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ブックス And he spake of trees, from the cedar tree that is in Lebanon even unto the hyssop... の書籍検索結果
" And he spake of trees, from the cedar tree that is in Lebanon even unto the hyssop that springeth out of the wall: he spake also of beasts, and of fowl, and of creeping things, and of fishes. "
The Analyst: A Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature, Natural History ... - 342 ページ
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The Holy Bible Containing the Old Testament and the New:, 第 1 巻

1705 - 522 ページ
...And he fpake three thoufind protw wife. • I verbs : and his longs vv«C Я tboufand And be {bake of trees, from the cedar-tree that is in Lebanon, even unto the hyflop that fpringeth out of the wall : he {pake alfo of bcafts. and of fowl and of creeping things,...

An abstract of the historical part of the Old Testament [by E ..., 第 2 巻、第 67 巻

Edward Harley - 1730 - 428 ページ
...about. 32 And he fpake thtee thoufand PROVERBS : and his SONGS were a thoufand and five. 33 And he fpake of Trees, from the Cedar-tree that is in Lebanon, even unto the HylTbp that fpringeth out of the Wall : He fpake alfo of Beafts, and of Fowl, and of creeping Things,...

An abstract of the historical part of the Old Testament [by E. Harley ..., 第 1 巻

Edward Harley - 1735 - 764 ページ
...32 And he fpake three thoufand PROVERBS : and his SONGS were a thoufand and five. 3 3 And he fpake of Trees, from the Cedar-tree that is in Lebanon, even unto the Hyflbp that fpringeth out of the Wall: He fpake alfo of Beads, and of Fowl, and of creeping Things,'and...

The Works of the Most Reverend Dr. John Tillotson, 第 1 巻

John Tillotson - 1748 - 412 ページ
...reafon of all civil laws and conftitutions, and give an account of the hiftory of all ages ; could fpeak of trees, from the cedar-tree that is in Lebanon, even unto the hyflap that fprings cut of the wall; and ofbeafts alfo, and of fowls,, and of creeping things, and...

The Lady's Magazine: Or, Entertaining Companion for the Fair Sex ...

1829 - 708 ページ
...complexion, be an Indiandoctor. The peculiar characteristic of this sect is, their knowlege of plants, "from the cedar-tree that is in Lebanon, even unto the hyssop that springeth out of the wall ;" and of these their materia mediea is composed. I am inclined to believe, however, that the...

The works of ... dr John Tillotson, 第 1 巻

John Tillotson (abp. of Canterbury.) - 1772 - 416 ページ
...reafon of all civil laws and conftitutions, and give an account of the hiftory of all ages ; could ipeak of trees, from the cedar.tree that is in Lebanon, even unto the hyjfcp that fp rings out of the wali ; and of be aft s alfo, and of fo*wls, and of creeping things,...

Poems on Several Occasions, 第 2 巻

Matthew Prior - 1777 - 252 ページ
...before me in Jerufalem : yea my heart had great experience of wifdomr and knowledge, ver. 16, He fpake of trees, from the cedar-tree that is in Lebanon, even • unto the hyflbp that fpringeth out of the wall ; he fpake alfo of beafh. and of fowl, and of creeping things,...

The Poetical Works of Matthew Prior, 第 2 巻

Matthew Prior - 1779 - 322 ページ
...before me in Jerufalem : yea my heart had great experience of wifdom and knowledge-. Verf. 16. He fpake of trees, from the cedar-tree that is in Lebanon, even unto the byjjop that fpringeth out of the wall : he fpake alfo of beafts, and of fowl, and of creeping things,...

The works of the English poets. With prefaces, biographical and ..., 第 33 巻

English poets - 1790 - 326 ページ
...in " Jerufalem : yea my heart had great experience of " wifdom and knowledge." Ver. 16. " He fpake of trees, from the cedar-tree that is in " Lebanon, even unto the hyflbp that fpringeth out " of the wall : he fpake alfo of beafts, and of fowl, " and of creeping things,...

Sermons, tr. by R. Robinson (H. Hunter)

Jacques Saurin - 1800 - 308 ページ
...three thousand proverbs, and a thousand and five songs: that he spake of trees, from the cedar tree that is in Lebanon even unto the hyssop, that springeth out of 'the wall, also of beasts, and of fowl, and of every creeping things, and of fishes, ver. 32, 33. Some of...

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