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country to the north and east. In three days the town of
Honda on the banks of the Rio de Magdalena is reached,
from whence the post generally arrives at the coast in
seven days, owing to the great velocity of the current, which
however delays its return after the rainy season, some-
times fifty or sixty days. To remedy this inconvenience
the establishment of a steam-vessel has been projected.
Again, the river Meta runs to the east of the mountains
which stand at the back of the town. This stream falls into
the Orinoco, and thus gives facilities for sending information
down that river. (Humboldt; Mollien's Letters from Co-tains). The Sudetsh chain, of which the principal range is

by gentle depressions. The short slope is towards Bohemia,
and the longer one towards Saxony. The highest points of
this range are the Schwarzwald or Sonnenwirbel, near
Joachimsthal, 4125 feet (or according to Hallaschka, 4005
only); the Lesser Fichtelberg, near Wiesenthal, 3999, or
according to some 3709 only; the Kupferberg 2749, towards
the southern end of the range; and the Schneeberg, near
Tetschen on the Elbe, 2291, at the northern end of the range.
The western and south-western borders of Bohemia are de-
fined by the Böhmerwald-gebirge (Bohemian Forest Moun-

derable town in the district of Boglipore, on the right bank
of the Ganges, in 24° 21' N. lat., and 88° 29' E. long. : about
eight miles N.E. from Moorshedabad. It is a place of con-
siderable trade, and forms an important grain market, from
which the inhabitants of the town of Boglipore are princi-
pally supplied. To Europeans Bogwangola would hardly
present the appearance of a town, the dwellings being built
entirely of bamboos and mats. This unsubstantial mode of
building has been used, because, owing to the encroach-
ments of the Ganges, it has been more than once necessary
to change the site. The water of the Ganges is here of
sufficient depth to admit of trade being carried on at all
BOHEMIA (in German, Böhmen), also termed Böheim
in many antient records, derives its name from the Boii,
who once occupied the parts about the sources of the
Elbe and Moldau. It now constitutes a kingdom forming
part of the empire of Austria, and comprising Bohemia
Proper, the margraviate of Moravia, and that small portion of
the duchy of Upper Silesia, which was not ceded to Prussia
under the treaty of Hubertsburg in 1763. The margraviates
of Upper and Lower Lusatia also formed part of the Bohemian
dominions, until the treaty of Prague in 1635 transferred
them to the electorate of Saxony. The details which we
are about to give will be confined to the territory generally
known by the designation of Bohemia; which is an irre-
gular quadrangle in the S.E. of Germany, extending be-
tween 48° 33′ and 51° 5' N. lat., and 120 and 16° 46′ E.
long.; it contains a superficies of about 20,010 square
miles, or 12,806,400 acres, which is more than two-thirds of
the area of Ireland or Bavaria. It is bounded on the north-
west by the kingdom of Saxony, on the north-east by the
Prussian province of Saxony, and by Austrian and Prussian
Silesia, on the south-east by Moravia, on the south by the
Archduchy of Austria, and on the south-west by the king-
dom of Bavaria. The whole circuit of Bohemia is estimated
at about 810 miles, of which 165 lie next to Prussia, 294
to Saxony, and 175 to Bavaria: so that 176 miles only of
this circuit are skirted by other parts of the Austrian do-
minions. Inclusive of the metropolitan district of Prague,
Bohemia is divided into seventeen provinces or circles,
which are subdivided into 1332 judiciary circles:



Sq. Miles. Towns. Villages. Population. Chief Towns. Population


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[blocks in formation]


1155 35


195,979 Tabor








BöhmishBudweis. 259,110 Písek


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[blocks in formation]



more peculiarly designated the Sudeten-gebirge (Sudetsh mountains), extends from the right or eastern bank of the Elbe as far to the eastern side of Bohemia as Grulich. Certain portions of this range bear particular names; such as the north-western, called the Isergebirge (Mountains of the Iser), and that small portion lying next to the Elbe, which is called the Lausitzer Bergplatte (Mountain-plateau of Lusatia).

In the last-mentioned quarter the loftiest summit on the side of Bohemia is the Tafel-fichte, which lies at the extreme point of the Bohemian frontier next to Silesia and Saxony, and, according to Gersdorf, has an elevation of 3780 feet. Commencing from the eastern banks of the Iser, the frontier line between Bohemia and Silesia runs along the crest of the remaining and principal arm of the Sudetsh chain, termed the Riesengebirge (or Giant Mountains), a name frequently applied to designate that chain in general. Seen from a certain distance, this range describes a waving line, with a few elevated points, which present the appearance of having been cut short off at their upper extremities. The highest of these abrupt and naked summits is the Riesen or Schneekoppe (Giant or Snow-cap), upon which a circular chapel dedicated to St. Lawrence has been erected; its elevation according to some is 5400, but according to others, not more than 5206 feet. Next in height are the double-capped Brunn or Bornberg, and the Great Sturmhaube (Tempest-hood); the former of which is 5008, and the latter 4745 feet above the level of the sea. The Sudetsh chain, which runs S.S.E. to the vicinity of Grulich, is called the Glatz Mountains (Glatzischegebirge), the waving outline of whose occasionally cap-crowned ridge forms a pleasing object to the eye. Its highest point, though it belongs rather to Moravia than Bohemia, is the Grulich or Spieglitz Schneeberg; but the most elevated on the Bohemian side a e the Deschnay, Hohekoppe, or Grenzkoppe, as it is also termed, which rises to the height of 3748 feet above the sea, and the Marienberg near Grulich, to which some assign an elevation of 4545 feet. The highest ranges of the Sudetsh mountains consist of primitive formations, and are in some parts rich in ores: those of inferior height are composed of clay-slate and limestone, intermixed with beds of coal; and the offsets of lower elevation are formed in some parts of quartz and sandstone, and in others of grauwacké and basalt.

A lower range runs along the south-eastern boundary of Bohemia, termed the Bohemian-Moravian Mountains, and 3600 forms a connecting link with the Glatz Mountains towards 2200 the north, and with the Mannhart Mountains, in the arch4950 duchy of Austria, towards the south. This range, which is 3800 of moderate elevation and gentle ascent, separates the basin of the Elbe and Moldau from those of the Danube and the 3350 March. 4100





The range which forms the boundary line between Bo7500 hemia and Bavaria and part of Austria, is known by the name of the Böhmerwaldgebirge (Bohemian forest mountains), which is wholly of primitive formation, and charac2020 terised by naked and precipitous features and deep ravines. 4950 Towards Bavaria its slope is extremely abrupt, but on the 120,000 Bohemian side the descent is gradual; and on this side the loftiest heights are the Heidelberg, whose summit forms a 20,010 583 11,951 3,902,875 195,820 spacious plateau, at an elevation of 4622 feet, the Kubani Bohemia is inclosed on every side by lofty and in parts or Boubin, 4496 feet high, the Rachel (which some however wild and dreary mountains. On the west side, and from place in the Bavarian territory), 4394 feet, and the Dreisa point close upon the Fichtelgebirge, issue two ranges, the sesselberg (mount of three seats), 4054 feet. one taking N.E., and the other a S.E. direction. The first of these ranges, which separates Bohemia from Saxony, and may be termed 'the left arm of the Sudetsh chain, is known under the name of the Erzgebirge (Ore-mountains). It runs to the left bank of the Elbe between Tetschen and Schandau, and is neither precipitous nor of a wild character, but with few exceptions wooded nearly to its summit. Its ridges form an undulating line, here and there broken

Bohemia is also intersected by several ranges of inferior elevation; the northern, called the Northern Ball, or Trapp Mountains, spreads in various directions; and the more southerly, called the Midland Mountains, which are arms of the Bohemian Forest chain consist of the Beraun, Moldau, Euler, &c., ranges.

The interior of Bohemia presents an undulating surface, very frequently studded with high and pointed eminences,

but with a general slope towards the centre of the country. The most extensive plains are in the provinces of Königgratz and Chrudim, from Neustadt to the Nassaberg acclivities. The country is full of valleys and mountain passes, among which we may mention the delightful valleys of the Elbe and Beraun; but the deepest is the Riesengrund or Giant's Glen among the Giant Mountains. From Zippe's Survey it would appear that the whole of the mountains which inclose Bohemia are of primitive formation, with the exception of two points, the one in the north where the Elbe quits Bohemia, and the other in the north-west, about Braunau and Trautenau, which are of a later formation. A very extensive formation of sandstone is observed in the heart of the country; and there is one most remarkable mass, the Steinwald, near Adersbach, which is nearly five miles in length and above a mile in breadth. It stands at some points in compact masses, and in others is shaped into lofty columns, pyramids, cones, &c., forming immense labyrinths. In many parts, again, there are hills and mountains composed of one solid mass of basalt. Although some consider the Kammerbühl, near Eger, and the Wolfsberg, in the province of Pilsen, to be extinct volcanoes, there is no positive evidence that any part of Bohemia has ever been the scene of volcanic eruption.

the most interesting are those of the Elbe, of the Moldau across the Devil's Wall, and those in the vicinity of Neuwald. Though full of small pieces of water, Bohemia has no lakes. There are several large swamps and morasses, particularly the Servina swamp (or Gezera), between Brür and Postelberg, and the Slatina swamp near Doran on the Eger: a considerable portion of the first of these has however been drained and converted into pasture land. The country is extremely rich in mineral waters, and several of them are in great repute. A recent enumeration of such as are publicly known amounts to upwards of 160: at the head of the ferruginous springs are the Franzens brunnen, near Eger, the three springs at Marienbad, and that at Giess hübl; among the alkaline springs are those of Carlsbad and Teplitz, one at Marienbad, and others at Bilin, Liebwerda, &c.; there are bitter waters at Sedlitz, Saidschitz, and Püllna; sulphurous springs at Teplitz, Soberschan, &c.; aluminous and vitriolic springs at Stecknitz, Mocheno, Zlonitz, &c.; carbonic acid waters at Carlstadt; and saline springs at Schlan and in other places. The virtues of the springs of Carlsbad, as well as the beauty of the adjacent scenery, have placed that spot at the head of the baths of Germany, and acquired for it the designation of the Pearl of Bohemia; they yield 1500 aulms (22,500 gallons) per hour, of which the Springer alone yields 2475 gallons. The temperature of some of them at the moment of their first emission is not less than from 59° to 60° of Reaumur (about 165° of Fahrenheit); that of the springs of Teplitz is 30° (98° Fahr.); the Franzens brunnen near Eger not more than 9° or 10° (54° Fahr.). The whole quantity of mineral water exported from the Bohemian springs in the year 1825 was 223,320 quarts.


The elevation of the interior of Bohemia and its remote-
ness from any coast, for it is nearly equidistant from the
Baltic and Mediterranean, give it a clear and salubrious
atmosphere and general constancy of weather. The climate
naturally becomes keener and bleaker as the chains of
mountains which encircle Bohemia rise in height.
regions about Gottesgab (God's gift) in the Ore Mountains
are considered the coldest in Bohemia, and there are few
months of the year in which there is not need of fire; nor
will grain ripen in them. In the Bohemian Forest range,
where the snow frequently lies twelve feet deep, and does
not disappear until the middle of April, as well as in those
parts of the province of Budweis which are saturated with
moisture, there are many districts, in general covered with
woods or forests, which are not habitable. From observation
it appears that the mean temperature at Prague is 7
Reaumur (47 %° Fahr.) whilst on the elevated site of Reb-
berg it is not more than 4 (41,6° Fahr.). In the neigh-
bourhood of Reichenberg, where the harvest is two or three
weeks later than in the low country, the highest degree of
heat has been found to be 12° Reau. (59° Fahr.), and the
severest degree of cold -6° (18′5° Fahr.). The prevalent
winds blow from west to some points north, and from west
to some points south. The winds from these quarters, ac-
cording to Diask's observations, invariably bring dry weather
with them in winter, but wet in summer; the more southerly
their point of departure in summer, the finer the weather.
In winter it is precisely the reverse, they being usually ac-
companied by rains and thaws. On the other hand, the
nearer to the north their point of departure, the more fre-
quent and the more violent are the storms by which they
are attended.

The whole of Bohemia being at a considerable elevation, its rivers rise either within or close upon its borders. The Elbe (the antient Albis, or the Labe of the Bohemians) traverses the N.E. part of the country. It originates in the junction of two brooks, the White-water and Elbe-brook, whose sources lie ten miles apart in the Giant Mountains; it descends as an impetuous torrent into the hill-country, receives a multitude of minor streams in its course, and assumes a blood-red tint after heavy showers, which is particularly remarkable in the neighbourhood of Josephstadt and Königgratz. It forms in many parts a rich alluvium by the overflowing of its banks, and quits Bohemia after a course of about 190 miles at Herrenskretschen, near Schandau, where it enters the kingdom of Saxony. Its sources are 4260 feet above the level of the sea, while its bed, at the point where it leaves the Bohemian territory, is not more than about 287 feet above it. Its principal tributaries within the borders of Bohemia are the Moldau and Eger. The Moldau rises from the Black Mountain (Schwarzberg) in the Bohemian Forest Mountains, close upon the confines of the Bavarian bailiwick of Wolfstein: it first flows S.E., and when it has reached Rosenberg at the southernmost extremity of the kingdom, takes a northerly direction through the heart of the country, and falls into the Elbe near Melnik after a short bend to the east. The Moldau, termed the Witwa by the natives, runs for about 280 miles before its junction with the Elbe: it generally runs between steep rocks, and at its confluence with the Elbe is nearly as broad as that river. From Budweis, where it becomes navigable, to Prague, its length is about 130 miles, and from Prague to Melnik about eighteen. Its breadth at Prague varies from 250 to 286 paces; and the height of its surface, which is 1511 feet at Krummau, declines at the bridge in Prague to about 529. The Eger, called the Cheb by the Bohemians, rises on the east side of the Fichtelberg in the Bavarian circle of the Upper Main, whence it soon after enters Bohemia and flows eastwards for about eighty miles until it joins the Elbe on the west bank near Theresienstadt. The minor tributaries of the Elbe are the Aupa, the Erlitz or Adler, which rises near Königgratz and skirts the principality of Glatz in Prussian Silesia for a short distance, the Mettau, which flows from the vicinity of Josephstadt, and the Iser, which descends from the S. slope of the Giant Mountains, not far from Brandeis. The streams that join the Moldau are the Luschnitz, which flows from the neighbourhood of Moldautein, the Wottowa or Watawa, which flows from the Bohemian Forest Mountains, and for some distance first bears the name of the Widra, the Sazawa or Czazawa, whose source lies near Hradishka, and the Beraun or Beraunka, which rises near Königsaal. The whole drainage of Bohemia finds an outlet through the narrow pass of the Elbe at Herrenskretschen. As this outlet, independently of its confined width, bears evident marks of violent disruption, and as every other side of Bohemia is walled in with mountains, it has been conjectured that the whole of Bohemia must at one time have formed an immense lake, which has been drained by a disruption taking place at the point where the Elbe ceases to be a Bohemian stream. Among the numerous falls of water in Bohemia

The soil of Bohemia varies considerably in productiveness, but it is nowhere entirely sterile except in certain parts of the Bohemian Forest, on the Ore, and Giant Mountains, those lands along the banks of the Elbe, particularly from Kunieritzerberge to Königgratz, which are coated with drift sand, and in some of the districts where swamps abound. The rest of the low country is in general rich and productive, particularly the province of Saatz. No soil in Bohemia is however more fertile than that which has been formerly the site of large sheets of water, its deep black loam being highly favourable to the growth of wheat, rye, and barley. Bohemia produces almost every description of grain and pod seeds, but not much maize: the quantity of arable land is said to be about 5,346,300 acres (3,805,430 yochs), and the yearly crops of wheat are estimated at 5,086,000 Imperial bushels; of rye, at 25,430,000; of barley, at 11,020,000; and of oats, at 22,035,000: among other productions are nuts, potatoes, vegetables, liquorice-root, chickory, excellent hops, &c. Flax is grown in every province, but of various

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quality, and hemp is raised in some few quarters; rapeseed is also largely cultivated for the sake of the oil. Fruit abounds in all parts except the more elevated districts; wine is obtained in none, excepting the vicinities of the Elbe and Moldau, which yield annually about 392,000 gallons. The border mountain ranges, from which however some of those which adjoin Moravia must be excluded, contain rich supplies of timber and fuel, though their wasteful consumption renders those supplies no longer so abundant as in former times. Mosses, particularly the Iceland sort, herbs, grasses, and medicinal plants, many of them of rare occurrence elsewhere, are plentiful in the mountain regions.

of which the population is between 50,000 and 100,000, or between 15,000 and 50,000; and it has but twelve even of the fourth rank, namely between 5000 and 15,000. The number of ecclesiastics is 4107, or about 1 to every 950 souls, and of persons of noble blood, 2134, or about 1 to every 1829. We may here remark, that the population is comparatively greatest in those parts where the soil is by no means the most productive; we allude to the mountainous districts of the north and east of Bohemia. The least populous part is the province of Prachin.

Nearly two-thirds of the inhabitants of Bohemia, particularly those in the central and eastern provinces, are of Sclavonian blood, and call themselves Czeches or Tscheches: Bo-they differ from every other class of Sclavonians in the Austrian dominions, according to Professor Schnabel, from the superior antiquity of their literature, and the greater suppleness and refinement of their dialect, both as it exists at present, and as it existed in past ages. In common with the Slowaks and their brethren in Moravia, they are descendants of the Lechi or north-western branch of the Sclavonians, who were the first to cultivate and refine their native language. The Czeches are passionately fond of music and singing, and generally remarkable for intelligence and strength of memory. Next to this race, the Germans, who are about 900,000, are the most numerous; they chiefly inhabit the districts bordering upon Prussia, Bavaria, and Saxony, and spread themselves from the province of Pilsen, through those of Ellbogen, Saatz, Leitmeritz, and Bidschow or Biczow, as far as that of Königgratz. In mechanical and mercantile pursuits they are superior to the Sclavonian inhabitants; and their language has become that of the educated classes throughout the country. The Jews, said to be at present 62,000 or more (in 1797 they did not exceed 3600 families), appear from the inscriptions on several antient tombstones to have been settled in Bohemia as far back as the first century; their principal occupation is trading and money transactions: most of the brandy distilleries and many breweries are in their hands, and they generally rent the government potash works. At Prague there is a colony of Italians who settled there in early times, and are exclusively employed in trading. The climate of Bohemia being, on the whole, a healthy one, there is less mortality among the inhabitants than in many other countries, and longevity is of frequent occurrence. The average proportion of the deaths to the whole population is 3 in every hundred souls, which includes the mortality of the capital: in the low country it does not exceed 1 in 39.

Bohemia contains large masses of quartz, granite, and sandstone; precious stones, particularly the celebrated hemian garnet or pyrope, rubies, sapphires, topazes, chrysolites, amethysts, cornelians, chalcedonies, and agates; limestone, beautiful marbles, porcelain earth, slates, potter's clay, between twenty and thirty species of serpentine, basalt, porphyry, &c. The mountain districts yield gold and silver, quicksilver, tin, lead, iron, bismuth, zinc, cobalt, arsenic, manganese, nickel, chrome, &c. Of salts Bohemia furnishes native alum, natron, several kinds of vitriol, and almost every variety of officinal salts from its mineral springs; and as common salt is extracted from some of the springs, it has been inferred that beds of rock-salt exist in some quarters. Considerable strata of sulphurous slate, as well as coals, have been found, and in some directions peat-turf is dug: black-lead of good quality likewise frequently occurs. Bohemia has a very superior breed of horses. This breed, though not of large size, has undoubtedly the advantage over that of any immediately adjacent country from its loftier stature and finer limbs: the number is upwards of 140,000. The supply of horned cattle, amounting to about 244,000 oxen and 651,000 cows, is not adequate to the home demand. The native race is in general small and of inferior shape; and, on account of the insufficient supply, large importations are made from Poland and Moldavia. The sheep, of which there are about 1,500,000 heads, afford excellent wool. The stock of goats and swine is abundant. Poultry, particularly turkeys and geese, are reared everywhere; honey and wax are produced in all the provinces. The stock of game has fallen off in those quarters where the population has increased, but no where in so marked a manner as in the Giant-mountains ;' it cannot however be termed scanty; and Bohemia still possesses stags, deer, hares, wild hogs, pheasants, and partridges in abundance. Some of the wild animals, such as bears, wolves, and lynxes, continue partially to infest certain districts, chiefly those adjoining the Bohemian-forest mountains.' The Roman Catholic religion is professed by the maThe fox, marten, pole-cat, weazle, and squirrel also inhabitjority of the inhabitants. The secular clergy consist of the the Bohemian woods. Birds of prey abound. Considerable metropolitan archbishop of Prague, the three bishops of supplies of fish are obtained not only from the rivers and Leitmeritz, Königgratz, and Budweis, a titular bishop, and brooks, but from the extensive ponds in various parts of this twelve prelates; and the affairs of the Bohemian church country; amongst them is the salmon, which finds its way are conducted by the metropolitan and the three abovefrom the North Sea into the Moldau and Wottowa. The mentioned bishops. There are chapters and collegiate mountain-streams are full of trout; and eels and craw-fish bodies composed of provosts, deans, and members of chapare found in many rivulets. The Moldau contains a mussel, ters; and an episcopal consistory is attached to every chapfrom which pearls are extracted, which are also obtained ter. The remainder of the establishment comprehends in the Wottowa and White Elster, near Steingrün, in the 7 provostries, 11 archdeaconries, 133 deaneries, 1197 benedistrict of Eger. fices or cures of souls, 83 parochial administrations (pfarrWe have already given a statement of the present popu-administrationen),340 ministries (location), and 82 preacherlation of Bohemia, which amounts to 3,902,875 souls. To ships (exposituren). Considerable limitations have been this amount about 30,000 military and persons connected imposed on the regular clergy, who still possess 75 mowith the military establishment must be added; so that the nasteries and 6 convents, including an English sisterhood. actual number of inhabitants is about 3,932,000, or about The Protestants are most numerous in the north-eastern 196 to every square mile. There has been a progressive parts of Bohemia; but there are none in the south-western: increase, as will be seen from the subsequent data. In they are composed of 10 congregations of the Augsburg 1785 they amounted to 2,716,084; in 1795, to 2,879,793; rule of faith, in number about 13,000 souls, and of 35 conin 1805, to 3,263,879; in 1815, to 3,142,450; in 1825, to gregations of the Calvinistic persuasion, in number about 3,529,192; and in 1831, to 3,888,828, of whom 1,848.530 45,000. Besides these, there are about 7000 Mennonites, were males, and 2,040,298 were females. In the sixteen Hussites, and followers of a sect closely resembling the years between 1815 and 1831, therefore, the increase was Quakers. There was a time, indeed, when sects maintain746,378, or 46,649 per annum: in the six years between ing the most absurd opinions started up in Bohemia; but 1825 and 1831 it was 359,636, or 59,939 per annum; and we shall only instance the credulous adherents of Grill, the in the two years 1832 and 1833 it was 74,047, or 37,023 enthusiast of Czernikov, a place about five miles from per annum, a diminution which is ascribed to the destruc- Königgratz, who metamorphosed Josephstadt into the tive epidemic that prevailed during that period, particularly valley of Josaphat, and Königgratz into the city of Jericho. in the year 1832. Of the present population about one- Others of his cast had long before him affirmed that Bohethird live in towns, and the remainder form the rural popu- mia was nothing less than Judæa itself, the land of Sion lation. The total number of houses in 1834 was 555,448, and Bethlehem, Tabor and Emmaus, Horeb and Jerusalem; which gives an average of rather more than seven indivi- and in one corner of Bohemia a remnant of Adamites subduals to each house. Bohemia, with the exception of the sists even at the present day. capital, contains no town of the second or third rank; none

The houses of the Bohemians possess in general few


claims to elegance of structure, or even comfort in their arrangement; and there is scarcely a town which is not ill built and badly laid out. Places of any magnitude are usually constructed of stone, but here and there of slate; in the agricultural and mountainous districts, the houses are rarely built with any other material than wood. The whole number of families in the year 1830 was 878,633. The Bohemians may be described as being, with few exceptions, a peaceably inclined and religiously disposed race of men, devotedly attached to the government under which they live, and brave and resolute under the endurance of hardships: they are remarkable for hospitality and kindness towards the needy and afflicted. The moral condition of the people too is good, as may be inferred from the average of offences which were the subject of investigation or trial during the five years' interval between 1824 and 1828; this average amounted to 2579 cases per annum, which did not exceed 1 in every 1428 individuals. The number of illegitimate births amounted in 1829 to 16,509, of which 8442 were males and 8067 females; every eighth birth coming under this description. The annual average number of births for the period of thirty years between 1785 and 1814 was 126,279; and for the fourteen subsequent years (1815 to 1828) it was 143,087. The average of deaths for the first-mentioned period was 100,399; and for the last-mentioned, 100,289. With respect to marriages, the annual average between 1785 and 1814 was 24,089; and between 1815 and 1828, 27,387.

derived from it in favourable seasons is accounted little inferior to the parent-juice. An ordinary kind of sparkling champagne, called Csernoseker,' is made near Aussig; but the other descriptions of wine produced near Prague, Bechlin, Raudnitz, &c., are but of indifferent quality. The woods and forests of Bohemia occupy about 3,314,000 acres (2.319,811 yochs), and their yearly produce is estimated at 1,932,000 quadr-klafters, or square fathoms, of soft wood, and 237,000 of hard.

Few branches of industry are more valuable to Bohemia than the working of its mines; and although the produce of the precious metals has declined, the whole annual supply of these mines, which is estimated at 215,000, has not fallen off in value. The quantity of gold and silver, now principally got near Przibram, Joachimsthal, Eule, and Balbin, is but small compared with what was obtained in the sixteenth century, when the mines yielded as much as 1,090,900 marks, or about 9,917,300 ounces of silver, up to the year 1589 alone. Between the years 1755 and 1817, however, the produce of this metal sent into the public mint was not altogether more than 255,783 marks, or about 2,298,000 ounces; and in 1827 the annual produce had sunk to 1202 marks. Quicksilver has hitherto been found only in the form of cinnabar; the copper mines have ceased to be productive, and are abandoned; those of tin (and it may be here observed that Bohemia is the only part of the Austrian dominions where it is found) have so much declined, that between the years 1817 and 1828 their annual produce fell from 1844 cwt. to 679 cwt., and the working of them has been abandoned by the government to private individuals. The lead mines, principally situated about Przibam, Mies, and Bleistadt, continue to yield abundantly: their produce in 1825 consisted of 14,168 cwt. of lead containing silver, 18,022 cwt. of pure lead, and 10,9044 cwt. of litharge; making in all 43,0944 cwt. Lastly, the iron mines, the richest of which lie in the districts of Harzowitz and Ginetz in the province of Beraun, and in that of Pilsen, employ about eighty furnaces and 6000 hands; and have increased since the year 1825 from an annual produce of about 7800 tons to about 17,500; but the article is inferior to the Styrian and Carinthian iron. Quarries are worked in every part of Bohemia; and there is scarcely a province in which lime is not prepared. Marble is obtained at Steinmetz; sandstone in several places; the Przilep, Breitenstein, and other quarries, yield excellent mill-stones; large quantities of basalt are worked into form for building and paving at Parchen, Rodau, &c.; quartz of superior quality is got at Böhmisch-Aicha, Weisswasser, Giesshügel, and elsewhere. Among the precious stones found in Bohemia, the celebrated garnet, which is equal to that of the East in brilliancy, as well as colour and hardness, is principally found at Swietlau in the province of Czaslau, and Dlaschkowitz in the province of Leitmeritz. The produce of the coalmines has greatly increased of late years in consequence of the increasing price of wood, particularly in the northern provinces: between the years 1819 and 1828 alone the annual supply rose from 45,000 to nearly 80,000 tons. The southern parts of the province of Rakonitz, in particular, furnish a coal of very superior description. Graphite or black-lead is found in considerable layers near Krummau and Swojanow, and is extensively worked; but is far inferior to the English. About 4000 cwt. of sulphur are annually obtained, and vitriol and sulphuric acid are prepared from the residua.

The cultivation of the soil is susceptible of great improvement. The great mass of the peasantry are held in servitude, and have little interest in the produce of their labour. The landed property of Bohemia is, in fact, almost universally in the hands of the nobility and a few free peasants, who are proprietors of the actual labourers on their estates, and exact heavy service from them. Owing to the inadequate supply of fodder for horses and cattle, there is an insufficient supply of manure. The whole extent of available soil is estimated at about 11,106,090 acres (7,774,264 Vienna yochs); the remainder consists of rock, marshes, tracts of sand, roads, and paths. In some parts the produce of the land is tolerably abundant; for instance, in the province of Saatz and the vicinity of Prague, wheat and rye bear seven or eight fold, barley ninefold, and oats tenfold. Potatoes are universally cultivated, particularly in the mountainous parts of Bohemia. There are about 1,140,000 acres (798,721 yochs) of meadow land in Bohemia, and the yearly quantity of hay which they produce is estimated at 1,200,000 tons; nor does the supply, including crops from fallow land, average more than 1,500,000. The growth of clover has so much increased, that in some years the quantity of seed exported has amounted to 18,200 cwt. The cultivation of fruit is pursued to the greatest extent in all the northern provinces, with the exception of the districts about Eger, where the people appear to entertain an extraordinary aversion to it; its extension and improvement have been essentially promoted by the encouragement given by the Patriotic-Economical' and' Pomologic' societies in Prague. The finest orchards, or rather groves of fruit-trees, exist in the vicinity of Neustadt above the Mettau; whole woods of plum-trees are met with near Melchowek, Weltrus, and other spots. Bohemia is, in fact, a large exporting country for apples, quinces, dried plums, pears, cherries, &c.; and the extent of garden-ground under cultivation is estimated at 121,560 acres (85,014 yochs). The production of flax, although it is grown in every province, is by no means sufficient for the internal consump- Bohemia is one of the most manufacturing countries in tion; and this remark applies equally to hemp: the im- the Austrian territory; and the northern provinces, espeportation of these articles, which are chiefly derived from cially the parts adjacent to Reichenberg, Rumburg, and Saxony and Silesia, is said to amount to about 300 tons Trautenau, where the rawness of the climate, or an indifannually. Among dyeing plants the chief is madder-roots, ferent soil is unfavourable to agriculture, are the principal which are raised in large quantities about Solnitz and Liboch. seats of manufacturing industry. The glass of Bohemia Bohemia is celebrated for an excellent kind of hops, of which has been in repute for its cheapness, lightness, and durathe produce is considerable; those grown in the province bility ever since the thirteenth century; although its proof Saatz, and next to these, the hops cultivated in the pro- duct has sensibly declined in modern times, it still employs vinces of Rakonitz, Bunzlau, and Pilsen, are in highest nearly sixty works, and about 4000 hands, and keeps a esteem. The quantity exported appears to vary between capital of 800,000l. and upwards profitably engaged. The 10,000 and 11,000 cwt. The vine, there is reason to be- best manufactories of this article are at Neuwald and lieve, was much more extensively cultivated in former times Gratzen; and the vicinity of Haida is also celebrated for its than at present; but the climate is undoubtedly unfavour-polished and cut glass. The best mirrors and enamelled able, and hence the surface devoted to its cultivation is not wares are produced at Neuhurkenthal and Bürgstein. The more than 6400 acres (4481 yochs), of which, as before cultivation and working up of flax constitutes a chief observed, the produce in wine does not much exceed 392,000 means of subsistence among the inhabitants of the highland gallons. The Burgundy grape was transplanted to the districts. Many parts of the districts adjoining the northern neighbourhood of Melrick about the year 1348, and the wine and eastern ranges of mountains form one continued manu

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and it has two lines of iron railways, the first constructed in Austria on a large scale; the one running between Budweis and Linz, and the other, which is ninety miles in length, between Pilsen and Prague. Much benefit has accrued to the country from the establishment of a periodical exhibition of native productions and manufactures, as well as the recent foundation of a society at Prague for the promotion of national industry.

The intellectual wants of the people do not, on the whole, appear to have been neglected. The national schools consist of a normal seminary for educating teachers, 40 head schools, and 2556 common schools, of which 2500 are Roman Catholic, 36 Protestant, and 20 Jewish. For the higher branches of education Bohemia possesses a university at Prague, 26 gymnasia or public schools, three philosophical, and three theological seminaries, a polytechnic institution, an academy of painting, a conservatory of music, several military schools, and other establishments. In Prague there is an academy of the arts and sciences, the only institution of the kind in the hereditary dominions of the house of Austria, and an economic-patriotic society, which has done much for the encouragement and improvement of agriculture.

The civil administration of the country is vested in a central government, subordinate to the higher authorities in Vienna; its seat is Prague, and its president is styled the superior burgrave. Judicial affairs fall under the superior cognizance and controul of a court of appeal and bench of criminal justice in the same capital.

(Blumenbach's Bohemia; Austrian National Encyclopædia; Hassel's Austrian Empire; Lichtenstern, Neumann, Schnabel, Malchus, v. Bickes, &c.)

BOHEMIA, FOREST OF, called in German BöhmerWald, and by the aborigines of Bohemia or Czeches, Szumava, is a mountain-range of considerable extent. It separates in the greatest part of its course Bohemia from Bavaria. Its direction is nearly N.W. and S.E.

factory of linens, in which thousands of humble cabins per-
petually resound with the noise of the jenny or loom;
500,000 hands at least (a considerable proportion at their
leisure hours only) are employed in the manufacture of
yarn, and as many as 55,000 weavers in that of linen; 1100
individuals depend on the making of tapes and ribbons,
and full 20,000 on lace-making. The yearly value of the
several products which their united industry supplies is
estimated at 1,200,000l. sterling. But this branch of ma-
nufacture is on the decline, in consequence of the progress
making in that of cottons. With regard to the last, much
twist of the inferior numbers is spun by machinery at and
near Neumarkersdorf, Wernstadtl, Rothenhaus, Joachim-
sthal, and Schönlinde, &c., but the higher numbers are im-
ported from England and the archduchy of Austria. The
weaving of plain calicoes, of which the annual value is esti-
mated at 300,000l., is principally carried on in the provinces
of Leitmeritz, Bunzlau, Ellbogen, and Biczow; the finer
descriptions, to the extent of about 250,000l. a year, are
manufactured in the same quarters, as well as at Prague;
and cotton printing, which has greatly advanced of late
years, is best done at Cosmanos, Reichstadt, Jung-Bunzlau,
and Prague. The number of pieces made throughout
Bohemia is said to be upwards of 100,000, over and above
what is produced by machinery. Its cotton manufactures
of all kinds employ about 20,000 hand-spinners, and be.
tween 9000 and 10,000 weavers; these however are inde-
pendent of about 18,000 individuals who are employed in
inaking hosiery, the yearly value of which is estimated at
150.000l. The bleaching-grounds are numerous, and many
of them, particularly that at Landskron in the province of
Chrudim, are on an extensive scale; the quantity of cottons
bleached by all these establishments is computed to amount
to 40,000,000 pieces of twist, 200,000 shocks of linens, and
100,000 pieces of cotton, and the expense of bleaching is about
160,000l. per annum. The potash manufactories employ
about 6000 hands, and the annual value of the article pro-
duced is about 200,000l. Large quantities of worsted stuffs
and woollens of an inferior quality are made; woollen cloths
and kerseymeres alone employ above 8000 hands, and are
manufactured to the extent of about 500,0007. or 600,000l.
yearly value, and 60,000 cwt. of the raw material; of these
nearly one-half are made in the province of Bunzlau, in which
lies Reichenberg, the great seat of manufacture for the mid-
dling descriptions of Bohemian woollens. It has been esti-
mated that the trade in wool and woollen manufactures affords
subsistence to 70,000 individuals and upwards; namely, about
55,000 spinners, 11,000 to 12,000 weavers of piece-goods,
3000 to 4000 weavers of worsted stuffs, and 2000 to 3000
stocking-makers. Of silks the manufacture has hitherto
been inconsiderable, and it is almost wholly confined to
Prague. Leather and manufactures from it give employ-
ment to about 4000 hands, and the value of the articles pro-
duced may be estimated at between 300,000l. and 400,000l.
a year.
The manufacture of china has been brought to
much perfection at Schlaggenwald, Ellbogen, Pirkenham-
mer, and in other places; and that of earthenware is carried
on in several parts of the country. Iron ware is made to
the extent of about 170,0001. per annum; steel, cutlery, and
needles are manufactured principally, and of the best quality
at Prague, Nixdorf, and Carlsbad. Bohemia also possesses
copper and tin manufactories, but so little brass is made
that it depends for its supply on the archduchy of Austria.
The number of paper-mills exceeds 100, and the yearly
value of their various products is estimated at about 150,000l.
One-third at least of the population of Bohemia depend
upon manufactures for the chief means of subsistence.
Schnabel calculates the clear profit derived from manu-
factures of all kinds at nearly 2,000,000l. sterling a year.
Bohemia, which possesses peculiar facilities for internal
and external intercourse by means of the natural lines of
communication of the Elbe and Moldau, carries on an active
trade with the other parts of Austria, and with foreign
countries. Its exports amount to about 1,500,000l., which
amount is composed, so far as respects indigenous articles,
of about 400,000l. in value of mineral products (principally
glass), 500,000%. of vegetable productions, and 350,000l.
animal products, particularly wool and quills; on the other
hand, the imports are computed at about 1,400,000l. per
annum. Prague is the centre of the chief commercial
and money transactions, for which its situation peculiarly
fits it.
The country possesses roads, in general kept
in excellent order, to the extent of nearly 1700 miles;

It commences at its north-western extremity near the place where the fiftieth parallel is cut by the meridian of 12° 20', to the south of the town of Eger: the depression by which it is divided from the neighbouring Fichtelgebirge is upwards of 1500 feet above the level of the sea. In this depression rise two torrents, the Wondra, which running north-east falls into the Eger and the Wald-naab, which flowing south-west empties itself into the Naab. The range terminates at its south-eastern extremity with the hills which advance close to the banks of the Danube opposite the town of Linz in Upper Austria, where the surface of the Danube is still about 840 feet above the sea.

This mountain-ridge is very distinctly marked on its south-western declivity, where it descends very abruptly towards the table-land of Southern Germany, which is at a mean upwards of 1000-feet above the sea; towards its southern extremity, from the source of the Mühlbach to Linz, it slopes down by a continuation of hills. The northeastern declivity towards the course of the Moldau and Elbe rivers is not abrupt; and here several lateral ridges detach themselves, and gradually sink as they approach the banks of the rivers.

The principal ridge, which extends about 112 miles, does not rise to a great height. The northern half presents on its summit extensive flats, overtopped here and there by some hills, which never attain an absolute altitude of more than 2500 feet. The southern half however is much more elevated, and some summits attain the elevation of the highest mountains in Scotland. Mount Heidelberg is the highest, and rises to 4622 feet: Mount Kubani to 4496, Mount Arber to 4582, Mount Rachel 4394, and Dreisesselberg to 4054 feet. The last mountain is on the boundaries of Bavaria, Bohemia, and Austria.

The lateral ridges which branch off to the north-east are much lower and do not contain any lofty summits, but some of them are of considerable extent; such particularly is the ridge which branches off nearly in the middle of the range where the high summits begin to rise, and which fills the country between the Wolinka and Beraunka rivers with high hills. This ridge is called Brdy-Wald. Farther south is the Lissi-Wald, which afterwards declines more to the south and advances into the great bend which the Moldau forms in its upper course. [ELBE.]

The breadth of this range averages only from twelve to sixteen miles, yet it opposes great obstacles to the intercourse between the countries along its sides, on account

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