Lords and Commons of England, consider what Nation it is whereof ye are, and whereof ye are the governors : a Nation not slow and dull, but of a quick, ingenious, and piercing spirit, acute to invent, subtle and sinewy to discourse, not beneath the reach... The Analyst: A Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature, Natural History ... - 386 ページ1830全文表示 - この書籍について
 | Algernon Sidney - 1805 - 522 ページ
...knew.) branches, beyond any man I ever knew. He had a particular way of insinuating himself into people, Lords and Commons of England, consider what nation it is whereof ye are, and whereof ye are the governours. A nation not slow and dull, but of a quick, ingenious and piercing... | |
 | John Milton - 1809 - 536 ページ
...harmony in a church ; not the forced and outward union of and neutral, and inwardly divided minds. Lards and commons of England ! consider what nation it is whereof ye are, and whereof ye are the governors : a nation not slow and dull, but of a quick, ingenious, and piercing... | |
 | 1848 - 752 ページ
...Hamilton may he truly applied the well-known description given by Milton of the English people — ' A nation not slow and dull, but of a quick, ingenious, and piercing spirit ; acute to invent, subtile and sinewy to discourse, not beneath the reach of any point... | |
 | John Milton - 1819 - 484 ページ
...he beseeches the Parliament to beware of what they do by placing the Press under an Imprimatur — " Lords and Commons of " England ! consider what Nation it is whereof ye are and " whereof ye are the Governors : a Nation not slow and dull, " but of a quick, ingenious, and piercing... | |
 | John Milton - 1819 - 464 ページ
...and Commons of England ! consider what Nation it is wherof ye are, and wherof ye are the governours : a Nation not slow and dull, but of. a quick, ingenious, and piercing spirit, acute to invent, suttle and sinewy to discours, not beneath the reach of any point... | |
 | Abraham John Valpy - 1822 - 570 ページ
..."COMMONS" OF THE UNITED KINGDOM, BY ONE OF THE PEOPLE. " Lords and Commons of England, consider what a Nation it is whereof ye are the Governors : a Nation...not slow and dull, but of a quick, ingenious, and piercing spirit, acute to invent, suttle and sinewy to discourse, not beneath the reach of any point... | |
 | Great Britain. Parliament - 1825 - 728 ページ
...excellence of his poetry — Milton, in speaking of the English nation, and addressing its rulers, said, " Lords and Commons of England ! consider what nation...not slow and dull, but of a quick, ingenious, and piercing spirit; acute to invent, subtle and sinewy to discourse, not beneath the reach of any point,... | |
 | George Walker - 1825 - 668 ページ
...harmony in a church, not the forced and outward union of cold, and neutral, and inwardly-divided minds. Lords and Commons of England, consider what nation it is whereof ye are, and whereof ye are the governors; a nation not slow and dull, but of a quick, ingenious, and piercing... | |
 | 1826 - 868 ページ
...excellence of his poetry. Milton, in speaking of the English nation, and addressing its rulers, said, " Lords and commons of England ! Consider what nation...not slow and dull, but of a quick, ingenious, and piercing spirit; acute to invent, subtile and sinewy to discourse, not beneath the reach of any point... | |
 | John Milton - 1826 - 368 ページ
...inwardly divided minds. Lords and commons of England ! consider what j nation it is whereof ye are, and whereof ye are the / governors ; a nation not slow and dull, but of a quick,/ ingenious, and piercing spirit ; acute to invent, subtle i and sinewy to discourse, not beneath the reach of! any... | |
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