
And here we may remark how frequently one evil brings others in its train; and, therefore, how important it is to keep in the simple track of justice. The real cause of the introduction of the allowance system into England (joined with the ignorance of those who originated it) was the violent change in the value of money which took place about forty years ago; and later changes, of equal or perhaps greater violence, have done much towards extending the use of this system. At the time in question (1795), money was rapidly falling in value,-in other words, prices were rising. Now, it unfortunately happens that wages, which, like everything else, ought to rise and fall with the value of money, change very slowly either in one way or the other. Thus, in the time we are speaking of, bread and meat were getting dearer faster than wages were rising, so that the labouring man was in great distress; and this it was, probably, that induced the Berkshire magistrates to attempt to regulate wages: in doing which they planted a deadly weed which has since spread over a great part of the country. Again, the more recent changes in the value of money have, by greatly raising the farmer's rent, &c., thrown him in many cases into great difficulties; and his distress at length reaching the labourer, new motives have offered themselves to the unreflecting for extending the allowance system.

In justice, however, to those who have either introduced or propagated the allowance system, it must not be forgotten that a great deal of the blame lies with the country at large, in not providing an efficient system of police to protect life and property from the turbulent and lawless. Many of those who have the administration of the poor-laws are fully aware of the dreadful evils of the allowance system; they see that, in many places, it is hurrying both themselves and the labourers to ruin; but it requires no ordinary courage and firmness to take a step which would, in many cases, put their property and lives in peril.

The following is the pleasing picture of a parish redeemed from the state of degradation into which the allowance system had reduced it. It is taken from Mr. Cowell's Report, p. 388. The parish is that of Bingham, Nottinghamshire; and the gentleman to whom the honour of the reform is due, is the Rev. Mr. Lowe, incumbent of the parish. Mr. Lowe began the good work in the year 1818. The year before, the poor-rates were 1200l., the population being 1500. An immediate effect was produced on the amount of the rates, as is shown by the following table:£

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Such was the change in the cost of the poor; and we have no doubt that, if a scale could be drawn out, showing the real comfort and happiness of the inhabitants generally, it would be found that those advanced quite as rapidly as the poor-rates fell off. The present amount of the rates is 4501, The population of Bingham has, however, increased somewhat; and, of course, Bingham cannot escape the causes of agricultural distress, beyond the reach of local reforms.

"The Rev. Mr. Lowe became the incumbent of this parish in the year 1814; he is a magistrate, and resides on his living. He found it in a terrible state. In the year 1817 there were more than forty inmates in the workhouse; seventy-eight receiving constant weekly pay out of it; and, for the twelve weeks ending the 27th of June that year, I [Mr. Cowell] counted the number of roundsmen in the parish books, and found it amount to 103.

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consent to receive it who could possibly do without it; while at the same time it should come in the shape of comfort and consolation to those whom every benevolent man would wish to succour the old, infirm, idiots, and cripples. For this purpose, he placed in the workhouse a steady, cool-tempered man, who was procured from a distance, and was not known in the parish, as master, refused all relief in kind or money, and sent every applicant and his family at once into the workhouse. The fare is meat three times a week, soup twice, pudding once, milk porridge five times.


Surely no man who says that he cannot maintain himself, wife, and children, by the sweat of his brow-who declares that he is starving-who applies for charity—has a right to complain of being placed in a clean and comfortable house, of having a good bed to sleep on, and such fare every day as I have described above; and had Mr. Lowe stopped here, matters would not have been much mended. But the applicant who entered the workhouse, on the plea that he was starving for want of work, was taken at his word, and told that these luxuries and benefits could only be given by the parish against work, and in addition, that a certain regular routine was established, to which all the inmates must conform. The man goes to one side of the house, the wife to the other, and the children into the school-room. Separation is steadily enforced. Their own clothes are taken off, and the uniform of the workhouse put on. No beer, tobacco, or snuff is allowed. Regular hours kept, or meals forfeited. Every one must appear in a state of personal cleanliness. No access to bed-rooms during the day. No communication with friends out of doors. Breaking stones in the yard by the grate [piece], as large a quantity required, every day as an able-bodied labourer is enabled to break.

"What is there in all this of which an applicant for a portion of the property of others, on the ground that he is starving, has any right to complain? He has a better house over his head, better clothes on his back, better and more palatable food to eat, better medical advice, than nine-tenths of the peasantry of Germany, France, Switzerland, and Italy, and he is not required to do harder work. But the monotony, the restraint, the want of stimulants, the regularity of hours, are irksome to the pretended pauper. He bethinks himself of liberty and work, and work he will find, if there is a job undone in the parish or neighbourhood within a day's walk. No man stood this discipline for three weeks. After a struggle which lasted a few months, the paupers of Bingham gave the matter up. The inmates of the workhouse dropped from forty-five to twelve, who were all either old, idiots, or infirm, and to whom a workhouse is really a place of comfort. The number of persons relieved out of the workhouse dropped from seventy-eight to twenty-seven. The weekly pay from 67. to 1. 16s. to pensioners, all of whom are old and blind, or crippled. These are permitted to live with their relations, as such instances of relieving out of the workhouse produce no mischief.

"Wages rose to twelve shillings a week, winter and summer, all the year through; the labourer husbanded his resources, took a pride and pleasure in his cottage, and resumed his rank in the scale of moral being.

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The effect of this system is far more important in a moral point of view, than in a pecuniary or an economical one. The conduct and habits of the population of Bingham, according to the representations of Mr. Lowe and Deane, and by the consent of the neighbourhood, are now as different from what they were fifteen years ago, as can be conceived; no crimes, no misdeeds, no disturbances."

The example set by Mr. Lowe, in the reform of Bingham, has been followed in other places with equal success; and reforms, on a more extensive scale, have, in the course of the last few years, been effected in Liverpool, Birmingham, Derby, Oldham, and other large towns. In some of these (as we shall show when considering the effects of superior parochial government), the cost of the poor has been greatly reduced, even with an increasing population; and this reduction of the burthen to the rate-payers has been brought about without any sacrifice of the real interests of the poor

'The state of morals was that which invariably accompanies this manner of administering the poor-laws. The labourers were turbulent, idle, dissolute, profuse; scarcely a night passed without mischief; and in the two years preceding 1818, seven men of the parish were transported for felonies. The poor, to use the words of my examinants, Mr. Lowe, and Deane the overseer, were completely masters. "In 1818-19, Mr. Lowe undertook to remedy this state-nay, to their great benefit. of things. Being satisfied that it proceeded entirely from the operation of the poor-laws, and that there was no cause, independent of their influence, to prevent his parishioners from being happy, honest, and industrious, and knowing that it was impossible to refuse relief, according to the practice and custom of the country, he devised means for rendering relief itself so irksome and disagreeable that none would

Bastardy. The provision for bastard children forms, to a certain extent, a branch of the allowance system. We have already given some explanation of the state of the law of bastardy. The burthen of the support of a bastard child, like that of any other child, falls by law on the parentsthe parish being required to provide for the child only in case of extreme indigence on the part of the parents; the

among many proofs of this, we may mention Burghfield parish, near Reading, where the introduction of a superior parochial government was quickly followed by a reduction to one-half in the number of births of bastard children.

parish, in that case, having the power to prosecute the father | administer the poor-laws than on anything else. As one and mother for the offence which has brought a burthen upon it. Now, there is nothing objectionable in the principle of the law, as just laid down, but the practice is bad enough. The parents are seldom punished in any way whatever; and the allowance to the mother for the support of the child is often greater than that afforded to the widow for her legitimate offspring,-nay, the mother of a bastard child is often the better off for her offence; she frequently receives more than the child costs her: her children, therefore, become a source of income to her, and make her an object to be scrambled for in marriage by the young fellows of her parish.

The following extract from Mr. Cowell's Report of the parish of Swaffham, in Norfolk, (page 393,) will show that our picture is not overdrawn. The Reports from the other Commissioners, as also that of the Lords Committee in 1831, abound in similar matter; and here we may observe that the evidence given in the Report of the Lords' Committee has been very generally confirmed by the Poor-Law Commissioners. Several of the facts we have extracted from the Commissioners' Report might have been taken from that of the Lords' Committee.

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A woman in a neighbouring parish had five illegitimate children, for whom she was allowed 10s. per week, and 68. for herself. Finding herself pregnant for the sixth time, she employed a man to go round to various persons with whom she might or might not have had connexion, to acquaint each of them separately with the fact of her pregnancy, and of her intention of swearing the child to him unless he consented to send her a sum of money, when she would engage to swear it to some one else. Her demands for this hush-money ranged as high as 107. in some instances. The first man to whom her ambassador applied gave him 10%. The ambassador returned, and represented to his employer that the man had laughed at her threat, but had sent her half-a-crown, out of which he thought she ought to give him 1s. 6d. for his trouble. To this she consented; so he benefited 97, 198., and she 18. by this first negotiation. She carried on this course with several persons with various success, and at last swore the child to a man who resisted, and on his appeal succeeded in getting the order on him quashed. The case was tried at Swaffham, where the above circumstances came to light in court.

"This woman was never punished. She gave birth to her child, was allowed 28. for it by the parish, and is now in the receipt of 18s. per week, the produce of successful bastardy adventures.

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My informant in this and the following instance was Mr. Sewell, clerk to the magistrates at Swaffham. "A woman of Swaffham was reproached by the magistrate, Mr. Young, with the burdens she had brought upon the parish, on the occasion of her appearing before him to present the parish with her seventh bastard. She replied, I am not going to be disappointed in my company with men to save the parish. This woman now receives 14s. a week for her seven bastards, being 2s. a head for each. Mr. Sewell informed me that, had she been a widow with seven legitimate children, she would not have received so much by 4s. or 5s. a week, according to their scale of allowance to widows. A bastard child is thus about 25 per cent. more valuable to a parent than a legitimate one. The premium upon want of chastity, perjury, and extortion, is here very obvious; and Mr. Sewell informed me that it is considered a good speculation to marry a woman who can bring a fortune of one or two bastards to her husband. Mr. Sewell had never known in the course of his experience but two women punished for having illegitimate children. The profligacy in this neighbourhood is very great."


Having now pointed out some of the many evils resulting from the relief by allowance, it appears advisable to state in what manner it seems most eligible to afford relief. In rendering relief, the three things to be constantly kept in mind are, 1st, a strict economy of the funds of the ratepayers; 2dly, the moral improvement and real welfare of the pauper; 3dly, the effect of the treatment of the pauper on the independent labourer.

We have already spoken of the treatment of paupers in workhouses. According to their character, conduct, and past character, the discipline should approach that of the prison in severity, or place the inmate in a situation not very far inferior to that of the independent labourer. The most difficult part of the duty of a parish officer, however, is the relief of out-paupers-so various are the ways in which he may be imposed upon. The out-pauper may be getting higher wages than he states, or he may be able to get work which he refuses to take, or he may be wasting part of his income at the gin-shop, or he may be receiving relief from some charity, or from another parish. In any one, or in all these ways, the out-pauper may be deceiving and defrauding. What are the precautions to be taken against all this? In the first place, we should say that, excepting under very peculiar circumstances, such as a sudden and unforeseen calamity causing general and severe distress, no person ought ever to receive relief out of the workhouse, unless the overseer fully believes him to be a sober, honest, and industrious man. If there be any doubt of his character, he should be immediately placed in the workhouse, where (under good arrangements) he can be compelled to work, and has no opportunity of abusing the parish relief by buying gin, &c. Even those who may be safely trusted to receive relief at their own homes should not obtain it in money. That most tempting commodity, money, ought never to get into the hands of a pauper; for if it is to be of real service to his family, the man must exchange the money for bread and clothes: then why not keep him out of temptation by giving him food and clothes at once? Independently of this, relief in kind is the cheapest; for surely a parish can, under tolerable management, buy and cook more economically than a man who has only a few shillings to expend. In a later part of our article, we shall (in speaking of the advantage of incorporating small parishes) give some valuable evidence on the saving that may be effected by providing for people in large numbers. Relief then, we repeat, should always be given in kind, never in money. Another regulation we venture to recommend, is, to have the food, clothing, &c., carried round to the houses of the paupers, and delivered to the wife, who is almost always a better manager than the husband, and more anxious for the comfort of the children. With this arrangement, too, there would be no chance of a man's getting supplied by two parishes at the same time. Again, the fact of his receiving relief would be generally known to the charitable in the neighbourhood; moreover, the man's own day would not be broken into by his having to fetch his parish allowance, nor would he be brought into association for a couple of hours every week with numbers of other paupers.

In no case, except that of sickness, should relief be afforded without a full quantity of work, of some kind or other, being previously done. In many parishes, the cost of the paupers It is needless to expatiate on the utter incapacity of men has been considerably reduced by the work performed by under whose management such a state of things as this them. In the workhouse of Shardlow parish, Derbyshire, could arise. What can be more simple than that if you for example, the able-bodied poor, according to Mr. Pilkinggive a premium for incontinence and perjury, inconti- ton's Report, very nearly earned the cost of their maintenence and perjury will be created? The conclusion, how-nance last year. If the out-paupers did nothing more than ever, to be drawn from the facts just given, and from a keep the streets and roads clean in wet weather, and well hundred others of a like kind, is, that the administration of watered in hot, dusty weather, they would be doing somethe poor-laws ought to be placed in the hands of men who thing which would add very much to the comfort of the inhaare chosen because of their fitness for office-who have some bitants of our towns and villages. The out-paupers might knowledge of human nature and of the springs of action, also do a great deal towards protecting the health of the and who are held responsible for the performance of their town by draining, removing heaps of manure, whitewashing, duties. The extent of bastardy, in any particular dis- cleaning, &c. The state of our towns and villages, when trict, like that of most of the other evils we have considered, the fear of the cholera roused attention to these matters, depends more on the intelligence or ignorance of those who showed how much labour might be profitably employed in

the way we have pointed out. But the greatest advantage | vident, and vicious constitute the second. To the former is derived from the plan of hard labour is the ready test it affords of a pauper's necessities. The principal instrument in effecting the parochial reforms we have spoken of has been work; and any relaxation has been followed by an increase in the numbers of paupers.

The following is taken from Mr. Henderson's Report from Liverpool, page 346. Mr. Henderson is speaking of the way in which the reform of parish affairs there was carried into effect,-a reform which, in the space of two years, reduced the amount of poor-rates from 41,000l. to 23,000l. This took place in the years 1821 and 1822.

allowed an ample supply of butcher's meat and other suitable food; to the second class nothing but bread and cheese. None are allowed to absent themselves from the workhouse, or to receive visiters within its walls, without an express and written order from an overseer.

"Every possible encouragement is given to honest industry, providence, and frugality, by the establishment of a saving-bank, a friendly society, a lying-in-charity, and all other means that can be devised. Young persons going to service are allowed an outfit of clothes; and a member of the friendly society is always received by the select vestry with marked attention. I cannot help adding that, during the late troubles, there has been no fire, no riot, no threatening letter in the parish."

Mr. Chadwick's Report bears evidence of the happy effects on the comforts and moral welfare of the inhabitants of Cookham, produced by these and other arrangements introduced by Mr. Whateley :

"In Cookham, where the change was the most extensive, the parochial expenditure was reduced from 31337. to 11557. and the general condition of the labouring classes improved. Mr. Russell, the magistrate of Swallowfield, stated to me, that in riding through Cookham he was so much struck with the appearance of comfort observable in the persons and residences of some of the labouring classes of that village, that he was led to make inquiries into the cause. The answers he received, determined him to exert his influence to procure a similar change of system in Swallowfield."

"This change was brought about by a thorough investigation of all the cases on the parish books: the parties receiving relief were examined, and the circumstances under which they first became chargeable were carefully scrutinized, by which means numerous impositions were detected, and the parish was enabled to reduce or withdraw many of the allowances. Great exertions were also made to provide work for able-bodied paupers : the vestry at one time contracted to fill up part of an old stone quarry, and make a road over it; at another to cultivate by spade labour a large tract of ground called the Rector's Fields; and at another time to level, for the sum of 1000l., a large rock near the workhouse, on the site of which the Infirmary has since been built. Thus they set to work all able-bodied applicants for relief, and also turned all able-bodied men out of the workhouse, paying them one shilling a day to provide themselves, and exacting a good day's work in return. Many under this system, who had been for years in the workhouse, quitted it, and eventually found employment for themselves elsewhere." We may here remark how true it is with voluntary chaMr. Chadwick gives the evidence of some of the assistant-rities as with compulsory relief, that their good or bad effect overseers of London parishes, on the necessity of providing depends on their administration. In few places is more work for out-paupers. The following is that of Mr. Luke done for the poor and the labouring classes than at CookTeather, assistant-overseer of St. Mary, Lambeth :ham; the assistance, however, is judiciously afforded, and "If you could get hard work for your able-bodied out-door few places can be pointed out in which the people are in a poor, so as to make their condition on the whole less eligible more thriving state. than that of the independent labourer, what proportion of those who are now chargeable to the parish do you think would remain so?-On a rough guess, I do not think that more than one out of five would remain.


"Can you state any facts to justify that conclusion? Yes the instances of the proportions who have left us on their having had work given them. Some time ago, for instance, we had a lot of granite broken; there were not above twenty per cent. of the men who began the work who remained to work at all; there were not above two per cent. who remained the whole of the time during which the work lasted. Many of them, however, were not idle men; but they found other jobs."

"With the view of reducing the parochial expenditure of the populous parish of Marylebone, the stone-yard was discontinued, as it was believed to be conducted at a loss, and the able-bodied paupers receiving out-door relief were no longer employed. Soon after this proceeding, the able-bodied applicants for parochial relief increased in such numbers, that it has recently been found necessary to recur to the use of the stone-yard to stem the influx. Nine hundred of the applicants for relief were set to work; only eighty-five have continued at work. The average wages were from 10s. to 12s. per week, but some got as much as 18s."

The evidence of the Rev. Thomas Whateley, before the Lords' Committee, is very strong on the advantages of providing work for the poor. Mr. Whateley is speaking of Cookham parish, Berkshire :

"The system of management introduced by the select vestry of the parish of Cookham has been attended with very beneficial effects, both to the rate-payer and to the poor. To the former it has saved in eight years up to Lady-day last, compared with the preceding eight years, no less a sum than 15,0087. To the latter it has been equally beneficial, by introducing habits of frugality, industry, and providence, which have been strongly marked by their beneficial effects. Only one bastard child has been registered in either of the two last years. The system is simple, and may be accommodated to the circumstances of most agricultural parishes. Its leading features are the employment of the able-bodied poor, who apply for relief, at low wages and at hard work by the piece, showing them that the parish is the hardest task-master and the lowest pay-master they can apply to. Never giving any thing in aid of labour, rent, or rates. Dividing the paupers in the workhouse into two classes; the old, infirm, and impotent form the first; the idle, impro

To return, however, to the subject of pauper labour. Whenever there is any difficulty in obtaining the proper amount of work from an out-pauper, the privilege of receiving relief at his own house should be withdrawn, and he should be forthwith subjected to the discipline of the workhouse.

Under a good general system of management we have little doubt that work might readily be found, in draining, cleansing, cutting new roads, widening streets, &c. &c., which would enable society with very little loss to afford wages sufficient to procure the necessaries of life to all who choose to apply for employment. If this could be brought about, most of the vexations about paupers' settlements, &c. would be done away with. If a man earned, or nearly earned, the allowance afforded him by the parish, there would be but little motive for inquiring whether or not he happened to belong to that particular parish.

The following evidence of Mr. William Winkworth, the overseer of the parish of St. Mary's, Reading, is from Mr. Chadwick's Report, p. 207 :

"In this town great advantages would be derived by a union of the parishes: first, in obtaining more efficient officers and administrators; next, in systematic and united management; thirdly, in more economical expenditure; and fourthly, in finding things for labour, and in directing the labour of the able-bodied paupers.

"The town, for example, wants draining. We have brickmakers and carpenters, and other labourers, on the parishes, receiving relief; and the whole town might be well drained by the labour of these paupers, at the expense of materials only-bricks, wood, mortar, and sand. This, however, is a work which the parishes cannot, or will not, undertake separately: it is prevented by petty jealousies and dissensions, and the want of able officers to direct the work of the paupers. The owners of premises well situated and well drained, say, 'Drainage is a benefit to the owners of the property, and we do not see why we should be called upon to contribute money for their benefit. The owners of the houses where the drainage is most wanted say, 'We can get no rents to pay for the work, and the nuisances which are caused by the want of it must therefore continue. account is taken of the necessity of finding work of any sort for the able-bodied paupers: nothing can be done with the separate parishes governed by open vestries, no cordial cooperation can be got, and the benefit of considerable labour is lost. As the surveyor of the road from this town to Ba


singstoke, and also of the road from hence to Shillingford, I can state, from my observation of the several parishes (nineteen in number) through which these roads pass, that very considerable labour might be found, under good direction, in improving their private roads. This is an instance of the sort of work which might frequently be found for paupers. In some of the parishes the roads are kept in very good order, but this is mere accident; whilst in the immediately adjoining parishes more money will be expended, and the roads will, nevertheless, be in so bad a state, that the parish is indictable for them,"

Again, at page 316, Mr, Mott gives the following evidence:

"From the statements of medical men in the metropolis, and also of such persons as Dr. Kay of Manchester, it appears that, in consequence of the want of drainage of certain districts, and the crowded and dirty state of the habitations, there are some neighbourhoods from which disease is never absent. Have you observed similar effects in the parishes with which you are acquainted?'-'I have observed it, not only in Lambeth, but in all crowded neighbourhoods; and, seeing how large a source of unavoidable pauperism this is, I have long regretted that the proprietors of these small houses were not compelled to keep them in a proper state. An independent labourer may be industrious and provident, and yet both he and his family may be subjected to a fever, or other disease, and thrown upon the parish, in consequence of want of drainage, and filth, and other causes, which he has no means of removing.'

"So that, looking merely to the poor-rates, it would be good economy to pay attention to drainage and the enforcement of sanatory regulations ?'-'I think so; and that it would be attended with great benefit. Some neighbourhoods are so constantly the seats of particular diseases, and sources of pauperism from that cause, that if assistant-overseers, and others accustomed to visit the abodes of the poor, were asked for cases of those diseases, they could direct you to particular places where you would almost be sure to find the disease at work, I remember that, one winter, when the weather was very severe, the beadles of Newington parish were directed to pay particular attention to the sick out-door poor. They went at once to some courts in Kent Street, as a matter of course, without making any inquiry (just as a gamekeeper would go to a well-stocked preserve); and returned with two coach-loads full of most deplorable objects, the victims of frightful disease.'



The remaining defects in the English poor-laws (we speak of the principal ones only) can perhaps be best considered under the present head,

We will now inquire what the amount of poor-rates is in some parishes where the bad management, generally found in small parishes, is not checked by causes like those operating in the north. In Berkshire, the rates in the year 1831 were 15s. 2d. a head; in Wiltshire, 16s. 7d,; and in Sussex, 198. 5d.; being more than four times the proportion of poor-rates to population in Lancashire, and nearly eight times what it is at the town of Oldham.

With these general facts to start with, we may now go on to consider in what the advantages of large parishes consist. In the first place, a great deal of trouble and vexation is saved in determining settlements. In a large parish, a man may generally go where his labour is wanted, and may change his abode many times without making any alteration in his settlement, or giving room for any dispute concerning it; but in the ridiculously small parishes to be found in some parts of the country, containing only a few hundred acres of land, a labourer can scarcely take a hop, stride, and jump, without changing his parish, or at least getting on debateable ground.

England and Wales are at present chopped up into as many as 10,000 distinct parishes; and the city of London, within the walls, containing a population of not more than 55,000, is divided into ninety-six separate parishes.

If the 10,000 parishes, into which the country is divided, were incorporated into 500, there would still be much room for further union at a future time. Still, however, an important step would be taken, and much good would result. If such new divisions of the country were made, advantage should be taken of the opportunity of forming districts or parishes on really good principles of union. We would submit the following for consideration, each to be abided by as far as a general attention to all will admit:-Equality of population and wealth-similarity of interests and occupations among the inhabitants-facility of intercourse and convenience of boundary. A number of parishes formed on these principles might together make a county, and be placed under a municipal government,

With a good system of management, such as is at the command of large bodies acting in unison, the advantages resulting from the junction of parishes would probably be so great that, in a few years, there would be a general inclination to join yet further. In this case we should venture to recommend that the parishes should still remain separate, as far as regards the amount of poor-levies required from them, but that they should be united in all that relates to the expenditure of the levies. The question how much each pardecided by the municipal government; and should be deticular parish should be required to contribute, might be termined on a consideration of the peculiar circumstances of the parish, and how far the inhabitants had exerted themselves to remove, by education or otherwise, the causes of pauperism.

Parishes too small.-As the present division of the country, To return to the evils produced at present by the settleas to parishes, was made long before the introduction of ment laws, and the division of the country into small papoor-laws, and therefore without the slightest reference to rishes. As we have before said, a great deal of money is their administration, it is not surprising that it should prove at present wasted in determining to what particular parish a very inconvenient one; the only wonder is, that the ar- a pauper belongs; and labouring men are often refused rangement has not been changed long ago. One thing ap-employment in parishes where they are really wanted, lest pears certain, namely, that, as regards the administration of they should get settlements there, and so eventually become the poor-laws, most of the existing parishes are far too small. a burden. To prevent settlements of this kind another evil There is plenty of evidence to show that, excepting under is often run into. Labourers and servants are hired for peculiar circumstances, the large parishes are much better short periods; and thus a bar is put to the growth of those managed than the small ones. mutual sympathies between employer and labourer which are so important in their effects on the character of each. Sometimes the difficulty is on the side of the labourer himself, who refuses work offered him elsewhere, lest he should lose a settlement in a "good parish,"-meaning by that, a parish in which the allowance system is in full play, and the scale high. It is easy to see that all this must lead to a great deal of trouble and mischief; and by referring to the evidence of facts, such conclusion is fully borne out. Mr. Chadwick, from whose able Report we have already given several extracts, supplies us with the following apposite matter:

In the year 1831, the cost of the poor of Liverpool was only 48. 34d. per head of the population; that is to say, every person on an average was called upon for only 4s. 3 d. of poor-rates. In Oldham the rates were yet lower, being only 2s. 3d, each individual. Taking the whole county of Lancaster, with its great towns and throngs of inhabitants, the poor-rates amounted to not more than 4s. 4 d. per head of the population, which is considerably less than in any other county in the whole of England and Wales. This low rate is most nearly approached by the counties in the extreme north of the country. We are not aware that parishes are at all larger there than elsewhere; the inhabitants, however, have in their old-established customs many securities against pauperism which do not exist in other parts of the country. We wish we had room to give a detailed account of their mode of life; for the present we must content ourselves with referring such of our readers as have access to the document, to the very interesting evidence of Mr. Grey given in the Report of the Lords' Committee of 1831,

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instead of by parishes, would greatly benefit all classes. I spoken of the frauds practised by paupers, For additional Very frequent instances have occurred to me of one parish information on this subject we turn to Mr. Chadwick's Rebeing full of labourers, and suffering greatly from want of port, p. 257 :— employment, whilst in another adjacent parish there is a demand for labour. I have no doubt that if the labourers were freed from their present trammels, there would be such a circulation of labour as would relieve the agricultural districts.'

"Can you give any instances within your own knowledge of the operation of the law of settlement?'-'I was requested by Colonel Bogson, Kesgrove House, to furnish him with a farming bailiff. I found a man in all respects qualified for his situation; he was working at 9s, a week in the parish where I lived. The man was not encumbered by a family, and he thankfully accepted my offer: the situation was, in point of emolument, and comfort, and station, a considerable advance; his advantages would have been doubled. In about a week he altered his mind, and declined the situation, in consequence, as I understood, of his fearing to remove from what was considered a good parish to a bad one, the parish to which it was proposed to remove him being connected with a hundred house, in which there was more strict management.-I was requested by a poor man, whom I respected, to find a situation for his son, in London; the son was a strong young man, working at that time at about 8s. a week. I eventually succeeded in getting him a good situation of one guinea per week, in London, where his labour would have been much less than it was in the country; but when the period arrived at which he was expected in London, he was not forthcoming. It appeared he had altered his mind, and determined not to take the place; as I understood, his reason for refusing to accept it arose from a reluctance to endanger his settlement in his parish. Such are the instances which are continually presented to my observation, with respect to the operation of the present system of settlement,'

"The general effect of particular modes of living and gradation of dietaries, may be best proved by the declarations and conduct of those who have tried them all.

"In consequence of the inquiries I have made on this subject, many of the inmates of the workhouses have been questioned as to their experience. Mr. Hewitt, the master of the workhouse of St. Andrew's, Holborn, and St. George the Martyr, made separate and close inquiries of several of the paupers in that house, who had been in various prisons and workhouses, and on board the hulks. He has furnished me with several dietaries made up from the statements of the paupers, and I find that they correspond very accurately with the dietaries set forth in the official returns. From the statements and admissions of the paupers, it appeared that they usually knew to an ounce the dietaries of the metropolitan prisons, and the hulks, and of many of the workhouses, of which some one amongst them had made trial. One of the paupers, named James Philby, a stout able-bodied man, (with the exception that he had a club foot,) had been fifteen times in the House of Correction for various misdemeanours, He also acknowledged that he had received relief from the parishes of St. James, Clerkenwell; Chelsea; Bethnal Green; St. Giles, Bloomsbury; St. Dunstan, Fleet Street; St. Andrew, Holborn, above bars; the Liberty of the Rolls; Whitechapel; St. Mary, Newington; St. Andrew, Saffron Hill; Kensington; and St. George, Southwark. He had resided in all these workhouses; he had lived in one workhouse whilst he managed to get relief as an out-door pauper from others, and that too during the same week, He had also received sets up,' or grants of stated sums for stated periods, from the several parishes. He admitted that he had, at times, varied his occupation by stealing a little. One instance was mentioned, where, after he had been liberated from an imprisonment for


In connexion with the subject of bastardy, we have already given some facts, showing evils arising from the pre-stealing a gentleman's great coat, he went to the owner, and, sent settlement-laws. The following displays an abuse of another kind :

"A proprietor possessing nearly the whole of a parish at some distance from Ely, has, we are told, hired a farm in Ely, which he manages by a bailiff; he sends his own parishioners to work on it. To these persons his bailiff gives settlements in Ely, by hiring; and at the end of the year they are turned off upon Trinity parish in Ely, and their places supplied by a fresh immigration from the mother parish. The proprietor may have had very different motives from those attributed to him by our examinants; and this circumstance is not mentioned for the purpose of casting any reflection on him, (we do not know his name, nor what account of the transaction he himself might give,) but in order to point out the temptations which settlement by hiring and service' throws in the way of persons even of station and education. In the case of Great Shelford, narrated above, are not the landowners, who daily see their property slowly but surely passing away from them, under a strong temptation to save themselves from ruin by hiring a couple of farms for seven years, in two distinct parishes, and bribing their supernumerary families to take service there? And this is clearly possible by the existing law."-Report of Poor-Law Commissioners, p. 387.

From all that has been brought forward, it appears that the evils connected with the question of settlements are very great, and that the remedies to be applied are, 1st, Enlargement of parishes. 2d, The introduction of a uniform system throughout the country, so that a pauper may receive exactly the same treatment in one parish as in another. 3d, The reduction of the cost of a pauper to the least possible amount, as well by attention to strict economy as by employing the pauper in useful labour. In addition to these reforms it would be well to adopt some more simple law of settlement than the present one. In Scotland every person belongs to that parish in which he has dwelt during the greater part of the previous three years; and this law of settlement appears to work tolerably well-at any rate very much better than the English law; for the amount of litigation in Scotland on the subject of settlement is trifling compared with the amount in England.

Frauds by Paupers.-These would be much checked by an enlargement of parishes, and the introduction of a general and uniform system of administration. We have already, in considering the way in which relief should be afforded,

as a favour, offered to let him have his own coat back a bargain. This pauper, after having received relief fraudulently from St. George's parish, Southwark, during twelve years, was prosecuted by them, and his sentence was four months' imprisonment. This sentence, according to his own statement, transferred him from the workhouse-where, as an inmate on a low diet, the allowance was only 134 oz. of food weekly-to a place where the allowance was 230 oz. From the statements of these persons, it appeared that the average dietaries of the workhouses in the metropolis was about 170 oz. of solid food, whilst in prison the dietaries were from 200 oz. to 280 oz. of solid food weekly. They admitted that the labour in the prisons was very often little more than mere exercise; that they were always very kindly treated; but that, as they lived well enough in the workhouse, they preferred it, because they had more liberty there, and could get better society when they were out. As to regular work,' Philby said that he could at all times travel to any part of the country, and live better on the road than he could possibly do by hard labour."

Superior Economy of large Parishes.--Under other heads we have had occasion to bring forward some facts in support of the opinion that the maintenance of the poor in a large parish can be managed more economically than in a small one. The following additional evidence has been given by Mr. Charles Mott, the contractor for the poor of Lambeth parish :

"The city of London within the walls comprehends a population of 55,000, whose poor are relieved and managed in ninety-six parishes. Lambeth comprehends a population of 87,000, and the administration of relief to the poor is managed by one establishment, and the money raised for the purpose is collected on one rate.-What do you consider would be the effect of the subdivision of Lambeth into ninetysix independent parishes, each managing the poor independently of the rest, or each exercising the right of assent or dissent from any combined management in the same way as each parish belonging to the incorporated hundreds ?The chief effects which appear to me to be likely to ensue, are, that we should have ninety-six imperfect establishments instead of one; ninety-six sources of peculation instead of one; ninety-six sets of officers to be imposed upon by paupers instead of one set; ninety-six sources of litigation and of expense for removals and disputed settlements instead of one; and ninety-six modes of rating instead of one."

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