
read. But, though reading is taught in them, they are, as far as I have observed, wholly destitute of the Scriptures. I have visited very many of them, and never found one copy of either the Rhemish or Doway Testament in use. They appeared altogether destitute of books, no provision being made for their supply. If they had any, which was rare, I found them generally very improper, being just what the cabin of the parents, perchance, could furnish.' pp. 36, 7. Mr. Steven repeats this important assertion still more distinctly, in arguing against the adoption of the Catholic versions. The parents of the children, he says, make no objection to the Protestant version, until excited to it by the priests; and whenever the priest has in sincerity approved of the introduction of the Doway Testament, he would, if pressed, have consented to the use of the Protestant version.

The truth is, that the Church of Rome will not allow their own Scriptures, under any circumstances, to be in the hands of the laity, nor circulated through the schools. In proof of this, I have visited a great number of the Catholic schools, and never found in one of them a single copy of the Scriptures?

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Some of the most pleasing instances are given of the strong attachment of the children to the schools. The priest may take ' away our books,' said one boy, but he cannot take them out of our memories.' In some places, the priest stands at the corner of the street with a whip in one hand and a crucifix in the other, to chastise the children belonging to his flock whom he finds going to the Society's school. Mr. Steven mentions an instance in which this is notoriously practised: the children collest in numbers, and cautiously approach the dreaded corner; a general burst then takes place, and it is a race between them and the priest. And there are not a few Protestants,' adds Mr. Steven, who can quietly suffer the priest to take his course, who would join in the cry against the Protestant minister, were he to imitate him.'


In spite of all opposition, the cause of education is going forward. So anxious are the parents, in many parts, to obtain it for their children, that the Writer has known them voluntarily offer to build a school-house, and actually help in its erection without wages. It is only, he says, the want of funds, which prevents the Hibernian Society from doubling the number of its schools.* Schools have been successfully instituted in some of the prisons; in particular, in the county gaol of Sligo. Mr. Steven states, that above 150,000 children, and above 7000 adults, have en

*In one county, a clergyman has pointed out to the Committee eligible situations for thirty schools, which he would be willing to take under his superintendance, but, from the want of funds, it is doubtful whether the Society can pay any attention to the application.

tered the Hibernian Society's schools since the commencement of its labours, of whom not one, that he has ever heard of, has been arraigned for any crime; although, out of every thousand of the population, it is calculated that twenty-one are annually committed to prison.

With regard to the merits of the Hibernian Society, both as to its plan and its general management, we have pleasure in availing ourselves of the unsuspicious and decisive testimony of the eloquent Catholic writer already referred to. If such a society has not yet obtained its due share of public attention and support in this country, it can in no degree be attributed to the inferior importance of the object, or to any defect in its constitution.

The London Hibernian Society has been fortunate in the adoption of a plan more suitable than any that has yet been tried to the circumstances of Ireland. They do not interfere with the religious profession of the people; but they give the Gospel to all who are willing to receive it: and they insist upon having it read in their schools, by children of a proper age and capacity. Upon this ground, they have had to encounter, as is always the case, much difficulty. But they have persevered. They meet one class of objectors by giving, where it is preferred, the Catholic version of the Bible, without comment or note*. They disarm another, by putting the schools, where they can do it, under the superintendence of the Catholic priest. But with all this, they have met persons who could not be satisfied, and suspicions that could not be lulled. Persons little anxious that the poor should be educated by any process, yet, who carry their tender concern for their Catholicity to an amazing extreme. And while they are so anxious for this faith, pay it the extraordinary compliment of their opinion, that it is much more consistent with an ignorance of the Gospel than a knowledge of it: and much more compatible with an ignorance of letters, than an acquaintance with them. It is clear that no arrangement can satisfy such persons, that they are bad Catholics and worse Christians.

• The plan of teaching adopted by the Society is excellent; and their system of constant inspection and superintendence of their schools, insures their usefulness. The profits of the schoolmaster are made also to depend, not upon the number merely, but as well upon the proficiency of the children. Acting upon principles so wise and excellent, it would be reasonable to expect that this Society must have made great progress; and accordingly they have been eminently successful. Their schools are to be met with every where in Connaught, and they are extending themselves rapidly in other parts of

*This is a mistake. Some noblemen and gentlemen who are patrons and friends of the Society, have, we believe, individually distributed, in some instances, the Catholic version; but the Committee have not been able to satisfy themselves as to the necessity or expediency of the concession.

Ireland: their number is about five hundred, and the number of children instructed about sixty thousand.

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"We would say to those who still object to the plans of this Society; between whom and the Gospel in any shape or form, there can be no reconcilement,-" "Tis well; only adopt your own plan. Let the poor be taught. We do not object to your teaching; we object to your neglect. Where you teach, we will not interfere; but we will occupy the waste ground. Otherwise, your system would be a sentence of perpetual barrenness upon the land-of perpetual ignorance upon the people. To such a sentence we cannot submit. The Protestants of England, the Protestants of Ireland, will not consent to it. The Catholic laity of Ireland will not obey it. The people must be instructed." For those to whom Ireland has any interest; for the people of England who would repay the injuries of ages; for those whose generous bosoms pant to do good, here is a thirsty soil that will drink the dews of their benevolence, and return a thoùsand fold.

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The Hibernian School Society is better adapted to the circumstances of Ireland than any other; but this very adaptation, as it enlarged the sphere and the power of its usefulness, so it has checked its career in midway. Its funds have failed.'

Art. V. Scripture Antiquities: or, a Compendious Summary of the Religious Institutions, Customs, and Manners of the Hebrew Nation: compiled from the most authentic Sources, and designed as an Introductory Help for the better Understanding of the Scriptures. By the Rev. John Jones, Curate of Waterbeach near Cambridge. 12mo. pp. 292 (cuts). Price 5s. London, 1821.


HIS is a very useful and well compiled summary of Biblical Antiquities, and, on account of its cheapness, will be very acceptable. It is divided into five Parts. Part 1. The Sacred Times and Seasons observed by the Israelites. Part II. Their Sacrifices and Oblations. Part III. Ecclesiastical Persons, and Jewish Sects. Part IV. Sacred Buildings and Places. Part V. Civil Customs and Manners of the Hebrews.

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In the account of the city of Jerusalem, Mr. Jones has adopted the usual errors; but, for one error, he is personally responsible. The sepulchral caverns described by Dr. Clarke, in the passage referred to in the note, are not towards the 'west,' but southward of modern Jerusalem; and are supposed to mark the site, not of the mountain of Calvary', which mountain never had an existence, but of Mount Zion. The Author will do well to revise the whole of this section. chapter on the Criminal Code might have derived some advan> tages from his having consulted the elaborate work of Michaelis on the Laws of Moses.


In the section on ecclesiastical persons, the Author is charge

able with the common blunder of confounding, or teaching his readers to confound, the widely distinct characters of priest and presbyter. The legal or ceremonial purity required in the Levitical priest, is repeatedly alluded to in the New Testament, but not as implying the slightest similarity of office or character between priests of old and ministers of the Gospel: it is in reference to the general body of believers, that St Peter says, "But ye are a holy priesthood"; and that St. Paul beseeches those whom he is addressing, to present their bodies "a living sacrifice." With regard to the appropriateness of the Ordination Service, Mr. J. 'must think and let think'. In the section on Tithes, we have the following remarks:

From the case of Abraham giving the tenth of all the spoil to Melchisedeck, the priest of the Most High God, and from that of Jacob vowing and solemnly promising to give to God the tenth of all that God would bless him with, we see that tithes are of very ancient origin. Almost all the nations of the earth, particularly the Greeks and Romans, have agreed in giving a tenth part of their property to be employed in religious uses. Reason seems to point out the propriety of consecrating part of one's substance for the support and subsistence of ministers of religion, who were obliged to devote their time and labours to the work of the ministry, and consequently were deprived of the opportunity of providing for themselves in any secular way. And experience found out that a tenth part was a necessary and just proportion for that end. Hence this mode of supporting the Priests and Levites was instituted by God himself as the most rational and just, and thus, the law of tithes was enacted.'

As to the antiquity of tithes, there can be no controversy; nor will any one be found to deny the propriety of consecrating part of one's substance to the maintenance of religion; and further, as a general rule, the tenth of a man's income may be with good reason deemed a proper portion to be set apart for that purpose. Some divines have insisted upon this as the law of Christian liberality, and many private Christians have conscientiously acted upon it. But would our Author contend, that the tenth of a man's income should therefore be taken from him by the State, to be distributed among the clergy and the parish poor? We presume not. His reasoning, therefore, which, if valid, would prove too much, proves, in respect to the modern law of tithes, nothing. Neither in the design, nor in the circumstances, nor in the application of the Jewish tithes, is there the slightest analogy to the existing tithe-system, which, had it no other support than it derives from reason, experience, and Scripture, would long since have fallen to pieces. No real Christian can consider himself as consecrating', in the tithe the law exacts from him, a part of his substance to God. It is there

fore, a sad abuse of words, to adopt such language in reference to it. In deciding what proportion of his income he should set apart for purposes of piety and benevolence, he must put what the State demands of him in the shape of tithe and poor's rate wholly out of his calculation. He then can do no better than adopt the rule of a tenth; and the advocates and receivers of tithes, to be consistent, should themselves set him the example; remembering always the Apostolic direction: "Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; "not grudgingly, or of necessity for God loveth a cheerful “giver.”

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On the whole, while we wish that Mr. Jones had kept clear of these vulgar errors', we do not hesitate cordially to recommend his work, which does great credit to his industry. A short section on the geography of Palestine, though not strictly within the Author's plan, would, perhaps, have rendered the volume more complete as an introductory help to the understanding of the Scriptures.

Art. VI. Metrical Epistles chiefly from Florence. 12mo. pp. 148. Price 5s. London. 1821.

WE have readers to whom the most varied or elaborate Number of our Journal would be incomplete without a poetical article; and such is the prolific exuberance of our versifiers, there seems to be no danger that we shall be at a loss for matter to gratify them. The work before us is a trifle, but an elegant one; and it suits our present purpose better than a volume whose higher pretensions might tempt or force us into critical discussions.

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Florence is—or was very recently-high in the favour of English emigrants of the beau monde. These Epistles from Mr. M., and Mrs.——, and the Lady's Maid Jane, contain a tolerably lively and faithful description of the sights and the perils, the sweets and the sours, the wonders and the drawbacks attendant on tourification and a winter in Italy. We have been much amused with the letters of the Lady's Maid. For instance, her description of the horrors of the Simplon, is what hundreds of her betters have thought and felt, though they have not dared disclose it.

In the Valais I gaz'd on the wonderful Craws,
That travelled thro' England with so much applause:
They came with the beasts and were shown at our fair,
But here they are thought neither monstrous nor rare.
Then we went along hills by the side of the Rhone;
Here a poor muddy stream and the colour of stone.


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