
fact, the French even now (January, 1836) are only possessed of the city of Algiers and a small district around, and of the towns of Oran and Bona, and one or two more points on the coast. All the rest is in possession of the bey of Constantina, and of the Arabs and Kabyles, who are at war with the French.

Bredow wrote also a 'Chronicle of the 19th Century,' in which he spoke of Napoleon's power, then at its height, with a boldness that acquired him a name among the vatriots of Germany.

BREEDING is the art of multiplying the domestic animals rapidly, and at the same time improving their qualities.

Any breed of animals will perpetuate itself provided there is a sufficiency of proper food for them; and the varieties found in a wild state must depend in some degree on the climate and the products of the country in which they are found. Care and domestication also produce varieties, which are much more useful or profitable than the wild breeds; and in the selection of the best individuals to propagate a useful race, and in the rearing of the young, consists the art of the breeder.

Without entering into particulars, which vary with every species of animal, and with the different varieties of the same species, we shall lay down certain principles which experience has proved to be correct, and which being attended to will greatly promote the improvement of all the different animals usually bred for the use of man, whether for his sustenance or for his pleasure. The first thing which is to be kept in view is the chief purpose for which the animal is reared, whether for labour and to assist human strength, or for speed, to convey us rapidly from one place to another;-whether merely for a supply of animal food, or to produce the raw materials of manufacture. In each of these cases distinct qualities are required; and it is seldom that two of these objects can be combined in the greatest perfection.

Having then determined the purpose for which any species of domestic animal is designed, every quality must be attended to which furthers this view; and except under very peculiar circumstances the animals intended to keep up the stock by their produce must be chosen with those qualities in the greatest perfection which are essential to the end. In all animals a perfect conformation of the bodily frame is essential to the due performance of the vital functions. The skeleton of the animal should therefore be as perfect as possible. The capacity of the chest, and the healthy nature of the lungs are points which must never be overlooked, whatever may be the purpose for which the animal is bred; for although a defect may in some measure be counteracted by a judicious choice of the individual coupled with the defective animal, it is only where there is no alternative or choice that any defect in the bodily frame of an animal kept for breeding should be overlooked. In spite of every care the defect will appear in the offspring; sometimes not till after several generations. If it were possible to find individuals without fault or defect, no price would be too great for them; and for those that have been carefully selected for several generations it is real economy to give a very liberal price. In horses bred for racing or for the chase experience has fully proved the truth of this rule; and no one who pretends to breed race-horses would breed from a inare which had a natural defect, or a horse whose whole pedigree was not free from fault. For mere swiftness the shape of the animal, whether horse or greyhound, must combine strength with great activity. The chest must be deep, the lungs free, and the digestive organs sound but small, to add as little weight to the body as is consistent with the healthy functions of nature. The legs should be long and slender, and the bones compact and strong; but the principal thing to be attended to is the courage, and no quality is so hereditary. A horse or hound of a good breed, if in health, will die of exertion sooner than give up the chace. Any defect in courage in an animal intended for great occasional exertion renders him unfit to be selected to continue an improved breed; and whatever may be his pedigree he has degenerated.

With respect to animals whose strength and endurance are their most desirable qualities, a greater compactness of form is required, a greater capacity of the digestive organs, and, according to the climate to which they may be exposed, a more suitable covering. Whether it be to ward off cold or great heat, a thick covering of hair is equally serviceable in

both cases. Hardiness of constitution is hereditary, like other qualities; and the manner in which the young are reared tends greatly to confirm or diminish this. An animal of which the breed originally came from a warm climate, like a tender exotic plant, wants artificial warmth for the healthy growth of its limbs; while the indigenous and more hardy breeds may be left exposed to the elements. An abundance of wholesome food and pure water is essential to the healthy state of every animal, as well as exercise proportioned to its strength. These are circumstances which it is obvious must be carefully attended to. There are others, the result of long experience, which are equally necessary to be known, but which are not so obvious. These vary according to the species and variety of the animals bred; and it is seldom that the same breeder is equally successful in rearing different species of animals.

In the animals selected to breed from there are points, as they are called, which are peculiar conformations, some of which are connected with the natural formation of the skeleton, and others appear to be the result of an association derived from the known qualities of certain individuals, and of which no very good physiological account can be given. That high withers and a freely moving shoulder-blade in a horse are connected with his speed is readily perceived, and that the length of the muscles of the quarter, and the manner of their insertion, should affect his power is equally evident; but it is not so apparent that the manner in which the ears are placed on the head, the shape of the nose or jaw, and the insertion of the tail higher or lower, has an important effect on the value of the animal, independently of any arbitrary idea of beauty. A breeder who should not attend to these circumstances in the animals chosen to perpetuate the breed would find, to his cost, that it is more than mere taste which has determined these points. It is the result of observation and experience that certain breeds are invariably distinguished by certain peculiarities, and that these are almost as invariably connected with good qualities, apparently quite independent of the parts on which these points appear.

There is an indication of the disposition of an animal in the eye, in the shape of the head, and in the manner in which it is carried, which seldom deceives an experienced judge. He will not risk introducing a vicious or sulky disposition into his breed, which might counterbalance all the good qualities the animal might possess, and introduce a greater hereditary fault than any imperfection of form.

But nothing is so deceitful as the prejudices which exist with respect to peculiarities and colours. In some countries no ox or cow would be thought good of its kind that was not red or brown without spots; in others a certain portion of white is essential. In Suffolk no cart-horse is prized which is not chestnut; in Northamptonshire he must be black; in Yorkshire brown or bay. This is owing to the common colour of the breeds most esteemed in each county. In Belgium, whence the Suffolk breed originally came, but which has degenerated in its native country, a chestnut horse, with a white mane and tail, as well as a red cow, are despised. Here the reason of the prejudice is the association of the colour with some defect, and those who breed for profit by sale must be ruled by the taste of their customers. The rational mode of proceeding is to be well acquainted with the anatomy of the kind of animal which we make the subject of our attention; to learn by experience what are the peculiar qualities of the different breeds, distinguished by any particular feature, and whether these qualities have any apparent connexion with the peculiarity in make or colour. We may then be guided by the knowledge thus acquired in our choice of individuals, to perpetuate the breed, and not only preserve the useful qualities which they already possess, but gradually improve them. No greater mistake can be committed than that of making what are called violent crosses, such as coupling a very spirited male with a sluggish female, an animal with large bones with one of very slender make, a long-limbed animal with a compact one. By such crosses the first produce has often appeared much improved; but nature is not to be forced, and if the breed is continued, innumerable deformities and defects are certain to follow. The safe way is to choose the animals as nearly alike in their general qualities as possible, taking care that where there is a defect in one it exist not in the other, which would infallibly perpetuate it. A defect can never be remedied by means of another of an opposite kind, but, by great attention, it may be diminished gradually, and at last

disappear entirely. This refers however to defects, not to peculiar qualities. Cows, for example, may produce either milk or fat in abundance from similar food; and a species of cow, which secretes too much fat, so as to be deficient in the milk necessary to rear the calf, may be improved by selecting individuals which give more milk, and by crossing the breed with these; but we must be careful not to choose individuals which differ much in shape from the breed to be improved. A cross between a Herefordshire cow and an Alderney bull might possibly produce a good cow, but the breed of this cow would probably be of inferior quality, whether for fattening or for the dairy, and nothing but ill-formed cows, deficient in milk, and slow-feeding oxen, are likely to result from it. Every attempt to unite opposite qualities is generally attended with a bad result. If a breed has too great an aptitude to fatten, so as to endanger the fecundity of the mother or the health of the offspring, the only remedy is to diminish the food; and if, on the other hand, a difficulty is found in fattening cows which are of a peculiarly good breed for the dairy, such as the Alderney cows and other small breeds, the loss on the old cow sold half fat will have been amply repaid by the milk she has given; and the bull-calves which are not wanted to rear for bulls, if they are not profitable to fatten as oxen, must be fatted off young and sold for veal. But it is not a necessary consequence of an abundant produce of milk, that the cow, when dry, will not fatten readily; although a great propensity to fatten renders the breed less fit for the dairy. The Ayrshire, which are good milkers, fatten well when dry, and the oxen of that breed are as kind feeders as any.

Many breeders have an idea that coupling animals which are nearly allied in blood produces a weak race; others consider it as a prejudice, and among those who held the latter opinion was the famous breeder Bakewell. Without deciding this point, we should recommend avoiding too near a relationship, provided individuals equally perfect can be found of the same breed more distantly related. Every individual has some peculiar defect, and his descendants have a tendency to this defect. If two immediate descendants are coupled, this defect will probably be confirmed, whereas by uniting the descendants of different individuals the defect of either of the parents may never break out; but | sooner than retrograde by coupling an inferior animal with one in an improved state, we should not hesitate to risk the consequences supposed to arise from what is called breeding in and in, that is coupling animals nearly related in blood, especially if only on one side, such as the produce of the same male by different females, or of a female by different sires. The qualities which distinguish animals in which the muscles and bones are required to be much exercised, as dogs, horses, and working oxen, are very different from those of animals destined to accumulate mere tender flesh and fat for human food. In the former there must be spirit, activity, and quick digestion; in the latter, indolence and proneness to sleep are advantageous. In the first, the lungs must play with ease, and the muscles be strong, and not encumbered with fat. In the second, the lungs must be sound, as they are essential to all the secretions, and the digestive power must be good, but slow. The food must not be accelerated through the bowels by exercise, but the absorbent vessels of the intestines must draw all the nourishment from the digested food. The more the muscles are impeded with fat, the better the animal will repay the food given him. To choose an animal to breed from, whose produce shall get fat readily, we must attend to this part of the constitution, and care little about spirit and activity. The tendency to secrete bone, and those parts which are called offal by the butchers, as being of inferior value, is a defect. Good flesh and fat are the great objects.

The manner in which the more solid parts of the body are formed, and the greater consumption of food, in proportion to the increase of weight which takes place in young animals, while bones and horns are growing, prove that it is much more expensive to produce bone than flesh, and muscular fibre than fat. Hence it is evident that the greater profit is in fattening animals that have finished their growth; and also that there is a superiority in those breeds which have small bones and no horns. This is an important point to be attended to by a breeder; as is also the time when the bony secretion is completed. A breed of animals that will cease to grow, or have attained their full size of bone at an early age, will be much more profitable to the grazier than one of slower growth. It is in

this respect chiefly that certain breeds of sheep and cattle are so far superior to others. The principles which apply to cattle are equally applicable, mutatis mutandis, to sheep. In no case are strong bones or horns of much importance to the sheep in its domestic state. The principal objects are wool and flesh, which appear to be dependant on distinct and perhaps incompatible qualities. The attempt to unite the two is perhaps the reason why the Spanish breed, which has been improved when transported into Saxony, has degenerated in England; so that even its crosses are not in repute. It is a matter of mere calculation, whether sheep kept for their wool chiefly are more profitable than those which give an increase of meat at the expense of the quality of the wool. A breeder of sheep who attends only to the quality of the wool, will not have his attention taken off from the main object by any deficiency in the carcase, or the disposition of the animal to increase in flesh and fat. It is possible that mixed breeds may be more profitable than the pure. Fine wool may not repay the breeder and rearer of sheep so well as moderate wool and good meat. But the principle we contend for is, that of producing the most perfect animal of any one variety existing, by correcting individual defects gradually, and avoiding fanciful crosses, which may destroy in one generation all the advantages obtained in a great many. Hence it is a matter of great importance to consider well the qualities of the individuals with which you begin your improvement, and to know that these qualities have existed in their progenitors, and are not merely accidental. If crossing appear necessary, let it be done very gradually and cautiously. No experienced breeder would ever expect to improve the fleece of a sheep of the Leicester breed or the carcase of the Merino by a direct cross between these two breeds. The offspring would most probably lose all the good qualities for which each breed is noted, and produce a mongrel breed worth little in comparison. But a cross of Merinos with South Downs, or Leicester with Cotswold, might produce new and useful breeds, and these, carefully selected, as has been done, have produced mixed breeds, which by great attention may become very valuable.

When it is determined what breed of animals you wish to perpetuate and improve, the individuals which are to be the parents of the stock cannot be too carefully selected. The more nearly they are alike in form, colour and exterior appearance, the more likely they are to produce a distinct race. They should neither be above nor under the usual size. They should be of such an age as to have entirely ceased growing, and be arrived at perfect maturity; and, whatever may be their good qualities, they should not be selected, if they are the produce of very aged parents, at least on the female side.

In horses and horned cattle many breeders prefer a male rather less in size than the female, and pretend that the fœtus has more room to develope its members in what they term a roomy female.* There may be some truth in this, but equality of size, or rather the due proportion established in nature, seems most likely to produce a well-formed offspring. Any considerable deviation from this is generally attended with defect. Nothing is more common than for a country gentleman who has a useful favourite mare, not particularly well bred, when any accident has rendered her unfit for work, to have her covered by some very high-bred stallion, expecting to have a very superior foal. Sometimes this succeeds, but in general it ends in disappointment, especially if the mare be small. A much more certain way is to choose a half-bred stallion, nearly of the size of the mare, and having those good points which the mare already possesses. In this case there is every probability of rearing a well-proportioned and useful animal, instead of a cross made one, as the breeders call them, probably from the very circumstance of these crosses not succeeding in general. We advert to this as a fact which many of our readers may know from experience.

To give in a few words the rules which result from what we have very briefly stated

Choose the kind of animal which you wish to breed from, having distinguishing qualities; keep these constantly in view and reject all individuals in which they are not as perfect at least as in the parents. Select the most perfect forms and let the defects be corrected gradually. Have patience and perseverance and avoid all attempts at any sudden alteration by bold crosses. If possible, breed two or *See communications to the Board of Agriculture, by Mr. Cline, vol. iv.


more families of the same kind, keeping them distinct, and
only occasionally crossing the one with the other. In this
manner a very improved breed may be produced. The
nearer you approach to perfection the more difficult will
be the selection, and the greater the danger of retrograding.
Hence in very highly bred stocks it is often almost impos-
sible to keep up the perfection of the breed, and a fluctuationsible authorities on the subject.
in the quality of the produce will take place. The more
improved the breed is, therefore, the greater attention must
be paid in the selection of those which are to continue it.
And for want of this, almost every breed, however reputed
it may have been at one time, gradually degenerates, and
loses its great superiority.

thentic, but the labour of translating, methodizing, and
illustrating them must be that of years; so that nothing
more can be here effected than to give such an outline of
the social system of the old Irish under these laws as their
available fragments, compared with the general history of the
country, would point out to the reader of the various acces-

As every farmer and occupier of land is more or less a breeder, if he be only a breeder of pigs, these observations may be useful. In the articles on each particular species of animal, these general principles are applied and more particular directions are given.

BREGENZ, CIRCLE OF (also called the circle of Vorarlberg), forms part of the Austrian earldom of the Tyrol, and is bounded on the N. and N.E. by Bavaria, on the S. and W. by Switzerland, and on the N.W. by the lake of Constanz. Its area, according to Von Lichtenstern, is about 1560 sq. m., within which there are 3 towns, 7 m. t., and 412 vil. Being traversed by the lofty range of the Adler (or Eagle mountains), an offset of the Rhætian Alps, which separates it from the Tyrol, it is a mountainous country, and full of forests: it possesses also fine tracts of pasture land, the grazing of which forms the principal occupation of the inh., and it produces abundance of wine, fruit, and potatoes, but not grain enough for domestic consumption. Independently of the Rhine, which skirts it for a distance of about 20 m. from Bange to the spot where the Rhine falls into the lake of Constanz, Bregenz is watered by the Aach or Ache, which runs into that lake, the lesser Tussach, which has the same outlet, and the Ill, a stream tributary to the Rhine. Cotton stuffs are woven in most parts; and mining, ship building, the manufacture of articles of wood, felling and preparing timber, &c. constitute other branches of industry. The three towns of this circle are Bregenz, Feldkirch (1590 inh.), and Pludenz or Bludenz (about 1900 inh.), both on the Ill. The pop. is about 89,600. Bregenz, the capital, is an open, busy town, beautifully situated on an eminence at the entrance of the Aach into the lake of Constanz: it is one of the oldest towns in Germany, is well built, and is divided into the old town, which occupies the sides of the eminence, and the lower town, which spreads along the shores of the lake. Bregenz contains the head school of the chicle (Haupt-schule), three churches, two monastic establishments, an orphan asylum, a military school of natation, about 360 houses, and 2300 inh. The productions of the immediate vicinity are corn, fruit, wine, butter, and cattle; the townsmen spin flax and cotton yarns, weave cottons, bleach wax, sell considerable numbers of articles of wood, frameworks, and complete fittings of wood for houses, and export Alpine huts ready for erection to the adjoining Swiss cantons. The yearly amount of the commercial transactions of the town has been estimated at nearly 200,0007. sterling. The old castle exhibits vestiges of Roman construction, and appears to have formerly been a place of considerable strength. The Gerhardsberg, a high mountain, on which stand the ruins of the once spacious stronghold of the counts of Montfort, is in the neighbourhood. 47 30' N. lat, 9° 42' E. long.

BREHON LAWS. The antient laws of the Irish, so called from being expounded by judges, named in the Irish language Breitheamhuin, or Brehons. Feineachas however and Breitha-neimeadh, words signifying respectively antient laws and sacred ordinations, are the terms commonly applied to the collection of these writings by the native



Prior to the Anglo-Norman invasion, Ireland was wholly governed by the Brehon law; and, notwithstanding the statements of Spenser, Davies, Cox, and others, that this was an unwritten and barbarous code, there is abundant evidence to prove that some of the collections of the Breithaneimeadh are of equal antiquity with the oldest manuscripts of Irish history, whether civil or ecclesiastical, an antiquity which carries us safely back to the earlier ages of the Christian æra. The extant collections are numerous and au

These terms are still the subject of etymological dispute: the translations given are those most generally received. ✦ To enter at large into these proofs would be incompatible with the design

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The present division of Ireland into provinces, counties, baronies, and townlands would appear to correspond pretty nearly with the old territorial distinctions of minor kingships, lordships of countries, chiefries of clans, and presidencies (if we may use the term) of villages; all subject to the dominion of the Ard Righ, or supreme king, and tributary, one to another, among themselves.

The law governing this community is distinguishable into the common and, so to speak, the statute law. And, first, as to the common law, or immemorial custom of the country, our information is necessarily scanty, as being derived chiefly from the reference made to such usages in the remaining fragments of the written law; for at this day there remains scarce any oral tradition available on this subject in Ireland. The constitution of the bulk of society in antient Ireland was patriarchal and pastoral. By the common law of the tribes, the ground belonging to each seems to have been divided into common pasture lands, common tillage lands, private demesne lands, and demesne land of the tribe. Each man of the tribe had then the right to pasture as many cattle as he possessed on these common grazing lands; and in proportion to the number of cattle thus pastured by each was the share of the common tillage lands assigned to him on the annual partition or hotch-potch of the lands. The private demesne lands were the distinct property of individuals who were entitled to acquire and transmit such possessions by certain qualifications not very clearly explained. The deof this work; but the reader who wishes to investigate the subject is referred to the elaborate essays of Vallancey and O'Reilly (a), while we here cite a few only of the more interesting testimonies which may be adduced. Archbishop Usher, in his Discourse, showing when and how the imperial law came to be received by the old Irish,' speaks of the Brehon laws as being contained in his day in large volumes still extant in their own (i. e, in the Irish) language. Sir John Davies, their great opponent and final subverter, while he asserts, in his famous historical essay, that these laws were barbarous, because oral, admits, in his letter to the Earl of Salisbury, detailing his proceedings in Brenny O'Reilly (the present county of Cavan) and Fermanagh, in the year 1606, that a brehon who was brought before him by force to give evidence as to the estates of Maguire, the lord of the latter country, had in his possession the antient written tidle-deeds, appointment, and rental of that principality. Sir Richard Cox declares, in his 'Apparatus' prefixed to the well known history of Ireland, that there was no written law, no digested or well-compiled rule of right; no, it was only the will of their brehon or lord. The manner of deciding controversies,' says he, was equally ridiculous with the law they judged by-without clerks, registrars, or records.' We may be sure, he adds, that some of these hereditary judges and doctors were very sad tools, and perhaps all of them will justly fall under suspicion, unless their advocates can show some antient learned tracts on law or physic which might remain as monuments on record.' First, as regards medical tracts in the Irish language, they are very nearly as unmerous, and fully as antique, as those on law (b); and, secondly, with regard to the point at issue, the following extract from the letters of Thaddeus Roddy, a gentleman of the county of Leitrim, who lived in the beginning of the last century, is peculiarly illustrative of the question and its merits. I have thirty books of our law,' says Roddy, although my honoured friend, Sir Richard Cox, was once of opinion that our law was arbitrary, and not fixed or written, till I satisfied him to the contrary in the summer of 1699, by showing hom sore of these old law books (c); yet Cox has taken no step to rectify that material error in his writings. This ill-founded incredulity, joined to the dificulty of removing it by adequate translations, and sustained, perhaps, by a weak though prevalent apprehension of danger to the settlement of estates, by giving publicity to documents which can in any way excite the national feelings of the native Irish, has hitherto prevented that honourable use to which in any other country these valuable materials would long since have been turned; so that the words of Bishop Nicholson, after the lapse of more tau a century, are still as applicable as when first penned. I dare promise the antiquarians and historians of this kingdom, that if they (the Brehon law MSS.) fall into the hands of as skilful a publisher as the Welsh laws are in (he alludes to Wotton, whese Leges Wallic,' er laws of Howel Dha, we shall have occasion to refer to above), we shall have a very delightful and instructive view of many antient miles and ceremonies of this country, which, as yet, have continued in the almost darkness and obscurity' (d). Yet while the subject has thus lain in abeyance, the materials for a better elucidation of it have been increasing. A collection which now fills two large quarto volumes is deposited in the library of the Royal Irish Academy. Other matter of considerable value solicits the exertions of the legal antiquary at Stowe; aud while the most importaut of several private collections can still be traced to their several owners, the transactions of the learned body alluded to (4) hase lately been enriched by transcripts of upwards of thirty deeds and law instruments in the Irish language of the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth centuries, rude, it is true, and evincing a very primitive state of society, but still, for the greater part, the work of brehons, conformable to brehon law, and indisputable evidence that the native Irish not only possessed a fixed and written code by which to regulate the judgments of their brehons, but also that these functionaries duly committed these judgments, such as they were, to writing in the very days of men whose contemptuous denial of the existence of either record has been almost universally received as true.

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mesne lands of the tribe were set apart for the maintenance | members holding in common. But co existent with the first of the chief, the chief elect, the bard, doctor, and brehon.

With regard to the nature of the property enjoyed in these several estates, the tribe at large possessed what is called the allodial or original indefeasible property in all the lands, and could not be ejected out of them in consequence of any arrears of tribute, inasmuch as the superior lord lifted only a proportion of the increase of stock upon the pastures, and was bound to take the same away at certain seasons this rent was precisely a lay tithe, being one-tenth of the increase. As to the common tillage lands, every member of the tribe possessed a life interest in them, proportioned to his stock in cattle. In the private demesne lands individuals had a permanent inheritable interest. In his separate portion of the demesne lands of the tribe, the chief had a life interest, of which the reversion lay with the tanist, i.e., the second man, or chief elect, and in like manner the tanist, bard, &c. possessed life interests in their several portions.

The personal distinctions of the tribe, corresponding to the above territorial divisions, were, so far as can be gathered from the very confused authorities on this head, the In-finné, holders in common; and the Dathaig-finné, those individuals alluded to above who were entitled to separate inheritable possessions. The In-finné, or commonalty of this pastoral corporation, appear to have been of one rank: but the Dathaig-finné were divided into several classes, of which the three most intelligible were the Deirbh finné or class, as the commentators explain it, nearest the succession, who had the right to inherit the whole patrimony of their kin without deduction; the Gall-finné, who inherited threefourths of their patrimonial estates; and the Iar-finné, whose right of inheritance extended to only one-fourth of the property left by their relations. These privileged classes were, in every tribe, limited in number; but it does not exactly appear what was the qualification for admission, or the rule of exclusion, or whether the Deirbh-finné, for instance, became disqualified on the election of a tanist less nearly related to them than to others, although it is evident that a man might rise from the condition of a tenant of common tillage to that of a freeholder, or vice versa, descend from the higher class to the lower. As to the chief himself, he was usually elected before the death of his predecessor, and the rule seems to have been invariably, that the eldest of the candidates, if not incapacitated by age or infirmity, should have the preference, the brother being commonly chosen instead of the son, and the son rather than the nephew. His revenue arose, as has been said, from the tenths of the increase of cattle, and from the revenues of his demesne lands. In addition he had certain claims of entertainment for himself and household at stated times in the houses of his tenants, in the same manner as his superiors, at certain seasons, quartered themselves or their soldiers upon him. These claims were sometimes compromised by both for an equivalent in tribute; but, as a portion, more or less, by way of homage, was generally reserved, and as the reservation, according to its extent, would seem to have had a special denomination, we have an explanation of the perplexing multiplicity of exactions which has so frequently called down the censure of our early writers, who seem to consider coyne, living, bonaght, sohoran, cuddy, &c. &c., as so many separate taxes, leviable on one and the same holding-an extortion apparently monstrous, and really impracticable, since there are as many denominations of tribute, according to its reserved extent, as, if added together, would amount to perhaps three times the value of the whole land.

So far of the Finné, or original members of the kindred, who constituted the great majority of the tribe. But in every tribe there was another class, less numerous and generally less honourable, but in many respects peculiarly interesting and important, particularly as regards the origin of the feudal law. The subject of feudal tenures has occupied the attention of the most distinguished English lawyers and historians. The origin of the system has been in all cases referred more or less to the necessities of military conquest, and its genius has been invariably considered as quite distinct from that of any pastoral constitution. The remains of the brehon law however would go far to show that the feudal and pastoral systems, if not to some extent identical, have been in their origin closely and necessarily connected. The system laid down above is so far calculated for the government of a society composed of tribes, each tribe possessing the allodium of its own district, and the mass of its

practical development of such a system, if not actually contemplated in its very rudiments, arises the necessity of providing for those members of the community who, either by chance, or choice, or compulsion, have been separated from their particular kindreds, and have thus no proper Finné with whom to claim a share. Such individuals could not expect to participate in the rights of blood enjoyed by those tribes among whom they might be dispersed, neither could they be received by the commonalty of those tribes as tenants on their fluctuating possessions. To provide for them, it was necessary that a certain portion of the land should be set apart for the reception of strangers. To prevent the confusion of many landlords, the profits of these tenements were allotted to the chief who could thus affor to exact a lighter tribute from the Finné of his tribe. To induce the better sort of strangers to settle among them, the chief was empowered to grant some of these tenements in perpetuity, but the greater portion was usually let at will. As for those who had only their labour to offer in lieu of the chief's protection, they were received on his private demesne lands and became his serfs. Admission to the upper class depended on the stranger's ability to pay the entrance fine on one or more of the disposable tenements. These tenements consisted of a homestead with a certain scope of ground annexed. The homestead was denominated a Rath; to constitute a legitimate rath five things were requisite, viz., a dwelling-house, an ox-stall, a hog-sty, a sheep-pen, and a calf-house: these buildings were generally surrounded by a ditch and rampart, and formed if necessary a place of defence as well as of residence. There is one very prevalent error with regard to raths in Ireland; viz., that they were Danish erections, and designed solely for military occupation. The term 'Danish rath is altogether a misnomer. The original titles of raths, according to the classification of the brehon law, were drawn solely from the circumstance of their erection and occupation by the natives themselves; as for example, among many others, the Finné-rath, a homestead occupied by the original kindred; a Mer-rath, one rented by stranger tenants for the first time; an lar-ruth, one occupied by stranger serfs on the chief's demesne lands; a Saer-rath, one of which the stranger tenant enjoyed the perpetuity; a Forgu rath, a secondary tenement appurtenant to the Saer-rath, &c. &c. The entrance fine of such a tenement was denominated fal, and for the legitimate rath amounted to fifty head of cattle. But the most important term in this vocabulary is that applied to the stranger tenant himself. As distinguished from the finné, or original clansman, the stranger tenant was called Fuidhir, and his tenure Fuidh. Now these terms are pronounced respectively Feuer and Feu, the identical words still employed in Scottish law to indicate the freeholder and his freehold. Hence that they are the radical form of the other feudal derivatives, such as fief, fee, &c., seems more than probable; and when we come to consider more closely the relative situation of the Irish ree-feuer, it will appear that there is something in it very analogous indeed to the older forms of pure feudal tenure. First, the allodium of the soil vested in the representative of the tribe, so that the tenure of the ree-feuer holding of the chief might be considered as in capite, with a power in many cases of granting mesne tenures to others. Secondly, at the death of the chief a stated fine was paid to his successor. Thirdly, females could not inherit. Fourthly, raths were liable to escheat; and, Fifthly, the tenant was bound to serve the chief in war, and to diet certain numbers of his soldiery at all seasons. Of the more minute characteristics of the perfect feud as introduced by the Normans into England, such as escuage, wardship, ransom, &c. &c., there are so far few discoverable traces, but enough has been shown to give good ground for considering the Irish law of feuers, connected as it necessarily was with the pastoral constitution of their society, as the original form of feudal tenure among all the Celtic nations. Feuers were classified according to the circumstances of their migration; as those who had voluntarily left their former tribe to seek their fortunes; those whose tribe had been dispersed in war, and those who had fled or been expelled their tribe for debt, for robbery, for piracy, or murder. The first three classes only had the privilege of becoming ree-feuers; criminal fugitives were admitted only to a temporary protection, which they paid for by cattle or hand-service, on the private demesne lands of the chief, until he should compound with his prosecutors, after which they usually became his serfs or bondsmen. Bond-feuers were

attached to the soil; the lands to which they were assigned being denominated Betagh lands, and they themselves being frequently granted with the soil, as appears in many antient deeds, where they are specified under the name of Betaghs.

Thus then it would appear that the country was occupied by kindreds called Finné, holding for the most part in common, and by Feuers, who were either tenants by rent and service, or vassals of the chief. The tributes of chief to superior chief, up to the supreme king of the whole island, were regulated by established precedents. The collection of these rules for the kingdom of Munster is entitled 'The Book of Rights,' and is still extant.

So far of the common law; next as to the statute law of the Irish Whether these particular enactments were decreed by a general assembly, as asserted by some, or by local chiefs, as affirmed by others, is a question not at present capable of satisfactory consideration. The books containing them, of whatever age, profess to be but transcripts and collections, with frequent references to similar compilations of still older date; but the text appears to be original, as its dialect is so antiquated as to require the assistance of frequent glosses, themselves very difficult to be deciphered, and even when translated not by any means easily understood. The collections are interspersed with numerous moral sentences, occasionally also with superstitious dogmas: as an instance of the first, Heaven is like a chariot on wheels, the more you push against it the farther it flies from you;' and as an example of the second, There are seven witnesses against a wicked king; viz., division in his councils, strained interpretation of the laws in his court, dearth, barrenness of cattle or lack of milk, a blight of fruit, and a blight of seed sown in the ground: these are as lighted candles to expose the misgovernment of every king*:

The number seven would seem to have been held in much the same esteem as the mystic number three. There are, for instance, 'seven classes of persons whose anger is not to be resented; viz. bards, commanders, women, prisoners, drunken persons, druids, and kings in their own dominions. There are again three deaths not to be bemoaned; the death of a fat hog, the death of a thief, and the death of a proud prince: three things again which advance the subject; to be tender to a good wife, to serve a good prince, and to be obedient to a good governor. In this last example the same idea is repeated in order to complete the triad. What virtue can have been supposed to reside in these peculiar forms of expression it is hard to conceive. The only assignable reason for their use seems to be that they were thus more easily committed to memory. The system however does not appear to have been used to any such extent in Ireland as in Wales; triads, in fact, form the bulk of Howell Dhu's laws, and those of the most arbitrary and absurd description.

But to proceed with the more practical and intelligible portion of these collections, the laws defining specific crimes and their punishments. It is said that previous to the reign of Felimy Reachtair, or the Lawgiver, the lex talionis prevailed in Ireland, and that he altered that code for a system of retribution by mulct about A.D. 164. Parricide, rape, and murder, under certain circumstances, still remained punishable by death; but whether in consequence of this reform in the old law, or by immemorial custom, all other offences were thenceforth provided against in the brehon law by definite fines. The retribution thus exacted was denominated Eneclan or Eric, terms applicable also to rents, prices, and value in general. This system of erics has been justly censured by all English writers on the history of Ireland. But in this, as in most other instances, the censurers of the Irish have exaggerated the evil by considering it as peculiar to that people. So far however from being confined to the Irish, this mode of retribution by eric has been practised at one time or other by almost all the nations of Europe. The Greeks, the Romans, the old Germans, the Franks, the Saxons**, the Welsh, all punished our present capital offences by a fine. The only difference lies in the word to express it, poine (poena), mulcta, weregild, manbote, Sarhaad, and Eric being syno

Among the antient Britons, kings were likewise liable to be deposed on account of failure in the crops during their reigns.-Ammian. Marcell, lib. xviii. † Book of Ballymote, quoted by Hardiman.-Irish Minstrelsy, vol. ii, Homer, Iliad. ix. 632; xviii. 493, &c. Sext. Pomp. verbo Ovibus, and Noct. Attic, 1. xi. e. 1. Tacit. de Mor. Germ. 1. xii. and xxi. ¶ Leges Salic. tit. xliv. ** Leges Athelst, apud Blackstone, b. iv. tt Wotton, Leges Wallicæ,

nymous terms in their respective languages. In England at the time of the Conquest, every man had his value; in Wales, even to the time of its incorporation with England, not only had every man his own value in gross, but the particular value of all his members severally laid down by law; as six oxen and ten shillings for the two hands, a like sum for the two eyes, half that sum for one of either pair, so much for the ears, lips, nostrils, &c., and these again varied with the rank of the maimed individual*. It is not then to be considered either unexampled or monstrous to find an Irish chieftain requesting of the lord deputy to fix his sheriff's eric, that he might know what he should have to pay, in case of that officer coming by his death at the hands of any of his people. The amount of these erics, the different persons liable for their payment and entitled to their receipt, the proportions of these claims and liabilities, the adjustment of value and the living money by which the various proportions of the mulct were paid, these and the further punishment of the offender in each case required a very minute and complicated system of enactments. That the old Irish were acquainted with coined money is asserted by numerous authorities; that they used large quantities of the precious metals as a medium of value is unquestionable; but as none save chiefs and lords of territories were required to pay tribute in metal, the dealings of the mass of the people were calculated for the standard of living money as closely as the nature of the medium would permit. Cattle were accordingly classified; and no doubt it would raise a smile on the countenance of a modern merchant to be told of calves, yearlings, heifers, strippers, in-calf cows, &c. representing the fractional parts of the standard of currency, but such has been the original pecuniary substitute in every country; and when we have the learned Selden declaring that pounds and shillings were not abundant in England in 1004, but paid in truck and cattle,' we can consider the practice in a less intolerant spirit than those who, writing but a few centuries after the use of coined money, had become common among their own countrymen, have represented the barbarism of the Irish in this respect as a thing almost unheard of before. It has been seen that in proportion to the number of cattle possessed by each member of the tribe was his share of the common tillage lands. Thus cattle were not only the standard of value, but the qualification for, and a necessary concomitant of, property. The land was thus by a sort of legal fiction an appurtenance of the stock; so that to say of a person under this system that he possessed a hundred cows, implied not only that his herds amounted to so many head of cattle, but that in addition, and as a necessary appurtenance of his estate in them, he also possessed the grazing of a hundred cows, and the share proportioned to a hundred cows in the common tillage lands of his tribe. Every addition to the number of a man's cattle was therefore a virtual accession of land and produce, and vice versa; and thus a mulet of cattle fell as heavily on the granary as on the larder or dairy of the fined individual; for these proportionate partitions of the land took place at stated periods, and each man's harvest fluctuated with his herds as they bore a greater or a less ratio to the aggregate of all the cattle of the rest. The division of the ground into portions so uncertain precluded the use of permanent fences on those arable commons which were probably separated from the pasture by only one exterior circumvallation, while each man knew the portion that was to fall to his particular reaping-hook within. The adjustment of these portions must have been a matter of some difficulty; from an account of a partition of this kind given by Sir Henry Piers, who wrote a history of the county of Westmeath in the year 1682, § it would appear that the plan usually pursued was this. The land was divided into equal shares, in the proportion, each to the whole, of the herd of the least proprietor to the whole creaght or common stock of all their cattle. These shares were drawn for by lot, in order to give to all an equal chance of getting the worse or better land. He then, it is supposed, whose herds were thrice as numerous as those of the least proprietor, drew three such aliquot parts; he possessing ten times as many, ten such, and so on, the shares being taken here and there as they turned up, and every man cropping his own portion as he thought fit. The system is still remembered in some parts of the country, and a mode of expressing the extent of land among the Munster peasantry is still to say 'So much as

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