vol. in-8. et un in-4.

A critical dictionary of english literature and british and american authors living and deceased, by S. Austin Allibone. Philadelphia, 1859, 2 vol. très-gr. in-8.

30874. Catalogue of the royal and noble authors of England, by for. WALPOLE. London, 1806, 5 vol. in-8.

30875. JOHNSON'S lives of english poets. London, 1810, 3 vol. in-8.

30876. The biographical mirrour, by S. and E. HARDING. Lond., 1795, 3 vol, in-4.

30877. Memoirs of several ladies of Great-Britain who have been celebrated for their writings or skill in the learned languages, arts or sciences, by George Ballard. Oxford, 1752, in-4., or 1775,


Agnes Strickland, Lives of the bachelors kings of England. London, 1861, gr. in-8.

30878. The life of William of Wykeham, bishop of Winchester, by Rob. Lowth. London, 1758, or third edit. corrected, Oxford, 1777, in-8. 30879. The life of Will. Waynflete, bishop of Winchester....., founder of Magdalen college, by R. Chandler. Lond., 1811, in-8., fig.

30880. The history of the life and sufferings of J. Wickliffe, by J. LEWIS. London, 1720, in-8. Réimpr. à Oxford, 1820, in-8.

30881. The life and opinions of J. Wickliffe, by Rob. Vaughan. Lond., 1828, 2 vol. in-8. 30882.

The life of Reynold Pecock, bishop of St. Asaph and Chichester, by J. Lewis. Lond., 1744 (aussi Oxford, 1820), in-8.

30883. Illustrations of the lives and writings of Gower and Chaucer, by H.-J. TODD. London, 1810, in-8.

30884. W. GODWIN'S life of Geor. Chaucer. Lond., 1803, 2 vol. in-4.

The life of Th. Linacer, by J.-N. Johnson. London, Lumely, 1854, in-8.

30885. The life of dean Colet, by Sam. KNIGHT. Lond., 1724, in-8.

30886. EXPOSITIO fidelis de morte Th. Moi, etc. Antuerpiæ, 1536, in-8.

30887. ROPERI vita Th. Mori. 1716, in-8.

30888. The life of Th. More, by Cresacre More, edited by the rev. Jos. Hunter. London, 1828, in-8.

Histoire de Thomas More, par Th. Stapleton; trad, du latin par Alex. Martin, avec une introduction et des notes par Audin. Paris, Maison, 1849, in-8.

30889. The life of archbishop Cranmer, by H.-J. TODD. London, 1831, 2 vol. in-8.

Life of John Fisher, bishop of Rochester, by J. LEWIS. London, 1855, 2 vol. in-8. 30890. The life of Will. Smyth, bishop of Lincoln,

and sir Rich. Sutton, founders of Brazen Nose college, by Ralph Churton. Oxford, 1800, in-8. 30891. Life of Alexander Nowell, dean of St. Pauls, by R. Churton. Oxford, 1809, in-8. 30892. Memoirs of the life and writings of sir Philip Sidney, by Th. Zouch. York, 1808, in-4. 30893. Lives of topographers and antiquaries who have written concerning the antiquities of England, by J. Peller MALCOLM. Lond., 1815, in-4. 30894. Lives of John Leland, Th. Hearne and Ant. Woo. Oxford, 1772, 2 vol. in-8.

30895. The lives of Dr John Donne, sir H. Wotton, R. Hooker, Geor. Herbert, and D' R. Sanderson, by Is. WALTON, with notes by Th. Zouch. York, 1796, in-4., or 1817, 2 vol. in-8.

30896. Remarks on the life and writings of Shakspeare, by J. BRITTON. London, 1814, in-8.

William Shakespeare, par Victor Hugo. Paris, librairie internationale, 1864, in-8. 30897. Cayley's life of sir Walter Raleigh. London, 1805, 2 vol. in-8. et in-4.

30898. Vie du chancelier Fr. Bacon, traduite de l'anglais de D. Mallet (par Pouillot). Amsterd., 1755, in-12.

30899. Histoire de la vie et des ouvrages de Fr. Bacon, suivie de quelques-uns de ses écrits, trad. par J.-B. de Vauzelles. Strasbourg, 1833, 2 vol.


Lord Bacon's life, by H. Dixon. Lond., Murray, 1862, in-8., portr.

The life of HERBERT of Cherbury, by himself. Strawberry-Hill, 1764, in-4.

30900. The life of John Selden, by J. Aikin. London, 1812, in-8.

Memoirs of the life and writings of Brian Walton, by H.-J. TOOD. Lond., 1821, 2 vol. in-8. 30901. The memoirs of sir Hugh CHOLMLEY. Lond., 1787, in-4.

30902. The life of Milton, by HAYLEY. London, 1796, in-4.

New memoirs of the life and poetical works of • Milton, by Fr. Peck. London, 1740, in-4. 30903. GODWIN'S lives of Edward and Phillips, nephews and pupils of Milton, including various particulars of the literary and political history of their times. London, 1815, in-4.

30904. Th. Hobbes vita (anglice scripta per Joh. Aubrey, lat. versa a Rich. Blackbourn). Carolopoli, 1681, pct. in-8., ou 1682, in-4.

30905. The life, diary and correspondence of Will. DUGDALE. London, 1827, in-4.

Private memoirs of sir Kenelm DIGBY. London, 1827, in-8.

30906. The lives of Edw. Pococke, the orientalist, by Twells, of Zach. Pearce and of Th. Newton by themselves, and of Phil. Skelton, by Bardy. London, 1816, 2 vol. in-8.

30907. W. Scott's life of Dryden. London, 1808, in-4. 30908. Life of John Locke, lord King. London, 1830, 2 vol. in-8. (Article LoCKE.)

30909. The life of H. Dodwell, by Fr. Brokes. London, 1815, 2 vol. in-8.


Memoirs of J. EVELYN. London, 1819, 2 vol. in-4.

30910. An historical account of the life and writings of J. Toland. London, 1722, in-8.

30911. Memoirs of the life and times of Dan. de Foe, by W. Wilson. London, 1830, 3 vol. in-8. 30912. An account of the life and writings of Edm. DICKENSON. London, 1739, in-8.

30913. The life of R. Bentley, by J.-H. MONK. London, 1830, in-4.

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30914. (WARTON'S) essay on Pope. London, 1782, 2 vol. in-8.

30915. The life of Jonathan Swift, by Th. Sheridan. Dublin, 1785, in-8.

30916. Memoirs of ***, commonly known by the name of G. PSALMANAZAR. London, 1765, in-8. 30917. The literary life and select works of Benj. STILLINGFLEET, by the rev. Will. Coxe. London, 1811, 3 vol. in-8.

30918. Vie de Dav. HUME, écrite par lui-même, traduite de l'anglais (par Suard). Paris, 1777, pet.


30919. Account of the life, writings and character of Warburton, by Hurd. London, 1794, in-4.

The life of W. WARBURTON, by John Selby Watson. London, 1863, in-8.

30920. The life of Oliv. Goldsmith, by James Prior. London, 1837, 2 vol. in-8., portr.

Goldmith's life and times, by John Forster, new edition enlarged. London, 1854, 2 vol. in-8. 30921. The life of Dav. Garrick, by Arth. Murphy. London, 1801, 2 vol. in-8.

30922. Memoirs of the life of Dav. Garrick, by Th. Davies. London, 1808, 2 vol. in-8.

30923. Memoirs of the life of H. Home, lord Kames, by lord Woodhouselee. Lond., 1807, 2 vol. in-4. 30924. The life of Sam. Johnson, by Sam. Boswell. 4 vol. in-8. (Article JOHNSON.)

30925. Memoirs by a celebrated literary and political character (R. Glower), from 1742 to 1757, a new edit. London, 1814, gr. in-8.

The life and times of George Villers duke of Buc. kingham, from original and authentic sources, by Thomson. Londen, Hurst, 1859, 3 vol. in-8.

Memoirs of the life and writings of James Montgomery, with select correspondence, remains in prose and verse, and conversations, by Holland and Everett. London, 1854-56, 7 vol. pet. in-8., portr.

30926. The life of Edw. Gibbon, with selection from his correspondence and illustrations, by the rev. H.-H. Milman, to which is added an essay on the study of literature, by Edw. Gibbon. Paris, Bandry, 1840, in-8.

Warton, by

30927. Biographical memoirs of Jos. J. Wooll. Lond., 1806, in-4. 30928. Hayley's life of Will. Cowper. London, 18831806, 3 vol. in-4. (y compris le supplément.) 30929. Memoirs of the life of Gilb, Wakefield, by himself, with notes. London, 1804. 2 vol. in-8. 30930. Forbes's account of the life and writings of D' James Beattie. Edinb., 1806, 2 vol. in-4. 30931.

The life of Wesley, and the rise and progress of methodism, by Rob. Southey; second edit. London (aussi New-York), 1820, 2 vol. in-8., portr.

30932. TEIGNMOUTH'S memoirs of the life of Will. Jones. London, 1804, in-4.

30933. The life of Edm. Burke, by Rob. Bisset. London, 1800, 2 vol. in-8.

History of the life and times of Edm. Burke, by Th. Macknight. London, Chapman, 1857, 2 vol.


30934. Remarkable occurrences in the life of J. Hanway....., by J. Pugh. London, 1787, in-8. (Arúcle HANWAY.)

30935. Memoirs of the life of J. Howard, by J. Baldwin Brown. London, 1818, in-4. (Article HoWARD.)

30936. Biographical memoirs of Dr Adam Smith, Will. Robertson and Th. Reid, by Dugald STEWART. Edinb., 1811, in-4.

30937. Life and correspondence of Jos. Priestley, by John Towill Rutt. Lond., 1832, 2 vol. in-8. PENNANT'S literary life. Lond., 1793, in-4. 30938. Memoirs of Rich. Cumberland, by himself. London, 1807, in-4., ou 2 vol. in-8. 30939. An account of the life and writings of Jam. Bruce, by Alex. Murray. Edinb., 1808, in-4.

30940. The life of lord Macartney, by BARROW. London, 1806, 2 vol. in-4.

30941. Memoirs on the life and writings of Percival Stockdale. London, 1809, 2 vol. in-8. 30942. The life of Arth. Murphy, by Foot. London, 1811, in-4.

30943. Memoirs of Dr Burney, arranged by his daughter, Mad. Darblay. Lond., 1832, 3 vol. in-8. 30944. The professional life of Ch. Dibdin, written by himself, with the words of six hundred songs. London, 1803, 4 vol. in-8.

30945. The sexagenarian, or recollections of a literary life, by Will. Beloe. London, 1817, 2 vol. in-8.

Life of W. Pitt, by lord Mahon, earl Stanhope. Lond., 1861-62, 4 vol. in-18.

30946. Memoirs of the life and writings of Claud. Buchanan, vice-prevost of the college of Fort William in Bengal, by Hugh Pearson. Oxford, 1817, 2 vol. in-8.

30947. Memoirs of the life of R.-B. Sheridan, by Th. Moore. London, 1825, in-4.

30948. Memoirs of the margravine of Anspach (lady Craven), written by herself. London, 1826, 2 vol. in-8.

30949. S.-T. Coleridge's biographia literaria, or biographical sketches of my literary life and opinions. London, 1817, 2 vol. in-8.

30950. Memoirs of the life and writings of Will. HAYLEY, written by himself. London, 1825, 2 vol. in-4.

30951. Life of Will. Wilberforce, by his sons R.-J. and

S. Wilberforce. London, 1838, 5 vol. in-8., portr. 30952. Letters and journal of lord BYRON, with notices of his life by Th. Moore. Paris, 1833, 2 vol. in-8.

30953. The life of Reg. Heber, by his widow. London, 1830, 2 vol. in-4. (Article HEBER.)

30954. Memoirs of the life and public services of Th.-B. Stamford RAFFLES....., by his widow. London, 1830, in-4.

30955. Memoirs of the life of sir Humphrey Davy, by J. Ayrton Paris. London, 1830, in-4.

30956. The autobiography, times, opinions, and contemporaries of sir Egerton Brydges. London, 1834, 2 vol. in-8.

30957. The life of Will. Roscoe, by his son Henry Roscoe. London, 1833, 2 vol. in-8. 30958. Memoirs and correspondence of the late sir James-Edw. SMITH. London, 1832, 2 vol. in-8. 30959. An account of the infancy, religious and literary life of Adam Clarke, edited by J.-B.-B. Clarke. London, 1833, 3 vol. in-8.

30960. The life and correspondence of H. Salt, by J.-J. Halls. London, 1834, 2 vol. in-8. (Article SALT.)

Brief memoir of the life and writings of the late Will. Marsden. London, 1838, in-4.

30961. Reminiscences of a literary life, by Th.Frognall DIBDIN. London, 1836, 2 vol. in-8.

Recollection of a literary life, or books, places, and people, by Mary Russell Mitford. London, 1851, 3 vol. in-8.;-3e édit., 1858, en un vol. pet. in-8. Memoir of the life of sir J. Mackintosh, edited by his son, R.-J. Mackintosh. London, 1835, 2 vol. in-8.

Memoirs of life and times of Henry Grattan, publ. by his son. London, 1839-45, 5 vol. in-8.

The diary and correspondence of George Rose; containing original letters of the most distinguished statesmen of his day, edited by the rev. Levenson Harcourt. London, Bentley, 1859, 2 vol. in-8.

Mrs Thrale Piozzi, autobiography, letters and literary remains; 2d edit. Lond., 1861, 2 vol. in-8.

Rich. Beamish, Memoir of the life of sir M.-J. Brunel. Lond., 1862, in-8.

Journal and correspondence of William, lord Auckland. Lond., 1861-62, 4 vol. in-8.

30962. Th. DEMPSTER, Nomenclatura scriptorum

scotorum, Bononiæ, 1619, in-4. (et autres ouvrages auxquels celui-ci a donné naissance.) 30963. George Mackenzie's lives and characters of the most eminent writers of the scots nation, with an abstract and catalogue of their works. Edinburgh, 1708-11-22, 3 vol. in-fol.

30964. The lives of scotish poets, with preliminary dissertations on the literary history of Scotland, and the early scotish drama, by David Irvine. Edinburgh, 1810, 2 vol. in-8.

30965. Biographia scotica, by D. DALRYMPLE, lord Hailes. 1790, in-4. Voir les nos 27414-15. 30966. Lives of illustrious and distinguished Scotsmen, with an account of their works, by Robert Chambers. Glascow, 1833-35, 4 vol. in-8., portr. 30967. Iconographia scotica, by J. PINKERTON. London, 1794-97, in-8.

30968. The scotish gallery, by the same. London, 1799, in-8.

30970. The life of sir Walter SCOTT, by M. Lockhart. London, 1837-38, 7 vol. pet. in-8.

30971. Memoirs of the life and writings of the late Ch. O'Connor, by the Dr O'CONNOR. Dublin, 1796, in-8.

[blocks in formation]

E.-C. Werlauff. Historiske Antegnelser til Ludvig Holbergs atten forte Lystspil; udg. af Samf. til den danske Literaturs Fremme. Kiopenh., 1858, in-8.

Ludwig Holberg, sein Leben und seine Schriften, von Rob. Prutz. Stuttgart, Cotta, 1857, in-8.

Petri Gassendi vitæ Tychonis Brahei, Nic. Copernici, etc. Voir le n° 30827.

30974. E. Nyerup, Uebersicht des Lebens und der Schriften des dänischen Historiographen P.-F. von Suhin. Kopenh., 1799, in-8.

A.-S. Oersted, of mit Livs og ming Tids historie. Kjöbenhaven, 1851-56, 4 vol. in-8.

D.-L. Lübker, U. Schröder, Lexicon SchleswigHolstein Lauenburg. und Eutin. Schrifsteller von 1796-1828. Altona, 1829-30, 2 part. in-8.

Carstens Niebuhr's Leben, von B.-G. NIEBUIR. Kiel, 1817, in-8.

30975. Zoega's Leben und Briefe, von Fr. Gottl. Welcker. Stuttgart, 1819, 2 vol. in-8. 30976. Ol.-Gerh. TYCHSEN, oder Wanderungen durch die mannigfaltigsten Gebiete der biblischasiatischen Literatur, von A.-Theod. Hartmann. Bremen, 1813-23, 2 tom. en 5 vol. in-8. (Peut aussi se placer dans la Philologie, no 18287.)

30977. Merkwürdige Beilagen zu dem O.-G. Tychsen's Verdiensten gewidmeten literarisch-biographischen Werke. Bremen, 1818, in-8. ( Article TYCHSEN.)

30978. G. Gezel, Försök till ett biographiskt Lexikon öfver namn-kunnige och lärde Svenska Män. Stockh., 1778-87, 4 vol. in-8.

BIOGRAPHISKT - Lexicon öfyer namnkunnige Svenska Män. Upsala, Palmblad et Orebro, 183557, 23 vol. in-8. Svenskt Biographiskt Lexicon ny föld. Orebro, 1857 et ann. suiv., in-8., t. I, II, en 1862.

Norsk Författer-Lexicon. 1814-56. Af Jens E. Kraft. Efter författerens Död ordnet, soröget og


udgivet af Chr.-C.-A. Lange. Christiania, 1857-60, in-8.

30979. Rich. PULTENEY'S view of Linneus' writings. London, 1805, in-4.

30980. The life of Linneus, by Stoever. London, 1794, in-4.

30981. Vie de Linné, rédigée sur les documents autographes, par M. Fée. Lille, 1832, in-8. 30982. Sagan af Gunnlaugi Ormstunga ok SkalledRafni, sive Gunlaugi vermilinguis et Rafnis poetæ vita, ex mss. Legati Magnæænani cum interpr. latina, notis, tabulis (edentibus Lundorph, Suhm, Kall, etc.). Hafniæ, 1775, in-4.

30983. Allgemeines Schriftsteller- und GelehrtenLexikon der Provinzen Livland, Esthland und Kurland, von J.-Fr. von Recke und K.-E. Napiersky. Mittau, 1727-32, 4 vol. in-8.

Me de Swetchine. Sa vie et ses œuvres, publiées par M. de Falloux. Paris, Vaton, 1860, 2 vol. in-8. Ses Lettres, publiées par le même. Paris, 1861, 2 vol. in-8.

30984. JANOCIANA, sive clarorum Poloniæ auctor. mæcenatorumque memoriæ miscellæ. Varsovia, 1819, 4 vol. in-8.

J. Chodynicki, Dykcyonarz uczonych polakow... Dictionnaire des auteurs polonais. Livow, 1833, 3 vol. in-8. (Tiré de l'Histoire de la littérature polonaise de Bentkowski.)

Adam Mickiewicz, sa vie et ses croyances, Esquisse biographique, impressions et souvenirs, par Edmond Fontille. Paris, 1864, in-18 jés. 30985. Effigies virorum eruditorum atque artificum Bohemiæ et Moraviæ, una cum brevi vitæ operumque ipsor. enarratione (ab Ad. Voigt, Ign. a Born et Fr.-M. Pelzel). Praga, 1773-75, 2 vol. in-8. (Trad. en allemand, avec une continuation par Fr.-M. Pelzel. Prag., 1773-83, 4 vol. in-8., fig.) 30986.

Bohemia docta, opus posth. Bohusl. Balbini, illustr. a Raph. Ungar. Praga, 1777-80, 3 vol. in-8. 30987. Memoria Hungarorum et provincialium scriptis editis notorum, quam excitat Alexius Horanyi. Vienna et Posoni, 1770-77, 3 vol. in-8. Ejusdem nova memoria. Pestini, 1791, in-8.

g. Orientaux.

30988. B.-F. Tydeman conspectus operis Ibn-Chalikani de vitis illustrium virorum. Lugd.-Batav., 1809, in-4.

30989. IBN-CHALLIKANI vitæ illustrium virorum, Gottinga, 1835-38, in-4.; - avec la trad, française. Paris, 1838, in-4.

Abu Zacarja, Jahia el Nawaw. Liber concinnitatis nominum et vitæ illustrium virorum, arab. et lat. cum annotationibus F. Wüstenfeld. Gothæ, 1832-47, 9 part. pet. in-4.

Geschichte der arabischen Aertze und Naturforscher, von F. Wüstenfeld. Göttingen, 1840, in-8. 30990. Mémoire sur la vie et les ouvrages de Mei

dani, par Etienne Quatremère. Paris, 1828, in-8. 30991. Mémoire historique sur la vie d'Abd-Allah Ben-Zohair, par Etienne Quatremère. Paris, 1832, in-8.

The improvement of human reason exhibited in the life of Hai Ebn Yokdhan, written in arabick by Abu Jaafar Ebn Tophail, translated by Sim. Ockley. London, 1708, in-8.

FARIS el Chidiac. La vie et les aventures de Fariac... (en arabe). Paris, 1855, in-8. 30992. Biographical sketches of Dekan poets..., by Cavelly Ventaka RAMASOUMI. Calcutta, 1829, in-8. 30993. The life of Sheikh Mohamed Ali HAZIN, Written by himself. London, 1830, 2 vol. in-8.

h. Americains.

30994. An american biographical and historical dictionary, by Will. Allen; 2d edition. Boston, 1833, in-8.

Biblioteca americana septentrional, por el doctor D. José Mariano Beristain de Souza. Mexico, 1816-21, 3 vol. in-fol.

Varoes illustres do Brasil, durante os tempos coloniaes, por João-Manoel Pereira da Silva, Paris, Plon, 1852, 2 vol. gr. in-8.

30995. Memoirs of the private and public life of Will. Penn, by Th. Clarkson. London, 1820, 2 vol. in-8.

30996. Vie de Benj. Franklin, écrite par lui-même, suivie de ses œuvres morales, politiques et litteraires, traduites de l'anglais par J. Castéra, Paris, 1798, 2 vol. in-8.

30997. Memoirs of Benj. FRANKLIN, comprising his posthumous writings. London, 1818, 3 vol. in-., ou 6 vol. in-8.

Life and letters of Washington Irving, edited by his nephew P. Irwing. London, Bentley, 1862-63, 4 vol. in-8.

Dictionnaire historique des hommes célèbres du Canada et de l'Amérique, par Ribaud jeune. Montréal, Ribaud et Richer, 1857, in-8.

30998. Jos. EGUIARA, Bibliotheca mexicana. Merici, 1755, in-fol.


Joan.-Aloys. Maneiri de vitis aliquot Mexicanorum aliorumque qui sive virtute, sive litteris Mexici imprimis floruerunt. Bononiæ, 1791-92 3 vol. in-8.


D. Vies et Éloges des artistes célèbres.

a. Artistes en differents genres.

Dictionnaire des artistes, par l'abbé de Fontenai. Paris, 1776, 2 vol. pet. in-8. 31000. Allgemeines Künstler-Lexicon, von J.-Rod. FUESSLY. Zürich, 1771-79, in-fol. - 2o Bd., oder Ergänzungsb. (von Hs.-H. Fuessly). Ibid., 1806-21, in fol.

31001. Dizionario degli architetti, scultori, pittori, intagliatori, ecc., composto da Stef. Ticozzi. Milano, 1830-33, 4 vol. in-8.

31002. Neues allgemeines Künstler-Lexicon, oder Nachrichten von dem Leben und den Werken der Maler, Bildhauer, Baumeister, Zeichner, etc., voa G.-K. NAGLER. München, 1835-52, 22 vol. in-8, avec les monogrammes.

A. Weyermann, Neue histor., biogr., artist. Nachrichten von Gelehrten und Künstlern... aus der vormal. Reichstadt Ulm, Stettin, 1829, gr. in-8.

Kunst und Künstler in Köln. Ite Abtheilung : Nachrichten von dem Leben und den Werken Kölnischer Künstler. II Abtheilung: Die Meister der altkölnischen Malerschule, etc., von Joh.-Jac. Merlo. Köln, Heberle, 1850-52, 2 vol. gr. in-8., fig. Gwinner, Kunst und Künstler in Frankfurt am Main. Frankf., 1862, in-8.

Maler - Billedhugger - Kobberstik - Bygnings og Stempelskiaerer Kunstens Historie, i Kongerigerü Danmark og Norge, of Niels Henrich Weinwich. Kiöbenhaven, 1811, in-8.

Dansk, Norsk, og Suensk Kunstner-Lexicon af N.-H. Weinwich. Kjobenhavn, 1829, in-8.

G.-J. Dlabacz, Böhmisches und mährisches Künstler-Lexicon. Prag, 1815, 3 vol. in-â.

Biographical and critical dictionary of painters, engravers, sculptors and architects, from ancient to modern times, by Shearjashub Spooner. NewYork, 1853, in-12.

Notices sur quelques artistes français architectes, dessinateurs, graveurs, du XVIe au XVIe sièce, par H. Destailleur. Paris, Rapilly, 1863, in-8. 31003. Vite de' più eccellenti pittori, scultori ed architetti, da G. VASARI. Firenze, 1568, 3 vol, in-4. 31004. Le vite de' pittori, scultori ed architetti, dal 1572 sino al 1642, da Gio. Baglione. Foma, 1642. ovvero 1649, in-4. Le medesime, con la vita di Salvator Rosa scritta da Giov.-Batt. Passeri. Napoli, 1733, in-4.

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