
mered N-faintly-quite confounded with the effects of the threefold remedy we had adopted.

"Yes-thank God, we have at last brought your head round again, and your face looks forward now as heretofore!" said I.

"O, remove the bandage-remove it! Let my own eyesight behold it!

"As soon as the proper bandages have been applied to your neck, Mr N.”

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fire, and four mould candles;-the
awful electrifying machine duly dis-
posed for action; Mr S of
Hospital, Dr, and myself, all
standing round it, adjusting the jars,
chains, &c.; and Nambo busily en-
gaged in laying bare his master's
neck, N all the while eyeing
our motions with excessive trepida-
tion. I had infinite difficulty in get--Bring me a glass!"
ting his consent to one preliminary
-the bandaging of his eyes. I suc-
ceeded, however, at last, in persua-
ding him to undergo the operation
blindfolded, in assuring him that it
was essential to success; for that if
he was allowed to see the applica-
tion of the conductor to the precise
spot requisite, he might start, and
occasion its apposition to a wrong
place! The real reason will be seen
presently; the great manœuvre could
not have been practised but on such
terms; for how could I give his head
a sudden twist round at the instant
of his receiving the shock, if he saw
what I was about? I ought to have
mentioned that we also prevailed
upon him to sit with his arms pinion-
ed, so that he was completely at our
mercy. None of us could refrain
from an occasional titter at the ab-
surdity of the solemn farce we were
playing-fortunately, however, un-
heard by N-. At length, Nambo
being turned out, and the doors lock-
ed, lest, seeing the trick, he might
disclose it subsequently to his master,
we commenced operations. S-
worked the machine-round, and
round, and round, whizzing-spark-
ling-crackling-till the jar was mo-
derately charged: it was then con-
veyed to N- -'s neck, Dr—using
the conductor. N- on receiving
a tolerably smart shock, started out
of his chair, and I had not time to
give him the twist I had intended.
After a few moments, however, he
protested that he felt "something
loosened" about his neck, and was
easily induced to submit to another
shock considerably stronger than the
former. The instant the rod was
applied to his neck, I gave the head
a sudden excruciating wrench to-
wards the left shoulder, S-stri-
king him, at the same moment, a
smart blow on the crown. Poor
N--"Thank God!" we all ex-
claimed, as if panting for breath.

"What, eh-a second pudding, eh?" No, merely a broad band of dyachlym plaster, to prevent-hem the contraction of the skin," said

I. As soon as that was done, we removed the handkerchiefs from his eyes and arms.

"Oh, my God, how delightful !” he exclaimed, rising and walking up to the mirror over the mantel-piece. "Ecstasy! All really right again"

My dear N- do not, I beg, do not work your neck about in that way, or the most serious disarrangement of the-the parts," said I

"Oh, it's so, is it? Then I'd better get into bed at once, I think, and you'll call in the morning."

"I-i-s it all over ?" stam

I did, and found him in bed. "Well, how does all go on this morning?" I enquired.

"Pretty well-middling," he replied, with some embarrassment of manner. "Do you know, Doctor, I've been thinking about it all night long-and I strongly suspect"- His serious air alarmed me-I began to fear that he had discovered the trick. "I strongly suspect-hemhem"-he continued.

"What?" I enquired, rather sheepishly.

"Why, that it was my brains only that were turned-and-that-that -most ridiculous piece of business"


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'Why, to be sure, Mr N—” * and he was so ashamed about it, that he set off for the country immediately, and among the glens and mountains of Scotland, endeavoured to forget that ever he dreamed that HIS HEAD WAS TURNED.


Monday Evening, 25th July, 18-. -Well! the poor martyr has at last been released from her sufferings,

and her wasted remains now lie hid in the kindly gloom of the grave. Yes, sweet, abused, forgiving Mrs T-! I this morning attended your funeral, and let fall a tear of unavailing regret! Shall I tell your sad story all in one word or two? The blow that broke your heart, was struck by YOUR HUSBAND!

Heaven grant me calmness in recording your wrongs! Let not the feeling of outraged humanity prompt me to " set down aught in malice;" may I be dispassionately enough disposed to say but the half, nay even the hundredth part only, of what I know, and my conscience will stand acquitted! Let not him who shall read these pages anticipate any thing of romance, of high-flown rhodomontade, in what follows. It is all about a poor, ill-used, heart-broken WIFE: and such a one is, alas! too often met with in all classes of society, to attract, in an ordinary case, any thing of public notice. The ensuing narration will not, however, be found an ordinary case. It is fraught with circumstances of such peculiar aggravation, and exhibits such a moving picture of the tenderness and unrepining fortitude of woman, that I am tempted to give it at some length. Its general accuracy may be relied upon, for I succeeded in wringing it from the reluctant lips of the poor sufferer herself. I must, however, be allowed to give it in my own way; though at the risk of its being thereby divested of much of that sorrowful simplicity and energy-that touching naïveté, which characterised its utterance. I shall conclude with extracting some portions of my notes of visits made in a professional capacity.

Miss Jane C had as numerous a retinue of suitors as a pretty person, well-known sweetness of disposition, considerable accomplishments, and L.10,000 in the funds, could not fail of procuring to the possessor of so many charms. She was an orphan, and was left absolute mistress of her property on attaining her twenty-first year. All the members of her own family most strenuously backed the pretensions of the Curate of the parish-a young man of ascertained respectability of character and family, with a snug sti


pend, and fair prospects of preferment. His person and manners were agreeable and engaging; and he could not conceal his inclination to fling them both at Miss C's feet. All who knew the parties, said it would be an excellent match in all respects, and a happy couple they would make. Miss C herself could not look at the Curate with indifference—at least if any inference might be drawn from an occasional flushing of her features at church, whenever the eyes of the clergyman happened to glance at her

which was much oftener than his duty required. In short, the motherly gossips of the place all looked upon it as a settled thing, and had pitched upon an admirable house for the future couple. They owned unanimously that "the girl might have gone further and fared worse," and so forth; which is a great deal for such people to say about such matters.

There happened, however, to be given a great ball, by the lady of the Ex-Mayor, where Miss C was one of the stars of the evening; and at this party there chanced to be a young Londoner, who had just come down on a three-weeks' holyday. He was training for the law, in a solicitor's office, and was within six or seven months of the expiration of his articles. He was a personable sort of fellow to look at a spice of a dandy-and had that kind of air about him which tells of town-if not of the blandness, ease, and elegance of the West, still of town-which contrasted favourably with the comparative ungainliness of provincials. He was, in a word, a sort of small star; a triton among the minnows; and whatever he said or did took infallibly. Apprised by some judicious relations of the united charms of Miss C's purse and person, he took care to pay her the most conspicuous attentions. Alas! the quiet claims of the Curate were soon silenced by his bustling rival. This young spark chattered Miss C-out of her calm senses. Wherever she went, he followed; whatever she said or did, he applauded. He put into requisition all his small acquirements-he sung a little, danced more, and talked an infinity. To be brief, he determined on carrying the fort with a coup de


main; and he succeeded. The poor Curate was forgotten for ever! Before the enterprising young lawyer left he was an accepted suitor of Miss C―'s. The coldness of all her friends and acquaintances signified nothing to her; her lover had, by some means or other, obtained so powerful a hold of her affections, that sneers, reproaches, remonstrances, threats on the part of all who had previously betrothed her to the Curate, "passed by her as the idle wind, which she regarded not." She promised to become his wife as soon as his articles should have expired, and to live in London.

right, had Mr T paid but a moderate attention to business; for his father had the command of an excellent town connexion, which soon put enough into his son's hands to keep two clerks in regular employment. His wife was soon shocked by hearing her husband make incessant complaints of the drudgery of the office, though he did not devote, on an average, more than two or three hours a-day to it. He was always proposing some new party, some delightful drive, some enchanting excursion, to her, and she dared not refuse, for he had, already, once disclosed symptoms of a most impeIn due time, as matters approached rious temper whenever his will was a crisis, friends called in to talk over interfered with. She began to grow preliminaries. Mr T proved to very uneasy, as she saw him drawing be comparatively penniless; but what cheque after cheque on the banker, was that? Miss C acted with without once replacing a single sum! very unusual generosity. She insist- Good God, what was to become of ed on settling only half her fortune them? He complained of the tardy and left the other half entirely at his return of business; and yet he left it disposal. On receiving this intelli- altogether to the management of two gence from her own lips, the young hired clerks! He was beginning man uttered the most frantic expres- also to grow irregular in his hours; sions of gratitude-promised her reiteratedly kept her waiting hours eternal love and faithfulness-pro- expecting his return to dinner in tested that he idolized her-and took vain; filled his table with frequent her at her word. It was in vain that drafts from the gayest and most discautious relations stepped in to tender sipated of his professional acquainttheir remonstrances to Miss Cance, whose uproar, night after night, on the imprudent extent to which she was placing her fortune beyond her own control. Opposition only consolidates the resolutions of a woman whose mind is once made up. The generous creature believed implicitly every word that her lover poured into her delighted ear; and was not startled into any thing like distrust, even when she found that her young husband had expended, at one fell swoop, nearly L.3000 of the L.5000 she had so imprudently placed at his disposal, in "establishing themselves in London," as he termed it. He commenced a rate of living which it required an income of at least L.1000 a-year to support; and when an uncle of his wife's took upon him to represent to Mr T- the ruinous extravagance the profligate expenditure of his wife's funds-which all their mutual friends were lamenting and reprobating, he was treated with an insolence which for ever put an end to his interference, and effectually prevented that of any other party.

All, however, might yet have gone

alarmed every one in the house, and
disturbed the neighbours. Then
he took to billiard-playing, and its
invariable concomitants-drinking
and late hours;-the theatres, fre-
quented alone, for the purpose-alas!
too notorious to escape even the
chaste ears of his unfortunate and
insulted wife-of mingling with the
low wretches-the harpies-who
frequent the slips and saloons;-then
"drinking-bouts" at taverns-and
midnight "larks"-in company with
a set of vulgar, ignorant young fel-
lows, who always left him to settle the
reckoning. He sent one of the clerks
to his banker's, with a cheque for L.10
one morning; which proved to be the
exact amount by which he had "over-
drawn" his account-and worse-
returned without the usual accom-
modation afforded. He was a little
dismayed at finding such to be the
state of things, and went up stairs
to his wife to tell her, with a curse,
of the "meanness"-the "d-d
stinginess," of Messrs
"What! Is it all spent, George?"

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she enquired, in a gentle and very faint tone of voice.

Every rap-d-ee, Jane!" was the reply. She turned pale, and trembled, while her husband, putting his hands in his pockets, walked suddenly to and fro about the parlour. With trembling hesitation, Mrs T― alluded to the near approach of her confinement, and asked, almost inaudible with agitation, and the fear of offending him, whether he had made any provision for the necessary expenses attending it-had laid up any thing. He replied in the negative, in a very petulant tone. She could not refrain from shedding


"Your crying can't mend matters," said he rudely, walking to the window, and humming the words of some popular air.

"Dear, dear George, have you seen any thing in my conduct to displease you?" she enquired, wiping her eyes.

"Why do you ask me that, Mrs T?" said he, walking slowly towards her, and eyeing her very sternly. She trembled, and had scarcely breath enough to answer, that she had feared such might have been the case, because he had become rather cool towards her of late.

D'ye mean to say, ma'am, that I have used you ill, eh? Because if you do, it's a d”

"Oh, no, no, George, I did not mean any thing of the kind; but but-kiss me, and say you have forgiven me-do!" and she rose and stepped towards him with a forced smile. He gave her his cheek with an air of sullen indifference, and said, "It's no use blubbering about misfortunes, and all that sort of thing. The fact is, something must be done, or, d-ee! I'm done! Look, here I am! Bring your chair here, do!-What do you say to these?" He pulled out of his pocket a crumpled mass of papers-bills which had been sent in during the week, some of them of several months' standing. L.70 were due for wine and spirits; L.90 for articles of his dress; L.35 for the use of a horse and tilbury; L.10 for cigars and snuffs; and, in short, the above are a sample of the items which swelled into the gross amount of

nearly L.300-all due-all from creditors who refused him longer credit, and all for articles which had ministered nothing to his poor wife's comforts or necessities. She burst into tears, as she looked over the bills scattered on the table, and flinging her arms round her husband's neck, implored him to pay more attention to business.

"I tell you I do," he replied, impatiently, suffering, not returning, her affectionate embrace.

"Well, dearest George! I don't mean to blame you"

"You had better not, indeed!" he replied coldly; "but what's to be done, eh ?-That's what we ought to be considering. Do you thinkhem!-I am-Could you, do you think-" He paused, and seemed embarrassed.

"Could I what, dear George?" she enquired, squeezing his hands.

D'ye think-D-ee!-no-I'll ask you some other day!" and he rose from his chair. What will be imagined was his request?-She learnt some days afterwards, that it was for her to use her influence with her aunt, an old widow lady, to lend him L.500 !-To return, however.

He was standing opposite the fire, in moody contemplation, when a rude puppy, dressed in the extreme of the fashion, with three differentcoloured waistcoats on, burst unceremoniously into the parlour, and disturbed the sorrowful tête-à-tête of T and his wife, by rushing up to the former, shaking his hands, and exclaiming boisterously-" Ah! T-, how d'ye do, dee? Bill Bunce's chaffer has beat -; he has, by-! I've won L.15 on it!-Oh, a thousand pardons, ma'am-I didn't see you; but there's been a great dog fight, you see, and I have been luckier than what Mr T has, for I've won L.15, and he has lost L.20!"


This precious puppy was one of T's bosom friends! Aye, incredible as it may seem, it was for such worthless fellows, such despicable blockheads as these, that Mr Thad squandered his generous wife's property, and forsaken her company! On the present occasion-a sample of what had occurred so often as to cause no surprise-nothing but a

gush of bitter tears after he was gone-T- civilly bade her good morning, and departed arm-in-arm with his " friend," and did not return till past two o'clock in the morning, almost dead drunk. Had he seen how the remainder of the day was spent by his poor wife-in tears and terror-unsoothed by the thought that her husband was absent on errands of honourable employment-content with making a scanty dinner of that at which the servant "turned up her nose," as the phrase is --and sitting the rest of the evening sewing, and shedding tears by turns, till the hour of midnight warned her to retire to a sleepless bed: could he have felt the hurried beatings of the heart whenever her wakeful ear fancied she heard the sound of his approaching footsteps on the pavement beneath could he have done this, he might not, possibly, on waking in the morning, have called her a nor STRUCK HER on the mouth till her under-lip was half cut through, for presuming to rouse him before he had slept off the fumes of the brandy, and all he had drunk over night-in order that he might be in trim for a consultation appointed for eleven o'clock. He did do this; and I was the first person on earth to whom she reluctantly told it-on her deathbed!

Though her delicate and interesting situation within a very few weeks of her accouchement-might have kindled a spark of tenderness and pride in the bosom of any husband, who had not lost all the feelings of honour and manliness, it sufficed, apparently, to inspire T with a determination to treat her more unkindly and neglectfully than ever. She scarcely ever saw him during the day; and when he came home at night-more than once conducted by the watchman-he was almost invariably stupified with liquor; and if he had the power of utterance, he seemed to take a demoniacal pleasure in venting upon her the foulest expressions which he could recollect being used by the rif-raf of the taverns where he spent his time. More than once was she so horrified with what he said, that, at the peril of her life, she insisted on leaving him, and sharing the bed

of the servant! Her wretched looks might have broken a heart of stone; yet it affected not that of the wretch who called her his wife!

A few days after the occurrence above related, the maid-servant put a twopenny post-letter into her mistress's hands; and fortunate it was for Mrs T- that the girl happened to be in the room while she read it, awaiting orders for dinner. The note was in these words, written in a feigned, but still a lady's hand :—


"I feel it my duty to acquaint you, that your husband, Mr T, is pursuing quite disgraceful courses all night and day, squandering away his money among sharpers and blacklegs, and that he is persuaded to back one of the boxers in a great fight that is to be; and above all, and what I blush to tell you,-but it is fitting Mrs T- should know it,

in my opinion, Mr T is notoriously keeping a woman of infamous character, with whom he is constantly seen at the theatres and most other public places, and she passes as his cousin. Hoping that you will have prudence and spirit to act in this distressing business as becomes a lady and a wife, I am,


"With the truest respect and sympathy,


Mrs Tread this cruel letter in silence-motionless-and with a face that whitened sensibly as she proceeded; till, at the disgraceful fact mentioned in the concluding part, she dropped the paper from her hands-and the servant ran to her in time to prevent her falling from her chair, for she had swooned! It was long before she came to; and, when that was the case, it was only that she might be carried to her bed

and she was confined that evening. The child was still-born! All this came on the husband like a thunder

stroke, and shocked him for a time into something like sobriety and compunction. The admirable qualities of his wife-her virtues and her meekness shone before his startled eyes in angel hues. He forsook the scenes, a constant frequent

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