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The nabob changed suddenly from great wrath to a sudden laugh, which continued so long as to alarm Mordaunt, whose pleasure was extreme, when he heard that, instead of being baked, the barber was to mount in the balloon, and to brush through the air according as chance might direct him.

It was accordingly settled. The balloon being sent off from his highness's forecourt, the barber was carried, more dead than alive, at a prodigious rate, to Poliergurge, distant about five miles from the city of Lucknow.

Mordaunt was little acquainted with the small sword, but was an excellent marksman, either with ball or small shot. With the latter he scarcely ever was seen to miss; and I have known him to come off winner when he has wagered to kill twenty snipes in as many shots. Although he missed one bird, he made up for it by killing two that were sprung at the same moment, and which, flying across each other's direction, were shot at the point of intersection. He was one of three, who, during one day, in the year 1786, shot such a quantity of game, chiefly snipes and teal, as loaded a small boat which conveyed the birds from Gowgautchy to Calcutta. His favourite sport was tiger shooting, in which he was often very successful; being vigorous, spirited, and expert; all which qualifications are indispensably requisite in that noble branch of the chace.

With respect to the use of a pistol, it was wonderful. I have often competed with him, but without the smallest chance of winning. He has frequently laid five to one, though he confessed I sometimes trod close on his heels. I have, more than once, seen him hit a common brassheaded nail at fifteen yards; and I would always have wagered on his side, when the object was an inch in diameter.

A curious circumstance happened to him while at Lucknow. An officer had taken offence at something he had said, and talked much of calling him to an account. He went to Mordaunt's with a friend, and there detailed the cause of his visit, in terms not clothed in all the politeness the dictionary could have helped him to. He was heard very patiently, and after a very short explanation, found himself to be in the wrong. Mordaunt convinced him of his errour, and reprimanded him for his manner of delivering himself on the occasion. After the matter was concluded, and they were perfectly reconciled, I happened to drop in to take a few shots, when the ability displayed by Mordaunt made his visiter look pale. He afterwards confessed to me, that it was well all was settled.

Yet, strange to say, when a few years after, Mordaunt and another gentleman engaged in a quarrel of a very serious nature, with a third, whom they had accused of some improper conduct at cards, he missed his adversary, who, on the other hand, wounded both Mordaunt and his friend desperately. This was not owing to agitation, but, as Mordaunt expressed, in very curious terms, at the moment of missing, to the pistol being too highly charged.

While speaking of cards, I must again state, that he was acquainted with all the ordinary tricks in the shuffling, cutting, and dealing way. Of this an instance is well known. Mordaunt observed that one of his adversaries at whist was remarkably fortunate in his own deals; and, as he was rather a suspicious character, thought it needful to watch him. When Mordaunt came to deal, he gave himself thirteen trumps! This excited the curiosity of all, but particularly of the gentleman in question, who

was very pointed in his observations on the singularity of the case. Mordaunt briefly said: "Sir, this was to show that you should not have all the fun to yourself," and, rising from his seat, left the black leg to ruminate on the obvious necessity of quitting India. Here, however, Mordaunt's goodness of heart was prevalent; for he obtained a promise from the whole party to keep the secret; provided the offender instantly left the country; which he accordingly did by the first conveyance.

With respect to the ordinary rules of arithmetick, no man could be more ignorant than Mordaunt; at least he never showed the least knowledge of any thing relating thereto. He kept no books, but all his money concerns were on scraps, and under terms and figures intelligible only to himself. He had many extensive claims on the nabob; and he had immense losses and gains to register in the I,O,U, way. Yet, even the most intricate cases never puzzled him; and at settling times, he was rarely, if ever, found to be in errour. This was one of the points in which he was apt to be peremptory; for no sooner did he hear a claim stated, which did not tally with his own peculiar mode of accounting, than he condemned it, in round terms, and would scarcely hear the attempt to substantiate, what he so decidedly denied.

- It was well known that he could arrange the cards according to his pleasure; yet such was the general, I may say, universal opinion of his honour, that no one hesitated to play with him, sober or otherwise, for their usual stakes. His decision, in cases of differences, was generally final; and many references have been made to him, by letter, from very distant situations, regarding points in gaming.

His spirited detestation of any attempt at the undue exercise of authority, was manifested on various occasions; in one especially. A fives-court had been built by subscription, near the resident's house at Lucknow, and was considered as publick property. A succeeding resident, who lately died immensely rich, took the liberty of pulling it down, as it interfered with that privacy he sought as a married man. In that point no body would have differed from him; but, as it was done without consent of, or even notice to the proprietors, or to the society then at the place, such an arbitrary proceeding naturally gave offence. None liked to stand forth, until Mordaunt, who was at the time of despoliation at Calcutta, returned and insisted on another fives-court being built at the resident's expense, on a site more convenient to all parties.

A new court was accordingly built for four of a side. It was ninety feet over-all, besides twelve feet of space beyond. The front wall was seventy feet high, and the court was forty feet broad. The inside was covered with black plaster, highly polished, and the floor terraced in a very superi

our manner.

Mordaunt was so much master of his racket, and was so vigorous, that he would always wager on hitting the line from the over-all, a distance of thirty yards, once in three times. He could beat most people with a common round ruler.

If he ever did indulge in mischief, it was at this game, when his best friends were sure to receive some smart tokens of remembrance. I have had a ball or two from him occasionally, which kept my back in a glow for hours. But he used to be terribly severe on a very worthy, good natured civilian, Mr. Marcus Sackville Taylor, deputy to colonel now major general, Palmer, who was for some years resident at the nabob's court

Being on a brotherly footing, Mr. Taylor used to take these unpleasant raps, as every body else did, in good humour; and endeavoured, though

not with equal success, to pay Mordaunt in his own coin. One evening he received so many, and so forcible repetitions of the joke, that he requested of Mordaunt to discontinue it. The latter, however, did not desist, but soon after gave Mr. Taylor such a blow, as exasperated him highly, and induced him, in rather a vindictive tone, to declare if he were hit again, his racket should be thrown at Mordaunt's head. This threat produced a whimsical scene; for Mordaunt coolly told Mr. Taylor, that if he threw his racket, he would give him a good drubbing. Mr. Taylor no sooner heard the reply, than he fired with indignation; and said, that "as between gentlemen, suppositions were considered as facts, Mordaunt might consider the racket he threw to the ground, as being thrown at his head." “Very well, Sackville," answered Mordaunt, very drily; then you may consider this aim I have taken with my racket, as being with a pistol, and that I have shot you dead." Mr. Taylor was proceeding with his intentions, when Mordaunt observed to him, that as he was, according to his own suppositions, dead, of course he could not speak; and therefore, nothing further could be said or heard, on his part. The whole party present, who were chagrined to see the smallest difference between two worthy men, joined in the laugh with Mordaunt, and in silencing his dead opponent, who speedily was restored to life, and to good humour.

This curious controversy, afterwards called the metaphysical duel, was often significantly quoted, or alluded to, on occasions where matters that went to extremity in the cabinet, ended tamely in the field.

Mordaunt never allowed the nabob to treat him with the least disrespect, or with hauteur. Indeed, such was the estimation in which he was held by that prince, that, in all probability, the latter never felt any disposition towards exerting his authority. Something may be gathered from the following anecdote. The nabob wanted some alterations to be made in the howdah of his state elephant, and asked Mordaunt's opinion as to the best mode of securing it. The latter, very laconically, told the nabob, he understood nothing of the matter; he having been born and bred a gentleman; but that probably his blacksmith, pointing to colonel Martine, could inform him how the howdah ought to be fastened.

This sneer, no doubt, gratified Mordaunt; who, though extremely intimate with Martine, and in the habit of addressing him by various ludicrous, but sarcastick nicknames, seemed not to relish that fondness for money, and those various practices of which he was said to be guilty.

Martine was very rich, and had built two houses near Lucknow, both of them complete fortifications, and capable of holding out a long time, against such popular commotions as were hourly to be expected. He lent money to the rich natives, taking their own or their wives' trinkets in pledge. He was, besides, very extensively concerned in trade, to very remote parts of India. He built several ships, and was, on the whole, a very useful man. He died about four years ago, immensely rich; but being very little acquainted with the English language, though near forty years in our service, he made such a will as might be expected from a man so circumstanced, and who prided himself in being his own lawyer. The consequence has been, that the manifold contradictions and equivocal expressions it abounded with, occasioned the whole estate to be thrown into chancery, whence it will, probably, never make its escape.

Marquis Cornwallis was either unwilling to compel Mordaunt to return to the Madras establishment, or was prevailed on by the vizier to let him remain on his staff. The marquis, one day, seeing Mordaunt at his levee,

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asked him if he did not long to join his regiment. "No, my lord," answered Mordaunt, "not in the least." "But," resumed the marquis, "your services may be wanted, perhaps." "Indeed, my lord," rejoined Mordaunt, "I cannot do you half the service there, that I can in keeping the vizier amused, while you ease him of his money."

As a bon vivant, as master of the revels, or at the head of his own table, few could give greater variety, or more complete satisfaction than Mordaunt. He had the best of wines, and spared no expense, though he would take very little personal trouble, in providing whatever was choice or rare. He stood on little ceremony, especially at his own house; and, at his friend's, never allowed any thing to incommode him, from a bashful reserve. Whatever was, in his opinion wrong, he did not hesitate to condemn.

These observations were very quick, and generally not devoid of humour. His old friend, captain Waugh, dining with him one day, made such a hole in a fine goose, as to excite the attention of Mordaunt; who, turning to his head servant, ordered aloud, that, "whenever captain Waugh dined at his house, there should always be two geese on table; one for the captain, the other for the company."

The following anecdote will exhibit, that the above directions were not misapplied.

Captain Waugh commanded one of the six battalions which, under the immortal Goddard, penetrated through the heart of the Mahratta country, though opposed by at least a hundred thousand men, chiefly cavalry. When the peace was concluded with that power, in 1782, captain Waugh took his passage from Bombay to Bengal, in a vessel which was captured off Tranquebar, by Suffrein. That admiral treated him with great politeness, and invited him to his table. The French, according to their custom, began with their soup, &c. while Waugh commenced his attack on a goose, which happened to be near him. The bird was soon disposed of, and Waugh had just stuck his fork into a duck, when Suffrein, with great good nature, but under no small astonishment, observed, that he had forgot the English captain's name, but requested he would take a glass of wine. "My name is Waugh, and I will drink with you with all my heart," answered the captain. "Bon, bon," said Suffrein, delighted at what he thought was a joke of his guest's; "mais, Monsieur Waugh, si vous resterois ici, nous n'aurions pas une oie dans toute l'escadre."*

The pun was rather a fortunate one for Waugh, who played such a tune with his knife and fork, as made all the Frenchmen stare, and induced Suffrein to set him ashore, on parole, at the first port.

After the arrival of the two brothers, Harry and John, in Bengal, they had but little intercourse. Harry seemed to be jealous and envious of his brother's qualifications, and of the general partiality in his favour; which was by no means the case with himself. He was haughty, reserved, tenacious, and satirical; consequently was not very likely to be much respected, or relished as a companion. His emaciated, bilious appearance, was not calculated to prepossess either sex in his behalf. Indeed, the ladies could not bear him. John always treated him with particular consideration; but, when having attempted to oppose, or to argue against him, used briefly

* The literal translation of this facetious reply of the admiral's would stand thus:"Truly, Mr. Waugh, if you remain here, we shall not have a goose left in the whole squadron." But this is rather an inversion of the pun on the word oie, which signifies a goose. Indeed, I know not how it could be rendered in English, so as to retain that point which entitles it to our admiration.

to put him down with: "Hold your tongue, Harry, you are a puny little fool, and fit for nothing but to be a lord." Nevertheless, John never allowed any person to speak disrespectfully of him.

Harry died of diseases which seemed to have been rocked with him in his cradle; while John, though possessed of a vigorous constitution, after arriving at the acmé of popularity, at least so far as related to all with whom he associated, and after performing feats in various exercises, which denoted the vastness of his powers, seemed to descend, as it were, down a precipice into his grave. He never, indeed, got completely better of the pistol shot in his breast; and, probably, actuated by that mistaken pride, generally urging men who have done wonders, not to allow their decrease of vigour to be noticed or suspected, he neglected the warnings given him by one or two serious attacks on his liver, and thus hastened that end which we may call untimely.

He died in the 40th year of his age, beloved and regretted by a numerous circle. I believe, setting aside the dissipation in which he delighted, he could not leave any past reckoning of vices to appear against him His heart was formed for friendship. He was warm in his attachments, which were, however, very select; and, notwithstanding the peculiar bluntness of his manner, I cannot say I ever heard him utter a rude thing, or do an uncharitable act.

Such are the outlines of a man, who, had he been bred in courts, would probably have been the Rochester of his day; for he was inordinately fond of women; and seemed, when ill, to regret his situation chiefly as depriving him of their society.


AMONG the speculations which occupy the intelligent, few are more generally interesting than those which relate to the manners of animals ; but these can only be ascertained by familiarity with the creatures themselves, which does not usually happen to gentlemen who are accustomed to communicate their sentiments to the publick. We therefore take the opportunity of extracting, from works that have lately passed under our hands, such particulars as appear to us to deserve notice, in reference to that very important animal the sheep. Lit. Panorama.

The extensive mountains which form so considerable a portion of the whole county of Brecknock, are covered with innumerable flocks of sheep. The habits and manners of these animals and their keepers are little known to the world at large, and much less to the learned part of the community. After long hesitation and frequent doubts, courts of justice have at last agreed, though apparently against their conviction, to admit, that those who have been accustomed to the care of sheep can indentify their countenance, and describe with precision their general shape and make; but it is clear, that though juries give implicit credit to this kind of evidence, yet many gentlemen of the long robe entertain strong suspicions, either that these witnesses are too bold in their assertions, or else that there must be some mystery in this knowledge, which neither learning, nor great reading, can fathom. When the difference between one sheep and another in a flock is pointed out to them, it is acknowledged for a moment; "but,” say these learned scepticks, "if the same animals be shown us a second

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