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3251. [—— 13.] The bread, in China, is baked without any intermixture of yeast, on bars ranged across an iron pan, in which is a certain quantity of water, over an earthen stove. When the water begins to boil, the steam is confined by a shallow tub for a few minutes; and thus the business ends. The loaves, thus baked, though made of excellent flour, are not agreeable to the taste, being little better than pieces of dough: in shape and size, they resemble a cominon wash ball, divided in two.


3252. [ 21.] Was this revival caused by the Prophet's inflating the child's lungs with his own breath? See Phil. Trans. Abr. vol. i. p. 105.

See No. 1061, 1062.

3253. [1 Kings xviii. 24.] At that day men were not so self-sufficient as they are now, but depended each ontheir god;

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3257. [——— 41, 44, 45.] This cloud, which is the forerunner of an approaching hurricane, appears, when first seen, like a small black spot, on the verge of the horizon; and is called, by sailors, the bull's eye, from being seen so minute at a vast distance. All this time, a perfect calm reigns over the sea and land, while the cloud gradually increases to the size of a hand, enlarging as it approaches. At length, coming to the place where its fury is to fall, it invests the whole horizon with darkness. During all the time of its approach, a hollow murmur is heard in the cavities of the mountains; and beasts and animals, sensible of its approach, are seen running over the fields, to seek for shelter. Nothing can be more terrible than its violence when it begins. The houses, made of timber the better to resist its fury, bend to the blast like osiers, and again recover their rectitude. The sun, which, but a moment before, blazed with meridian splendor, is totally shut out; and a midnight darkness prevails, except that the air is incessantly illuminated with gleams of lightning, by which one can easily see to read. The rain falls, at the same time, in torrents; and its descent

has been resembled to what pours from the spouts of our houses after a violent shower. These hurricanes are not less offensive to the sense of smelling also; and never come without leaving the most noisome stench behind them. If the seamen also lay by their wet clothes, for twenty-four hours, they are all found swarming with little white maggots, that were brought with the hurricane. Our first mariners, when they visited these regions, were ignorant of its effects, and the signs of its approach; their ships, therefore, were dashed to the bottom at the first onset; and numberless were the wrecks which the hurricanes occasioned. But, at present, being forewarned of its approach, they strip their masts of all their sails, and thus patiently abide its fury. hurricanes are common in all the tropical regions.

GOLDSMITH'S Hist. of the Earth, vol. i.


p. 359.

When a thunder storm is gathering, small specks of clouds are observed to unite, till a large cloud highly charged with electricity is formed, which giving a spark to the earth, occasions a heavy torrent of rain; other clouds join the large cloud, another spark is taken, succeeded by more rain: CORNELIUS VARLEY (and so on, during the thunder storm).

See Phil. Mag. No. 106.

3258. [1 Kings xviii. 45.] A similar tempest is thus described by BARTRAM: "Darkness gathers around; far distant thunder rolls over the trembling hills: the black clouds with august majesty and power, move slowly forwards, shading regions of towering hills, and threatening all the destruction of a thunder storm: all around is now still as death; not a whisper is heard, but a total inactivity and silence seem to pervade the earth; the birds afraid to utter a chirrup, in low tremulous voices take leave of each other, seeking covert and safety: every insect is silenced, and nothing heard but the roaring of the approaching hurricane. The mighty cloud now expands its sable wings, extending from North to South, and is driven irresistibly on by the tumultuous winds, spreading its livid wings around the gloomy concave, armed with terrors of thunder and fiery shafts of lightning. Now the lofty forests bend low beneath its fury; their limbs and wavy boughs are tossed about and catch hold of each other; the mountains tremble and seem to reel about, and the antient hills to be shaken to their foundations: the furious storm sweeps along, smoking through the vale and over the resounding hills the face of the earth is obscured by the deluge descending from the firmament, and every creature deafened by the din of thunder."

Travels, p. 341.

3259. [44.] There are, says BRUCE, three remarkable appearances attending the inundation of the Nile: every morning in Abyssinia is clear and the sun shines; about nine, a small cloud, not above four feet broad, appears

in the east, whirling violently round as if on an axis; but arrived near the zenith, it first abates its motion, then loses its form, and extends itself greatly, and seems to call up vapors from all opposite quarters. These clouds having attained nearly the same height, rush against each other with great violence, and put me always in mind, he observes, of Elijah's foretelling rain on Mount Carmel. The air, impelled before the heaviest mass, or swiftest mover, makes an impression of its own form in the collection of clouds opposite, and the moment it has taken possession of the space made to receive it, the most violent thunder possible to be conceived instantly follows, with rain; and after some hours the sky again clears. Trav. vol. iii. p. 669.

3260. [1 Kings xviii. 44.] On the 6th of June, 1796, the thermometer 81 degrees, and the wind S.S.W., about one o'clock in the afternoon, a black cloud appeared in the horizon of Frederic Town, America, and a tremendous gust came on, accompanied by thunder and lightning. By the wind several large trees were torn up by the roots. Hailstones, about three times the size of an ordinary pea, fell for a few minutes: and afterwards a torrent of rain came pouring down, nearly as if a water spout had broken over-head. The gust was completely over in twenty-three minutes, during which the thermometer was found to have fallen 22 degrees. In Pennsylvania the thermometer has varied fifty degrees in twenty-six hours. WELD's Trav. in N. America, vol. i. p. 243.

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3270. [1 Kings xxi. 1.] And it came to pass after these things, that Naboth the Jezreelite, who dwelt in Jezreel, had a vineyard in Samaria, hard by the palace of king Ahab. Essay for a New Translation, part ii. p. 16.

3271. [8.] In Egypt they make the impression of their name with their seal, generally of cornelian, which they wear on their finger, and which is blacked when they have occasion to seal with it. (PocoсKE, Trav. vol. i. p. 186, notes.) — The Persian ink serves not only for writing, but for subscribing with their seal.

SHAW, Trav. p. 247.

3272. [- 10.] As Jezebel was the daughter of a Heathen king, had introduced Baal for Elohim, had slain all the prophets of Jehovah Elohim, except one, and had sworn by her Elohim to put that one Elijah to death in a day after he had shewed by miracle which were the True Elohim, and made the people slay her priests of the false Elohim; where is the wonder that she made Naboth, whom she wanted to destroy, be accused of blessing the true Elohim, and caused him to be put to death for it, as a crime? Had she not put all the prophets or priests except Elijah, to death, for blessing the True Elohim?

HUTCHINSON'S Sine Principio, p. 173.

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the angels; but, as to the life of their love and wisdom, He is in them.

SWEDENBORG, on Divine Providence, n. 31.

3275. [1 Kings xxii. 22.] One spirit can infuse his thoughts and affections into another spirit, without the other's knowing but that the same is of his own thought and affection.

Thus all evil with its false flows from hell, and all good with its true flows from the LORD; yet both appear as if they were in man, because what is spiritual exists not in distance as what is natural does. Think of the sun and moon, or of Rome and Constantinople: Do they not exist in thought without distance, provided such thought be not connected with experience acquired by sight or hearing? Why then do you persuade yourself, because distance appears not in thought, that the good and the true, as also the evil and the false exist in the thought, and do not enter there by influx?

The good and the true are in man things really Divine; for by what is good is here meant the whole of love, and by what is true the whole of wisdom: if therefore a man claim these to himself as his own, he cannot but think himself like to God.

That which is from the LORD in man, is perpetually the Lord's, and never man's. He who thinks otherwise, is like one who has his master's goods deposited in his hands, and lays claim to them, or appropriates them to himself as his bwn; who is in consequence not a steward, but a thief. See No. 220, &c. Ibid. nn. 312, 313, 316.

3278. [1 Kings xxii. 39.] The ivory mosque, in Ahmedabad, although built of white marble, has obtained that distinction, from being curiously lined with ivory, and inlaid with a profusion of gems, to imitate natural flowers, bordered by a silver foliage on mother of pearl, similar to those in the winter apartments of the palace at Adrianople, described by Lady Wortley Montague; which " were wainscotted with inlaid work of mother of pearl, ivory of different colors, and olive wood, like the little boxes brought from Turkey."

FORBES' Orient. Memoirs, vol. iii.p. 126.

3279. [43.] In early time, mountains were religiously resorted to for contemplation and prayer. They who frequented them seemed raised above the lower world; and fancied themselves brought into the vicinity of the powers of the Deity whom they believed to be visibly exhibited in the higher regions.

See HOLWELL'S Mythological Dict. p. 225.

3280. [ 44.] This peace or alliance he made by suffering his son Jehoram to espouse Athaliab, Ahab's daughter, who by her wickedness or idolatry, brought Judah into much evil and punishment. See 2 Chron. xx. 6, &c.

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3281. [ 52.] In Malabar, the throne of Travencore does not descend from father to son, but invariably devolves to the eldest son of the eldest sister, that the blood-royal may be clearly and indisputably preserved.

The same law exists among the Hurons in America: on the demise of a chief in that tribe, he is not succeeded by his own child, but by the son of his sister; and in default of such an heir, by the nearest relation in the female line. A similar custom prevailed among the princes of Ethiopia.

FORBES' Oriental Memoirs, vol. i. pp. 384, 386.

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