
THE FLAMINGO. [Phenicopterus.]

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nothing more at the time than seek to give a faithful representation of the objects before me.

THE tall red birds, which Columbus saw perfectly tame in all the Indian villages, may be frequently found among the domesticated poultry in the estancitas A firm, erect posture is their ordinary of Cuba. Our raftsmen, from the little attitude; and, if a person considers that township of Juanita, brought us down a they trample the ground as they feed, pair of these birds. I was particularly they will conclude that it cannot be struck with their attitudes, with the ex- otherwise. I never saw the neck curved cellent adaptation of their two-fold cha- inward and outward like a crane's, neiracter of waders and swimmers to their ther when feeding, or when standing and habits, while standing and feeding in the dozing, satiated with food. If it is resort of shoal which we had made for them membered that they cannot strike their in a large open tub upon deck. How prey as the heron does, it will readily be dissimilar was the character of these at- inferred that, where the habits are so untitudes with the ungainly, awkward pos-like, no sort of accident could bring ture in which we see the cabinet speci- them to resort to the same position, notmens of the dead bird. Their sprawling, withstanding that an extraordinary length straddling gawkiness, when stuffed by of neck and legs is common to both. those who never saw their natural gait and action, is very different from the firm erectness with which they trod and stirred the masses of mashed biscuits, and junked fresh fish, and plied their long lithe neck, scooping inwardly (not outwardly, as ducks and geese do, but in towards their trampling feet), with the peculiarly constructed bill made for taking their food in the mud drifts and light sands at the mouths of rivers, and upon shoals and keys. I made the drawing, now engraved, from this pair of birds; and, though the figures have the same sort of relationship with the common pictures which a Dutch doll has to the Venus de Medicis, I did

danger. At this sound, the warning to retreat, the whole troop rise on the wing, in the stiff, cruciform posture represented in the background of the picture, and, clearing the mangroves that fringe the banks of the river most impenetrably, with long interlaced arches, formed by the roots of the tree, descending like flying buttresses from the principal trunk and from the more elevated branches, seek their nestling-grounds in the swampst and morasses within the land.

The plumage of the flamingo is of a deep and lively rose colour, when the bird has attained its full feather—that is, at about four years of age. The young ones are white, with that slight faint blush which prevails in the white rose, and in some varieties of the camellia japonica. In the intermediate stages the wings only are crimson; but in all the states of the plumage the outer pinions are marked with black. Their glowing livery, contrasted with the brilliant green and azure of the waters, makes a scene of most gorgeous beauty; and if the garzota, the large, delicate, white egret, is among them, the contrast is still more striking and voluptuous.

In consequence of the great length of their legs, these birds are obliged to construct their nests on a pyramid of earth. These heaped masses are frequently to be found in the morasses, in which they nestle and breed. Though remarkable for gentleness and mansuetude when domesticated, in their wild state they are so timid and watchful that there is no approaching them. A gun suddenly discharged among them, when coming on them unawares, though without shot, seldom fails to startle them so that many fall to the ground, and, being unable to rise very readily, are thus frequently taken unhurt.-Unpublished Memoranda of a Traveller.



THE building was begun in 1723, and finished in 1753, by Joseph Emanuel, Baron de Fisher, architect of the court. The library the oval dome, running at right angles, and is 246 Vienna feet in length, by 62 in width; forming something like transepts, is 93 feet long, and 93 feet high, by 57 wide. The fresco paintings, with which the ceiling of the dome in particular is profusely covered, were executed by Daniel Gran.

The bar at the mouth of the Rio Couta, where our vessel lay at anchor, stretches some two miles and a half out to sea, with a narrow inlet about nine feet deep at high water. Here the flamingoes may The number of the books is supposed to amount to 300,000 volumes; of which 8000 be seen by hundreds congregated, rewere printed in the fifteenth century, and 750 sembling soldiers drilled into lines, and are atlas folios filled with engravings. These sub-divided into companies. A scout, on 750 volumes contain about 180,000 prints; of some advantageous point, apart, where he which the pecuniary value, according to the may glance his long prying neck alter-computation of the day, cannot be less than nately at the lengthened reach of the 3,300,000 "florins argent de convention"-acriver, as it descends from the interior of cording to a valuation (says M. Bartsch) which the country, or along the sweeping sinuo- £300,000 of our money. I apprehend there is I made last year. This may amount to sities of the coast, right and left, sounds nothing in Europe to be put in competition his alarm. A sort of clang, like a long-with such a collection.-T. F. Dibdin's drawn trumpet-blast, is the signal of Bibliographical Tour.


We promised in our last to offer some novel and interesting intelligence from China. We accordingly insert the following statements, from a little work published by Dr. Morrison, in Canton, and handed to us by his friend, Thomas Fisher, Esq.


prodigality have had a place in my heart, springing up there unobserved? Whether, from the length of time, I have become remiss in attending to the affairs of government, and have been unable to attend to them with that serious diligence and strenuous effort which I

Whether I have uttered irreverent

once in seven days, before altars dedicated to the gods of heaven, the gods of the earth, of the year, of the land, of the grain, and, finally, to imperial heaven itself, and also to "impeHis majesty, rial earth," with all the saints. moreover, sent a king to Taeshan, "the great mountain," in Shantung province, with The-ought? betian incense matches, to pray for rain in the words, and have deserved reprehension? Wheemperor's stead. In the province of Pechelee, ther perfect equity has been attained in conlocusts were feared, in consequence of the long ferring rewards or inflicting punishments? drought, and orders were issued by the govern. Whether, in raising mausoleums and laying ment to adopt preventive measures. The em-out gardens, I have distressed the people and The capital of the celestial empire has ex-peror himself issued a proclamation, inviting wasted property? Whether, in the appointhibited some peculiar scenes of distress and plain statements of opinions and details of ment of officers, I have failed to obtain fit lamentations during the past summer, occa- abuses. In consequence of this, one of the persons, and thereby the acts of government sioned, chiefly, by a long-continued drought. Yushe has memorialized on the cruelties and have been petty and vexatious to the people? As early as the 31st of May, an official paper injustice practised in the supreme court of Whether punishments have been unjustly inwas published by the emperor, lamenting the punishments. Torture, long imprisonment, flicted or not? Whether the oppressed have want of rain on the approach of summer. He and the wilful implication of innocent persons, found no means of appeal? Whether, in perhad altars for prayer erected, with sufficient are the evils he complains of. He mentions secuting heterodox sects, the innocent have ceremony and respect to sacrifice to the gods two cases, in which the trials were continued not been involved? Whether or not the maof heaven, and to be worthy of his own dig forty days, where the accused had to kneel on gistrates have insulted the people, and refused nity as officiating priest, in which capacity he chains, and undergo other insults and tor- to listen to their affairs? Whether, in the In one of these cases the accused was successive military operations on the western had devoutly knocked his head on the ground, ments. and supplicated rain. But, up to that day, proved to be innocent, and in the other the frontiers, there may have been the horrors of genial showers had not yet fallen. His ma- person died in prison. But the most remark-human slaughter for the sake of imperial rejesty says, that his "scorching" anxiety con- able document is the prayer of the emperor, wards? Whether the largesses bestowed on tinued night and day, and he was, hour after the form of which is that of a memorial sent the afflicted southern provinces were properly hour, looking earnestly for rain (but none to the Emperor of China by governors of pro- applied, or the people were left to die in the fell). He, therefore, turned his thoughts upon vinces and other statesmen. His majesty, for ditches? Whether the efforts to exterminate himself and his government. We have not the personal pronoun, uses the Chinese word or pacify the rebellious mountaineers of Hoonan and Canton were properly conducted, or time to give a full translation of his majesty's chin, "a minister," or "servant," the same musings, and his ultimate decisions, on this which those employ who write to him. We whether they led to the inhabitants being trampled on as mire or ashes? To all these early occasion; and, therefore, we refer our subjoin a translation of the whole paper. topics, to which my anxieties have been directreaders to the original, the substance of which "Prayer for Rain, written by his Imperial Ma-ed, I ought to lay the plumb-line, and strenuis, that the emperor is conscious of doing his jesty Taoukwang, and offered up on the 28th duty, in a merciful manner, towards criminals day of the 6th month of the 12th year of his and accused persons. His own conduct and reign (July 25th, A. D. 1832). wishes, he says, rather proudly, ought to have induced a sweet harmony between the rain- “Kneeling, a memorial is hereby presented, bearing clouds above and the parched earth to cause affairs to be heard. below. However, this has not been the effect; and, therefore, while he leaves the greater and smaller criminals in the other provinces to the course of law, he desires that, in the province of the capital, a mitigation of punishment for the convicted (except in case of great crimes) be adopted; that the accused be speedily brought to a just decision; and that imprisoned witnesses be either at once confronted with the opposite parties, or be set at liberty on bail. For he is aware that the prisons of Peking are crammed with suspected persons, and witnesses, who are sickening one after another, and pining in starvation even to death. "I deeply commiserate their condition," says the emperor; and he forthwith orders that all smaller offences be immediately disposed of, and the parties liberated. "Thus," he adds, "we may hope for timely, genial, and fructifying showers. Let the Criminal Board immediately obey these commands. Respect this."

The principle of this pagan paper seems to be conformable to the petition-"Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us" But the emperor, unlike his father Keaking, does not take blame to himself. He throws the guilt on others.

In this, and other Chinese pagan state papers, it is admitted that "the heavens do rule;" that there is a power above that rewards and punishes. It may be matter of form, or it may be sincere. But it is right in itself."

The above account was prepared for the press several weeks ago, but was mislaid. We regret this the less, since we are now able to append other accounts of a most interesting character. The drought was severe, and of long duration; in consequence of which the emperor, kings, and princes, fasted and prayed

ously endeavour to correct what is wrong, still recollecting that there may be faults which have not occurred to me in my meditations. Teen, to pardon my ignorance and stupidity, "Prostrate, I beg, Imperial Heaven, Huang "Oh, alas! Imperial Heaven! were not the and to grant me self-renovation; for myriads of innocent people are involved by me, a single world afflicted by extraordinary changes, I would not dare to present extraordinary serman. My sins are so numerous that it is difficult to escape from them. Summer is past, vices. But this year the drought is most unusual. Summer is past, and no rain has fallen. and autumn arrived; to wait longer will really Not only do human beings and agriculture be impossible. Knocking head, I pray, Imfeel the dire calamity, but also beasts and in-perial Heaven, to hasten and confer gracious sects, herbs and trees, almost cease to live. I, rain; to save the people's lives; and, in some deliverance, a speedy and divinely-beneficial the Minister of Heaven, am placed over mankind, and am responsible for keeping the degree, redeem my iniquities. Oh, alas! Imworld in order, and tranquillizing the people. alas! Imperial Heaven, be gracious to them! perial Heaven, observe these things! Oh, Although it is now impossible for me to sleep I am inexpressibly grieved, alarmed, and or eat with composure; although I am scorched frightened. Reverently this memorial is prewith grief, and tremble with anxiety; still, sented." after all, no genial and copious showers have been obtained.

"Some days ago I fasted, and offered rich sacrifices on the altars of the gods of the land and the grain, and had to be thankful for gathering clouds and slight showers, but not enough to cause gladness.

"Looking up, I consider that Heaven's heart is benevolence and love. The sole cause is the daily deeper atrocity of my sins, but little sincerity and little devotion. Hence I have been unable to move Heaven's heart, and bring down abundant blessings.

This is a most singular production. It is one, too, of great value; it is worth more than scores of quartos and folios of the vain speculations which have been published concerning China. Even allowing that much of the colouring has been given to it for effect merely (which we are slow to admit), still it exhibits an exalted personage, in a most interesting and affecting point of view. It is, withal, a very serious document. It exhibits the weakness and darkness peculiar to the human mind, while unblessed by the revealed word Having respectfully searched the records, and by the Spirit of the only living and true I find that, in the twenty-fourth year of Keen- God. It shows, also, very distinctly, if we lung, my imperial grandfather, the high, mistake not, the symptoms of an oppressed and honourable, and pure emperor reverently per- declining empire. We predict nothing. We formed a "great snow service." I feel im- should rejoice to see "the great, pure dynasty," pelled, by ten thousand considerations, to look long stand, strong, flourishing in all the glory, up and imitate the usage, and, with trembling peace, tranquillity, and prosperity which it anxiety, rashly assail heaven, examine myself, now proudly and falsely arrogates. The weland consider my errors; looking up, and fare of the Chinese empire is the dearest obhoping that I may obtain pardon. I ask my.ject to our hearts on earth. But our own self whether, in sacrificial services, I have been minds, in accordance, we believe, with the disrespectful? Whether or not pride and minds of millions, forebode an approaching


change. We cannot deny the evidence of our senses, and we will not, knowingly, conceal the truth. Causes are operating on this nation

be glad again to hear from you: if you reject | but by whom, on what precise grounds, and it, I must beg to decline further controversy. when to be decided, are points unknown to us. The above facts are not calculated to im

We are now able to clear up this diffi

-would they did not exist!-which must pro-culty; a Number of the "Antigua Free press any one with a very high opinion of Sir

tion of such a picture.

duce tremendous effects. The state groans,
and already convulsions begin to be felt. And Press," which has recently arrived, has
oh! should the bands of government be once
set this matter at rest. In answer to Sir
broken asunder, and this immense mass of C. B. Codrington's asseverations as to the
population-an ocean of human beings-be general happiness of his slaves, we refer
thrown into confusion, the scene would be the reader to the damning evidence con-
awful. We gladly turn from the contempla-tained in the little statistical table at the
The emperor's anxieties, occasioned by the close of this article; and, with respect to
long continuance of the drought, are now ter-
the challenge we have mentioned, our
minated. By a paper in the Gazette, dated readers will probably concur with us in
at Peking, July 29th, it is stated that, after the our exalted opinion of this gentleman's
emperor had fasted, and offered the prayer, ingenuousness, if they pay attention to
given above, before the altar dedicated to
the eclaircissement with reference to Bar-
Heaven, at about eight o'clock on the same buda contained in the following extract:-
evening, thunder, lightning, and rain 'were
intermingled, the rain falling in sweet and
copious showers. The next day, a report came
in from the Shunteenfoo magistrate, that two
inches had fallen; and, on successive days,
near the imperial domain, a quantity fell
equal to four inches. For this manifestation
of heavenly compassion, the emperor, in an
order published, expresses his deep devotion
and intense gratitude; and the 2nd of August
is appointed as a day of thanksgiving. Six
kings are directed to repair to the altars dedi-
cated (1) to heaven, (2) to earth, (3) to the
gods of the land and grain, (4) to the gods of
heaven (5) to the gods of earth, and (6) to the
gods of the revolving year. During the
drought and scarcity, government sold grain
at reduced prices; but there were dealers who
employed poor old men and women to go and
get the cheap good grain, for the said dealers
to hoard up, to be resold when the price should
be still higher.


Most of our readers will recollect a published correspondence between Sir C. B. Codrington and Mr. Buxton which appeared in Nos. V. and VIII. of The Tourist. They must, then, have felt some degree of surprise at the boldness with which the worthy Baronet asserted the comfort and contentment of his slaves; and, above all, at the very confident manner in which he offered Mr. B. the liberty of manumitting as many of them as he could persuade to accede to his proposition. His words are as follow:

If I can tempt you (in the cause of the wretched slave) to trust yourself across the Atlantic, one of my vessels shall convey you from any neighbouring isle to Barbuda; while there you shall have every accommodation free of expense; and I pledge myself to give you, at the end of one week, the power of manumitting a boat-load (not exceeding fifty) of those wretched slaves, on the following conditions, viz. :-Their manumission shall not be compulsory; you shall fully explain to them the difference between their present and future state; and, as their number has increased beyond any means I can find of employing them, they shall quit my property. Doubtless, Sir, you will favour the public with a full and candid statement of the condition in which you found them, as to food, clothing, comforts, and contentment. If you accept my offer, I shall

Some years ago, Mr. Joseph Phillips, while resident in this island, was informed that cruelties of some kind were practised upon the slaves of one or two estates belonging to Sir Christopher B. Codrington; and, as became a man of humanity, conveyed, by letter, the intelligence to their proprietor, whose duty, interest, and feeling for his dependents, offered, he conceived, the assurance of speedy investigation and redress. He was mistaken: Sir Christopher, instead of requesting some unconnected and impartial person to examine into the truth of the allegations laid before him, sent out Mr. P.'s original letter to the gentleman whose conduct had been the subject of complaint. For what purpose? Certainly not to relieve the sufferings of his poor slaves, if they were really oppressed. Perhaps it may be pretended that the worthy Baronet discredited the charges. This is possible; he might judge it inexpedient to believe that the man who ships good crops to him could maltreat and torture the "sleek rogues," to whose productive labour he was indebted for the approbation of his employer, and a gentlemanly income. Yet we conceive that Sir Christopher did not consult his own advantage, or credit for that humane sympathy with his slaves, of which owners, now-a-days, make such clamorous boasts, when he treated their reported grievances with, apparently, the most coldhearted, if not contemptuous, disregard; and betrayed the friend of his own people to the revenge of an incensed West Indian attorney. We repeat, betrayed-and basely, too! It will not do to say that he suspected Mr. Phillips's honesty. He knew nothing of him; and that gentleman's transmitting the information was, prima facie, an act of commendable benevolence, both to the proprietor and the slaves. But colonial policy dreads nothing more than the disclosure of severities inflicted upon these people, and resents nothing more ferociously than a humane interference in their behalf. Mr. Phillips, therefore, deserved prosecution as a libeller, in the opinion of this great slave-owner, and to ensure his conviction it was that the autograph communication was transmitted to Mr. Jarritt. The receipt of that document here created, at first, much bustle, and an action was talked of; but the rumour soon expired. Mr. Phillips, indeed, was allowed to depart from the island without legal molestation; nevertheless, as he had committed the unpardonable sin, to permit his escape altogether would have been too great a stretch of forbearance for pro-slavery minds. Two prosecutions, therefore, we are informed by a placard of Mr. Liggins, have been instituted against him, since his residence in England;

Christopher Codrington's tender interest in the
welfare of his slaves, or of the vigilance and
solicitude with which he interposes to protect
them from injuries, or redress their wrongs.
Perhaps, however, he may imagine that, if
they do endure some hardships, their comforts
little occasional sufferings to which they may
are more than sufficient to counterbalance any
be subjected. For, in a letter (dated York,

Oct 4, 1832) addressed by him to Mr. F. Bux-
ton, which appeared in the Herald of Dec. 15,
he exhibits the condition of his people to be
one of such abundance, contentment, and fe-
licity, as might be envied even by the lower.
sorts of tradesmen in the mother country-
"not one of them, says he, would change
situations with Mr. B.'s brewers." These no-
tions, it is probable, he derives from the
accounts transmitted from hence; for we be-
lieve he has never visited these islands. They
are, nevertheless, very highly wrought, even if
intended as a description of the state of his
Barbuda people, probably the best provided
and happiest slaves in the West Indies. But
Sir Christopher seems to have acted unfairly,
for he speaks of his slaves generally, as if he
would persuade the world that they were all
in equally easy circumstances, with regard to
labour and maintenance. This is by no means
the case, as will be evident to every body,
when we state that no sugar is manufactured
in Barbuda, which is appropriated to the rais-
ing of stock and provisions for supplying Sir
Christopher's estates in this island; and some
few sheep and horned cattle are disposed of
by sale. But its principal value lies in serving
as a species of negrerie, or nursery of slaves,
from whence the harder-worked and dwindling
gangs here may be recruited. Thus a petty
transportation of these poor creatures is carried
on of a very afflictive nature, inasmuch as
they are thereby torn from their native soil,
and kindred, and superior condition, to under-
go the labours of the Antigua field.
reported, with what truth we know not, that
the mutiny, which occurred in September last,
was occasioned by the intention of removing
some of them. Thirteen have been translated
to our elysium, between the end of 1828 and
beginning of 1832.-We have made these
remarks upon Sir Christopher's letter, in order
to correct the mistaken opinion, which it is
adapted to convey, of the easy and satisfying
lot of that gentleman's slaves generally, and
to obviate hasty prejudices from thence against
the statements of Mr. Phillips.

It was

We possess no personal knowledge of the discipline exercised upon Sir Christopher Codrington's estates, nor of the quantum of labour required of the slaves, nor amount and quality of provisions furnished to them. But reports, very similar to those which, we presume, Mr. Phillips transmitted, having frequently been mentioned before us, it becomes our duty to elicit the truth, if possible; and we may surely essay this, without deserving much blame, when our opponents recur to all means for its suppression. Whether the Baronet's slaves enjoy, as he would represent, a state of para disiacal happiness, or endure exhausting privations, and barbarous severities, we know not, as already intimated. It is, therefore, by no means our intention to prefer any charge against their present director; but we shall take the liberty of asking a few questions, which may be answered by any competent


person who is disposed, and then advert to the decrease of the negroes. We inquire, then, whether, from a short period after Mr. J. undertook the superintendence of Sir Christopher's properties, a misunderstanding did not exist between him and the people under his direction, and whether great dissatisfaction did not prevail among the latter at his management?-Whether Mr. J. was not constantly apprehensive of violence from them?----Whether they did not actually pelt him with stones, more than once?-Whether he did not think it expedient, as the Herald says, to assume arms, or, in common language, to carry pistols | about him?-Whether it has not been thought proper to increase the allowances of provisions to the slaves, within the last twelve or fifteen months?-Whether the number of those slaves has not been considerably diminished between the two last triennial returns? The Negroes on Sir C. B. Codrington's five Estates in this Island amounted in 1828 (we suppose the end of that year) to

Ditto in 1832 (we suppose

the beginning) to 13 were brought from Bar


buda, and 5 were manuDeduct diff.







Should a proportionate waste of life continue to be experienced on these properties, the revolution of not very many years will leave Sir C. Codrington, or his heirs, without a slave to work them. It is true, there is a fund in Barbuda, at present comprising little less than 500, on which they may draw; but how long would that enable them to continue the culti

[blocks in formation]

came ashore, "Now," said she, "
friend, for New York. When they
you are in a
are enjoyed; all that I ask for my kindness to
free state, where the privileges of the gospel
you is, that you endeavour to obtain peace
with God. If you live with me, and with me
work for your support, I shall be rejoiced; you
are at liberty to do as you please.' The libe-
rated woman accepted her invitation, and was
found by the young lady acting as her nurse,
and enjoying with her the privileges of that
heavenly citizenship in which there is neither
bond nor free, but all are one family in Christ
Jesus. She lives with her liberator, and is now
rejoicing in the mercy of God. Let us, when
we justly eulogise those who have contributed
by their endeavours to the emancipation of the
wretched, remember an aged, illiterate, de-
graded daughter of Africa, who spared neither
her property nor exertions to benefit a fellow
being, both as regards this world and the world

to come.


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Kelsale, Oct. 1, 1832. Cure of Ulcers in the Neck, with Blindness. · To Mr. E. Giles, Tavern-street, Ipswich. Stradbroke, Oct. 1, 1832. Sir, I saw a little patient of mine yesterday; his name is George Fisher, at Laxfield, aged about four years, who had been blind of both eyes for nearly two years, and had three large ulcers in his neck; he is now restored to his sight; his eyes, otherwise, nearly well, and the ulcers are perfectly enred. All this was effected by the "Universal Medicines.' Your obedient servant,

LOT SMITH, Agent for Stradbroke.

JOSEPH SAUVEUR, the eminent French mathematician, was twice married: the first time he took a very singular precaution-he would not meet the lady till he had been with a notary to have the conditions, which he intended to insist on, reduced into writing, for fear the sight of her should not leave him Hutton, was acting very wisely, and like a sufficiently master of himself. This, says Dr. true mathematician, who always proceeds by the credulity of the searchers after health, for so many rule and line, and makes his calculations when his head is cool.

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KNOW ALL MEN, then, that this attempted delusion must fall under the fact, that (however specious the pretence), none can be held genuine by the College but those which have "Morison's Universal Medicines" impressed upon the Government Stamp attached to each box and land. packet, to counterfeit which is felony by the laws of the

The "Vegetable Universal Medicines" are to be had at the College, New Road, King's Cross, London; at the Surrey Branch, 96, Great Surrey-street; Mr. Field's, 16, Airstreet, Quadrant; Mr. Chappeil's, Royal Exchange; Mr. Walker's, Lamb's-conduit-passage, Red-lion-square; Mr.

WANTED SITUATION, as Copying J. Loft's, Mile-end-road; Mr. Bennett's, Covent-garden

Clerk in a Lawyer's Office, or to Keep Books in

writes a good business hand, has a taste for drawing, and
will, in a short time, have a thorough knowledge of
French. He is the writer of "Facts regarding Slavery in

a Merchant's Counting-house, by a Young Man, the son of
a Clergyman, who has received a classical education,

Jamaica," in Nos. 17 and 18 of "The Tourist."

Although preferring London, he would gladly accept of a situation in any part of the United Kingdom.

The most satisfactory testimonials will be produced from Clergymen and Gentlemen of the highest respectability. 33, Spital Square, Bishopsgate Street, with whom testiPlease to apply by letter (post paid), to the Rev. T. Price, monials are lodged.

A YOUNG lady, a visitor of a Bible Association in New York, found her way to an obscure cellar, where she discovered a coloured woman far gone in consumption, with her aged husband sitting by her bed-side, and another coloured woman, about the age of forty, acting in the capacity of nurse and servant. The young lady told them her business. When the sick woman heard that she came on an errand of mercy, her withered and sickly countenance assumed an unwonted glow and brightness. After expressing a stedfast hope of salvation through the merits of Christ, she gave the following epitome of her life :-But a few years ago she was a slave in New Orleans; by industry and economy she and her husband were enabled to purchase their freedom, and in the course of two or three years to lay up about 400 dollars. Sitting at the door of her cottage one morning, she heard that a number of slaves were to be sold by auction that day. She determined to go and see the sale, and, if possible, to buy one of the female captives, and restore her to liberty. "I have so much lent Pills. I was taken with the Cholera Morbus about a money," said she; "and if I can make it the having been recommended to use Morison's Pills, I infortnight ago, attended with the usual accompaniments; instrument of redeeming one of my fellow-stantly applied for them at your agent's, Mr. Tuxford, Back beings from slavery, then I can say to my soul, 'depart in peace." She went and purchased one for two hundred and fifty dollars. "But now," said she, "I must place her under the ministry of the gospel." She took a passage for herself, her husband, and her libe


Cure of Cholera Morbus.
Mr. Charlwood,

ledge a cure performed on me by nse of Morison's excel-
Sir,-With a due sense of gratitude, I beg to acknow-

of the Inns; the second dose gave me immediate relief,
and brought up a quantity of nauseous bile from the sto
mach. I then took a third dose of fifteen pills, and fell
into a sound sleep, and rapidly succeeded to a restoration
of good health.

I remain, Sir, with grateful respect, your obedient ser-
Norwich, Crook's-place, Sept. 28, 1832.

market; Mr. Haydon's, Fleur-de-lis-court, Norton-falgate; Mr. Haslet's, 147, Ratcline-highway; Messrs. Norbury's, Brentford; Mrs. Stepping, Clare-market; Messrs. Salmon, Little Bell-alley; Miss Varai's, 24, Lucas street, Commercial-road; Mrs. Beech's, 7, Sloane-square, Chelsea; Mrs. Chapple's, Royal Library, Pall-mali; Mrs. Pippen's, is, Wingrove-place, Clerkenwell; Miss C. Atkinson, 19, New Trinity-grounds, Deptford; Mr. Taylor, Hanwell; Mr. Kirtlan, 4, Bolingbroke-row, Walworth; Mr. Payne, 64, Jermyn-street; Mr. Howard, at Mr. Wood's, hair-dresser, Richmond; Mr. Meyar, 3, May's-buildings, Blackheath; Mr. Griffiths, Wood wharf, Greenwich; Mr. Pitt, 1, Cornwall-road, Lambeth; Mr. J. Dobson, 35, Craven-street, Strand; Mr. Oliver, Bridge-street, Vauxhall; Mr. J. Monck, Bexley Heath; Mr. T. Stokes, 12, St. Ronan's, Deptford; Mr. Cowell, 22, Terrace, Pimlico; Mr. Parfitt, 96, Edgware-road; Mr. Hart, Portsmouth-place, Kenning. ton-lane; Mr. Charlesworth, grocer, 124, Shoreditch; Mr. R. G. Bower, grocer, 22, Brick-lane, St. Luke's; Mr. S. J. Avila, pawnbroker, opposite the church, Hackney; Mr J. S. Briggs, 1, Brunswick-place, Stoke Newington; Mr. T. Gardner, 95, Wood-street, Cheapside, and 9, Nortonfalgate; Mr. J. Williamson, 15, Seabright-place, Hackneyroad; Mr. J. Osborn, Wells-street, Hackney road, and Homerton; Mr. H. Cox, grocer, 16, Union-street, Bishops gate-street; Mr. T. Walter, cheesemonger, 67, Hoxton Old Town; and at one agent's in every principal town in Great Britain, the Islands of Guernsey and Malta; and throughout the whole of the United States of America.

N. B. The College will not be answerable for the consequences of any medicines sold by any chymist or druggist, as none such are allowed to sell the "Universal Medicines."

Printed by J. HADDON and Co.; and Published by J. CRISP, at No. 27, Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row, where all Advertisements and Communi. cations for the Editor are to be addressed.

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