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able instance of the hasty and unfeeling judgment with which man is prone to condemu his fellow man, and of that rancorous misrepresentation in particular, with which writers are accustomed to attack and revile eath other.

It is indeed little to the credit of the boasted dignity of human reason and human intellect, that even the profession of the purest principles of charity and love cannot teach men to look with pity and compassion, instead of anger and reproach, upon the errors, and mistakes, and faults of those around them.

If any one principle can be selected more contrary than all others to true religion, and more detrimental to human happiness, it is that so unhappily prevalent in the present day, both in the political and religious world, of applying to men's conduct motives which they themselves deny and disavow, when such conduct will admit of a more charitable interpretation, and may be accounted for without such evident trespasses upon justice and candour. That David Williams imbibed, and in some instances avowed, a disregard to principles which you and I, Mr. Urban, esteem as of the highest possible importance to our happiness, and productive to us of the most rational consolation and hope, we cannot but consider as the greatest misfortune of his life, and a subject of deep concern, rather than a cause of opprobrious insult and angry aver. sion. And this impression would be the stronger upon our minds when we observed, what every person that was long acquainted with him could not but observe, that his ruling passion, the general bent of his disposition, and the ultimate end he proposed in all his exertions, was to benefit his fellow creatures, to lessen the sum of human misery, and to diffuse comfort, harmony, and peace over all the dwellings of men. That he proceeded upon what we think erroneous and imperfect principles is a reason why we should endeavour to shew the inefficiency and defect of such principles; but it can be no just reason to brand his character with harsh and calumnious aspersions.

David Williams was born at a village near Cardigan, in 1738, and after receiving the rudiments of education, was placed in a school or college at Carmarthen, preparatory to the Dissenting Ministry; which profession he entered upon in obedience to parental authority, but very contrary to his own inclination. His abilities and acquirements even then appeared of a superior order; but he has often in the latter part of his life stated to the writer of these lines, that he had long considered it as a severe misfortune, that the most injurious impressions were made upon his youthful and ardent miud by the cold, austere, op

pressive, and unamiable manner in which
the doctrines and duties of religion were
disguised in the stern and rigid habits
of a severe Puritanical master. From
this college he took the office of teacher
to a small congregation at Froome, in
Somersetshire, and after a short resi
dence was reinoved to a more weighty
charge at Exeter. There the eminent
abilities and engaging manners of the
young preacher opened to him the seduc-
tive path of pleasure; when the reproof that
some elder members of the society thought
necessary, being administered in a man-
ner to awaken resentment rather than
contrition; and the eagle eye of anger dis-
covering in his accusers imperfections of
a different character indeed, but of tenden-
cy little suited to a public disclosure, the
threatened recrimination suspended the
proceedings, and an accommodation took
place, by which Mr. Williams left Exeter,
and was engaged to the superintendence
of a Dissenting congregation at Highgate.
After a residence there of a year or two, he
made his first appearance in 1770, as an
author, by a Letter to David Garrick, a
judicious and masterly critique on the
actor, but a sarcastic personal attack on
the man, intended to rescue Mossop from
the supposed unjust displeasure of the
modern Roscius: this effect was pro-
duced, Mossop was liberated, and the
Letter withdrawn from the booksellers.
Shortly after appeared "The Philoso
pher, in three Conversations," which were
much read, and attracted considerable
notice. This was soon followed by "Es-
says on Public Worship, Patriotism, and
Projects of Reformation;" written and
published upon the occasion of the leading
religious controversy of the day; but
though they obtained considerable circu-
lation, they appear not to have softened
the asperities of either of the contending
parties. The Appendix to these Essays
gave a strong indication of that detesta-
tion of intolerance, bigotry, and hypo-
crisy which formed the leading character
of his subsequent life, and which had been
gradually taking possession of his mind
from the conduct of some of the circle of
associates into which bis profession had
thrown him.

He published two volumes of "Sermons," chiefly upon Religious Hypocrisy, and then discontinued the exercise of his profession, and his connection with the body of Dissenters. He now turned his thoughts to the education of youth, and in 1773, published "A Treatise on Education," recommending a method founded on the plans of Commenius and Rousseau, which he proposed to carry into effect. He took a house in Lawrence street, Chelsea, married a young lady not distinguished either by fortune or connection, and soon found himself

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himself at the head of a lucrative and prosperous establishment. A severe domestic misfortune in the death of his wife blighted this prospect of fame and fortune: his fortitude sunk under the shock; his anxious attendance upon her illness injured his own health, the internal concerns of the family became disarranged, and he left his house and his institution, to which he never again returned.

During his residence at Chelsea, he became a member of a select club of political and literary characters, to one of whom, the celebrated Benjamin Franklin, he afforded an asylum in his house at Chelsea during the popular ferment against him, about the time of the commencement of the American war. In this club was formed the plan of public worship intended to unite all parties and persuasions in one comprehensive form. Mr. Williams drew up and published, "A Liturgy on the universal principles of Religion and Morality;" and afterwards printed two volumes of Lectures, delivered with this Liturgy at the chapel in Margaret-str. Cavendish-square, opened 7th April, 1776. This service continued about four years, but with so little public support, that the expence of the establishment nearly involved the Lecturer in the loss of his liberty. As the plan proposed to include in one act of public worship every class of men who acknowledged the being of a God, and the utility of public prayer and praise, it necessarily left unnoticed every other point of doctrine; intending, that without expressing them in public worship, every man should be left in unmolested possession of his own peculiar opinions in private. This, however, would not satisfy any of the various classes and divisions of Christians; it was equally obnoxious to the Churchman and to the Dissenter; and as even the original proposers, though consisting only of five or six, could not long agree, several of them attempting to obtain a more marked expression of their own peculiar opinions and dogmas, the plan necessarily expired and Mr. Williams has himself of late expressed his own surprise that he should not even then have formed a more accurate estimate of the present imperfection of human nature. Mr. Williams now occupied his time and talents in assisting gentlemen whose education had been defective, and in forwarding their qualifications for the senate, the diplomacy, and the learned professions. In this employment he prepared, and subsequently published, "Lectures on Political Principles," and "Lectures on Education," in 3 vols. His abilities also were ever most readily and cheerfully employed in the cause of friendship and benevolence; and many persons under injury and distress


have to acknowledge the lasting benefit of his energetic and powerful pen.

During the alarm in 1780, he published a tract, intitled "A Plan of Association on Constitutional Principles ;" and in 1782, on occasion of the County meetings and associations, he gave to the public his "Letters on Political Liberty;" the most important perhaps of all his works; it was extensively circulated both in England and France, having been translated into French by Brissot, and was the occasion of its author being invited to Paris, to assist in the formation of a constitution for that country: had Mr. Williams's temperate and rational advice been followed, what torrents of human blood, might have been spared! He continued about six months in Paris; and on the death of the king, and declaration of war against this country, took leave of his friends of the Girondist party, with an almost prophetic intimation of the fate that awaited them. He brought with him on his return a letter from the Minister of War, addressed to Lord. Grenville, and intended to give Mr. Williams, who was fully and confidentially entrusted with the private sentiments and wishes of the persons then in actual possession of the government of France, au opportunity of conveying those sentiments and wishes to the British Ministry. Mr. Williams delivered the letter into the hands of Mr. Aust, the Under Secretary of State, but never heard from Lord Grenville on the subject. Some further curious circumstances relating to this transaction are detailed in a page or two, corrected by Mr. Williams himself, in Bisset's History of George III.

Previously to receiving this invitation he had removed from Russell-street to Brompton, for the purpose of executing an engagement he had formed with Mr. Bowyer, to superintend the splendid edition of Hume, and write a continuation of the History; but after his return from France he found himself in an extraordinary situation, for at the very time he had been denounced in France as a Royalist, he had been branded in his own country as a Democrat; and he was informed that his engagement respecting the History of England could not be carried into effect, in consequence, as it was stated, of an in timation having been given that the privi lege of dedication to the Crown would be withdrawn if he continued the work. About this time he published the "Lessons to a young Prince," and engaged in, and af. terwards executed, the History of Monmouthshire," in one vol. 4to. with plates by his friend the Rev. John Gardnor.

With regard to the circumstance upon which he always seemed inclined to rest his fame, and which was most dear to his heart-the establishment of the Literary


Fund, he had, so far back as the time of his residence at Chelsea, projected a plan for the assistance of deserving authors in distress; and after several ineffectual attempts, he so far succeeded in the years ∙1788 and 1789 as to found the institution, and commence its benevolent operations. You, Mr. Urban, if not one of the first, yet certainly rank as one of the earliest Officers; and well know the unremitting zeal and activity with which the Founder devoted the full force of his splendid abilities, and the greater part of his time and attention, to foster and support the infant institution. He had the heartfelt satisfaction of seeing it continually rise in public estimation, and at length honoured with the illustrious patronage of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, who generously bestowed an annual donation for the purpose of providing a house for the use of the Society, and expressly desired that Mr. Williams should reside in it. A singular and striking work, written by Mr. Williams and several of his zealous and able coadjutors, who each put their names to their own several productions, was given to the publick under the title of "The Claims of Literature; explanatory of the Nature, Formation, and Purposes of the Institution."

During the peace of Amiens Mr. Williams again visited Paris, and is supposed to have been then intrusted with some confidential mission from the Government

of his own Country, his remarkable figure having previously been noticed entering the bouses of several of the higher members of the then Administration. On his return be published a much enlarged edition of a little work which the alarm of invasion had induced him to write, entitled "Regulations of Parochial Police ;" and he is thought to have been the author of a sort of periodical publication which appeared about that time in numbers, "Egeria; or Elementary Studies on the Progress of Nations in Political Economy, Legislation, and Government;" but which does not appear to have been continued beyond the first volume. The last acknowledged work that proceeded from his prolific pen was, "Preparatory Studies for Political Reformers." It is curious and instructive to observe the marked and striking effect produced by his experience of reform and reformers in the struggles of, and cousequent upon, the French Revolution; his diction retains its full vigour, but his anticipations are much less sanguine, and his opinions on the pliability of the materials on which reformers are to operate, or in other words, on the real character of human nature, seem much changed. About five years since he was seized with a severe paralytic affection, from which he partially recovered, but continued to suffer GENT. MAG. July, 1816.

the gradual loss of his corporeal and mental powers; his memory became very considerably impaired, and for some length of time preceding his decease he was unable to walk or move without assistance. The tender assiduities of an affectionate Niece soothed the sorrows of declining nature, and received from him the most affecting and frequent expressions of gratitude. The state of his mind cannot be so well depicted as by himself in the following letter, one of the last he ever wrote, and addressed to a clergyman of the Church of England, in the country:

"Dear Sir,

"I am now drawing near my end, and am desirous to conclude my days in peace. I have outlived almost all my relations and all my acquaintance; and I am desirous to exchange the most sincere and cordial forgiveness with those I have in any sort offended. I had once a great regard for you; why it was not continued I have forgotten. Indeed, a paralytic stroke has greatly destroyed my memory, and will soon destroy me.. I take leave of my friends and acquaintance: among others I take leave of you. I greatly esteemed you and your worthy father, and I hope you will only remember what you saw commendable and good in me, and believe me very sincerely yours, D. W."

It will readily be supposed that this let ter brought the gentleman immediately to town; and his friendly offices of kindness contributed very much during the last two years to the comfort and consolation of his suffering friend, who breathed his last on Saturday morning, the 29th of June, and was interred the Saturday following, in St. Anne's church, Soho, under this inscription:

David Williams, esq. aged 78 years;

Founder of the Literary Fund. In the words of his friend, Captain Thos. Morris, "The distinguishing trails of Mr. Williams's character were, a boundless philanthropy and disinterestedness; studious of every acquisition that forms the taste, but applying the strength of his genius to the arts of government and education as objects of the highest importance to the welfare of nations and the happiness of individuals. In his dress elegantly plain; in domestic life attentive to the niceties of decorum ; in public politely ceremonious ; in all his manners dignified and distinguished; in conversation elevated; in his person tall and agreeable, having a commanding look softened with affability."


A review of the life and writings of this remarkably gifted man strongly illustrates the observation, That political and moral philosophy, theories of government and education, even when displayed with splendid ability and enforced with the most engaging


benevolence, and with the best and most earnest motives of doing good, are found by a painful experience to be wholly inadequate to the task of reforming mankind, if employed without the aid of Christianity; it is the Gospel alone that can reach the weak and erring heart of man, and found the reformation and improvement of societies upon the purity, the virtue, and the piety of individuals. From the same review also, those who profess and call themselves Christians, may learn that a much larger portion than they are willing to allow of the censure and blame which they are so ready to charge upon Infidelity, may in fact be more justly chargeable upon themselves; upon that discrepancy of principle and practice, — that envy, hatred, malice, and uncharitableness which leads them into severe and unre


lenting censures of each other, and harsh and unkind disputes, even upon the doctrines of peace and love; thus supplying the doubtful and uubelieving with the most unanswerable of all arguments, that drawn from the hypocrisy of professing principles without suffering them to iufluence the practice.

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The Silhouette that accompanies this memoir is a good representation of the countenance, but is more stiff and erect than the manner, of the Founder of the Literary Fund: there is an excellent Bust of him in the House of the Society, executed, and generously presented to the Institution, by Richard Westmacott, esq. B. D.

* It shall be given in our next.


May 22. Died at Alphington, in the vicinity of Exeter, Edmund Calamy, Esq. aged 10. He was lineally descended from Edmund Calamy, a very eminent,learned,and pious Nonconformist Divine, who lived in the tempestuous reign of Charles I. He was born in London in 1600, and was admitted of Pembroke Hall in the University of Cambridge, where he took the degree of B. A. in 1619, and that of B.D. in 1632. Dr. Felton, the learned Bishop of Ely, made him his Chaplain, and gave him the Vicarage of Swaffham Prior in Cambridgeshire, which he afterwards resigned on being chosen one of the Lecturers of St. Edmunds Bury, in Suffolk. On the Restoration in 1660, he was appointed one of the Chaplains to King Charles II. and was offered the Bishoprick of Lichfield and Coventry, which he refused. He always maintained a strict adherence to the principles of religious liberty, and the rights of conscience; of which he gave an unequivocal proof, when, on the passing of the Act of Uniformity in 1662, he resigned the living which he then held, St. Mary, Aldermanbury. He died Oct. 29, 1666, within two months after the Fire of London.

Another of the ancestors of the late Mr. Calamy, several of whom were distinguished for piety and learning, was Dr. Edmund Calamy, born in 1671, grandson to E. Calamy mentioned above, by his eldest son. In 1688, he went over to the University of Utrecht, where he attended the lectures of the learned Grævius, and other eminent professors. On his return to England, among other studies, he began to inquire into the controversy between the Church of England and the Nonconformists; and after a long and sober examination of what had been written on both sides, he resolved to join himself to the latter. In 1703, he was chosen to suc

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ceed Mr. Vincent Alsop, as Pastor of the Congregation of Protestant Dissenters in Prince's-street, Westminster; where he was followed by Dr. Hughes, the Rev. S. Say, the Rev. Dr. Kippis, the Rev. T.Jervis, and the Rev. P. Houghton, &c. in succession. This venerable person published Mr. Baxter's History of his Life and Times; and afterwards a very useful Abridgment of it, which he subsequently improved into a much larger and more valuable work. In 1728, he completed his great design of preserving the History of such Ministers, Lecturers, Masters, and Fellows of Colleges, &c. as were ejected and silenced after the Restoration; work of prodigious industry and labour, and which is alone sufficient to transmit his memory with honour to posterity, as it has supplied the learned world with a noble collection of Memoirs which otherwise, in all probability, had been dissi-d pated and lost." He also distinguished himself by many other learned and useful writings; and had the degree of Doctor in Divinity conferred on him by the Univer sities of Aberdeen, Edinburgh, and Glasgow. He died in the City of Westminster ju 1732; and his loss was greatly regretted (says his Biographer), not only by the Dissenters, but also by moderate members of the Established Church, both Clergy and Laity, with many of whom he lived in great intimacy. A great and deserved character of Dr. Calamy was given in his funeral sermon by Mr. Mayo, as 60 a person of sound judgment, extensive learning; sincere piety, of a candid and benevolent temper, and very moderate with regard to differences in point of religion." (See Biogr. Brit. Dr. Kippis's Edition.)

Thus the name of Edmund Calamy is a name ever-memorable in this country in the annals of Nonconformity, and dear to

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