


Wars of Revolution in the West, and of Race in
the East.-Effect of these different Passions in
effecting the Dispersion of Mankind.—They have
produced the greatest Wars recorded in History.
-Lasting Conquests of the East over the West.
-Wars of Races in the East of Europe.-Strife
of Races peculiarly vehement in the Turkish
Empire.-Variety of Races in the Turkish Do-
minions.-Division of the Christians and Mus-
sulmans.-Turkish System of Government.-Di-
vision of Races in Turkey renders Government
more easy. The military Strength of the Em-
pire entirely derived from the Turks.-The whole
civil Business of the Country is conducted by
the Greeks. Great and rapid Increase of the
Christians compared to the Turks.-Picture of
the Servians by Lamartine.-General Decrease of
Population in Turkey.-Statistics of Turkey.-
In what does Turkish Oppression consist ?—The
Lives and Property of all belong to the Sultan.-
Great extent of Land in Turkey held in Mort-
main.-Injury done to Turkey by Importation.-
Universal Venality in the holders of Office.-Ru-
inous Weakness of the Executive.-Venality and
Corruption of Justice.-Contrary Principles of
good in Turkey: Weakness of Power.- And
Want of the Means of Communication.-Excel-
lent Qualities in the Turkish Character. The
Theory of the central Government is compar-
atively mild.-Institution of Ayams.-The Vil-
lage System.-Small Revenue derived from Tur-
key. Great Population of the Towns, and De-
cline of the Country.-Multitude of idle Servants
in the Country-Variable Strength of the Tur-
kish Empire.-Great Vicissitudes in the History
of Turkey-Independent Position of the larger
Pachas, and consequent Weakness of the central
Power-Vast Influence of Constantinople on the
Fortunes of Mankind.-Its incomparable Situa-
tion.-Description of the City.-Description of
the City, as seen from the Sea.-Defects of its In-
terior-Population of Constantinople, and Equal-
ity of the Sexes.-Maritime Forces of Turkey
and Greece.-The Janizaries.-Turkish Cavalry.
-The Advantages of the Turks in this respect
are now lost.-In what the Strength of the Turks
now consists. Where are the Turks now stron
gest in War?-Turkish Fortifications, and Mode
of defending them.-Causes of the obstinate De-
fense of fortified Cities by the Turks.-Russian
Mode of fighting the Turks.-Triple Barrier which
defends Constantinople.-The Danube as a fron-
uer Stream. The Balkan. -Country between
the Balkan and Constantinople.-The Command
of the Sea, or the Support of Austria, is essential
to the Success of Russia. - Schumla: its De-
scription. - Asiatic Defense of Turkey: The
Caucasus. Its Value as a military Barrier. —
Description of the Passes through the Cauca-
sus.-Description of Asia Minor.-Military Re-
sources of Asia Minor.-Mountainous Nature of
the Country, and Want of Roads -The Cauca-
sian Tribes.-Russian Policy of Intervention.—
Examples of the Application of this Principle.


-Intervention of Peter the Great in the Affairs
of neighboring States. Establishment of the
Russians in the Caucasus and on the Caspian.
-Acceptance of the Crown of Georgia by the
Emperor Alexander. - Wars with the Cauca-
sians, and fresh Rupture with Turkey and Per-
sla.- Battle of Elizabethpol.-Glorious Peace
with Persia.-Affairs of Wallachia and Molda-
via.-Russian System of Intervention regarding
them.-Repeated Insurrections of the Greeks.-
Mutual Exasperation of the Greeks and Turks.-
Insurrection of Ali Pacha.-Statistics of Greece.
-Defensible Nature of the Country.-Clarke's
Description of Greece.



Elements remaining of Grecian Resurrection.-Re-
cent favorable Circumstances in the Condition of
Greece. Recent Spread of Information, and Pas-
sion for Independence.-Formation of the Socie-
ty of the Hetairists.-Different Gradations in the
Hetairists.-Extraordinary Secrecy preserved re-
garding the Affairs of the Society. Their Eyes
are all fixed on Russia.-Cession of Parga in
1819. Consternation of the Pargiotes at their
Abandonment.-Heart-rending Scene at the Evac-
uation of the Town.-Debates on this Subject in
Parliament.-Effect of the Spanish Revolution
on Turkey and Greece.-State of Turkey at this
Period.Its Weakness in a military point of
View, Commencement of the Insurrection in
Wallachia. Ipsilanti's Insurrection in Molda-
via.-Ipsilanti's first Measures.-Reasons which
urged the Emperor Alexander to intervene in Tur-
key at this time.-Reasons which induced him to
remain neutral. - Ethusiasm of the Turks, and
Measures taken against Ipsilanti.-Commence-
ment of the Insurrection in Greece Proper and
the Islands.-The Insurrection spreads over all
Greece. Violent Excitement at Constantinople,
and Murder of the Patriarch. - Succession of
Murders by the Turks.-Vigorous Measures of
Sultan Mahmoud.-Atrocious Acts of Cruelty in
Asia Minor.-Massacres in Cyprus.-Universal
Spread of the Insurrection in Greece.-Official
Declaration of Russia against Ipsilanti.-Treach-
ery and Death of Theodore.-Defeat of the Insur-
gents at Galatz.-Disasters of Ipsilanti.-His to-
tal Defeat at Dragaschan.-Naval Successes of
the Greeks. Bloody Action in Cydonia.-Suc-
cesses of the Turks in the Morea.-Battle of Val-
tezza. Raising of the Siege of Athens, and De-
feat of the Turks in Thermopylæ.-Siege of Tri-
politza: its Description.-Progress of the Siege.

Storm and Massacre of Tripolitza.-Import-
ance of the Conquest, and subsequent Measures
of the Greeks. Fresh Massacre of the Chris-
tians in Smyrna.-Operations of Chourchid Pa-
cha before Janina. Fall and Recapture of Arta.
-Failure of the Greeks before Napoli di Roma-
nia and Patras.-Forcing of the Line of Cassan-
dra.-Operations in Crete.-War with Persia.--
Angry Negotiations with Russia.-Russian Ulti-
matuin, and its Refusal by the Divan.-Ultima-
tum of the Turks.-Efforts of Lord Strangford,

the English Minister, to avert a Rupture.-Alarm-
ing State of Constantinople, and Efforts of the
Embassadors.-Formation of a Constitution, and
Proclamation of independence of Greece.-Ca-
pitulation of Ali Pacha.-Perfidious Seizure and
Death of Ali Pacha.-Sensation this produced at
Constantinople.-Turkish Plan of the Campaign.
-Success of the Fleet, and Defeat of Chourchid
Pacha by the Souliotes.-Extension of the Insur-
rection to Chios.-Frightful Massacre in the Isl-
and by the Turks.-General Massacre in the Isl-
and. Signal Retribution which befell the Turks.
-Operations of the Greek Fleet against the Turks.
-Successful Attack on the Turkish Fleet.-De-
struction of the Admiral's Ship.--Renewed Massa-
cre in Chios.-Unsuccessful Expedition of Mav-
rocordato into Epirus.-Insurrection, and its Sup-
pression, in Macedonia.-Grand Invasion of the
Morea. Dangerous Position of the Turks, and
able Measures of the Greeks.-Disastrous Retreat
of the Turks.-Further Successes of the Greeks.
-First Siege of Missolonghi.-Operations in Cy-
prus and Crete.-Fall of Napoli di Romania.-
Fresh naval Successes of the Greeks.-Destruc-
tion of another Turkish Ship of the Line.-Glo-
rious Results of this Campaign to the Greeks.-
Their Losses.--Dreadful Earthquakes in Asia Mi-
nor.-Negotiations with Russia during the Year.
-The Congress of Verona declines to recognize
the Greek State.-Revolution at Constantinople
in favor of the Janizaries.-Dreadful Fire at Con-
stantinople in Spring 1823.-Preparations of the
Turks for the next Campaign. - Destruction of
Part of Drama-Ali's Corps by Niketas.-Divi-
sions among the Greeks.-Plan of the Campaign
on the part of the Turks. - Dispositions of the
Greeks. Early Successes of the Greeks.-Vic-
tory of the Greeks on Mount Helicon.-Divi-
sions among the Greeks in the Morca.-Revolt
of the Albanians, and Advance of the Pacha of
Scodra. Nocturnal Surprise of the Turks, and
Death of Mark Bozzaris.-Commencement of the
Siege of Anatolico.-Operations in Candia dur-
ing 1823.-Naval Campaign of 1823.-Increased
Dissensions in the Morea.-Increasing Interest
in Greece abroad. Arrival of Lord Byron at Mis-
solonghi.-Continued Divisions of the Grecks.-
Contraction of the Greck Loan.- Preparations
and Plan of the Campaign by the Turks.-Oper
ations of the Turks in the Archipelago.-Attack
on Spezzia and Ipsara.-Capture and Destruc-
tion of Ipsara.-Glorious Resistance of the Psar-
riotes.Immense Spoil made by the Turks in
Ipsara. - Gallant Conduct of the Greeks after
this Disaster.-Defeat of the Turks in the Straits
of Samos.-Junction of the Turkish and Egyp-
tian Fleets.-Naval Victories of the Greeks.-
Land Operations in Eastern Greece. Results
of the Campaign by Sea and Land.-Renewed
Dissensions in Grecce.-Death of Odysseus.-
Curious Statistics of Athens and Attica.-Favor-
able Prospects of Greece in the opening of 1825.
-Preparations of the Turks.-Landing of Ibra-
him Pacha at Modon.-Defeat of the Greeks by
Ibrahim Pacha.-Capture of Sphacteria by Ibra-
him.-Capture of Navarino.-Naval Successes
of the Greeks.-Victory of Sakhtouri over the
Capitan Pacha.-Successes of Ibrahim, and gal-
lant Resistance near Arcadia.-Further Success-
es of Ibrahim, and Capture of Tripolitza-Fresh
Defeat of the Greeks. Commencement of the
second Siege of Missolonghi, and Description of
the Place. First Operations of the Siege.-Rais-
ing of the Blockade of Missolonghi by Sea.-At-
tack on the Town by a Mound, and its Defeat.-
A third Assault is repulsed.-Critical Position
of the Turks, and Preparations of the Sultan.-
Heroic Spirit of the Garrison.-Progress of the
Turks.-Noble final Resolution of the Garrison.
-Greek Plan of a general Sortie.-Commence.
ment of the Sortie.-Issue of the Sortie.-Vast
Effects of the Siege of Missolonghi, and general

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Despondence in Greece.-Deplorable Condition
of Greece in the end of 1825 and opening of 1826.
-Commencement of the Negotiations for the In-
dependence of Greece.-Conclusion of the first
Protocol in favor of the Greeks.-Its Provisions.
-Operations in Attica.-Deplorable Situation of
Greece at this Period.-Naval Operations.-Pro-
gress of the Siege of Athens.-Unsuccessful At-
tempts to raise the Siege of Athens, and its Fall.
-Treaty of 6th July.-Its Provisions.-Counter
Manifesto of the Porte.-Strength of the allied
Squadron. Preparations of the Porte.-Final
Note of the Allies to the Porte.-Ibrahim's War
of Extermination in the Morea. - Plans of the
Admirals in consequence.-Forces on both sides.
- Commencement of the Battle. - The Battle,
and Defeat of the Turks.-Results of the Action.
-Ibrahim's Proceedings after the Battle.-Final
Rupture of the Turks with the allied Powers.-
Universal Transports in Greece at the Battle.-
Immense Sensation produced by the News over
Christendom.-Who was the Aggressor at Nava-
rino-The Greek War was a Strife of Religion
and Race, not Principles.-The great Error com-
mitted was, that the European Nations did not
sooner interfere, and in behalf of the Greeks.-
Difficulty of the Eastern Question.-The Divi-
sion of Race and Religion in Turkey is no Bar
to the Establishment of a Christian Monarchy.-
Prosperous Condition of Greece since its Inde-


PLE IN 1820.


All the Wars of Europe, from 1815 to 1830, were
Wars with the Mohammedans. Rupture with
the Mohammedan Powers on the Accession of
Nicholas. Advantages gained by Russia over
Persia.-Repeated Defeats of the Persians by the
Russians.-Statistics of Russia at this Period-
State of the Negotiations between Russia and
Turkey. Measures contemplated against the
Janizaries.-New Statute regarding the Janıza-
ries.-Insurrection of the Janizaries.-Vigorous
Measures of Sultan Mahmoud. Defeat of the
Janizaries.--Cruel Executions in Constantino-
ple.-Effect of this Revolution on the Negotia-
tions with Russia.-Civil Reforms of the Sultan.

Conferences at Ackerman, and Demands of
Russia.-The Russian Demands are acceded to
without Reservation. Its Provisions.-Their
disastrous Consequences to Turkey.-Sultan
Mahmoud continues his Reforms.-Internal Re-
forms of Nicholas in Russia.-Operations in Per-
sia.- Battle of Djevan-Boulak. - Battle of the
Abbarane. Fall of Sardarabad and Erivan. —
Capture of Tauris.-Peace with Persia.-Prepa-
rations of Russia for a War with Turkey.-Fresh
Rupture with Persia, and Conclusion of the Peace
at Tourkmantchai.-Mutual Recriminations of
the Russians and Turks.-Forces of the Rus
sians. Passage of the Pruth, and Commence-
ment of the Campaign. - Preparations of the
Turks. Forces they had collected in Europe
and Asia.-Russian Plan of the Campaign, and
its Dangers.-Which was mainly based on the
Command of the Sea.-Passage of the Danube
by the Russians. First Operations: Fall of
Kustendji.-Siege of Brahilov: its Description.
-Commencement of the Siege.-Bloody Repulse
of the Assault.-Fall of the Place --Further Suc-
cesses of the Russians, and Turkish System of
Defense.-Capture of Anapa by the Russians.-
Combat of Bazardjik.-Further Cavalry Actions.


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General Cavalry Action before Schumla..
Blockade of Schumla, and Plans of the Russians.
-Journey of the Emperor to Odessa, and Meas-
ures adopted there.-Position of the Russians-
Defensive Measures of the Turks.-Operations



before Schumla.-Surprise of a Russian Redoubt.
-Attack on Prince Eugene and Eski-Stamboul.
-Retreat of the Russians from the South of
Schumla.-Operations before Varna.-Attack on
Wittgenstein-Siege of Varna.-Advance of the
Turks to raise the Siege.-Bloody Defeat of the
Russians.-The Siege is not interrupted.-Fall
of Varna.-Reflections on this Surrender.-Op-
erations before Widdin. Abandonment of the
Siege of Silistria, and Retreat of the Russians
beyond the Danube.-Disastrous Retreat of Witt-
genstein. Commencement of the Campaign in
Asia.- Description of the Theatre of War.
Siege of Kars, and its Description.-Its Fall.-
Appearance of the Plague in the Russian Army.
-Capture of Akhalzikh.-March upon Akhal-
zikh. Paskewitch's Plan of Attack, and its
Chances. Nocturnal Attack on the Turkish
Camp. Its perilous Chances.-Desperate Con-
flict on the Heights.-Total Defeat of the Turks.
-Assault of the Town.-Frightful Assault of the
Town. Reduction of Alskhur and Ardagan.--
Operations on the Russian Flanks, and Results
of the Campaign.-Paskewitch's Plans, and For-
mation of Mohammedan Corps. - Vigorous de-
fensive Measures of the Porte in Asia during the
Winter.-Assassination of the Russian Minister
at Teheran, and Siege of Akhalzikh by the Turks.
-Siege of the Fortress by the Turks.-Extreme
Danger of the besieged.Their Deliverance.-
Measures of Paskewitch against the Persians.-
Opening of the Campaign with the Turks.-De-
feat of Hadgi Hassan. - Paskewitch's Disposi
tions, and Position of the Turks.-Paskewitch's
Plan of Attack.-Subsequent Movements of Pas-
kewitch. - Advance upon Kainly, and Disposi-
tions of Attack.-Battle of Kainly.-Success of
the Russians in the Centre and on the left.-De-
feat of the Seraskier.-Storming of the intrenched
Camp at Milli-Duz.-Results of these Conflicts.
-Advance of Paskewitch against Hassan-Kale,
and its Fall.-Fall of Erzeroum.-Further Move-
ments. Submission of the Pacha of Mush, and
of Baibout.-Disaster before Khart.-Retreat of
Paskewitch to Erzeroum.-Defeat of the Turks
in Guriel, and subsequent Checks of the Rus-
sians.-Advance of Paskewitch against Baibout.
-Total Defeat of the Turks, and Termination of
the Campaign.-Conclusion of an Armistice, and
Summary of the Campaign.-Preparations of the
Turks for the Campaign in Turkey in Europe.-
Preparations of the Russians.-Operations dur-
ing the Winter. - Retirement of Wittgenstein,
and Appointment of Diebitch to the Command-in-
Chief-Naval Forces of the Russians and Turks.
-Russian Plan of the Campaign, and Turkish,
and Repulse of the latter at Sizepolis.-Com-
mencement of the Campaign on both Sides.-
Bloody Combats at Eski-Arnautlar.-Commence-
ment of the Siege of Silistria, and its Descrip-
tion-First Operations of the Siege, and Red-
schid Pacha's Movement against Pravadi.-Die-
bitch throws himself on the Turkish Communi-
cations:--Description of the Country, and Move-
ments of the Armies.-Turkish Movements.-Bat-
tle of Kouleftscha.-Fresh Dispositions of Die.
bitch.-Victory of the Russians.-Measures of
Diebitch after the Battle.-Progress of the Siege
of Silistria, and its Fall.- Description of the
Passes of the Balkan.-Diebitch's Preparations
for passing the Balkan.-Passage of the Balkan.
-Subsequent Movements of the Turks and Rus-
sians.-Successful Attack on the Turks at Sliw-
no.--Advance upon Adrianople and its Capture.
-Extended Positions of the Russians. - Un-
bounded Alarm at Constantinople, London, and
Vienna.-Treaty of Adrianople.-Convention re-
garding Wallachia and Moldavia.-Irruption of
the Pacha of Scodra.-Affairs of Greece in 1828.
-Progress of the Greeks in 1829.-Convention
of March 22, 1829, regarding the Limits of Greece.
-Reflections on this Convention.-Remarkable

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Great Advantages of Charles X. on his Accession
to the Throne.-Character of Charles X.-His
Defects. The Duke d'Angoulême is declared
Dauphin.-The Secret Camarilla of Ecclesias-
tics.-Entry of the King into Paris.-Abolition
of the Censorship of the Press.-Dangers of this
Step.--Increase of the Jesuits' Influence at the
Court, and their Efforts in the Country.-Strength
of the Jesuit Party in the Legislature and the
Administration.-Their Opponents in the Cham-
bers and the Press. General Prosperity in
France. Injudicious Measure regarding the
Army. Opening of the Chambers: comparative
Strength of Parties.-Flourishing State of the
Finances. Restoration of the Estates of the Or.
leans Family-Law of Indemnity to the Sufferers
by the Revolution.--Argument of M. de Martig.
nac in favor of the Measure.-Embarrassment of
the Government from other Claims.-Argument
against the Project by the Liberals.-Beneficial
Results of this Measure.--Distribution of the In-
demnity large Share which fell to the Duke of
Orleans and other Liberals.-Law against Sacri-
lege.-Law regarding religious Societies of Wo-
men. Measure of M. de Villèle for the Reduc-
tion of the Debt. - Coronation of the King at
Rheims.-Prosecutions against the Liberal Press.
-Death and Character of General Foy.-Death
and Character of M. de Serres.-Recognition of
the Independence of St. Domingo.-Negotiations
for the Independence of the Spanish Colonies.-
Legislative Measures regarding St. Domingo.—
Law of Entail: its Necessity.-Argument against
the Law by M. Pasquier.-Answer of the Gov.
ernment.-Result of the Debate.-Reflections on
this Subject.-Statistics of Finances of 1826 and
1827.--Measures of the Jesuits. - Preceptor to
the Duke of Bordeaux.-Denunciation of the Jes-
uits by Count Montlouis.-Answer of the Jes-
uits.-Law against the Liberty of the Press.-Its
Provisions. Universal Indignation which it ex-
cites.--Passing of the Law in a mitigated Form.
-Riot at the Funeral of the Duke de la Rouche-
foucauld.-Review of the National Guard.-Dis-
banding of the National Guard.-Its immediate
Success, and ultimate Effects.-Reflections on
this Event.-Treaty of 6th July on Greece, and
Convention regarding the Slave-Trade.--Finan-
cial Projects and Embarrassment of the Govern-
ment.-A Dissolution resolved on.-New Crea-
tion of Peers, and Dissolution of the Chambers.
Formation of the Parties, and Preparations for a
moral Struggle on both Sides.-Elections and
Riots in Paris.--Mutual Recriminations of Min-
isters and the Jesuits.-Dissolution of the Villèle
Administration.-Reproaches addressed to him
from both Parties.-Character of M. de Martig
nac.-The new Ministry had not the Confidence
of the King. Answer of the King to the Address.
-Legislative Measures of the Session.-It pass-
es the Peers.-New Law regarding the Press.-
Law against the Jesuits. Indignation excited
among the Jesuits; but the Pope approves the
Measure-Preparations for a Change of Minis.
try. Opening of the Chambers. Remarkable
Speech of Prince Polignac.-State of Parties in
the Assembly.-Law for the departmental Munic-



Prince Polignac: his Biography.-His Character.

-Character of M. de la Bourdonnaye.-M. de

Bourmont.-M. de Montbel, M. de Courvoisin,

and M. de Chabrol.- Extreme Violence of the

Liberal Press at the Ministry, and Preparations

of the Liberals.-Lafayette's triumphant Journey

in the South.-Retreat of M. de la Bourdonnaye.

-M. Guizot: his Biography.-His Character

as a Writer and Statesman. -M. Berryer.-M.

Thiers.-Prince Polignac's Memoir.-Vast Influ-

ence of the Press in France. - Vehement Hos-

tility of the Press to the Polignac Ministry.-

Opening of the Chambers.-Votes on the Presi-

dency, and Address of the Chambers.-Debate

on the Address.-M. Berryer's Argument against

it. Answer of M. Guizot and the Liberals. -

Vote on the Subject.-Measures of Ministers in

consequence. The King's Answer to the Ad-

dress. Prorogation of the Chambers, and gener-

al Agitation it excited.-Prosecutions against the

Press-Report of the Finance Minister.--Its im-

portant statistical Details.-Indirect Taxes and

general Revenue.-Public Debt.-General Pros-

perity which prevailed in the Country.-General

Prosperity and Discontent.-Expedition of Al-

giers.-Grounds of the Quarrel with Algiers, and

Negotiations with England on the Subject.-Mag-

nitude of the Expedition, and its Departure.-

Landing at Sidi-Feruch, near Algiers.--Battle of

Sidi-Feruch.-Second Victory of the French.--

Commencement of the Attack on Algiers, and

Fall of the Emperor's Fort.-Fall of Algiers.--

Statistics of Algiers. Secret Agreement with

Russia for extending the French Frontier to the

Rhine. Dissolution of the Chambers. Result

of the Elections.-Resolution of the Cabinet.-

Resolution of the Cabinet on a Coup-d'état.-Re-

port on the Ordonnance by M. de Chantelauze.-

Lamartine on this Report.-The Ordonnances.-

Signing of the Ordonnances.-Reflections on the

Ordonnances.-Total Want of Preparation for the

Coup-d'état on the part of Ministers.-First Ef-

fect of the Ordonnances.-Commencement of the

Insurrection: Signing of the Protest.--The first

Disturbance.-Attitude and extraordinary Secu-

rity of the Court.-Rapid Progress of the Insur-

rection. Meeting of the Liberal Chiefs at Casi-

mir Perier's. - Marmont's Plan of Operations,

and Commencement of the Conflict.-Vehement

Contest on the 28th.-Measures of the Govern-

ment and Marshal Marmont.-Marmont's offens-

ive Measures, and their temporary Success.-

Operations of the second Column.-Disaster of

the third Column.-Proceedings of the Liberal

Chiefs-State of Affairs at St. Cloud, and firm-

ness of the King.-Feelings of the Combatants

during the Night.-Forces on the opposite Sides

on the morning of the 29th.-Mission of M. Ara-

go to Marmont.-Decisive Resolution of the Dep-

uties at M. Lafitte's.-Interview with M. de Se-

monville and M. d'Argout.-The Louvre is car-

ried by the Insurgents.-Decisive Effects of this

Success.-Marmont's first Interview with Charles

X. at St. Cloud.-Deliberation in the Council.-

The King submits, dismisses his Ministers, and

sends for M. de Montemart-Ineffectual Attempt

to make a Ministry under M. de Montemart.-

Completion of the Revolution at Paris. -Last

Attempt at a Negotiation.-The Duke of Orleans

refuses the Lieutenancy-General of the Kingdom.

-Violent Scene between the Duke d'Angoulême

and Marmont.-Abdication of Charles X.-Revo-

lutionary Army which set out from Paris for Ram-

bouillet.-Falsehoods told the King by Marshal

Maison.-Journey to Maintenon, and Farewell to

the Guard.-Journey to Cherbourg. Adieu to

the last of the Guard at Valognes.-Last Inter-

view of the King and Prince Polignac.-His Em

barkation at Cherboug.-Reflections on the Fall

of the Restoration.-Charles's Error in the Con-

flict. Difference between the Situation of France

and England in this respect.-Secret Objects of

the Liberal Opposition in France at this Period.

-Great Error in the King in the Ground he took

for Resistance.--Extraordinary Want of Prepara-

tion on the part of the Government.-Great Fault

of Government in not at once arresting the Lead-

ers of the Liberals. Ruinous Effects of the

Treachery of the Troops.-Ruinous Effects of

this military Treachery on the Cause of Freedom

in France. Great Error of the military Command-

ers on this Occasion.-Cause of this in the Com-

position of the French Army.-Military Errors

committed on the Occasion.-Mode of combating

an urban Insurrection.-Dangerous Influence of

the Parti-prêtre on the Government. - - Strange

Vehemence of the

Opposition which the Resto-

ration experienced in France.-Though the Con-
stitution was then as popular as the Country could
bear. Obloquy thrown on the Bourbons from
their having succeeded after the national Disas-
ters. Effect of the Continuance of Peace in
France. Which thwarted the strongest Passions
of the Revolution.-Which was the Reason why
the Expeditions to Spain and Algiers were un-
dertaken. Political Reasons on which these
Projects were founded.-Ruinous Effects of the
Destruction of the Aristocracy in France.-Gen-
eral Absence of the Restraint of Religion in the
Towns.-Number of natural Children in the
great Towns.-Effect of this in a political Point
of View. It produced 80,000 bastard Combat-
ants in Paris. Curious Circumstance which
mitigated these Evils.-Decline in the material
Comforts of the working Classes.-Causes of this
miserable State of the working Classes.-Way in
which the Division of Land affected the Industry
of the Country.-Immense Burdens on the Land
in France.-Crowding of the Inhabitants of Towns
from these Causes.-Effect of the Destruction
of commercial Capital during the Revolution.-
Excessive general Competition, and wretched
State of the working Classes. Want of any
Representation of the working Classes.-Were
the Ordonnances illegal?-Previous Instances
of royal Ordonnances not objected to.-Reasons
why Coups d'état are necessary in France.-Con-
duct of the King.

[blocks in formation]

Great Effect of the Revolution on the Literature
of France.-Its distinguishing Features. - Vio-
lent Antagonism between the opposite Schools.
-Character of the romantic School.-Pernicious
Character of their Works of Imagination.-Cor-
rupt Character of their Drama.-Chateaubriand.
-Sketch of his Life.-His Character as a Writ-
er. His Beauties.-His Influence in reviving
the Spirit of Christianity.-Peculiarity of his
Style on religious Subjects, and its Apology. -
His Defects. Madame de Stael as a political
Writer. Her Character as a Novelist.- Her
Merits as a Critic.-Her Merits as a Philoso-
pher. Guizot: his early Rise. His peculiar
Style of Thought.-His Style of Writing.-His
Mode of reviewing human Affairs.-His chief
Publications. Lamartine. — His Defects as a
Historian.-His Defects.-His Want of Authori-
ties in his Writings, and personal Vanity.-Sis-
mondi. His social and political Essays.-His





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