
heart, hurrying him to madness. His home, he added, was horror to him; and he swore he never would return, unless something could be thought of to redeem his lost honour.

This was the very point to which Stukely had wished to bring him and, taking advantage of his distraction, he prevailed upon him to sell the reversion of his uncle's estate, the last and only hope which remained to save his wife and child from beggary. Bates, one of the gang, was the person appointed to make the purchase, and was provided by Stukely with money for the purpose. Bates at first objected to the sale of the reversion, as a circumstance which might cause suspicion, and be attended with danger to their mutual safety; Stukely, however, confident of his own plans, silenced all objections and, while Beverley was busily engaged in this last act of folly and desperation, proceeded to the apartments of Mrs. Beverley, and with well feigned sorrow at her helpless situation, at length succeeded in convincing her of her husband's falsehood, and that the jewels which she had trusted to his care for the relief of his friend's supposed wants, had been lavished on a mistress!

Mrs. Beverley, hitherto so mild, gentle, forbearing and affectionate, was tortured by the idea of being thus cruelly deceived, where she had reposed such unbounded confidence. Feeling herself also deserted and betrayed by him, for whom she had sacrificed all she possessed, she burst out at once into a vehement strain of sorrow and invective; when Stukely, thrown off his guard by her violence, disclosed his real sentiments, by making her an offer of his protection! The whole extent of his villany flashed at once across her mind; and she repulsed him with disdain, threatening him with the resentment of her injured husband-"Why send him for defiance then (replied the hardened wretch), tell him

I love his wife, but that a worthless husband forbids our union-I'll make a widow of you and court you honourably."

Mrs. Beverley, terrified for the safety of her husband, bade him retain his own secret and begone: then, ringing for her attendant, informed him that his absence would please her, and he sullenly departed.

This unexpected repulse from Mrs. Beverley inflamed the baneful passions of Stukely, to a deeper and more deadly vengeance against the victim of his previous hatred, whom he now determined to pursue with unceasing rancour. On his return he found his agent, Bates, who imparted to him the joyful tidings of Beverley's certain ruin; but his exultation was soon interrupted by a visit from Lewson, who came as an avowed and open enemy, taxed him with his villany, and dared him to resentment.

But guilt is ever cowardly. He bore Lewson's insults tamely; and only threatened to appeal to the laws of his country for satisfaction against calumny; coolly adding however that Beverley was in his power; and that should his friendship be again slandered, the hand which had supplied, might fall upon and crush him.

Lewson set these threats at defiance; declaring that, let him fly where he would, vengeance should pursue him, and Beverley be saved, yet not owe his rescue to his wife's dishonour.

Stukely was almost overpowered with terror, at this public avowal of Lewson! Should he be permitted to proceed, his own ruin was most certain. One only way appeared, to save him from the hovering danger: Lewson must be despatched! and he proposed to Bates to undertake his murder. At first Bates started many objections; but at length, on Stukely's assurances of ample reward, he pro

mised to perform the dreadful deed, and set out to watch the steps of his intended victim.

Beverley, on receiving the sums raised on the reversion of his uncle's estate, proceeded to his old haunts; and, in a brief space, found himself stripped of all-of every hope on this side heaven. He stood like one whose senses were benumbed with misery! With his arms folded, and his eyes fixed on the ground, he remained for a time stupid and motionless; then snatching his sword, sat down, and with a look of fixed yet vacant attention, drew figures on the floor. Suddenly starting up, he looked wild, trembled, and laughed aloud; while the tears trickled down his cheeks, and at length he rushed into the street! All was dark and gloomy, like his own sad thoughts. His looks were frantic, and he stood deliberating which way he should bend his steps. His home he dared not approach.-He could not look upon his afflicted-his desolate family -made desolate by his disgraceful conduct! While thus he wandered, Lewson crossed his path. He turned upon him with all the rage of resentment; accused him of treachery, of calumny; and demanded immediate satisfaction for having dared to traduce his fame. Lewson patiently bore his illjudged anger; assured him of his friendship, and his indefatigable endeavours to serve him; told him, late as it was, that even now he was on his way to Bates, for more information, though discoveries had been already brought to light, which would make a villain tremble; bade him forget what was past, as he would do also, and hasten home to cheer his family with smiles; and strongly urged that ere tomorrow should have passed, all might be happy.

Alas! poor Beverley had no smiles to bestow. His heart was torn with anguish; his brain seemed on fire; his bosom heaved with convulsive sighs;

and in agony he dashed himself upon the cold stones, to brood over his miseries-hoping, in the madness of desperation, that the earth might never more be visited with the bright rays of the morning; for he trembled at the thoughts of beholding the light of day again.

While thus he lay extended on the earth, the faithful Jarvis found and raised him. He knew him


ot; for his senses were unsettled: but the voice of kindness fell sweetly on his ear, and he suffered himself to be led to his once peaceful home. Yet scarcely was he seated there--scarce had the fond arms of his wife encircled him, ere they were alarmed by frequent and loud knocking at the street door, and when it was opened the officers of justice rushed in, and arrested Beverley at the suit of Stukely! Charlotte and Mrs. Beverley stood in mute astonishment, gazing wildly on each other while the tears unconsciously streamed down their pale cheeks. At length their rage burst forth, and in the bitterness of despair, they vented curses on Stukely and his associates but when the officers seized Beverley and were dragging him away, the unhappy females uttered the most piercing shrieks, fell upon their


knees, and implored permission to follow him to his dreary prison. All entreaties, however, were vain. They appealed to hearts of steel-hearts which had never felt the throb of soft compassion, and which disdained the impulses of pity. He was rudely torn from their arms, and Mrs. Beverley sunk senseless on the floor, while Charlotte wrung her hands in distraction and despair ! !

Dreadful as were the agonies of poor Beverley on this night of horror, Stukely's torments were almost equal to his own; yet they were of a very different nature. One experienced the anguish of a bright spirit fallen from itself; lost in despair, and with no prospect but death as a release from earthly sufferings! The other felt all the horrors of a guilty fiend dreading detection; wretched in living; yet shuddering at the idea of death, as the commence. meat of eternal torments. Restless and disturbed he had wandered up and down like Cain the first murderer; nor could he experience one moment's ease, till he learnt from Dawson, another of his vile associates, that Lewson and Beverley had met in the streets, and had been high in anger. His prolific brain saw much advantage in the circumstance; and even though assured they had parted friends, he planned how he should cause them to be considered as enemies engaged in mortal strife, so that Beverley should be arraigned as Lewson's murderer! He therefore drew from his pocket a writ; and gave orders to Dawson to let it be immediately served on Beverley, and to show him no mercy. His purpose, in this last cruel act, being to support his character of friend, by making it appear that he had obtained information of Beverley's designs on the life of Lewson, and had issued the writ, in hope of placing it out of his power to meet the object of his resentment-but that his friendly intentions were too late to prevent the mischief, as they had

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